import # STD lib os, strutils, cpuinfo, strformat, math, # Library ../../taskpools when not defined(windows): # bench import ../wtime, ../resources var tp: Taskpool proc fib(n: int): int = # int64 on x86-64 if n < 2: return n let x = tp.spawn fib(n-1) let y = fib(n-2) result = sync(x) + y proc main() = var n = 40 var nthreads: int if paramCount() == 0: let exeName = getAppFilename().extractFilename() echo &"Usage: {exeName} " echo &"Running with default n = {n}" elif paramCount() == 1: n = paramStr(1).parseInt else: let exeName = getAppFilename().extractFilename() echo &"Usage: {exeName} " quit 1 if existsEnv"TP_NUM_THREADS": nthreads = getEnv"TP_NUM_THREADS".parseInt() else: nthreads = countProcessors() tp = # measure overhead during tasking when not defined(windows): var ru: Rusage getrusage(RusageSelf, ru) var rss = ru.ru_maxrss flt = ru.ru_minflt let start = wtime_msec() let f = fib(n) when not defined(windows): let stop = wtime_msec() tp.shutdown() when not defined(windows): getrusage(RusageSelf, ru) rss = ru.ru_maxrss - rss flt = ru.ru_minflt - flt echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Scheduler: Taskpool" echo "Benchmark: Fibonacci" echo "Threads: ", nthreads when not defined(windows): echo "Time(ms) ", round(stop - start, 3) echo "Max RSS (KB): ", ru.ru_maxrss echo "Runtime RSS (KB): ", rss echo "# of page faults: ", flt echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "n requested: ", n echo "result: ", f main()