{ "agent": "websock-secure-client", "behavior": "OK", "behaviorClose": "OK", "case": 508, "closedByMe": true, "createStats": true, "createWirelog": true, "description": "Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9), (True, 0), (False, 0)]", "droppedByMe": true, "duration": 5392, "expectation": "Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.", "expected": {}, "expectedClose": { "closeCode": [ 1000 ], "closedByMe": true, "requireClean": true }, "failedByMe": false, "httpRequest": "GET /runCase?case=508&agent=websock-secure-client HTTP/1.1\r\nSec-Websocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits=15\r\nUpgrade: websocket\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nSec-Websocket-Version: 13\r\nSec-Websocket-Key: dsvKwc5wAFBB0gSAAjikHA==\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\n\r\n", "httpResponse": "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\nServer: AutobahnTestSuite/0.8.2-0.10.9\r\nX-Powered-By: AutobahnPython/0.10.9\r\nUpgrade: WebSocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nSec-WebSocket-Accept: ofeBkCH3zIeMXjEHo1ps0gX61n8=\r\nSec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate; client_no_context_takeover; client_max_window_bits=9\r\n\r\n", "id": "13.7.9", "isServer": true, "localCloseCode": 1000, "localCloseReason": null, "received": [], "remoteCloseCode": 1000, "remoteCloseReason": null, "reportCompressionRatio": true, "reportTime": true, "result": "Ok, received all echo'ed messages in time.", "resultClose": "Connection was properly closed", "rxFrameStats": { "1": 1000, "8": 1 }, "rxOctetStats": { "8": 1, "295": 1, "2443": 1, "2445": 1, "2446": 1, "2447": 1, "2448": 1, "2449": 2, "2450": 3, "2451": 1, "2452": 1, "2454": 3, "2455": 2, "2456": 4, "2457": 2, "2458": 2, "2459": 4, "2460": 1, "2461": 4, "2462": 1, "2464": 1, "2465": 3, "2466": 9, "2467": 11, "2468": 9, "2469": 7, "2470": 7, "2471": 6, "2472": 7, "2473": 5, "2474": 1, "2475": 4, "2476": 3, "2477": 6, "2478": 2, "2479": 5, "2480": 6, "2481": 6, "2482": 7, "2483": 8, "2484": 8, "2485": 9, "2486": 8, "2487": 7, "2488": 7, "2489": 7, "2490": 10, "2491": 5, "2492": 12, "2493": 10, "2494": 9, "2495": 10, "2496": 8, "2497": 10, "2498": 5, "2499": 4, "2500": 6, "2501": 13, "2502": 13, "2503": 9, "2504": 12, "2505": 11, "2506": 8, "2507": 5, "2508": 10, "2509": 11, "2510": 14, "2511": 8, "2512": 10, "2513": 7, "2514": 5, "2515": 5, "2516": 1, 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