527 lines
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# nim-web3
# Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
# at your option.
# This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
# those terms.
std/[tables, uri, macros],
httputils, chronos,
json_rpc/[rpcclient, jsonmarshal],
web3/[eth_api_types, conversions, transaction_signing, encoding, contract_dsl],
from eth/common/eth_types import ChainId
Web3* = ref object
provider*: RpcClient
subscriptions*: Table[string, Subscription]
defaultAccount*: Address
privateKey*: Opt[PrivateKey]
lastKnownNonce*: Opt[Quantity]
onDisconnect*: proc() {.gcsafe, raises: [].}
Web3SenderImpl = ref object
web3*: Web3
contractAddress*: Address
Web3AsyncSenderImpl = ref object
web3*: Web3
contractAddress*: Address
defaultAccount*: Address
value*: UInt256
gas*: uint64
gasPrice*: int
chainId*: Opt[ChainId]
blockNumber*: Quantity
Sender*[T] = ContractInstance[T, Web3SenderImpl]
AsyncSender*[T] = ContractInstance[T, Web3AsyncSenderImpl]
SubscriptionEventHandler* = proc (j: JsonString) {.gcsafe, raises: [].}
SubscriptionErrorHandler* = proc (err: CatchableError) {.gcsafe, raises: [].}
BlockHeaderHandler* = proc (b: BlockHeader) {.gcsafe, raises: [].}
Subscription* = ref object
id*: string
web3*: Web3
eventHandler*: SubscriptionEventHandler
errorHandler*: SubscriptionErrorHandler
pendingEvents: seq[JsonString]
historicalEventsProcessed: bool
removed: bool
ContractInvocation*[TResult, TSender] = object
data*: seq[byte]
sender*: TSender
func getValue(params: RequestParamsRx, field: string, FieldType: type):
Result[FieldType, string] {.gcsafe, raises: [].} =
for param in params.named:
if param.name == field:
when FieldType is JsonString:
return ok(param.value)
let val = JrpcConv.decode(param.value.string, FieldType)
return ok(val)
except CatchableError as exc:
return err(exc.msg)
func toJsonString(params: RequestParamsRx):
Result[JsonString, string] {.gcsafe, raises: [].} =
let res = JrpcSys.encode(params.toTx)
return ok(res.JsonString)
except CatchableError as exc:
return err(exc.msg)
proc handleSubscriptionNotification(w: Web3, params: RequestParamsRx):
Result[void, string] {.gcsafe, raises: [].} =
let subs = params.getValue("subscription", string).valueOr:
return err(error)
let s = w.subscriptions.getOrDefault(subs)
if not s.isNil and not s.removed:
if s.historicalEventsProcessed:
let res = params.getValue("result", JsonString).valueOr:
return err(error)
let par = params.toJsonString().valueOr:
return err(error)
func newWeb3*(provider: RpcClient): Web3 =
result = Web3(provider: provider)
result.subscriptions = initTable[string, Subscription]()
let w3 = result
provider.onProcessMessage = proc(client: RpcClient, line: string):
Result[bool, string] {.gcsafe, raises: [].} =
let req = JrpcSys.decode(line, RequestRx)
if req.`method`.isNone:
# fallback to regular onProcessMessage
return ok(true)
# This could be subscription notification
let name = req.`method`.get
if name == "eth_subscription":
if req.params.kind != rpNamed:
return ok(false)
return err(error)
# don't fallback, just quit onProcessMessage
return ok(false)
except CatchableError as exc:
return err(exc.msg)
proc newWeb3*(
uri: string,
getHeaders: GetJsonRpcRequestHeaders = nil,
httpFlags: HttpClientFlags = {}):
Future[Web3] {.async.} =
let u = parseUri(uri)
var provider: RpcClient
case u.scheme
of "http", "https":
let p = newRpcHttpClient(getHeaders = getHeaders,
flags = httpFlags)
await p.connect(uri)
provider = p
of "ws", "wss":
let p = newRpcWebSocketClient(getHeaders = getHeaders)
await p.connect(uri)
provider = p
raise newException(CatchableError, "Unknown web3 url scheme")
result = newWeb3(provider)
let r = result
provider.onDisconnect = proc() =
if not r.onDisconnect.isNil:
proc close*(web3: Web3): Future[void] = web3.provider.close()
proc getHistoricalEvents(s: Subscription, options: FilterOptions) {.async.} =
let logs = await s.web3.provider.eth_getJsonLogs(options)
for l in logs:
if s.removed: break
s.historicalEventsProcessed = true
var i = 0
while i < s.pendingEvents.len: # Mind reentrancy
if s.removed: break
inc i
s.pendingEvents = @[]
except CatchableError as e:
echo "Caught exception in getHistoricalEvents: ", e.msg
echo e.getStackTrace()
proc subscribe*(w: Web3, name: string, options: Opt[FilterOptions],
eventHandler: SubscriptionEventHandler,
errorHandler: SubscriptionErrorHandler): Future[Subscription]
{.async.} =
## Sets up a new subsciption using the `eth_subscribe` RPC call.
## May raise a `CatchableError` if the subscription is not established.
## Once the subscription is established, the `eventHandler` callback
## will be executed for each event of interest.
## In case of any errors or illegal behavior of the remote RPC node,
## the `errorHandler` will be executed with relevant information about
## the error.
# Don't send an empty `{}` object as an extra argument if there are no options
let id = if options.isNone:
await w.provider.eth_subscribe(name)
await w.provider.eth_subscribe(name, options.get)
result = Subscription(id: id,
web3: w,
eventHandler: eventHandler,
errorHandler: errorHandler)
w.subscriptions[id] = result
proc subscribeForLogs*(w: Web3, options: FilterOptions,
logsHandler: SubscriptionEventHandler,
errorHandler: SubscriptionErrorHandler,
withHistoricEvents = true): Future[Subscription]
{.async.} =
result = await subscribe(w, "logs", Opt.some(options), logsHandler, errorHandler)
if withHistoricEvents:
discard getHistoricalEvents(result, options)
result.historicalEventsProcessed = true
func addAddressAndSignatureToOptions(options: FilterOptions, address: Address, topic: Bytes32): FilterOptions =
result = options
if result.address.kind == slkNull:
result.address = AddressOrList(kind: slkSingle, single: address)
result.topics.insert(TopicOrList(kind: slkSingle, single: topic), 0)
proc subscribeForLogs*(s: Web3SenderImpl, options: FilterOptions,
topic: Bytes32,
logsHandler: SubscriptionEventHandler,
errorHandler: SubscriptionErrorHandler,
withHistoricEvents = true): Future[Subscription] =
let options = addAddressAndSignatureToOptions(options, s.contractAddress, topic)
s.web3.subscribeForLogs(options, logsHandler, errorHandler, withHistoricEvents)
proc subscribeForBlockHeaders*(w: Web3,
blockHeadersCallback: proc(b: BlockHeader) {.gcsafe, raises: [].},
errorHandler: SubscriptionErrorHandler): Future[Subscription]
{.async.} =
proc eventHandler(json: JsonString) {.gcsafe, raises: [].} =
let blk = JrpcConv.decode(json.string, BlockHeader)
except CatchableError as err:
# `nil` options so that we skip sending an empty `{}` object as an extra argument
# to geth for `newHeads`: https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/issues/21588
result = await subscribe(w, "newHeads", Opt.none(FilterOptions), eventHandler, errorHandler)
result.historicalEventsProcessed = true
proc unsubscribe*(s: Subscription): Future[void] {.async.} =
s.removed = true
discard await s.web3.provider.eth_unsubscribe(s.id)
proc getJsonLogs(s: Web3SenderImpl, topic: Bytes32,
fromBlock = Opt.none(RtBlockIdentifier),
toBlock = Opt.none(RtBlockIdentifier),
blockHash = Opt.none(Hash32)): Future[seq[JsonString]] =
var options = FilterOptions(
address: AddressOrList(kind: slkSingle, single: s.contractAddress),
topics: @[TopicOrList(kind: slkSingle, single: topic)],
if blockHash.isSome:
doAssert fromBlock.isNone and toBlock.isNone
options.blockHash = blockHash
options.fromBlock = fromBlock
options.toBlock = toBlock
# TODO: optimize it instead of double conversion
proc getJsonLogs*[TContract](s: Sender[TContract],
EventName: type,
fromBlock = Opt.none(RtBlockIdentifier),
toBlock = Opt.none(RtBlockIdentifier),
blockHash = Opt.none(Hash32)): Future[seq[JsonString]] {.inline.} =
mixin eventTopic
getJsonLogs(s.sender, eventTopic(EventName), fromBlock, toBlock, blockHash)
proc nextNonce*(web3: Web3): Future[Quantity] {.async.} =
if web3.lastKnownNonce.isSome:
inc web3.lastKnownNonce.get
return web3.lastKnownNonce.get
let fromAddress = web3.privateKey.get().toPublicKey().toCanonicalAddress
result = await web3.provider.eth_getTransactionCount(fromAddress, "latest")
web3.lastKnownNonce = Opt.some result
proc send*(web3: Web3, c: TransactionArgs): Future[Hash32] {.async.} =
if web3.privateKey.isSome():
var cc = c
if cc.nonce.isNone:
cc.nonce = Opt.some(await web3.nextNonce())
let t = encodeTransaction(cc, web3.privateKey.get())
return await web3.provider.eth_sendRawTransaction(t)
return await web3.provider.eth_sendTransaction(c)
proc send*(web3: Web3, c: TransactionArgs, chainId: ChainId): Future[Hash32] {.deprecated: "Provide chainId in TransactionArgs", async.} =
var cc = c
if cc.nonce.isNone:
cc.nonce = Opt.some(await web3.nextNonce())
cc.chainId = Opt.some(chainId.Quantity)
let t = encodeTransaction(cc, web3.privateKey.get())
return await web3.provider.eth_sendRawTransaction(t)
proc sendData(web3: Web3,
contractAddress: Address,
defaultAccount: Address,
data: seq[byte],
value: UInt256,
gas: uint64,
gasPrice: int,
chainId = Opt.none(ChainId)): Future[Hash32] {.async.} =
gasPrice = if web3.privateKey.isSome() or gasPrice != 0: Opt.some(gasPrice.Quantity)
else: Opt.none(Quantity)
nonce = if web3.privateKey.isSome(): Opt.some(await web3.nextNonce())
else: Opt.none(Quantity)
chainId = if chainId.isSome(): Opt.some(Quantity(chainId.get))
else: Opt.none(Quantity)
cc = TransactionArgs(
data: Opt.some(data),
`from`: Opt.some(defaultAccount),
to: Opt.some(contractAddress),
gas: Opt.some(Quantity(gas)),
value: Opt.some(value),
nonce: nonce,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
chainId: chainId
return await web3.send(cc)
proc send*[T](c: ContractInvocation[T, Web3SenderImpl],
value = 0.u256,
gas = 3000000'u64,
gasPrice = 0): Future[Hash32] =
sendData(c.sender.web3, c.sender.contractAddress,
c.sender.web3.defaultAccount, c.data, value, gas, gasPrice)
proc send*[T](c: ContractInvocation[T, Web3SenderImpl],
chainId: ChainId,
value = 0.u256,
gas = 3000000'u64,
gasPrice = 0): Future[Hash32] =
sendData(c.sender.web3, c.sender.contractAddress,
c.sender.web3.defaultAccount, c.data, value, gas, gasPrice, some(chainId))
proc callAux(
web3: Web3,
contractAddress: Address,
defaultAccount: Address,
data: seq[byte],
value = 0.u256,
gas = 3000000'u64,
blockNumber = high(Quantity)): Future[seq[byte]] {.async.} =
var cc: TransactionArgs
cc.data = Opt.some(data)
cc.source = Opt.some(defaultAccount)
cc.to = Opt.some(contractAddress)
cc.gas = Opt.some(Quantity(gas))
cc.value = Opt.some(value)
result =
if blockNumber != high(Quantity):
await web3.provider.eth_call(cc, blockId(blockNumber))
await web3.provider.eth_call(cc, "latest")
proc call*[T](
c: ContractInvocation[T, Web3SenderImpl],
value = 0.u256,
gas = 3000000'u64,
blockNumber = high(Quantity)): Future[T] {.async.} =
let response = await callAux(c.sender.web3, c.sender.contractAddress,
c.sender.web3.defaultAccount, c.data, value, gas, blockNumber)
if response.len > 0:
discard decode(response, 0, 0, result)
raise newException(CatchableError, "No response from the Web3 provider")
proc getMinedTransactionReceipt*(web3: Web3, tx: Hash32): Future[ReceiptObject] {.async.} =
## Returns the receipt for the transaction. Waits for it to be mined if necessary.
# TODO: Potentially more optimal solution is to subscribe and wait for appropriate
# notification. Now we're just polling every 500ms which should be ok for most cases.
var r: ReceiptObject
while r.isNil:
r = await web3.provider.eth_getTransactionReceipt(tx)
if r.isNil:
await sleepAsync(500.milliseconds)
result = r
proc exec*[T](c: ContractInvocation[T, Web3SenderImpl], value = 0.u256, gas = 3000000'u64): Future[T] {.async.} =
let h = await c.send(value, gas)
let receipt = await c.sender.web3.getMinedTransactionReceipt(h)
# TODO: decode result from receipt
# This call will generate the `cc.data` part to call that contract method in the code below
#sendCoin(fromHex(Stuint[256], "e375b6fb6d0bf0d86707884f3952fee3977251fe"), 600.to(Stuint[256]))
# Set up a JsonRPC call to send a transaction
# The idea here is to let the Web3 object contain the RPC calls, then allow the
# above DSL to create helpers to create the TransactionArgs object and perform the
# transaction. The current idea is to make all this reduce to something like:
# var
# w3 = initWeb3("", 8545)
# myContract = contract:
# <DSL>
# myContract.sender("0x780bc7b4055941c2cb0ee10510e3fc837eb093c1").sendCoin(
# fromHex(Stuint[256], "e375b6fb6d0bf0d86707884f3952fee3977251fe"),
# 600.to(Stuint[256])
# )
# If the address of the contract on the chain should be part of the DSL or
# dynamically registered is still not decided.
#var cc: TransactionArgs
#cc.source = [0x78.byte, 0x0b, 0xc7, 0xb4, 0x05, 0x59, 0x41, 0xc2, 0xcb, 0x0e, 0xe1, 0x05, 0x10, 0xe3, 0xfc, 0x83, 0x7e, 0xb0, 0x93, 0xc1]
#cc.to = some([0x0a.byte, 0x78, 0xc0, 0x8F, 0x31, 0x4E, 0xB2, 0x5A, 0x35, 0x1B, 0xfB, 0xA9, 0x03,0x21, 0xa6, 0x96, 0x04, 0x74, 0xbD, 0x79])
#cc.data = "0x90b98a11000000000000000000000000e375b6fb6d0bf0d86707884f3952fee3977251FE0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000258"
#var w3 = initWeb3("", 8545)
#let response = waitFor w3.eth.eth_sendTransaction(cc)
#echo response
func contractSender*(web3: Web3, T: typedesc, toAddress: Address): Sender[T] =
Sender[T](sender: Web3SenderImpl(web3: web3, contractAddress: toAddress))
func createMutableContractInvocation*(sender: Web3SenderImpl, ReturnType: typedesc, data: sink seq[byte]): ContractInvocation[ReturnType, Web3SenderImpl] {.inline.} =
ContractInvocation[ReturnType, Web3SenderImpl](sender: sender, data: data)
func createImmutableContractInvocation*(sender: Web3SenderImpl, ReturnType: typedesc, data: sink seq[byte]): ContractInvocation[ReturnType, Web3SenderImpl] {.inline.} =
ContractInvocation[ReturnType, Web3SenderImpl](sender: sender, data: data)
func contractInstance*(
web3: Web3, T: typedesc, toAddress: Address): AsyncSender[T] =
sender: Web3AsyncSenderImpl(
web3: web3,
contractAddress: toAddress,
defaultAccount: web3.defaultAccount,
gas: 3000000,
blockNumber: Quantity.high))
proc createMutableContractInvocation*(sender: Web3AsyncSenderImpl, ReturnType: typedesc, data: sink seq[byte]) {.async.} =
assert(sender.gas > 0)
let h = await sendData(sender.web3, sender.contractAddress, sender.defaultAccount, data, sender.value, sender.gas, sender.gasPrice, sender.chainId)
let receipt = await sender.web3.getMinedTransactionReceipt(h)
discard receipt
proc createImmutableContractInvocation*(
sender: Web3AsyncSenderImpl,
ReturnType: typedesc,
data: sink seq[byte]): Future[ReturnType] {.async.} =
let response = await callAux(
sender.web3, sender.contractAddress, sender.defaultAccount, data,
sender.value, sender.gas, sender.blockNumber)
if response.len > 0:
discard decode(response, 0, 0, result)
raise newException(CatchableError, "No response from the Web3 provider")
proc deployContractAux(web3: Web3, data: seq[byte], gasPrice = 0): Future[Address] {.async.} =
var tr: TransactionArgs
tr.`from` = Opt.some(web3.defaultAccount)
tr.data = Opt.some(data)
tr.gas = Opt.some Quantity(30000000)
if gasPrice != 0:
tr.gasPrice = Opt.some(gasPrice.Quantity)
let h = await web3.send(tr)
let r = await web3.getMinedTransactionReceipt(h)
return r.contractAddress.get
proc createContractDeployment*(web3: Web3, ContractType: typedesc, data: sink seq[byte]): Future[AsyncSender[ContractType]] {.async.} =
let a = await deployContractAux(web3, data, gasPrice = 0)
return contractInstance(web3, ContractType, a)
proc isDeployed*(s: Sender, atBlock: RtBlockIdentifier): Future[bool] {.async.} =
codeFut = case atBlock.kind
of bidNumber:
s.sender.web3.provider.eth_getCode(s.contractAddress, atBlock.number)
of bidAlias:
s.sender.web3.provider.eth_getCode(s.contractAddress, atBlock.alias)
code = await codeFut
# TODO: Check that all methods of the contract are present by
# looking for their ABI signatures within the code:
# https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/11856/how-to-detect-from-web3-if-method-exists-on-a-deployed-contract
return code.len > 0
proc subscribe*[TContract](s: Sender[TContract], t: typedesc, cb: proc): Future[Subscription] {.inline.} =
subscribe(s, t, FilterOptions(), cb, SubscriptionErrorHandler nil)
func copy[T](s: AsyncSender[T]): AsyncSender[T] =
result = s
result.sender[] = s.sender[]
macro adjust*(s: AsyncSender, modifications: varargs[untyped]): untyped =
## Copies AsyncSender, modifying its properties. E.g.
## myContract.adjust(gas = 1000, value = 5.u256).myContractMethod()
let cp = genSym(nskLet, "cp")
result = quote do:
let `cp` = copy(`s`)
for s in modifications:
let fieldName = s[0]
let fieldVal = s[1]
result[1].add quote do:
`cp`.sender.`fieldName` = `fieldVal`