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# Nim's Runtime Library
# (c) Copyright 2015 Nim Contributors
# (c) Copyright 2019-2021 Ștefan Talpalaru
# (c) Copyright 2021-Onwards Status Research and Development
{.push raises: [Defect].}
## :Authors: Zahary Karadjov, Ștefan Talpalaru
## This module implements boilerplate to make unit testing easy.
## The test status and name is printed after any output or traceback.
## Tests can be nested, however failure of a nested test will not mark the
## parent test as failed. Setup and teardown are inherited. Setup can be
## overridden locally.
## Compiled test files return the number of failed test as exit code, while
## .. code::
## nim c -r testfile.nim
## exits with 0 or 1.
## Running individual tests
## ========================
## Specify the test names as command line arguments.
## .. code::
## nim c -r test "my test name" "another test"
## Multiple arguments can be used.
## Running a single test suite
## ===========================
## Specify the suite name delimited by ``"::"``.
## .. code::
## nim c -r test "my suite name::"
## Selecting tests by pattern
## ==========================
## A single ``"*"`` can be used for globbing.
## Delimit the end of a suite name with ``"::"``.
## Tests matching **any** of the arguments are executed.
## .. code::
## nim c -r test fast_suite::mytest1 fast_suite::mytest2
## nim c -r test "fast_suite::mytest*"
## nim c -r test "auth*::" "crypto::hashing*"
## # Run suites starting with 'bug #' and standalone tests starting with '#'
## nim c -r test 'bug #*::' '::#*'
## Command line arguments
## ======================
## --help Print short help and quit
## --xml:file Write JUnit-compatible XML report to `file`
## --console Write report to the console (default, when no other output is
## selected)
## Command line parsing can be disabled with `-d:unittest2DisableParamFiltering`.
## Running tests in parallel
## =========================
## To enable the threadpool-based test parallelisation, "--threads:on" needs to
## be passed to the compiler, along with "-d:nimtestParallel" or the
## NIMTEST_PARALLEL environment variable:
## .. code::
## nim c -r --threads:on -d:nimtestParallel testfile.nim
## # or
## NIMTEST_PARALLEL=1 nim c -r --threads:on testfile.nim
## There are some implicit barriers where we wait for all the spawned jobs to
## complete: before and after each test suite and at the main thread's exit.
## The suite-related barriers are there to avoid mixing test output, but they
## also affect which groups of tests can be run in parallel, so keep them in
## mind when deciding how many tests to place in different suites (or between
## suites).
2019-05-29 14:33:25 +00:00
## You may sometimes need to disable test parallelisation for a specific test,
## even though it was enabled in some configuration file in a parent dir. Do
## this with "-d:nimtestParallelDisabled" which overrides everything else.
## Example
## -------
## .. code:: nim
## suite "description for this stuff":
## echo "suite setup: run once before the tests"
## setup:
## echo "run before each test"
## teardown:
## echo "run after each test"
## test "essential truths":
## # give up and stop if this fails
## require(true)
## test "slightly less obvious stuff":
## # print a nasty message and move on, skipping
## # the remainder of this block
## check(1 != 1)
## check("asd"[2] == 'd')
## test "out of bounds error is thrown on bad access":
## let v = @[1, 2, 3] # you can do initialization here
## expect(IndexError):
## discard v[4]
2019-05-28 21:58:13 +00:00
## suiteTeardown:
## echo "suite teardown: run once after the tests"
import std/[locks, macros, sets, strutils, streams, times, monotimes]
when declared(stdout):
import std/os
const useTerminal = not defined(js)
# compile with `-d:unittest2DisableParamFiltering` to skip parsing test filters,
# `--help` and other command line options - you can manually call
# `parseParameters` instead then.
const autoParseArgs = not defined(unittest2DisableParamFiltering)
when useTerminal:
import std/terminal
when declared(stdout):
2019-05-29 14:33:25 +00:00
const paralleliseTests* = (existsEnv("NIMTEST_PARALLEL") or defined(nimtestParallel) and not defined(nimtestParallelDisabled))
## Whether parallel test running was enabled (set at compile time).
## This constant might be useful in custom output formatters.
const paralleliseTests* = false
when paralleliseTests:
2019-07-02 23:05:07 +00:00
import threadpool
# repeatedly calling sync() without waiting for results - on procs that don't
# return any - doesn't work properly (probably due to gSomeReady getting its
# counter increased back to the pre-call value) so we're stuck with these
# dummy flowvars
# (`flowVars` will be initialized in each child thread, when using nested tests, by the compiler)
# TODO: try getting rid of them when nim-0.20.0 is released
var flowVars {.threadvar.}: seq[FlowVarBase]
2019-05-28 21:58:13 +00:00
proc repeatableSync*() =
for flowVar in flowVars:
when (NimMajor, NimMinor, NimPatch) >= (1, 4, 0):
flowVars = @[]
# make sure all the spawned tests are done before exiting
# (this will be the last sync, so no need for repeatability)
let mainThreadID = getThreadId()
proc quitProc() {.noconv.} =
# "require" can exit from a worker thread and syncing in there would block
if getThreadId() == mainThreadID:
var outputLock: Lock # used by testEnded() to avoid mixed test outputs
TestStatus* = enum ## The status of a test when it is done.
OutputLevel* = enum ## The output verbosity of the tests.
PRINT_ALL, ## Print as much as possible.
PRINT_FAILURES, ## Print only the failed tests.
PRINT_NONE ## Print nothing.
TestResult* = object
suiteName*: string
## Name of the test suite that contains this test case.
## Can be ``nil`` if the test case is not in a suite.
testName*: string
## Name of the test case
status*: TestStatus
duration*: Duration # How long the test took, in seconds
OutputFormatter* = ref object of RootObj
ConsoleOutputFormatter* = ref object of OutputFormatter
colorOutput: bool
## Have test results printed in color.
## Default is `auto` depending on `isatty(stdout)`, or override it with
## `-d:nimUnittestColor:auto|on|off`.
## Deprecated: Setting the environment variable `NIMTEST_COLOR` to `always`
## or `never` changes the default for the non-js target to true or false respectively.
## Deprecated: the environment variable `NIMTEST_NO_COLOR`, when set, changes the
## default to true, if `NIMTEST_COLOR` is undefined.
outputLevel: OutputLevel
## Set the verbosity of test results.
## Default is `PRINT_ALL`, or override with:
## `-d:nimUnittestOutputLevel:PRINT_ALL|PRINT_FAILURES|PRINT_NONE`.
## Deprecated: the `NIMTEST_OUTPUT_LVL` environment variable is set for the non-js target.
isInSuite: bool
isInTest: bool
JUnitTest = object
name: string
result: TestResult
error: (seq[string], string)
failures: seq[seq[string]]
JUnitSuite = object
name: string
tests: seq[JUnitTest]
JUnitOutputFormatter* = ref object of OutputFormatter
stream: Stream
defaultSuite: JUnitSuite
suites: seq[JUnitSuite]
currentSuite: int
abortOnError* {.threadvar.}: bool ## Set to true in order to quit
## immediately on fail. Default is false,
## or override with `-d:nimUnittestAbortOnError:on|off`.
## Deprecated: can also override depending on whether
## `NIMTEST_ABORT_ON_ERROR` environment variable is set.
checkpoints {.threadvar.}: seq[string]
formattersLock: Lock
formatters {.guard: formattersLock.}: seq[OutputFormatter]
testFiltersLock: Lock
testsFilters {.guard: testFiltersLock.}: HashSet[string]
outputLevelDefault = PRINT_ALL
nimUnittestOutputLevel {.strdefine.} = $outputLevelDefault
nimUnittestColor {.strdefine.} = "auto" ## auto|on|off
nimUnittestAbortOnError {.booldefine.} = false
template deprecateEnvVarHere() =
# xxx issue a runtime warning to deprecate this envvar.
abortOnError = nimUnittestAbortOnError
when declared(stdout):
abortOnError = true
method suiteStarted*(formatter: OutputFormatter, suiteName: string) {.base, gcsafe.} =
method testStarted*(formatter: OutputFormatter, testName: string) {.base, gcsafe.} =
method failureOccurred*(formatter: OutputFormatter, checkpoints: seq[string],
stackTrace: string) {.base, gcsafe.} =
## ``stackTrace`` is provided only if the failure occurred due to an exception.
## ``checkpoints`` is never ``nil``.
method testEnded*(formatter: OutputFormatter, testResult: TestResult) {.base, gcsafe.} =
method suiteEnded*(formatter: OutputFormatter) {.base, gcsafe.} =
method testRunEnded*(formatter: OutputFormatter) {.base, gcsafe.} =
# Runs when the test executable is about to end, which is implemented using
# addQuitProc, a best-effort kind of place to do cleanups
proc addOutputFormatter*(formatter: OutputFormatter) =
withLock formattersLock:
proc resetOutputFormatters*() =
withLock formattersLock:
formatters = @[]
proc newConsoleOutputFormatter*(outputLevel: OutputLevel = outputLevelDefault,
colorOutput = true): ConsoleOutputFormatter =
outputLevel: outputLevel,
colorOutput: colorOutput
proc colorOutput(): bool =
let color = nimUnittestColor
case color
of "auto":
when declared(stdout): result = isatty(stdout)
else: result = false
of "on": result = true
of "off": result = false
else: doAssert false, $color
when declared(stdout):
if existsEnv("NIMTEST_COLOR"):
let colorEnv = getEnv("NIMTEST_COLOR")
if colorEnv == "never":
result = false
elif colorEnv == "always":
result = true
elif existsEnv("NIMTEST_NO_COLOR"):
result = false
proc defaultConsoleFormatter*(): ConsoleOutputFormatter =
var colorOutput = colorOutput()
var outputLevel = static: nimUnittestOutputLevel.parseEnum[:OutputLevel]
when declared(stdout):
if existsEnv(a):
outputLevel = getEnv(a).parseEnum[:OutputLevel]
except ValueError as exc:
echo "Cannot parse NIMTEST_OUTPUT_LVL: ", exc.msg
quit 1
result = newConsoleOutputFormatter(outputLevel, colorOutput)
method suiteStarted*(formatter: ConsoleOutputFormatter, suiteName: string) =
template rawPrint() = echo("\n[Suite] ", suiteName)
when useTerminal:
if formatter.colorOutput:
styledEcho styleBright, fgBlue, "\n[Suite] ", resetStyle, suiteName
except Exception: rawPrint() # Work around exceptions in `terminal.nim`
else: rawPrint()
else: rawPrint()
formatter.isInSuite = true
method testStarted*(formatter: ConsoleOutputFormatter, testName: string) =
formatter.isInTest = true
method failureOccurred*(formatter: ConsoleOutputFormatter,
checkpoints: seq[string], stackTrace: string) =
if stackTrace.len > 0:
echo stackTrace
let prefix = if formatter.isInSuite: " " else: ""
for msg in items(checkpoints):
echo prefix, msg
method testEnded*(formatter: ConsoleOutputFormatter, testResult: TestResult) =
formatter.isInTest = false
if formatter.outputLevel != OutputLevel.PRINT_NONE and
(formatter.outputLevel == OutputLevel.PRINT_ALL or testResult.status == TestStatus.FAILED):
let prefix = if testResult.suiteName.len > 0: " " else: ""
template rawPrint() = echo(prefix, "[", $testResult.status, "] ",
when useTerminal:
if formatter.colorOutput:
var color = case testResult.status
of TestStatus.OK: fgGreen
of TestStatus.FAILED: fgRed
of TestStatus.SKIPPED: fgYellow
styledEcho styleBright, color, prefix, "[", $testResult.status, "] ",
resetStyle, testResult.testName
except Exception: rawPrint() # Work around exceptions in `terminal.nim`
method suiteEnded*(formatter: ConsoleOutputFormatter) =
formatter.isInSuite = false
proc xmlEscape(s: string): string =
result = newStringOfCap(s.len)
for c in items(s):
case c:
of '<': result.add("&lt;")
of '>': result.add("&gt;")
of '&': result.add("&amp;")
of '"': result.add("&quot;")
of '\'': result.add("&apos;")
if ord(c) < 32:
result.add("&#" & $ord(c) & ';')
proc newJUnitOutputFormatter*(stream: Stream): JUnitOutputFormatter =
## Creates a formatter that writes report to the specified stream in
## JUnit format.
## The ``stream`` is NOT closed automatically when the test are finished,
## because the formatter has no way to know when all tests are finished.
## You should invoke formatter.close() to finalize the report.
result = JUnitOutputFormatter(
stream: stream,
defaultSuite: JUnitSuite(name: "default"),
currentSuite: -1,
stream.writeLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>")
except CatchableError as exc:
echo "Cannot write JUnit: ", exc.msg
quit 1
template suite(formatter: JUnitOutputFormatter): untyped =
if formatter.currentSuite == -1:
addr formatter.defaultSuite
addr formatter.suites[formatter.currentSuite]
method suiteStarted*(formatter: JUnitOutputFormatter, suiteName: string) =
formatter.currentSuite = formatter.suites.len()
formatter.suites.add(JUnitSuite(name: suiteName))
method testStarted*(formatter: JUnitOutputFormatter, testName: string) =
formatter.suite().tests.add(JUnitTest(name: testName))
method failureOccurred*(formatter: JUnitOutputFormatter,
checkpoints: seq[string], stackTrace: string) =
## ``stackTrace`` is provided only if the failure occurred due to an exception.
## ``checkpoints`` is never ``nil``.
if stackTrace.len > 0:
formatter.suite().tests[^1].error = (checkpoints, stackTrace)
method testEnded*(formatter: JUnitOutputFormatter, testResult: TestResult) =
formatter.suite().tests[^1].result = testResult
method suiteEnded*(formatter: JUnitOutputFormatter) =
formatter.currentSuite = -1
func toFloatSeconds(duration: Duration): float64 =
duration.inNanoseconds().float64 / 1_000_000_000.0
proc writeTest(s: Stream, test: JUnitTest) {.raises: [Exception].} =
time = test.result.duration.toFloatSeconds()
timeStr = time.formatFloat(ffDecimal, precision = 6)
s.writeLine("\t\t<testcase name=\"$#\" time=\"$#\">" % [
xmlEscape(, timeStr])
case test.result.status
of TestStatus.OK:
of TestStatus.SKIPPED:
s.writeLine("\t\t\t<skipped />")
of TestStatus.FAILED:
if test.error[0].len > 0:
s.writeLine("\t\t\t<error message=\"$#\">$#</error>" % [
xmlEscape(join(test.error[0], "\n")), xmlEscape(test.error[1])])
for failure in test.failures:
s.writeLine("\t\t\t<failure message=\"$#\">$#</failure>" %
[xmlEscape(failure[^1]), xmlEscape(join(failure[0..^2], "\n"))])
proc countTests(counts: var (int, int, int, int, float), suite: JUnitSuite) =
counts[0] += suite.tests.len()
for test in suite.tests:
counts[4] += test.result.duration.toFloatSeconds()
case test.result.status
of TestStatus.OK:
of TestStatus.SKIPPED:
counts[3] += 1
of TestStatus.FAILED:
if test.error[0].len > 0:
counts[2] += 1
counts[1] += 1
proc writeSuite(s: Stream, suite: JUnitSuite) {.raises: [Exception].} =
var counts: (int, int, int, int, float)
countTests(counts, suite)
let timeStr = counts[4].formatFloat(ffDecimal, precision = 6)
2021-04-27 15:41:56 +00:00
s.writeLine("\t" & """<testsuite name="$1" tests="$2" failures="$3" errors="$4" skipped="$5" time="$6">""" % [
xmlEscape(, $counts[0], $counts[1], $counts[2], $counts[3], timeStr])
for test in suite.tests.items():
method testRunEnded*(formatter: JUnitOutputFormatter) =
## Completes the report and closes the underlying stream.
let s =
for suite in formatter.suites.mitems():
if formatter.defaultSuite.tests.len() > 0:
except Exception as exc: # Work around Exception raised in stream
echo "Cannot write JUnit: ", exc.msg
quit 1
proc glob(matcher, filter: string): bool =
## Globbing using a single `*`. Empty `filter` matches everything.
if filter.len == 0:
return true
if not filter.contains('*'):
return matcher == filter
let beforeAndAfter = filter.split('*', maxsplit=1)
if beforeAndAfter.len == 1:
# "foo*"
return matcher.startsWith(beforeAndAfter[0])
if matcher.len < filter.len - 1:
return false # "12345" should not match "123*345"
return matcher.startsWith(beforeAndAfter[0]) and matcher.endsWith(
proc matchFilter(suiteName, testName, filter: string): bool =
if filter == "":
return true
if testName == filter:
# corner case for tests containing "::" in their name
return true
let suiteAndTestFilters = filter.split("::", maxsplit=1)
if suiteAndTestFilters.len == 1:
# no suite specified
let testFilter = suiteAndTestFilters[0]
return glob(testName, testFilter)
return glob(suiteName, suiteAndTestFilters[0]) and
glob(testName, suiteAndTestFilters[1])
when defined(testing): export matchFilter
proc shouldRun(currentSuiteName, testName: string): bool =
## Check if a test should be run by matching suiteName and testName against
## test filters.
withLock testFiltersLock:
if testsFilters.len == 0:
return true
for f in testsFilters:
if matchFilter(currentSuiteName, testName, f):
return true
return false
proc cleanupFormatters() {.noconv.} =
for f in formatters.mitems():
proc parseParameters*(args: openArray[string]) =
withLock testFiltersLock:
withLock formattersLock:
# Read tests to run from the command line.
for str in args:
if str.startsWith("--help"):
echo "Usage: [--xml=file.xml] [--console] [test-name-glob]"
quit 0
elif str.startsWith("--xml"):
let fn = str[("--xml".len + 1)..^1] # skip separator char as well
newFileStream(fn, fmWrite)))
except CatchableError as exc:
echo "Cannot open ", fn, " for writing: ", exc.msg
quit 1
elif str.startsWith("--console"):
proc ensureInitialized() =
if autoParseArgs and declared(paramCount):
withLock formattersLock:
if formatters.len == 0:
formatters = @[OutputFormatter(defaultConsoleFormatter())]
# Best-effort attempt to close formatters after the last test has run
ensureInitialized() # Run once!
proc suiteStarted(name: string) =
when paralleliseTests:
repeatableSync() # wait for any independent tests from the threadpool before starting the suite
withLock formattersLock:
for formatter in formatters:
proc suiteEnded() =
when paralleliseTests:
repeatableSync() # wait for a suite's tests from the threadpool before moving on to the next suite
withLock formattersLock:
for formatter in formatters:
proc testStarted(name: string) =
withLock formattersLock:
for formatter in formatters:
if not formatter.isNil:
# Useless check that somehow prevents a method dispatch failure on macOS
proc testEnded(testResult: TestResult) =
withLock formattersLock:
for formatter in formatters:
when paralleliseTests:
withLock outputLock:
template suite*(name, body) {.dirty.} =
## Declare a test suite identified by `name` with optional ``setup``
## and/or ``teardown`` section.
## A test suite is a series of one or more related tests sharing a
## common fixture (``setup``, ``teardown``). The fixture is executed
## for EACH test.
## .. code-block:: nim
## suite "test suite for addition":
## setup:
## let result = 4
## test "2 + 2 = 4":
## check(2+2 == result)
## test "(2 + -2) != 4":
## check(2 + -2 != result)
## # No teardown needed
## The suite will run the individual test cases in the order in which
## they were listed. With default global settings the above code prints:
## .. code-block::
## [Suite] test suite for addition
## [OK] 2 + 2 = 4
## [OK] (2 + -2) != 4
bind suiteStarted, suiteEnded
template setup(setupBody: untyped) {.dirty, used.} =
var testSetupIMPLFlag {.used.} = true
template testSetupIMPL: untyped {.dirty.} = setupBody
template teardown(teardownBody: untyped) {.dirty, used.} =
var testTeardownIMPLFlag {.used.} = true
template testTeardownIMPL: untyped {.dirty.} = teardownBody
2019-05-28 21:58:13 +00:00
template suiteTeardown(suiteTeardownBody: untyped) {.dirty, used.} =
var testSuiteTeardownIMPLFlag {.used.} = true
template testSuiteTeardownIMPL: untyped {.dirty.} = suiteTeardownBody
let testSuiteName {.used.} = name
2019-05-28 21:58:13 +00:00
when declared(testSuiteTeardownIMPLFlag):
when paralleliseTests:
template exceptionTypeName(e: typed): string = $
2021-04-27 18:29:59 +00:00
template test*(name: string, body: untyped) =
## Define a single test case identified by `name`.
## .. code-block:: nim
## test "roses are red":
## let roses = "red"
## check(roses == "red")
## The above code outputs:
## .. code-block::
## [OK] roses are red
2021-04-27 18:29:59 +00:00
bind shouldRun, checkpoints, testStarted, testEnded, exceptionTypeName
# `gensym` can't be in here because it's not a first-class pragma
when paralleliseTests:
# We use "fastcall" to get proper error messages about variable access that
# would make runTest() a closure - which we can't have in a spawned proc.
# "nimcall" doesn't work here, because of
{.pragma: testrunner, gcsafe, fastcall.}
{.pragma: testrunner.}
proc runTest(testSuiteName: string, testName: string): int {.gensym, testrunner.} =
checkpoints = @[]
var testStatusIMPL {.inject.} = TestStatus.OK
let testName {.inject.} = testName
let startTime = getMonoTime()
when declared(testSetupIMPLFlag): testSetupIMPL()
when declared(testTeardownIMPLFlag):
defer: testTeardownIMPL()
2021-04-27 15:41:56 +00:00
except Exception as e: # This will also catch Defect which may or may not work
let eTypeDesc = "[" & exceptionTypeName(e) & "]"
checkpoint("Unhandled exception: " & e.msg & " " & eTypeDesc)
if e == nil: # foreign
var stackTrace {.inject.} = e.getStackTrace()
if testStatusIMPL == TestStatus.FAILED:
programResult = 1
let testResult = TestResult(
suiteName: testSuiteName,
2021-04-27 18:29:59 +00:00
testName: testName,
status: testStatusIMPL,
duration: getMonoTime() - startTime
checkpoints = @[]
let optionalTestSuiteName = when declared(testSuiteName): testSuiteName else: ""
2021-04-27 18:29:59 +00:00
let tname = name
if shouldRun(optionalTestSuiteName, tname):
when paralleliseTests:
2021-04-27 18:29:59 +00:00
flowVars.add(spawn runTest(optionalTestSuiteName, tname))
2021-04-27 18:29:59 +00:00
discard runTest(optionalTestSuiteName, tname)
proc checkpoint*(msg: string) =
## Set a checkpoint identified by `msg`. Upon test failure all
## checkpoints encountered so far are printed out. Example:
## .. code-block:: nim
## checkpoint("Checkpoint A")
## check((42, "the Answer to life and everything") == (1, "a"))
## checkpoint("Checkpoint B")
## outputs "Checkpoint A" once it fails.
# TODO: add support for something like SCOPED_TRACE from Google Test
template fail* =
## Print out the checkpoints encountered so far and quit if ``abortOnError``
## is true. Otherwise, erase the checkpoints and indicate the test has
## failed (change exit code and test status). This template is useful
## for debugging, but is otherwise mostly used internally. Example:
## .. code-block:: nim
## checkpoint("Checkpoint A")
## complicatedProcInThread()
## fail()
## outputs "Checkpoint A" before quitting.
when declared(testStatusIMPL):
testStatusIMPL = TestStatus.FAILED
programResult = 1
withLock formattersLock:
for formatter in formatters:
when declared(stackTrace):
formatter.failureOccurred(checkpoints, stackTrace)
formatter.failureOccurred(checkpoints, "")
if abortOnError: quit(1)
checkpoints = @[]
template skip* =
## Mark the test as skipped. Should be used directly
## in case when it is not possible to perform test
## for reasons depending on outer environment,
## or certain application logic conditions or configurations.
## The test code is still executed.
## .. code-block:: nim
## if not isGLContextCreated():
## skip()
bind checkpoints
testStatusIMPL = TestStatus.SKIPPED
checkpoints = @[]
{.pop.} # raises: [Defect]
macro check*(conditions: untyped): untyped =
## Verify if a statement or a list of statements is true.
## A helpful error message and set checkpoints are printed out on
## failure (if ``outputLevel`` is not ``PRINT_NONE``).
import std/strutils
check("AKB48".toLowerAscii() == "akb48")
let teams = {'A', 'K', 'B', '4', '8'}
"AKB48".toLowerAscii() == "akb48"
'C' notin teams
let checked = callsite()[1]
template asgn(a: untyped, value: typed) =
var a = value # XXX: we need "var: var" here in order to
# preserve the semantics of var params
template print(name: untyped, value: typed) =
when compiles(string($value)):
checkpoint(name & " was " & $value)
proc inspectArgs(exp: NimNode): tuple[assigns, check, printOuts: NimNode] =
result.check = copyNimTree(exp)
result.assigns = newNimNode(nnkStmtList)
result.printOuts = newNimNode(nnkStmtList)
var counter = 0
if exp[0].kind in {nnkIdent, nnkOpenSymChoice, nnkClosedSymChoice, nnkSym} and
$exp[0] in ["not", "in", "notin", "==", "<=",
">=", "<", ">", "!=", "is", "isnot"]:
for i in 1 ..< exp.len:
if exp[i].kind notin nnkLiterals:
inc counter
let argStr = exp[i].toStrLit
let paramAst = exp[i]
if exp[i].kind == nnkIdent:
result.printOuts.add getAst(print(argStr, paramAst))
if exp[i].kind in nnkCallKinds + {nnkDotExpr, nnkBracketExpr, nnkPar} and
(exp[i].typeKind notin {ntyTypeDesc} or $exp[0] notin ["is", "isnot"]):
let callVar = newIdentNode(":c" & $counter)
result.assigns.add getAst(asgn(callVar, paramAst))
result.check[i] = callVar
result.printOuts.add getAst(print(argStr, callVar))
if exp[i].kind == nnkExprEqExpr:
# ExprEqExpr
# Ident "v"
# IntLit 2
result.check[i] = exp[i][1]
if exp[i].typeKind notin {ntyTypeDesc}:
let arg = newIdentNode(":p" & $counter)
result.assigns.add getAst(asgn(arg, paramAst))
result.printOuts.add getAst(print(argStr, arg))
if exp[i].kind != nnkExprEqExpr:
result.check[i] = arg
result.check[i][1] = arg
case checked.kind
of nnkCallKinds:
let (assigns, check, printOuts) = inspectArgs(checked)
let lineinfo = newStrLitNode(checked.lineInfo)
let callLit = checked.toStrLit
result = quote do:
if not `check`:
checkpoint(`lineinfo` & ": Check failed: " & `callLit`)
of nnkStmtList:
result = newNimNode(nnkStmtList)
for node in checked:
if node.kind != nnkCommentStmt:
result.add(newCall(newIdentNode("check"), node))
let lineinfo = newStrLitNode(checked.lineInfo)
let callLit = checked.toStrLit
result = quote do:
if not `checked`:
checkpoint(`lineinfo` & ": Check failed: " & `callLit`)
template require*(conditions: untyped) =
## Same as `check` except any failed test causes the program to quit
## immediately. Any teardown statements are not executed and the failed
## test output is not generated.
let savedAbortOnError = abortOnError
abortOnError = true
check conditions
abortOnError = savedAbortOnError
macro expect*(exceptions: varargs[typed], body: untyped): untyped =
## Test if `body` raises an exception found in the passed `exceptions`.
## The test passes if the raised exception is part of the acceptable
## exceptions. Otherwise, it fails.
import std/[math, random, strutils]
proc defectiveRobot() =
case rand(1..4)
of 1: raise newException(OSError, "CANNOT COMPUTE!")
of 2: discard parseInt("Hello World!")
of 3: raise newException(IOError, "I can't do that Dave.")
else: assert 2 + 2 == 5
when (NimMajor, NimMinor, NimPatch) < (1, 4, 0):
type AssertionDefect = AssertionError
expect IOError, OSError, ValueError, AssertionDefect:
template expectBody(errorTypes, lineInfoLit, body): NimNode {.dirty.} =
checkpoint(lineInfoLit & ": Expect Failed, no exception was thrown.")
except errorTypes:
checkpoint(lineInfoLit & ": Expect Failed, unexpected exception was thrown.")
var errorTypes = newNimNode(nnkBracket)
for exp in exceptions:
result = getAst(expectBody(errorTypes, errorTypes.lineInfo, body))
proc disableParamFiltering* {.deprecated:
"Compile with -d:unittest2DisableParamFiltering instead".} =