import macros, strutils, options, math, json, tables, uri from os import DirSep import nimcrypto, stint, httputils, chronicles, chronos, json_rpc/rpcclient, stew/byteutils, eth/keys import web3/[ethtypes, ethprocs, conversions, ethhexstrings, transaction_signing] template sourceDir: string = currentSourcePath.rsplit(DirSep, 1)[0] ## Generate client convenience marshalling wrappers from forward declarations createRpcSigs(RpcClient, sourceDir & DirSep & "web3" & DirSep & "ethcallsigs.nim") export UInt256, Int256, Uint128, Int128 export ethtypes, conversions type Web3* = ref object provider*: RpcClient subscriptions*: Table[string, Subscription] defaultAccount*: Address privateKey*: PrivateKey onDisconnect*: proc() {.gcsafe.} Sender*[T] = ref object web3*: Web3 contractAddress*: Address EncodeResult* = tuple[dynamic: bool, data: string] Subscription* = ref object id*: string web3*: Web3 callback*: proc(j: JsonNode) {.gcsafe.} pendingEvents: seq[JsonNode] historicalEventsProcessed: bool removed: bool ContractCallBase = object {.pure, inheritable.} web3: Web3 data: string to: Address value: Uint256 ContractCall*[T] = object of ContractCallBase proc handleSubscriptionNotification(w: Web3, j: JsonNode) = let s = w.subscriptions.getOrDefault(j{"subscription"}.getStr()) if not s.isNil and not s.removed: if s.historicalEventsProcessed: try: s.callback(j{"result"}) except CatchableError as e: echo "Caught exception in handleSubscriptionNotification: ", e.msg echo e.getStackTrace() else: s.pendingEvents.add(j) proc newWeb3*(provider: RpcClient): Web3 = result = Web3(provider: provider) result.subscriptions = initTable[string, Subscription]() let r = result provider.setMethodHandler("eth_subscription") do(j: JsonNode): r.handleSubscriptionNotification(j) proc newWeb3*(uri: string): Future[Web3] {.async.} = let u = parseUri(uri) var provider: RpcClient case u.scheme of "http", "https": let p = newRpcHttpClient() await p.connect(uri) provider = p of "ws", "wss": let p = newRpcWebSocketClient() await p.connect(uri) provider = p else: raise newException(CatchableError, "Unknown web3 url scheme") result = newWeb3(provider) let r = result provider.onDisconnect = proc() = r.subscriptions.clear() if not r.onDisconnect.isNil: r.onDisconnect() proc close*(web3: Web3): Future[void] = web3.provider.close() proc getHistoricalEvents(s: Subscription, options: JsonNode) {.async.} = try: let logs = await s.web3.provider.eth_getLogs(options) for l in logs: if s.removed: break s.callback(l) s.historicalEventsProcessed = true var i = 0 while i < s.pendingEvents.len: # Mind reentrancy if s.removed: break s.callback(s.pendingEvents[i]) inc i s.pendingEvents = @[] except CatchableError as e: echo "Caught exception in getHistoricalEvents: ", e.msg echo e.getStackTrace() proc subscribe*(w: Web3, name: string, options: JsonNode, callback: proc(j: JsonNode) {.gcsafe.}): Future[Subscription] {.async.} = var options = options if options.isNil: options = newJNull() let id = await w.provider.eth_subscribe(name, options) result = Subscription(id: id, web3: w, callback: callback) w.subscriptions[id] = result proc subscribeToLogs*(w: Web3, options: JsonNode, callback: proc(j: JsonNode) {.gcsafe.}): Future[Subscription] {.async.} = result = await subscribe(w, "logs", options, callback) discard getHistoricalEvents(result, options) proc unsubscribe*(s: Subscription): Future[void] {.async.} = s.web3.subscriptions.del( s.removed = true discard await s.web3.provider.eth_unsubscribe( func encode*[bits: static[int]](x: Stuint[bits]): EncodeResult = ## Encodes a `Stuint` to a textual representation for use in the JsonRPC ## `sendTransaction` call. (dynamic: false, data: '0'.repeat((256 - bits) div 4) & x.dumpHex) func encode*[bits: static[int]](x: Stint[bits]): EncodeResult = ## Encodes a `Stint` to a textual representation for use in the JsonRPC ## `sendTransaction` call. (dynamic: false, data: if x.isNegative: 'f'.repeat((256 - bits) div 4) & x.dumpHex else: '0'.repeat((256 - bits) div 4) & x.dumpHex ) func decode*(input: string, offset: int, to: var Stuint): int = let meaningfulLen = to.bits div 8 * 2 to = type(to).fromHex(input[offset .. offset + meaningfulLen - 1]) meaningfulLen func decode*[N](input: string, offset: int, to: var Stint[N]): int = let meaningfulLen = N div 8 * 2 fromHex(input[offset .. offset + meaningfulLen], to) meaningfulLen func fixedEncode(a: openarray[byte]): EncodeResult = var padding = a.len mod 32 if padding != 0: padding = 32 - padding result = (dynamic: false, data: "00".repeat(padding) & byteutils.toHex(a)) func encode*[N](b: FixedBytes[N]): EncodeResult = fixedEncode(array[N, byte](b)) func encode*(b: Address): EncodeResult = fixedEncode(array[20, byte](b)) proc skip0xPrefix*(s: string): int = if s.len > 1 and s[0] == '0' and s[1] in {'x', 'X'}: 2 else: 0 proc strip0xPrefix*(s: string): string = let prefixLen = skip0xPrefix(s) if prefixLen != 0: s[prefixLen .. ^1] else: s proc fromHexAux(s: string, result: var openarray[byte]) = let prefixLen = skip0xPrefix(s) let meaningfulLen = s.len - prefixLen let requiredChars = result.len * 2 if meaningfulLen > requiredChars: let start = s.len - requiredChars hexToByteArray(s[start .. s.len - 1], result) elif meaningfulLen == requiredChars: hexToByteArray(s, result) else: raise newException(ValueError, "Short hex string (" & $meaningfulLen & ") for Bytes[" & $result.len & "]") func fromHex*[N](x: type FixedBytes[N], s: string): FixedBytes[N] {.inline.} = fromHexAux(s, array[N, byte](result)) func fromHex*(x: type Address, s: string): Address {.inline.} = fromHexAux(s, array[20, byte](result)) template toHex*[N](x: FixedBytes[N]): string = toHex(array[N, byte](x)) func decodeFixed(input: string, offset: int, to: var openarray[byte]): int = let meaningfulLen = to.len * 2 var padding = to.len mod 32 if padding != 0: padding = (32 - padding) * 2 let offset = offset + padding fromHexAux(input[offset .. offset + meaningfulLen - 1], to) meaningfulLen + padding func decode*[N](input: string, offset: int, to: var FixedBytes[N]): int {.inline.} = decodeFixed(input, offset, array[N, byte](to)) func decode*(input: string, offset: int, to: var Address): int {.inline.} = decodeFixed(input, offset, array[20, byte](to)) func encodeDynamic(v: openarray[byte]): EncodeResult = result.dynamic = true = v.len.toHex(64).toLower for y in v: &= y.toHex.toLower &= "00".repeat(v.len mod 32) func encode*[N](x: DynamicBytes[N]): EncodeResult {.inline.} = encodeDynamic(array[N, byte](x)) func fromHex*[N](x: type DynamicBytes[N], s: string): DynamicBytes[N] {.inline.} = fromHexAux(s, array[N, byte](result)) func decodeDynamic(input: string, offset: int, to: var openarray[byte]): int = var dataOffset, dataLen: UInt256 result = decode(input, offset, dataOffset) discard decode(input, dataOffset.toInt * 2, dataLen) # TODO: Check data len, and raise? let meaningfulLen = to.len * 2 let actualDataOffset = (dataOffset.toInt + 32) * 2 fromHexAux(input[actualDataOffset .. actualDataOffset + meaningfulLen - 1], to) func decode*[N](input: string, offset: int, to: var DynamicBytes[N]): int {.inline.} = decodeDynamic(input, offset, array[N, byte](to)) proc unknownType() = discard # Used for informative errors template typeSignature(T: typedesc): string = when T is string: "string" elif T is DynamicBytes: "bytes" elif T is FixedBytes: "bytes" & $T.N elif T is StUint: "uint" & $T.bits elif T is Address: "address" else: unknownType(T) proc initContractCall[T](web3: Web3, data: string, to: Address): ContractCall[T] {.inline.} = result.web3 = web3 = data = to macro makeTypeEnum(): untyped = ## This macro creates all the various types of Solidity contracts and maps ## them to the type used for their encoding. It also creates an enum to ## identify these types in the contract signatures, along with encoder ## functions used in the generated procedures. result = newStmtList() var lastpow2: int for i in countdown(256, 8, 8): let identUint = newIdentNode("Uint" & $i) identInt = newIdentNode("Int" & $i) if ceil(log2(i.float)) == floor(log2(i.float)): lastpow2 = i if i notin {256, 125}: # Int/Uint256/128 are already defined in stint. No need to repeat. result.add quote do: type `identUint`* = Stuint[`lastpow2`] `identInt`* = Stint[`lastpow2`] let identUint = ident("Uint") identInt = ident("Int") identBool = ident("Bool") result.add quote do: type `identUint`* = Uint256 `identInt`* = Int256 `identBool`* = distinct Int256 for m in countup(8, 256, 8): let identInt = ident("Int" & $m) identUint = ident("Uint" & $m) identFixed = ident "Fixed" & $m identUfixed = ident "Ufixed" & $m identT = ident "T" result.add quote do: # Fixed stuff is not actually implemented yet, these procedures don't # do what they are supposed to. type `identFixed`*[N: static[int]] = distinct `identInt` `identUfixed`*[N: static[int]] = distinct `identUint` # func to*(x: `identInt`, `identT`: typedesc[`identFixed`]): `identT` = # T(x) # func to*(x: `identUint`, `identT`: typedesc[`identUfixed`]): `identT` = # T(x) # func encode*[N: static[int]](x: `identFixed`[N]): EncodeResult = # encode(`identInt`(x) * (10 ^ N).to(`identInt`)) # func encode*[N: static[int]](x: `identUfixed`[N]): EncodeResult = # encode(`identUint`(x) * (10 ^ N).to(`identUint`)) # func decode*[N: static[int]](input: string, to: `identFixed`[N]): `identFixed`[N] = # decode(input, `identInt`) div / (10 ^ N).to(`identInt`) # func decode*[N: static[int]](input: string, to: `identUfixed`[N]): `identFixed`[N] = # decode(input, `identUint`) div / (10 ^ N).to(`identUint`) let identFixed = ident("Fixed") identUfixed = ident("Ufixed") result.add quote do: type `identFixed`* = distinct Int128 `identUfixed`* = distinct Uint128 for i in 1..256: let identBytes = ident("Bytes" & $i) identResult = ident "result" result.add quote do: type `identBytes`* = DynamicBytes[`i`] #result.add newEnum(ident "FieldKind", fields, public = true, pure = true) makeTypeEnum() func encode*(x: Bool): EncodeResult = encode(Int256(x)) func decode*[N](input: string, offset: int, to: var Bool): int {.inline.} = decode(input, offset, Stint(to)) func decode*(input: string, offset: int, obj: var object): int = var offset = offset for field in fields(obj): offset += decode(input, offset, field) type Encodable = concept x encode(x) is EncodeResult func encode*(x: seq[Encodable]): EncodeResult = result.dynamic = true = x.len.toHex(64).toLower var offset = 32*x.len data = "" for i in x: let encoded = encode(i) if encoded.dynamic: &= offset.toHex(64).toLower data &= else: &= offset += &= data func decode*[T](input: string, to: seq[T]): seq[T] = var count = input[0..64].decode(Stuint) result = newSeq[T](count) for i in 0..count: result[i] = input[i*64 .. (i+1)*64].decode(T) func encode*(x: openArray[Encodable]): EncodeResult = result.dynamic = false = "" var offset = 32*x.len data = "" for i in x: let encoded = encode(i) if encoded.dynamic: &= offset.toHex(64).toLower data &= else: &= offset += func decode*[T; I: static int](input: string, to: array[0..I, T]): array[0..I, T] = for i in 0..I: result[i] = input[i*64 .. (i+1)*64].decode(T) type InterfaceObjectKind = enum function, constructor, event MutabilityKind = enum pure, view, nonpayable, payable FunctionInputOutput = object name: string typ: NimNode EventInput = object name: string typ: NimNode indexed: bool FunctionObject = object name: string stateMutability: MutabilityKind inputs: seq[FunctionInputOutput] outputs: seq[FunctionInputOutput] ConstructorObject = object stateMutability: MutabilityKind inputs: seq[FunctionInputOutput] outputs: seq[FunctionInputOutput] EventObject = object name: string inputs: seq[EventInput] anonymous: bool InterfaceObject = object case kind: InterfaceObjectKind of function: functionObject: FunctionObject of constructor: constructorObject: ConstructorObject of event: eventObject: EventObject proc joinStrings(s: varargs[string]): string = join(s) proc getSignature(function: FunctionObject | EventObject): NimNode = result = newCall(bindSym"joinStrings") result.add(newLit( & "(")) for i, input in function.inputs: result.add(newCall(bindSym"typeSignature", input.typ)) if i != function.inputs.high: result.add(newLit(",")) result.add(newLit(")")) result = newCall(ident"static", result) proc addAddressAndSignatureToOptions(options: JsonNode, address: Address, signature: string): JsonNode = result = options if result.isNil: result = newJObject() if "address" notin result: result["address"] = %address var topics = result{"topics"} if topics.isNil: topics = newJArray() result["topics"] = topics topics.elems.insert(%signature, 0) proc parseContract(body: NimNode): seq[InterfaceObject] = proc parseOutputs(outputNode: NimNode): seq[FunctionInputOutput] = result.add FunctionInputOutput(typ: (if outputNode.kind == nnkEmpty: ident"void" else: outputNode)) proc parseInputs(inputNodes: NimNode): seq[FunctionInputOutput] = for i in 1.. 0: var res: T discard decode(response, 0, res) return res else: raise newException(CatchableError, "No response from the Web3 provider") proc getMinedTransactionReceipt*(web3: Web3, tx: TxHash): Future[ReceiptObject] {.async.} = ## Returns the receipt for the transaction. Waits for it to be mined if necessary. # TODO: Potentially more optimal solution is to subscribe and wait for appropriate # notification. Now we're just polling every 500ms which should be ok for most cases. var r: Option[ReceiptObject] while r.isNone: r = await web3.provider.eth_getTransactionReceipt(tx) if r.isNone: await sleepAsync(500.milliseconds) result = r.get proc exec*[T](c: ContractCall[T], value = 0.u256, gas = 3000000'u64): Future[T] {.async.} = let h = await c.send(value, gas) let receipt = await c.web3.getMinedTransactionReceipt(h) # TODO: decode result from receipt # This call will generate the `` part to call that contract method in the code below #sendCoin(fromHex(Stuint[256], "e375b6fb6d0bf0d86707884f3952fee3977251fe"),[256])) # Set up a JsonRPC call to send a transaction # The idea here is to let the Web3 object contain the RPC calls, then allow the # above DSL to create helpers to create the EthSend object and perform the # transaction. The current idea is to make all this reduce to something like: # var # w3 = initWeb3("", 8545) # myContract = contract: # # myContract.sender("0x780bc7b4055941c2cb0ee10510e3fc837eb093c1").sendCoin( # fromHex(Stuint[256], "e375b6fb6d0bf0d86707884f3952fee3977251fe"), #[256]) # ) # If the address of the contract on the chain should be part of the DSL or # dynamically registered is still not decided. #var cc: EthSend #cc.source = [0x78.byte, 0x0b, 0xc7, 0xb4, 0x05, 0x59, 0x41, 0xc2, 0xcb, 0x0e, 0xe1, 0x05, 0x10, 0xe3, 0xfc, 0x83, 0x7e, 0xb0, 0x93, 0xc1] = some([0x0a.byte, 0x78, 0xc0, 0x8F, 0x31, 0x4E, 0xB2, 0x5A, 0x35, 0x1B, 0xfB, 0xA9, 0x03,0x21, 0xa6, 0x96, 0x04, 0x74, 0xbD, 0x79]) = "0x90b98a11000000000000000000000000e375b6fb6d0bf0d86707884f3952fee3977251FE0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000258" #var w3 = initWeb3("", 8545) #let response = waitFor w3.eth.eth_sendTransaction(cc) #echo response proc contractSender*(web3: Web3, T: typedesc, toAddress: Address): Sender[T] = Sender[T](web3: web3, contractAddress: toAddress) proc subscribe*(s: Sender, t: typedesc, cb: proc): Future[Subscription] {.inline.} = subscribe(s, t, nil, cb) proc `$`*(b: Bool): string = $(Stint[256](b))