0.3.11, faster inflate (+ simpler)

This commit is contained in:
Ryan Oldenburg 2020-11-26 17:13:56 -06:00
parent 0f8a1d1510
commit a310230eec
4 changed files with 91 additions and 164 deletions

View File

@ -131,12 +131,12 @@ Each file is uncompressed 1000 times:
**https://github.com/guzba/zippy** results:
File | Time
--- | ---:
alice29.txt | 0.7105s
urls.10K | 3.2775s
rfctest3.gold | 0.1618s
alice29.txt | 0.5906s
urls.10K | 2.9935s
rfctest3.gold | 0.1405s
randtest3.gold | 0.0373s
paper-100k.pdf | 0.6453s
geo.protodata | 0.2298s
geo.protodata | 0.2070s
https://github.com/nim-lang/zip results: (Requires zlib1.dll)
File | Time

View File

@ -1,18 +1,5 @@
import zippyerror
masks = [
BitStream* = object
bytePos*, bitPos*: int
@ -44,31 +31,25 @@ template checkBytePos*(b: BitStream) =
if b.bytePos >= b.data.len:
func read(b: var BitStream, bits: int): uint8 =
assert bits <= 8
func readBits*(b: var BitStream, bits: int): uint16 =
result = b.data[b.bytePos] shr b.bitPos
let bitsLeftInByte = 8 - b.bitPos
if bitsLeftInByte >= bits:
result = result and masks[bits]
let bitsNeeded = bits - bitsLeftInByte
result = result or
((b.data[b.bytePos] and masks[bitsNeeded]) shl bitsLeftInByte)
inc(b.bitPos, bitsNeeded)
func readBits*(b: var BitStream, bits: int): uint16 =
assert bits <= 16
result = b.read(min(bits, 8)).uint16
if bits > 8:
result = result or (b.read(bits - 8).uint16 shl 8)
result = b.data[b.bytePos].uint16 shr b.bitPos
let numBits = 8 - b.bitPos
# Fill result up
if b.bytePos + 1 < b.data.len:
result = result or (b.data[b.bytePos + 1].uint16 shl numBits)
if b.bytePos + 2 < b.data.len:
result = result or (b.data[b.bytePos + 2].uint16 shl (numBits + 8))
# Mask out any bits past requested bit length
result = result and ((1 shl bits) - 1).uint16
b.bytePos += (bits + b.bitPos) shr 3
b.bitPos = (bits + b.bitPos) and 7
func skipBits*(b: var BitStream, bits: int) =
var bitsLeftToSkip = bits
@ -79,17 +60,6 @@ func skipBits*(b: var BitStream, bits: int) =
dec(bitsLeftToSkip, skipping)
func peekBits*(b: var BitStream, bits: int): uint16 =
bytePos = b.bytePos
bitPos = b.bitPos
result = b.readBits(bits)
# Restore these values after reading
b.bytePos = bytePos
b.bitPos = bitPos
func skipRemainingBitsInCurrentByte*(b: var BitStream) =
if b.bitPos > 0:

View File

@ -1,118 +1,71 @@
import bitstreams, common, zippyerror
huffmanChunkBits = 9
huffmanNumChunks = 1 shl huffmanChunkBits
huffmanCountMask = 15
huffmanValueShift = 4
fastBits = 9
fastMask = (1 shl 9) - 1
Huffman = object
minCodeLength, maxCodeLength: uint8
chunks: array[huffmanNumChunks, uint16]
links: seq[array[64, uint16]]
linkMask: uint16
firstCode, firstSymbol: array[16, uint16]
maxCodes: array[17, int]
lengths: array[288, uint8]
values: array[288, uint16]
fast: array[1 shl 9, uint16]
when defined(release):
{.push checks: off.}
func reverse16Bits(n: int): int {.inline.} =
result = n
result = ((result and 0xAAAA) shr 1) or ((result and 0x5555) shl 1)
result = ((result and 0xCCCC) shr 2) or ((result and 0x3333) shl 2)
result = ((result and 0xF0F0) shr 4) or ((result and 0x0F0F) shl 4)
result = ((result and 0xFF00) shr 8) or ((result and 0x00FF) shl 8)
func reverseBits(n, bits: int): int {.inline.} =
assert bits <= 16
reverse16Bits(n) shr (16 - bits)
func initHuffman(lengths: seq[uint8], maxCodes: int): Huffman =
## See https://raw.githubusercontent.com/madler/zlib/master/doc/algorithm.txt
counts: array[maxCodeLength + 1, uint16]
numCodes: int
var sizes: array[17, int]
for i in 0 ..< lengths.len:
inc sizes[lengths[i]]
sizes[0] = 0
result.minCodeLength = uint8.high
for _, n in lengths:
if n == 0:
inc counts[n]
inc numCodes
result.minCodeLength = min(n, result.minCodeLength)
result.maxCodeLength = max(n, result.maxCodeLength)
if result.maxCodeLength == 0 or
result.maxCodeLength > maxCodeLength or
numCodes > maxCodes:
for i in 1 ..< 16:
if sizes[i] > (1 shl i):
code: uint16
nextCode: array[maxCodeLength + 1, uint16]
for i in result.minCodeLength .. result.maxCodeLength:
code = code shl 1
code, k: int
nextCode: array[16, int]
for i in 1 ..< 16:
nextCode[i] = code
code += counts[i]
result.firstCode[i] = code.uint16
result.firstSymbol[i] = k.uint16
code = code + sizes[i]
if sizes[i] > 0 and code - 1 >= (1 shl i):
result.maxCodes[i] = (code shl (16 - i))
code = code shl 1
k += sizes[i]
# if code != (1.uint16 shl result.maxCodeLength) and
# not (code == 1 and result.maxCodeLength == 1):
# debugEcho code, " ", result.maxCodeLength, " ", result.minCodeLength
# failUncompress()
result.maxCodes[16] = 1 shl 16
if result.maxCodeLength > huffmanChunkBits:
let numLinks = 1.uint16 shl (result.maxCodeLength - huffmanChunkBits)
result.linkMask = numLinks - 1
let link = nextCode[huffmanChunkBits + 1] shr 1
result.links.setLen(huffmanNumChunks - link)
for i in link ..< huffmanNumChunks:
reverse = reverseUint16(i.uint16, huffmanChunkBits)
offset = i - link
when not defined(release):
if result.chunks[reverse] != 0:
raise newException(ZippyError, "Overwriting chunk")
result.chunks[reverse] = (
(offset shl huffmanValueShift) or huffmanChunkBits + 1
# result.links[offset].setLen(numLinks)
for i, n in lengths:
if n == 0:
code = nextCode[n]
chunk = (i.uint16 shl huffmanValueShift) or n
reverse = reverseUint16(code, n)
inc nextCode[n]
if n <= huffmanChunkBits:
for offset in countup(reverse.int, result.chunks.high, 1 shl n):
when not defined(release):
if result.chunks[offset] != 0:
raise newException(ZippyError, "Overwriting chunk")
result.chunks[offset] = chunk
j = reverse and (huffmanNumChunks - 1)
value = result.chunks[j] shr huffmanValueShift
reverseShifted = reverse shr huffmanChunkBits
when not defined(release):
if (result.chunks[j] and huffmanCountMask) != huffmanChunkBits + 1:
raise newException(ZippyError, "Not an indirect chunk")
for offset in countup(
1 shl (n - huffmanChunkBits)
when not defined(release):
if result.links[value][offset] != 0:
raise newException(ZippyError, "Overwriting chunk")
result.links[value][offset] = chunk
# when not defined(release):
# for i, chunk in result.chunks:
# if chunk == 0:
# if code == 1 and i mod 2 == 1:
# continue
# raise newException(ZippyError, "Missing chunk")
# for i in 0 ..< result.links.len:
# for _, chunk in result.links[i]:
# if chunk == 0:
# raise newException(ZippyError, "Missing chunk")
for i, len in lengths:
if len > 0:
let symbolId = nextCode[len] - result.firstCode[len].int + result.firstSymbol[len].int
result.lengths[symbolId] = len
result.values[symbolId] = i.uint16
if len <= fastBits:
let fast = (len.uint16 shl 9) or i.uint16
var k = reverseBits(nextCode[len], len.int)
while k < (1 shl fastBits):
result.fast[k] = fast
k += (1 shl len)
inc nextCode[len]
func decodeSymbol(b: var BitStream, h: Huffman): uint16 {.inline.} =
## See https://raw.githubusercontent.com/madler/zlib/master/doc/algorithm.txt
@ -121,33 +74,37 @@ func decodeSymbol(b: var BitStream, h: Huffman): uint16 {.inline.} =
bits = b.data[b.bytePos].uint16 shr b.bitPos
bits = b.data[b.bytePos].int shr b.bitPos
numBits = 8 - b.bitPos
# Fill bits up since we know codes must be between 1 and 15 bits long
if b.bytePos + 1 < b.data.len:
bits = bits or (b.data[b.bytePos + 1].uint16 shl numBits)
bits = bits or (b.data[b.bytePos + 1].int shl numBits)
if b.bytePos + 2 < b.data.len:
bits = bits or (b.data[b.bytePos + 2].uint16 shl (numBits + 8))
bits = bits or (b.data[b.bytePos + 2].int shl (numBits + 8))
numBits = 15
let fast = h.fast[bits and fastMask]
var len: int
if fast > 0:
len = (fast.int shr 9)
result = fast and 511
else: # Slow path
let k = reverse16Bits(bits)
len = fastBits + 1
while len < h.maxCodes.len:
if k < h.maxCodes[len]:
inc len
chunk = h.chunks[bits and (huffmanNumChunks - 1)]
n = (chunk and huffmanCountMask).int
if n > huffmanChunkBits:
chunk = h.links[
chunk shr huffmanValueShift][(bits shr huffmanChunkBits) and h.linkMask
n = (chunk and huffmanCountMask).int
if len == 16:
if n == 0 or n > numBits:
let symbolId =
(k shr (16 - len)) - h.firstCode[len].int + h.firstSymbol[len].int
result = h.values[symbolId]
inc(b.bytePos, (n + b.bitPos) shr 3)
b.bitPos = (n + b.bitPos) and 7
chunk shr huffmanValueShift
b.bytePos += (len + b.bitPos) shr 3
b.bitPos = (len + b.bitPos) and 7
func inflateBlock(b: var BitStream, dst: var seq[uint8], fixedCodes: bool) =
var literalHuffman, distanceHuffman: Huffman

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
version = "0.3.10"
version = "0.3.11"
author = "Ryan Oldenburg"
description = "Pure Nim implementation of deflate, zlib, gzip and zip."
license = "MIT"