import # std libs std/[macros, unicode] import # task_runner libs ./runner macro task*(kind: static TaskKind, stoppable: static bool, body: untyped): untyped = result = newStmtList() const star = "*" syncPost = "Sync" taskArgPost = "TaskArg" taskPost = "Task" var exported = false starId = ident(star) taskArgTypeId = ident(taskArgPost) taskArgTypeDerivedId: NimNode taskName: string taskNameId: NimNode taskNameImplId: NimNode taskNameSyncId: NimNode taskReturnTypeId: NimNode if kind(body[0]) == nnkPostfix and body[0][0] == ident(star): exported = true taskName = strVal(body[0][1]) taskNameId = ident(taskName) else: taskNameId = body[0] taskName = strVal(taskNameId) taskArgTypeDerivedId = ident(taskName.capitalize & taskArgPost) taskNameImplId = ident(taskName & taskPost) taskNameSyncId = ident(taskName & syncPost) taskReturnTypeId = body[3][0] let chanReturnToSenderId = ident("chanReturnToSender") serializedPointerTypeId = ident("ByteAddress") taskStoppedId = ident("taskStopped") # The repetitiveness of some code below could/should be cleaned up with # additional metaprogramming (and probably more informed use of shortcuts and # helpers provided by Nim's macros module); there can be a task options # object for which e.g. the `stoppable` field is a boolean flag, but then # also a helper object/table with the same fields/keys but the values are # tuples of the type names and field names to be added to the type derived # from TaskArg; the fields of the supplied/default options object can be # iterated over and the proper nnkIdentDefs, etc. can be built according to # the options values and info in the helper object/table; the same (or very # similar) technique could be used to allow e.g. specification of a # TaskRunner instance and/or worker name and/or `ptr Atomic[bool]` (for # stopping the task) in the options object, which would then affect whether # parameters for those things are included in the type signatures of the # constructed procs or instead baked into their bodies. var taskArgTypeDef = newNimNode(nnkTypeDef) objDef = newNimNode(nnkObjectTy) recList = newNimNode(nnkRecList) taskArgTypeDef.add(taskArgTypeDerivedId) taskArgTypeDef.add(newEmptyNode()) objDef.add(newEmptyNode()) objDef.add(newNimNode(nnkOfInherit).add(taskArgTypeId)) if kind == rts: var objParam = newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs) post = newNimNode(nnkPostfix) post.add(starId) post.add(chanReturnToSenderId) objParam.add(post) objParam.add(serializedPointerTypeId) objParam.add(newEmptyNode()) recList.add(objParam) if stoppable == true: var objParam = newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs) post = newNimNode(nnkPostfix) post.add(starId) post.add(taskStoppedId) objParam.add(post) objParam.add(serializedPointerTypeId) objParam.add(newEmptyNode()) recList.add(objParam) for nn in body[3]: if kind(nn) == nnkIdentDefs: var objParam = newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs) post = newNimNode(nnkPostfix) post.add(starId) post.add(nn[0]) objParam.add(post) objParam.add(nn[1]) objParam.add(nn[2]) recList.add(objParam) objDef.add(recList) taskArgTypeDef.add(newNimNode(nnkRefTy).add(objDef)) result.add(newNimNode(nnkTypeSection).add(taskArgTypeDef)) let asyncPragmaId = ident("async") atomicTypeId = ident("Atomic") boolTypeId = ident("bool") futureTypeId = ident("Future") taskArgId = ident("taskArg") taskArgEncId = ident("taskArgEncoded") chanSendToHostId = ident("chanSendToHost") chanSendToWorkerId = ident("chanSendToWorker") stoppedId = ident("stopped") taskRunnerId = ident("taskRunner") taskRunnerTypeId = ident("TaskRunner") workerChannelTypeId = ident("WorkerChannel") workerId = ident("worker") workerNameId = ident("workerName") workerNameTypeId = ident("string") workerRunningId = ident("workerRunning") var atomPtr = newNimNode(nnkPtrTy) atomBracket = newNimNode(nnkBracketExpr) atomBracket.add(atomicTypeId) atomBracket.add(boolTypeId) atomPtr.add(atomBracket) let taskStoppedTypeId = atomPtr workerRunningTypeId = atomPtr var impl = newStmtList() impl.add quote do: let `taskArgId` = decode[`taskArgTypeDerivedId`](`taskArgEncId`) `chanSendToHostId` = cast[`workerChannelTypeId`](`taskArgId`.`chanSendToHostId`) if kind == rts: impl.add quote do: let `chanReturnToSenderId` = cast[`workerChannelTypeId`](`taskArgId`.`chanReturnToSenderId`) if stoppable == true: impl.add quote do: var `taskStoppedId` = cast[`taskStoppedTypeId`](`taskArgId`.`taskStoppedId`) impl.add quote do: var `workerRunningId` = cast[`workerRunningTypeId`](`taskArgId`.`workerRunningId`) for nn in body[3]: if kind(nn) == nnkIdentDefs: let id = nn[0] impl.add quote do: let `id` = `taskArgId`.`id` impl.add(body[6]) result.add quote do: const `taskNameImplId`: Task = proc(`taskArgEncId`: string) {.async, gcsafe, nimcall, raises: [Defect].} = `impl` var taskBody = newStmtList() taskSyncBody = newStmtList() taskProcDef = newNimNode(nnkProcDef) taskProcSyncDef = newNimNode(nnkProcDef) taskProcParams = newNimNode(nnkFormalParams) stoppedIdentDefs = newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs) taskRunnerIdentDefs = newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs) workerNameIdentDefs = newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs) taskProcDef.add(taskNameId) taskProcDef.add(newEmptyNode()) taskProcDef.add(body[2]) taskProcParams.add(newEmptyNode()) taskRunnerIdentDefs.add(taskRunnerId) taskRunnerIdentDefs.add(taskRunnerTypeId) taskRunnerIdentDefs.add(newEmptyNode()) taskProcParams.add(taskRunnerIdentDefs) workerNameIdentDefs.add(workerNameId) workerNameIdentDefs.add(workerNameTypeId) workerNameIdentDefs.add(newEmptyNode()) taskProcParams.add(workerNameIdentDefs) if stoppable == true: stoppedIdentDefs.add(stoppedId) stoppedIdentDefs.add(taskStoppedTypeId) stoppedIdentDefs.add(newEmptyNode()) taskProcParams.add(stoppedIdentDefs) for nn in body[3]: if kind(nn) == nnkIdentDefs: taskProcParams.add(nn) taskProcDef.add(taskProcParams) taskProcDef.add(newNimNode(nnkPragma).add(asyncPragmaId)) taskProcDef.add(newEmptyNode()) copyChildrenTo(taskProcDef, taskProcSyncDef) taskProcSyncDef[0] = taskNameSyncId taskProcSyncDef[4] = newEmptyNode() if kind == rts: if kind(taskReturnTypeId) != nnkEmpty: var futureBracket = newNimNode(nnkBracketExpr) futureBracket.add(futureTypeId) futureBracket.add(taskReturnTypeId) taskProcDef[3][0] = futureBracket taskProcSyncDef[3][0] = taskReturnTypeId taskBody.add quote do: let `workerId` = taskRunner.workers[workerName].worker `chanSendToHostId` = `workerId`.chanRecvFromWorker `chanSendToWorkerId` = `workerId`.chanSendToWorker if kind == rts: taskBody.add quote do: let `chanReturnToSenderId` = newWorkerChannel() taskBody.add quote do: let `taskArgId` = `taskArgTypeDerivedId`( `chanSendToHostId`: cast[`serializedPointerTypeId`](`chanSendToHostId`), task: cast[`serializedPointerTypeId`](`taskNameImplId`), taskName: `taskName`, `workerRunningId`: cast[`serializedPointerTypeId`](addr taskRunner.running) ) var taskArgConstructor = taskBody[if kind == rts: 2 else: 1][0][2] if kind == rts: var objField = newNimNode(nnkExprColonExpr) objField.add(chanReturnToSenderId) objField.add quote do: cast[`serializedPointerTypeId`](`chanReturnToSenderId`) taskArgConstructor.add(objField) if stoppable == true: var objField = newNimNode(nnkExprColonExpr) objField.add(taskStoppedId) objField.add quote do: cast[`serializedPointerTypeId`](`stoppedId`) taskArgConstructor.add(objField) for nn in body[3]: var objField = newNimNode(nnkExprColonExpr) if kind(nn) == nnkIdentDefs: objField.add(nn[0]) objField.add(nn[0]) taskArgConstructor.add(objField) if kind == rts: taskBody.add quote do: `chanReturnToSenderId`.open() copyChildrenTo(taskBody, taskSyncBody) taskBody.add quote do: asyncSpawn `chanSendToWorkerId`.send(`taskArgId` taskSyncBody.add quote do: `chanSendToWorkerId`.sendSync(`taskArgId` if kind == rts: if kind(taskReturnTypeId) != nnkEmpty: taskBody.add quote do: let res = decode[`taskReturnTypeId`]($(await `chanReturnToSenderId`.recv())) `chanReturnToSenderId`.close() return res taskSyncBody.add quote do: let res = decode[`taskReturnTypeId`]($`chanReturnToSenderId`.recvSync()) `chanReturnToSenderId`.close() return res else: taskBody.add quote do: discard $(await `chanReturnToSenderId`.recv()) `chanReturnToSenderId`.close() taskSyncBody.add quote do: discard $`chanReturnToSenderId`.recvSync() `chanReturnToSenderId`.close() taskProcDef.add(taskBody) taskProcSyncDef.add(taskSyncBody) result.add(taskProcDef) result.add(taskProcSyncDef) if exported: result.add quote do: export `taskArgTypeDerivedId`, `taskNameId`, `taskNameSyncId`, `taskNameImplId` # debug ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # echo toStrLit(result) # The approach below doesn't work because unexpected things can happen with the # AST of `body`, at least that's that what I observed; can look into a # different approach: # # (that approach was recommended in #main channel of the official Nim discord # server when I asked about the unexpected AST things) # macro task*(kind: TaskKind, body: untyped): untyped = # result = newStmtList() # result.add(quote do: task(`kind`, false, `body`)) # # macro task*(stoppable: bool, body: untyped): untyped = # result = newStmtList() # result.add(quote do: task(no_rts, `stoppable`, `body`)) # # macro task*(body: untyped): untyped = # result = newStmtList() # result.add(quote do: task(no_rts, false, `body`))