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// intx: extended precision integer library.
// Copyright 2019 Pawel Bylica.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <bit>
#include <cassert>
#include <climits>
#include <concepts>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 5030) // Allow unknown attributes.
#ifndef __has_builtin
#define __has_builtin(NAME) 0
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <intrin.h>
#if !defined(__has_builtin)
#define __has_builtin(NAME) 0
#if !defined(__has_feature)
#define __has_feature(NAME) 0
#if __has_builtin(__builtin_expect)
#define INTX_UNLIKELY(EXPR) __builtin_expect(bool{EXPR}, false)
#define INTX_UNLIKELY(EXPR) (bool{EXPR})
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
#define INTX_REQUIRE assert
#define INTX_REQUIRE(X) (X) ? (void)0 : intx::unreachable()
// Detect compiler support for 128-bit integer __int128
#if defined(__SIZEOF_INT128__)
namespace intx
/// Mark a possible code path as unreachable (invokes undefined behavior).
/// TODO(C++23): Use std::unreachable().
[[noreturn]] inline void unreachable() noexcept
#if __has_builtin(__builtin_unreachable)
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpedantic" // Usage of __int128 triggers a pedantic warning.
/// Alias for the compiler supported unsigned __int128 type.
using builtin_uint128 = unsigned __int128;
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
template <unsigned N>
struct uint;
/// The 128-bit unsigned integer.
/// This type is defined as a specialization of uint<> to easier integration with full intx package,
/// however, uint128 may be used independently.
template <>
struct uint<128>
using word_type = uint64_t;
static constexpr auto word_num_bits = sizeof(word_type) * 8;
static constexpr unsigned num_bits = 128;
static constexpr auto num_words = num_bits / word_num_bits;
uint64_t words_[2]{};
constexpr uint() noexcept = default;
constexpr uint(uint64_t low, uint64_t high) noexcept : words_{low, high} {}
template <typename T,
typename = typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<T, uint64_t>::value>>
constexpr uint(T x) noexcept : words_{static_cast<uint64_t>(x), 0} // NOLINT
constexpr uint(builtin_uint128 x) noexcept // NOLINT
: words_{uint64_t(x), uint64_t(x >> 64)}
constexpr explicit operator builtin_uint128() const noexcept
return (builtin_uint128{words_[1]} << 64) | words_[0];
constexpr uint64_t& operator[](size_t i) noexcept { return words_[i]; }
constexpr const uint64_t& operator[](size_t i) const noexcept { return words_[i]; }
constexpr explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return (words_[0] | words_[1]) != 0; }
/// Explicit converting operator for all builtin integral types.
template <typename Int, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<Int>::value>::type>
constexpr explicit operator Int() const noexcept
return static_cast<Int>(words_[0]);
using uint128 = uint<128>;
/// Contains result of add/sub/etc with a carry flag.
template <typename T>
struct result_with_carry
T value;
bool carry;
/// Conversion to tuple of references, to allow usage with std::tie().
constexpr operator std::tuple<T&, bool&>() noexcept { return {value, carry}; }
/// Linear arithmetic operators.
/// @{
/// Addition with carry.
inline constexpr result_with_carry<uint64_t> addc(
uint64_t x, uint64_t y, bool carry = false) noexcept
#if __has_builtin(__builtin_addcll)
if (!std::is_constant_evaluated())
unsigned long long carryout = 0; // NOLINT(google-runtime-int)
const auto s = __builtin_addcll(x, y, carry, &carryout);
static_assert(sizeof(s) == sizeof(uint64_t));
return {s, static_cast<bool>(carryout)};
#elif __has_builtin(__builtin_ia32_addcarryx_u64)
if (!std::is_constant_evaluated())
unsigned long long s = 0; // NOLINT(google-runtime-int)
static_assert(sizeof(s) == sizeof(uint64_t));
const auto carryout = __builtin_ia32_addcarryx_u64(carry, x, y, &s);
return {s, static_cast<bool>(carryout)};
const auto s = x + y;
const auto carry1 = s < x;
const auto t = s + carry;
const auto carry2 = t < s;
return {t, carry1 || carry2};
/// Subtraction with carry (borrow).
inline constexpr result_with_carry<uint64_t> subc(
uint64_t x, uint64_t y, bool carry = false) noexcept
#if __has_builtin(__builtin_subcll)
if (!std::is_constant_evaluated())
unsigned long long carryout = 0; // NOLINT(google-runtime-int)
const auto d = __builtin_subcll(x, y, carry, &carryout);
static_assert(sizeof(d) == sizeof(uint64_t));
return {d, static_cast<bool>(carryout)};
#elif __has_builtin(__builtin_ia32_sbb_u64)
if (!std::is_constant_evaluated())
unsigned long long d = 0; // NOLINT(google-runtime-int)
static_assert(sizeof(d) == sizeof(uint64_t));
const auto carryout = __builtin_ia32_sbb_u64(carry, x, y, &d);
return {d, static_cast<bool>(carryout)};
const auto d = x - y;
const auto carry1 = x < y;
const auto e = d - carry;
const auto carry2 = d < uint64_t{carry};
return {e, carry1 || carry2};
/// Addition with carry.
template <unsigned N>
inline constexpr result_with_carry<uint<N>> addc(
const uint<N>& x, const uint<N>& y, bool carry = false) noexcept
uint<N> s;
bool k = carry;
for (size_t i = 0; i < uint<N>::num_words; ++i)
auto t = addc(x[i], y[i], k);
s[i] = t.value;
k = t.carry;
return {s, k};
inline constexpr uint128 operator+(uint128 x, uint128 y) noexcept
return addc(x, y).value;
inline constexpr uint128 operator+(uint128 x) noexcept
return x;
/// Performs subtraction of two unsigned numbers and returns the difference
/// and the carry bit (aka borrow, overflow).
template <unsigned N>
inline constexpr result_with_carry<uint<N>> subc(
const uint<N>& x, const uint<N>& y, bool carry = false) noexcept
uint<N> z;
bool k = carry;
for (size_t i = 0; i < uint<N>::num_words; ++i)
auto t = subc(x[i], y[i], k);
z[i] = t.value;
k = t.carry;
return {z, k};
inline constexpr uint128 operator-(uint128 x, uint128 y) noexcept
return subc(x, y).value;
inline constexpr uint128 operator-(uint128 x) noexcept
// Implementing as subtraction is better than ~x + 1.
// Clang9: Perfect.
// GCC8: Does something weird.
return 0 - x;
inline uint128& operator++(uint128& x) noexcept
return x = x + 1;
inline uint128& operator--(uint128& x) noexcept
return x = x - 1;
inline const uint128 operator++(uint128& x, int) noexcept // NOLINT(readability-const-return-type)
const auto ret = x;
return ret;
inline const uint128 operator--(uint128& x, int) noexcept // NOLINT(readability-const-return-type)
const auto ret = x;
return ret;
/// Optimized addition.
/// This keeps the multiprecision addition until CodeGen so the pattern is not
/// broken during other optimizations.
inline constexpr uint128 fast_add(uint128 x, uint128 y) noexcept
return builtin_uint128{x} + builtin_uint128{y};
return x + y; // Fallback to generic addition.
/// @}
/// Comparison operators.
/// In all implementations bitwise operators are used instead of logical ones
/// to avoid branching.
/// @{
inline constexpr bool operator==(uint128 x, uint128 y) noexcept
return ((x[0] ^ y[0]) | (x[1] ^ y[1])) == 0;
inline constexpr bool operator!=(uint128 x, uint128 y) noexcept
return !(x == y);
inline constexpr bool operator<(uint128 x, uint128 y) noexcept
// OPT: This should be implemented by checking the borrow of x - y,
// but compilers (GCC8, Clang7)
// have problem with properly optimizing subtraction.
return builtin_uint128{x} < builtin_uint128{y};
return (unsigned{x[1] < y[1]} | (unsigned{x[1] == y[1]} & unsigned{x[0] < y[0]})) != 0;
inline constexpr bool operator<=(uint128 x, uint128 y) noexcept
return !(y < x);
inline constexpr bool operator>(uint128 x, uint128 y) noexcept
return y < x;
inline constexpr bool operator>=(uint128 x, uint128 y) noexcept
return !(x < y);
/// @}
/// Bitwise operators.
/// @{
inline constexpr uint128 operator~(uint128 x) noexcept
return {~x[0], ~x[1]};
inline constexpr uint128 operator|(uint128 x, uint128 y) noexcept
// Clang: perfect.
// GCC 8-12: stupidly uses a vector instruction in all bitwise operators.
return {x[0] | y[0], x[1] | y[1]};
inline constexpr uint128 operator&(uint128 x, uint128 y) noexcept
return {x[0] & y[0], x[1] & y[1]};
inline constexpr uint128 operator^(uint128 x, uint128 y) noexcept
return {x[0] ^ y[0], x[1] ^ y[1]};
inline constexpr uint128 operator<<(uint128 x, uint64_t shift) noexcept
return (shift < 64) ?
// Find the part moved from lo to hi.
// For shift == 0 right shift by (64 - shift) is invalid so
// split it into 2 shifts by 1 and (63 - shift).
uint128{x[0] << shift, (x[1] << shift) | ((x[0] >> 1) >> (63 - shift))} :
// Guarantee "defined" behavior for shifts larger than 128.
(shift < 128) ? uint128{0, x[0] << (shift - 64)} : 0;
inline constexpr uint128 operator<<(uint128 x, uint128 shift) noexcept
if (INTX_UNLIKELY(shift[1] != 0))
return 0;
return x << shift[0];
inline constexpr uint128 operator>>(uint128 x, uint64_t shift) noexcept
return (shift < 64) ?
// Find the part moved from lo to hi.
// For shift == 0 left shift by (64 - shift) is invalid so
// split it into 2 shifts by 1 and (63 - shift).
uint128{(x[0] >> shift) | ((x[1] << 1) << (63 - shift)), x[1] >> shift} :
// Guarantee "defined" behavior for shifts larger than 128.
(shift < 128) ? uint128{x[1] >> (shift - 64)} : 0;
inline constexpr uint128 operator>>(uint128 x, uint128 shift) noexcept
if (INTX_UNLIKELY(shift[1] != 0))
return 0;
return x >> static_cast<uint64_t>(shift);
/// @}
/// Multiplication
/// @{
/// Full unsigned multiplication 64 x 64 -> 128.
inline constexpr uint128 umul(uint64_t x, uint64_t y) noexcept
return builtin_uint128{x} * builtin_uint128{y};
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1925 && defined(_M_X64)
if (!std::is_constant_evaluated())
unsigned __int64 hi = 0;
const auto lo = _umul128(x, y, &hi);
return {lo, hi};
// For constexpr fallback to portable variant.
// Portable full unsigned multiplication 64 x 64 -> 128.
uint64_t xl = x & 0xffffffff;
uint64_t xh = x >> 32;
uint64_t yl = y & 0xffffffff;
uint64_t yh = y >> 32;
uint64_t t0 = xl * yl;
uint64_t t1 = xh * yl;
uint64_t t2 = xl * yh;
uint64_t t3 = xh * yh;
uint64_t u1 = t1 + (t0 >> 32);
uint64_t u2 = t2 + (u1 & 0xffffffff);
uint64_t lo = (u2 << 32) | (t0 & 0xffffffff);
uint64_t hi = t3 + (u2 >> 32) + (u1 >> 32);
return {lo, hi};
inline constexpr uint128 operator*(uint128 x, uint128 y) noexcept
auto p = umul(x[0], y[0]);
p[1] += (x[0] * y[1]) + (x[1] * y[0]);
return {p[0], p[1]};
/// @}
/// Assignment operators.
/// @{
inline constexpr uint128& operator+=(uint128& x, uint128 y) noexcept
return x = x + y;
inline constexpr uint128& operator-=(uint128& x, uint128 y) noexcept
return x = x - y;
inline uint128& operator*=(uint128& x, uint128 y) noexcept
return x = x * y;
inline constexpr uint128& operator|=(uint128& x, uint128 y) noexcept
return x = x | y;
inline constexpr uint128& operator&=(uint128& x, uint128 y) noexcept
return x = x & y;
inline constexpr uint128& operator^=(uint128& x, uint128 y) noexcept
return x = x ^ y;
inline constexpr uint128& operator<<=(uint128& x, uint64_t shift) noexcept
return x = x << shift;
inline constexpr uint128& operator>>=(uint128& x, uint64_t shift) noexcept
return x = x >> shift;
/// @}
inline constexpr unsigned clz(std::unsigned_integral auto x) noexcept
return static_cast<unsigned>(std::countl_zero(x));
inline constexpr unsigned clz(uint128 x) noexcept
// In this order `h == 0` we get less instructions than in case of `h != 0`.
return x[1] == 0 ? clz(x[0]) + 64 : clz(x[1]);
template <typename T>
T bswap(T x) noexcept = delete; // Disable type auto promotion
inline constexpr uint8_t bswap(uint8_t x) noexcept
return x;
inline constexpr uint16_t bswap(uint16_t x) noexcept
#if __has_builtin(__builtin_bswap16)
return __builtin_bswap16(x);
#ifdef _MSC_VER
if (!std::is_constant_evaluated())
return _byteswap_ushort(x);
return static_cast<uint16_t>((x << 8) | (x >> 8));
inline constexpr uint32_t bswap(uint32_t x) noexcept
#if __has_builtin(__builtin_bswap32)
return __builtin_bswap32(x);
#ifdef _MSC_VER
if (!std::is_constant_evaluated())
return _byteswap_ulong(x);
const auto a = ((x << 8) & 0xFF00FF00) | ((x >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF);
return (a << 16) | (a >> 16);
inline constexpr uint64_t bswap(uint64_t x) noexcept
#if __has_builtin(__builtin_bswap64)
return __builtin_bswap64(x);
#ifdef _MSC_VER
if (!std::is_constant_evaluated())
return _byteswap_uint64(x);
const auto a = ((x << 8) & 0xFF00FF00FF00FF00) | ((x >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF00FF00FF);
const auto b = ((a << 16) & 0xFFFF0000FFFF0000) | ((a >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF0000FFFF);
return (b << 32) | (b >> 32);
inline constexpr uint128 bswap(uint128 x) noexcept
return {bswap(x[1]), bswap(x[0])};
/// Division.
/// @{
template <typename QuotT, typename RemT = QuotT>
struct div_result
QuotT quot;
RemT rem;
/// Conversion to tuple of references, to allow usage with std::tie().
constexpr operator std::tuple<QuotT&, RemT&>() noexcept { return {quot, rem}; }
namespace internal
inline constexpr uint16_t reciprocal_table_item(uint8_t d9) noexcept
return uint16_t(0x7fd00 / (0x100 | d9));
#define REPEAT4(x) \
reciprocal_table_item((x) + 0), reciprocal_table_item((x) + 1), \
reciprocal_table_item((x) + 2), reciprocal_table_item((x) + 3)
#define REPEAT32(x) \
REPEAT4((x) + 4 * 0), REPEAT4((x) + 4 * 1), REPEAT4((x) + 4 * 2), REPEAT4((x) + 4 * 3), \
REPEAT4((x) + 4 * 4), REPEAT4((x) + 4 * 5), REPEAT4((x) + 4 * 6), REPEAT4((x) + 4 * 7)
#define REPEAT256() \
REPEAT32(32 * 0), REPEAT32(32 * 1), REPEAT32(32 * 2), REPEAT32(32 * 3), REPEAT32(32 * 4), \
REPEAT32(32 * 5), REPEAT32(32 * 6), REPEAT32(32 * 7)
/// Reciprocal lookup table.
constexpr uint16_t reciprocal_table[] = {REPEAT256()};
#undef REPEAT4
#undef REPEAT32
#undef REPEAT256
} // namespace internal
/// Computes the reciprocal (2^128 - 1) / d - 2^64 for normalized d.
/// Based on Algorithm 2 from "Improved division by invariant integers".
inline uint64_t reciprocal_2by1(uint64_t d) noexcept
INTX_REQUIRE(d & 0x8000000000000000); // Must be normalized.
const uint64_t d9 = d >> 55;
const uint32_t v0 = internal::reciprocal_table[d9 - 256];
const uint64_t d40 = (d >> 24) + 1;
const uint64_t v1 = (v0 << 11) - uint32_t(uint32_t{v0 * v0} * d40 >> 40) - 1;
const uint64_t v2 = (v1 << 13) + (v1 * (0x1000000000000000 - v1 * d40) >> 47);
const uint64_t d0 = d & 1;
const uint64_t d63 = (d >> 1) + d0; // ceil(d/2)
const uint64_t e = ((v2 >> 1) & (0 - d0)) - v2 * d63;
const uint64_t v3 = (umul(v2, e)[1] >> 1) + (v2 << 31);
const uint64_t v4 = v3 - (umul(v3, d) + d)[1] - d;
return v4;
inline uint64_t reciprocal_3by2(uint128 d) noexcept
auto v = reciprocal_2by1(d[1]);
auto p = d[1] * v;
p += d[0];
if (p < d[0])
if (p >= d[1])
p -= d[1];
p -= d[1];
const auto t = umul(v, d[0]);
p += t[1];
if (p < t[1])
if (p >= d[1])
if (p > d[1] || t[0] >= d[0])
return v;
inline div_result<uint64_t> udivrem_2by1(uint128 u, uint64_t d, uint64_t v) noexcept
auto q = umul(v, u[1]);
q = fast_add(q, u);
auto r = u[0] - q[1] * d;
if (r > q[0])
r += d;
if (r >= d)
r -= d;
return {q[1], r};
inline div_result<uint64_t, uint128> udivrem_3by2(
uint64_t u2, uint64_t u1, uint64_t u0, uint128 d, uint64_t v) noexcept
auto q = umul(v, u2);
q = fast_add(q, {u1, u2});
auto r1 = u1 - q[1] * d[1];
auto t = umul(d[0], q[1]);
auto r = uint128{u0, r1} - t - d;
r1 = r[1];
if (r1 >= q[0])
r += d;
if (r >= d)
r -= d;
return {q[1], r};
inline div_result<uint128> udivrem(uint128 x, uint128 y) noexcept
if (y[1] == 0)
INTX_REQUIRE(y[0] != 0); // Division by 0.
const auto lsh = clz(y[0]);
const auto rsh = (64 - lsh) % 64;
const auto rsh_mask = uint64_t{lsh == 0} - 1;
const auto yn = y[0] << lsh;
const auto xn_lo = x[0] << lsh;
const auto xn_hi = (x[1] << lsh) | ((x[0] >> rsh) & rsh_mask);
const auto xn_ex = (x[1] >> rsh) & rsh_mask;
const auto v = reciprocal_2by1(yn);
const auto res1 = udivrem_2by1({xn_hi, xn_ex}, yn, v);
const auto res2 = udivrem_2by1({xn_lo, res1.rem}, yn, v);
return {{res2.quot, res1.quot}, res2.rem >> lsh};
if (y[1] > x[1])
return {0, x};
const auto lsh = clz(y[1]);
if (lsh == 0)
const auto q = unsigned{y[1] < x[1]} | unsigned{y[0] <= x[0]};
return {q, x - (q ? y : 0)};
const auto rsh = 64 - lsh;
const auto yn_lo = y[0] << lsh;
const auto yn_hi = (y[1] << lsh) | (y[0] >> rsh);
const auto xn_lo = x[0] << lsh;
const auto xn_hi = (x[1] << lsh) | (x[0] >> rsh);
const auto xn_ex = x[1] >> rsh;
const auto v = reciprocal_3by2({yn_lo, yn_hi});
const auto res = udivrem_3by2(xn_ex, xn_hi, xn_lo, {yn_lo, yn_hi}, v);
return {res.quot, res.rem >> lsh};
inline div_result<uint128> sdivrem(uint128 x, uint128 y) noexcept
constexpr auto sign_mask = uint128{1} << 127;
const auto x_is_neg = (x & sign_mask) != 0;
const auto y_is_neg = (y & sign_mask) != 0;
const auto x_abs = x_is_neg ? -x : x;
const auto y_abs = y_is_neg ? -y : y;
const auto q_is_neg = x_is_neg ^ y_is_neg;
const auto res = udivrem(x_abs, y_abs);
return {q_is_neg ? -res.quot : res.quot, x_is_neg ? -res.rem : res.rem};
inline uint128 operator/(uint128 x, uint128 y) noexcept
return udivrem(x, y).quot;
inline uint128 operator%(uint128 x, uint128 y) noexcept
return udivrem(x, y).rem;
inline uint128& operator/=(uint128& x, uint128 y) noexcept
return x = x / y;
inline uint128& operator%=(uint128& x, uint128 y) noexcept
return x = x % y;
/// @}
} // namespace intx
namespace std
template <unsigned N>
struct numeric_limits<intx::uint<N>> // NOLINT(cert-dcl58-cpp)
using type = intx::uint<N>;
static constexpr bool is_specialized = true;
static constexpr bool is_integer = true;
static constexpr bool is_signed = false;
static constexpr bool is_exact = true;
static constexpr bool has_infinity = false;
static constexpr bool has_quiet_NaN = false;
static constexpr bool has_signaling_NaN = false;
static constexpr float_denorm_style has_denorm = denorm_absent;
static constexpr bool has_denorm_loss = false;
static constexpr float_round_style round_style = round_toward_zero;
static constexpr bool is_iec559 = false;
static constexpr bool is_bounded = true;
static constexpr bool is_modulo = true;
static constexpr int digits = CHAR_BIT * sizeof(type);
static constexpr int digits10 = int(0.3010299956639812 * digits);
static constexpr int max_digits10 = 0;
static constexpr int radix = 2;
static constexpr int min_exponent = 0;
static constexpr int min_exponent10 = 0;
static constexpr int max_exponent = 0;
static constexpr int max_exponent10 = 0;
static constexpr bool traps = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::traps;
static constexpr bool tinyness_before = false;
static constexpr type min() noexcept { return 0; }
static constexpr type lowest() noexcept { return min(); }
static constexpr type max() noexcept { return ~type{0}; }
static constexpr type epsilon() noexcept { return 0; }
static constexpr type round_error() noexcept { return 0; }
static constexpr type infinity() noexcept { return 0; }
static constexpr type quiet_NaN() noexcept { return 0; }
static constexpr type signaling_NaN() noexcept { return 0; }
static constexpr type denorm_min() noexcept { return 0; }
} // namespace std
namespace intx
template <typename T>
[[noreturn]] inline void throw_(const char* what)
#if __cpp_exceptions
throw T{what};
std::fputs(what, stderr);
inline constexpr int from_dec_digit(char c)
if (c < '0' || c > '9')
throw_<std::invalid_argument>("invalid digit");
return c - '0';
inline constexpr int from_hex_digit(char c)
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
return c - ('a' - 10);
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
return c - ('A' - 10);
return from_dec_digit(c);
template <typename Int>
inline constexpr Int from_string(const char* str)
auto s = str;
auto x = Int{};
int num_digits = 0;
if (s[0] == '0' && s[1] == 'x')
s += 2;
while (const auto c = *s++)
if (++num_digits > int{sizeof(x) * 2})
x = (x << uint64_t{4}) | from_hex_digit(c);
return x;
while (const auto c = *s++)
if (num_digits++ > std::numeric_limits<Int>::digits10)
const auto d = from_dec_digit(c);
x = x * Int{10} + d;
if (x < d)
return x;
template <typename Int>
inline constexpr Int from_string(const std::string& s)
return from_string<Int>(s.c_str());
inline constexpr uint128 operator""_u128(const char* s)
return from_string<uint128>(s);
template <unsigned N>
inline std::string to_string(uint<N> x, int base = 10)
if (base < 2 || base > 36)
throw_<std::invalid_argument>("invalid base");
if (x == 0)
return "0";
auto s = std::string{};
while (x != 0)
// TODO: Use constexpr udivrem_1?
const auto res = udivrem(x, uint<N>{base});
const auto d = int(res.rem);
const auto c = d < 10 ? '0' + d : 'a' + d - 10;
x = res.quot;
std::reverse(s.begin(), s.end());
return s;
template <unsigned N>
inline std::string hex(uint<N> x)
return to_string(x, 16);
template <unsigned N>
struct uint
using word_type = uint64_t;
static constexpr auto word_num_bits = sizeof(word_type) * 8;
static constexpr auto num_bits = N;
static constexpr auto num_words = num_bits / word_num_bits;
static_assert(N >= 2 * word_num_bits, "Number of bits must be at lest 128");
static_assert(N % word_num_bits == 0, "Number of bits must be a multiply of 64");
uint64_t words_[num_words]{};
constexpr uint() noexcept = default;
/// Implicit converting constructor for any smaller uint type.
template <unsigned M, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<(M < N)>>
constexpr uint(const uint<M>& x) noexcept
for (size_t i = 0; i < uint<M>::num_words; ++i)
words_[i] = x[i];
template <typename... T,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::conjunction_v<std::is_convertible<T, uint64_t>...>>>
constexpr uint(T... v) noexcept : words_{static_cast<uint64_t>(v)...}
constexpr uint64_t& operator[](size_t i) noexcept { return words_[i]; }
constexpr const uint64_t& operator[](size_t i) const noexcept { return words_[i]; }
constexpr explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return *this != uint{}; }
template <unsigned M, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<(M < N)>>
explicit operator uint<M>() const noexcept
uint<M> r;
for (size_t i = 0; i < uint<M>::num_words; ++i)
r[i] = words_[i];
return r;
/// Explicit converting operator for all builtin integral types.
template <typename Int, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<Int>>>
explicit operator Int() const noexcept
static_assert(sizeof(Int) <= sizeof(uint64_t));
return static_cast<Int>(words_[0]);
friend inline constexpr uint operator+(const uint& x, const uint& y) noexcept
return addc(x, y).value;
inline constexpr uint& operator+=(const uint& y) noexcept { return *this = *this + y; }
inline constexpr uint operator-() const noexcept { return ~*this + uint{1}; }
friend inline constexpr uint operator-(const uint& x, const uint& y) noexcept
return subc(x, y).value;
inline constexpr uint& operator-=(const uint& y) noexcept { return *this = *this - y; }
/// Multiplication implementation using word access
/// and discarding the high part of the result product.
friend inline constexpr uint operator*(const uint& x, const uint& y) noexcept
uint<N> p;
for (size_t j = 0; j < num_words; j++)
uint64_t k = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < (num_words - j - 1); i++)
auto a = addc(p[i + j], k);
auto t = umul(x[i], y[j]) + uint128{a.value, a.carry};
p[i + j] = t[0];
k = t[1];
p[num_words - 1] += x[num_words - j - 1] * y[j] + k;
return p;
inline constexpr uint& operator*=(const uint& y) noexcept { return *this = *this * y; }
friend inline constexpr uint operator/(const uint& x, const uint& y) noexcept
return udivrem(x, y).quot;
friend inline constexpr uint operator%(const uint& x, const uint& y) noexcept
return udivrem(x, y).rem;
inline constexpr uint& operator/=(const uint& y) noexcept { return *this = *this / y; }
inline constexpr uint& operator%=(const uint& y) noexcept { return *this = *this % y; }
inline constexpr uint operator~() const noexcept
uint z;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_words; ++i)
z[i] = ~words_[i];
return z;
friend inline constexpr uint operator|(const uint& x, const uint& y) noexcept
uint z;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_words; ++i)
z[i] = x[i] | y[i];
return z;
inline constexpr uint& operator|=(const uint& y) noexcept { return *this = *this | y; }
friend inline constexpr uint operator&(const uint& x, const uint& y) noexcept
uint z;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_words; ++i)
z[i] = x[i] & y[i];
return z;
inline constexpr uint& operator&=(const uint& y) noexcept { return *this = *this & y; }
friend inline constexpr uint operator^(const uint& x, const uint& y) noexcept
uint z;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_words; ++i)
z[i] = x[i] ^ y[i];
return z;
inline constexpr uint& operator^=(const uint& y) noexcept { return *this = *this ^ y; }
using uint192 = uint<192>;
using uint256 = uint<256>;
using uint320 = uint<320>;
using uint384 = uint<384>;
using uint512 = uint<512>;
template <unsigned N>
inline constexpr bool operator==(const uint<N>& x, const uint<N>& y) noexcept
uint64_t folded = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < uint<N>::num_words; ++i)
folded |= (x[i] ^ y[i]);
return folded == 0;
template <unsigned N, typename T,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T, uint<N>>::value>::type>
inline constexpr bool operator==(const uint<N>& x, const T& y) noexcept
return x == uint<N>(y);
template <unsigned N, typename T,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T, uint<N>>::value>::type>
inline constexpr bool operator==(const T& x, const uint<N>& y) noexcept
return uint<N>(y) == x;
template <unsigned N>
inline constexpr bool operator!=(const uint<N>& x, const uint<N>& y) noexcept
return !(x == y);
template <unsigned N, typename T,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T, uint<N>>::value>::type>
inline constexpr bool operator!=(const uint<N>& x, const T& y) noexcept
return x != uint<N>(y);
template <unsigned N, typename T,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T, uint<N>>::value>::type>
inline constexpr bool operator!=(const T& x, const uint<N>& y) noexcept
return uint<N>(x) != y;
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER < 1916 // This kills MSVC 2017 compiler.
inline constexpr bool operator<(const uint256& x, const uint256& y) noexcept
auto xp = uint128{x[2], x[3]};
auto yp = uint128{y[2], y[3]};
if (xp == yp)
xp = uint128{x[0], x[1]};
yp = uint128{y[0], y[1]};
return xp < yp;
template <unsigned N>
inline constexpr bool operator<(const uint<N>& x, const uint<N>& y) noexcept
return subc(x, y).carry;
template <unsigned N, typename T,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T, uint<N>>::value>::type>
inline constexpr bool operator<(const uint<N>& x, const T& y) noexcept
return x < uint<N>(y);
template <unsigned N, typename T,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T, uint<N>>::value>::type>
inline constexpr bool operator<(const T& x, const uint<N>& y) noexcept
return uint<N>(x) < y;
template <unsigned N>
inline constexpr bool operator>(const uint<N>& x, const uint<N>& y) noexcept
return y < x;
template <unsigned N, typename T,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T, uint<N>>::value>::type>
inline constexpr bool operator>(const uint<N>& x, const T& y) noexcept
return x > uint<N>(y);
template <unsigned N, typename T,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T, uint<N>>::value>::type>
inline constexpr bool operator>(const T& x, const uint<N>& y) noexcept
return uint<N>(x) > y;
template <unsigned N>
inline constexpr bool operator>=(const uint<N>& x, const uint<N>& y) noexcept
return !(x < y);
template <unsigned N, typename T,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T, uint<N>>::value>::type>
inline constexpr bool operator>=(const uint<N>& x, const T& y) noexcept
return x >= uint<N>(y);
template <unsigned N, typename T,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T, uint<N>>::value>::type>
inline constexpr bool operator>=(const T& x, const uint<N>& y) noexcept
return uint<N>(x) >= y;
template <unsigned N>
inline constexpr bool operator<=(const uint<N>& x, const uint<N>& y) noexcept
return !(y < x);
template <unsigned N, typename T,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T, uint<N>>::value>::type>
inline constexpr bool operator<=(const uint<N>& x, const T& y) noexcept
return x <= uint<N>(y);
template <unsigned N, typename T,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T, uint<N>>::value>::type>
inline constexpr bool operator<=(const T& x, const uint<N>& y) noexcept
return uint<N>(x) <= y;
/// Signed less than comparison.
/// Interprets the arguments as two's complement signed integers
/// and checks the "less than" relation.
template <unsigned N>
inline constexpr bool slt(const uint<N>& x, const uint<N>& y) noexcept
constexpr auto top_word_idx = uint<N>::num_words - 1;
const auto x_neg = static_cast<int64_t>(x[top_word_idx]) < 0;
const auto y_neg = static_cast<int64_t>(y[top_word_idx]) < 0;
return ((x_neg ^ y_neg) != 0) ? x_neg : x < y;
inline constexpr uint256 operator<<(const uint256& x, uint64_t shift) noexcept
if (INTX_UNLIKELY(shift >= uint256::num_bits))
return 0;
constexpr auto num_bits = uint256::num_bits;
constexpr auto half_bits = num_bits / 2;
const auto xlo = uint128{x[0], x[1]};
if (shift < half_bits)
const auto lo = xlo << shift;
const auto xhi = uint128{x[2], x[3]};
// Find the part moved from lo to hi.
// The shift right here can be invalid:
// for shift == 0 => rshift == half_bits.
// Split it into 2 valid shifts by (rshift - 1) and 1.
const auto rshift = half_bits - shift;
const auto lo_overflow = (xlo >> (rshift - 1)) >> 1;
const auto hi = (xhi << shift) | lo_overflow;
return {lo[0], lo[1], hi[0], hi[1]};
const auto hi = xlo << (shift - half_bits);
return {0, 0, hi[0], hi[1]};
template <unsigned N>
inline constexpr uint<N> operator<<(const uint<N>& x, uint64_t shift) noexcept
if (INTX_UNLIKELY(shift >= uint<N>::num_bits))
return 0;
constexpr auto word_bits = sizeof(uint64_t) * 8;
const auto s = shift % word_bits;
const auto skip = static_cast<size_t>(shift / word_bits);
uint<N> r;
uint64_t carry = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < (uint<N>::num_words - skip); ++i)
r[i + skip] = (x[i] << s) | carry;
carry = (x[i] >> (word_bits - s - 1)) >> 1;
return r;
inline constexpr uint256 operator>>(const uint256& x, uint64_t shift) noexcept
if (INTX_UNLIKELY(shift >= uint256::num_bits))
return 0;
constexpr auto num_bits = uint256::num_bits;
constexpr auto half_bits = num_bits / 2;
const auto xhi = uint128{x[2], x[3]};
if (shift < half_bits)
const auto hi = xhi >> shift;
const auto xlo = uint128{x[0], x[1]};
// Find the part moved from hi to lo.
// The shift left here can be invalid:
// for shift == 0 => lshift == half_bits.
// Split it into 2 valid shifts by (lshift - 1) and 1.
const auto lshift = half_bits - shift;
const auto hi_overflow = (xhi << (lshift - 1)) << 1;
const auto lo = (xlo >> shift) | hi_overflow;
return {lo[0], lo[1], hi[0], hi[1]};
const auto lo = xhi >> (shift - half_bits);
return {lo[0], lo[1], 0, 0};
template <unsigned N>
inline constexpr uint<N> operator>>(const uint<N>& x, uint64_t shift) noexcept
if (INTX_UNLIKELY(shift >= uint<N>::num_bits))
return 0;
constexpr auto num_words = uint<N>::num_words;
constexpr auto word_bits = sizeof(uint64_t) * 8;
const auto s = shift % word_bits;
const auto skip = static_cast<size_t>(shift / word_bits);
uint<N> r;
uint64_t carry = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < (num_words - skip); ++i)
r[num_words - 1 - i - skip] = (x[num_words - 1 - i] >> s) | carry;
carry = (x[num_words - 1 - i] << (word_bits - s - 1)) << 1;
return r;
template <unsigned N>
inline constexpr uint<N> operator<<(const uint<N>& x, const uint<N>& shift) noexcept
uint64_t high_words_fold = 0;
for (size_t i = 1; i < uint<N>::num_words; ++i)
high_words_fold |= shift[i];
if (INTX_UNLIKELY(high_words_fold != 0))
return 0;
return x << shift[0];
template <unsigned N>
inline constexpr uint<N> operator>>(const uint<N>& x, const uint<N>& shift) noexcept
uint64_t high_words_fold = 0;
for (size_t i = 1; i < uint<N>::num_words; ++i)
high_words_fold |= shift[i];
if (INTX_UNLIKELY(high_words_fold != 0))
return 0;
return x >> shift[0];
template <unsigned N, typename T,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T, uint<N>>::value>::type>
inline constexpr uint<N> operator<<(const uint<N>& x, const T& shift) noexcept
if (shift < T{sizeof(x) * 8})
return x << static_cast<uint64_t>(shift);
return 0;
template <unsigned N, typename T,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T, uint<N>>::value>::type>
inline constexpr uint<N> operator>>(const uint<N>& x, const T& shift) noexcept
if (shift < T{sizeof(x) * 8})
return x >> static_cast<uint64_t>(shift);
return 0;
template <unsigned N>
inline constexpr uint<N>& operator>>=(uint<N>& x, uint64_t shift) noexcept
return x = x >> shift;
inline constexpr uint64_t* as_words(uint128& x) noexcept
return &x[0];
inline constexpr const uint64_t* as_words(const uint128& x) noexcept
return &x[0];
template <unsigned N>
inline constexpr uint64_t* as_words(uint<N>& x) noexcept
return &x[0];
template <unsigned N>
inline constexpr const uint64_t* as_words(const uint<N>& x) noexcept
return &x[0];
template <typename T>
inline uint8_t* as_bytes(T& x) noexcept
static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable_v<T>); // As in bit_cast.
return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&x);
template <typename T>
inline const uint8_t* as_bytes(const T& x) noexcept
static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable_v<T>); // As in bit_cast.
return reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&x);
template <unsigned N>
inline constexpr uint<2 * N> umul(const uint<N>& x, const uint<N>& y) noexcept
constexpr auto num_words = uint<N>::num_words;
uint<2 * N> p;
for (size_t j = 0; j < num_words; ++j)
uint64_t k = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_words; ++i)
auto a = addc(p[i + j], k);
auto t = umul(x[i], y[j]) + uint128{a.value, a.carry};
p[i + j] = t[0];
k = t[1];
p[j + num_words] = k;
return p;
template <unsigned N>
inline constexpr uint<N> exp(uint<N> base, uint<N> exponent) noexcept
auto result = uint<N>{1};
if (base == 2)
return result << exponent;
while (exponent != 0)
if ((exponent & 1) != 0)
result *= base;
base *= base;
exponent >>= 1;
return result;
template <unsigned N>
inline constexpr unsigned count_significant_words(const uint<N>& x) noexcept
for (size_t i = uint<N>::num_words; i > 0; --i)
if (x[i - 1] != 0)
return static_cast<unsigned>(i);
return 0;
inline constexpr unsigned count_significant_bytes(uint64_t x) noexcept
return (64 - clz(x) + 7) / 8;
template <unsigned N>
inline constexpr unsigned count_significant_bytes(const uint<N>& x) noexcept
const auto w = count_significant_words(x);
return (w != 0) ? count_significant_bytes(x[w - 1]) + (w - 1) * 8 : 0;
template <unsigned N>
inline constexpr unsigned clz(const uint<N>& x) noexcept
constexpr unsigned num_words = uint<N>::num_words;
const auto s = count_significant_words(x);
if (s == 0)
return num_words * 64;
return clz(x[s - 1]) + (num_words - s) * 64;
namespace internal
/// Counts the number of zero leading bits in nonzero argument x.
inline constexpr unsigned clz_nonzero(uint64_t x) noexcept
return static_cast<unsigned>(std::countl_zero(x));
template <unsigned M, unsigned N>
struct normalized_div_args // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init)
uint<N> divisor;
uint<M + 64> numerator;
int num_divisor_words;
int num_numerator_words;
unsigned shift;
template <unsigned M, unsigned N>
[[gnu::always_inline]] inline normalized_div_args<M, N> normalize(
const uint<M>& numerator, const uint<N>& denominator) noexcept
static constexpr auto num_numerator_words = uint<M>::num_words;
static constexpr auto num_denominator_words = uint<N>::num_words;
auto* u = as_words(numerator);
auto* v = as_words(denominator);
normalized_div_args<M, N> na;
auto* un = as_words(na.numerator);
auto* vn = as_words(na.divisor);
auto& m = na.num_numerator_words;
for (m = num_numerator_words; m > 0 && u[m - 1] == 0; --m)
auto& n = na.num_divisor_words;
for (n = num_denominator_words; n > 0 && v[n - 1] == 0; --n)
na.shift = clz_nonzero(v[n - 1]); // Use clz_nonzero() to avoid clang analyzer's warning.
if (na.shift)
for (int i = num_denominator_words - 1; i > 0; --i)
vn[i] = (v[i] << na.shift) | (v[i - 1] >> (64 - na.shift));
vn[0] = v[0] << na.shift;
un[num_numerator_words] = u[num_numerator_words - 1] >> (64 - na.shift);
for (int i = num_numerator_words - 1; i > 0; --i)
un[i] = (u[i] << na.shift) | (u[i - 1] >> (64 - na.shift));
un[0] = u[0] << na.shift;
na.numerator = numerator;
na.divisor = denominator;
// Skip the highest word of numerator if not significant.
if (un[m] != 0 || un[m - 1] >= vn[n - 1])
return na;
/// Divides arbitrary long unsigned integer by 64-bit unsigned integer (1 word).
/// @param u The array of a normalized numerator words. It will contain
/// the quotient after execution.
/// @param len The number of numerator words.
/// @param d The normalized divisor.
/// @return The remainder.
inline uint64_t udivrem_by1(uint64_t u[], int len, uint64_t d) noexcept
INTX_REQUIRE(len >= 2);
const auto reciprocal = reciprocal_2by1(d);
auto rem = u[len - 1]; // Set the top word as remainder.
u[len - 1] = 0; // Reset the word being a part of the result quotient.
auto it = &u[len - 2];
std::tie(*it, rem) = udivrem_2by1({*it, rem}, d, reciprocal);
} while (it-- != &u[0]);
return rem;
/// Divides arbitrary long unsigned integer by 128-bit unsigned integer (2 words).
/// @param u The array of a normalized numerator words. It will contain the
/// quotient after execution.
/// @param len The number of numerator words.
/// @param d The normalized divisor.
/// @return The remainder.
inline uint128 udivrem_by2(uint64_t u[], int len, uint128 d) noexcept
INTX_REQUIRE(len >= 3);
const auto reciprocal = reciprocal_3by2(d);
auto rem = uint128{u[len - 2], u[len - 1]}; // Set the 2 top words as remainder.
u[len - 1] = u[len - 2] = 0; // Reset these words being a part of the result quotient.
auto it = &u[len - 3];
std::tie(*it, rem) = udivrem_3by2(rem[1], rem[0], *it, d, reciprocal);
} while (it-- != &u[0]);
return rem;
/// s = x + y.
inline bool add(uint64_t s[], const uint64_t x[], const uint64_t y[], int len) noexcept
// OPT: Add MinLen template parameter and unroll first loop iterations.
INTX_REQUIRE(len >= 2);
bool carry = false;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
std::tie(s[i], carry) = addc(x[i], y[i], carry);
return carry;
/// r = x - multiplier * y.
inline uint64_t submul(
uint64_t r[], const uint64_t x[], const uint64_t y[], int len, uint64_t multiplier) noexcept
// OPT: Add MinLen template parameter and unroll first loop iterations.
INTX_REQUIRE(len >= 1);
uint64_t borrow = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
const auto s = x[i] - borrow;
const auto p = umul(y[i], multiplier);
borrow = p[1] + (x[i] < s);
r[i] = s - p[0];
borrow += (s < r[i]);
return borrow;
inline void udivrem_knuth(
uint64_t q[], uint64_t u[], int ulen, const uint64_t d[], int dlen) noexcept
INTX_REQUIRE(dlen >= 3);
INTX_REQUIRE(ulen >= dlen);
const auto divisor = uint128{d[dlen - 2], d[dlen - 1]};
const auto reciprocal = reciprocal_3by2(divisor);
for (int j = ulen - dlen - 1; j >= 0; --j)
const auto u2 = u[j + dlen];
const auto u1 = u[j + dlen - 1];
const auto u0 = u[j + dlen - 2];
uint64_t qhat{};
if (INTX_UNLIKELY((uint128{u1, u2}) == divisor)) // Division overflows.
qhat = ~uint64_t{0};
u[j + dlen] = u2 - submul(&u[j], &u[j], d, dlen, qhat);
uint128 rhat;
std::tie(qhat, rhat) = udivrem_3by2(u2, u1, u0, divisor, reciprocal);
bool carry{};
const auto overflow = submul(&u[j], &u[j], d, dlen - 2, qhat);
std::tie(u[j + dlen - 2], carry) = subc(rhat[0], overflow);
std::tie(u[j + dlen - 1], carry) = subc(rhat[1], carry);
if (INTX_UNLIKELY(carry))
u[j + dlen - 1] += divisor[1] + add(&u[j], &u[j], d, dlen - 1);
q[j] = qhat; // Store quotient digit.
} // namespace internal
template <unsigned M, unsigned N>
constexpr div_result<uint<M>, uint<N>> udivrem(const uint<M>& u, const uint<N>& v) noexcept
auto na = internal::normalize(u, v);
if (na.num_numerator_words <= na.num_divisor_words)
return {0, static_cast<uint<N>>(u)};
if (na.num_divisor_words == 1)
const auto r = internal::udivrem_by1(
as_words(na.numerator), na.num_numerator_words, as_words(na.divisor)[0]);
return {static_cast<uint<M>>(na.numerator), r >> na.shift};
if (na.num_divisor_words == 2)
const auto d = as_words(na.divisor);
const auto r =
internal::udivrem_by2(as_words(na.numerator), na.num_numerator_words, {d[0], d[1]});
return {static_cast<uint<M>>(na.numerator), r >> na.shift};
auto un = as_words(na.numerator); // Will be modified.
uint<M> q;
as_words(q), &un[0], na.num_numerator_words, as_words(na.divisor), na.num_divisor_words);
uint<N> r;
auto rw = as_words(r);
for (int i = 0; i < na.num_divisor_words - 1; ++i)
rw[i] = na.shift ? (un[i] >> na.shift) | (un[i + 1] << (64 - na.shift)) : un[i];
rw[na.num_divisor_words - 1] = un[na.num_divisor_words - 1] >> na.shift;
return {q, r};
template <unsigned N>
inline constexpr div_result<uint<N>> sdivrem(const uint<N>& u, const uint<N>& v) noexcept
const auto sign_mask = uint<N>{1} << (sizeof(u) * 8 - 1);
auto u_is_neg = (u & sign_mask) != 0;
auto v_is_neg = (v & sign_mask) != 0;
auto u_abs = u_is_neg ? -u : u;
auto v_abs = v_is_neg ? -v : v;
auto q_is_neg = u_is_neg ^ v_is_neg;
auto res = udivrem(u_abs, v_abs);
return {q_is_neg ? -res.quot : res.quot, u_is_neg ? -res.rem : res.rem};
inline constexpr uint256 bswap(const uint256& x) noexcept
return {bswap(x[3]), bswap(x[2]), bswap(x[1]), bswap(x[0])};
template <unsigned N>
inline constexpr uint<N> bswap(const uint<N>& x) noexcept
constexpr auto num_words = uint<N>::num_words;
uint<N> z;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_words; ++i)
z[num_words - 1 - i] = bswap(x[i]);
return z;
// Support for type conversions for binary operators.
template <unsigned N, typename T,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T, uint<N>>::value>::type>
inline constexpr uint<N>& operator<<=(uint<N>& x, const T& y) noexcept
return x = x << y;
template <unsigned N, typename T,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T, uint<N>>::value>::type>
inline constexpr uint<N>& operator>>=(uint<N>& x, const T& y) noexcept
return x = x >> y;
inline uint256 addmod(const uint256& x, const uint256& y, const uint256& mod) noexcept
// Fast path for mod >= 2^192, with x and y at most slightly bigger than mod.
// This is always the case when x and y are already reduced modulo mod.
// Based on
if ((mod[3] != 0) && (x[3] <= mod[3]) && (y[3] <= mod[3]))
// Normalize x in case it is bigger than mod.
auto xn = x;
auto xd = subc(x, mod);
if (!xd.carry)
xn = xd.value;
// Normalize y in case it is bigger than mod.
auto yn = y;
auto yd = subc(y, mod);
if (!yd.carry)
yn = yd.value;
auto a = addc(xn, yn);
auto av = a.value;
auto b = subc(av, mod);
auto bv = b.value;
if (a.carry || !b.carry)
return bv;
return av;
auto s = addc(x, y);
uint<256 + 64> n = s.value;
n[4] = s.carry;
return udivrem(n, mod).rem;
inline uint256 mulmod(const uint256& x, const uint256& y, const uint256& mod) noexcept
return udivrem(umul(x, y), mod).rem;
inline constexpr uint256 operator"" _u256(const char* s)
return from_string<uint256>(s);
inline constexpr uint512 operator"" _u512(const char* s)
return from_string<uint512>(s);
/// Convert native representation to/from little-endian byte order.
/// intx and built-in integral types are supported.
template <typename T>
inline constexpr T to_little_endian(const T& x) noexcept
if constexpr (std::endian::native == std::endian::little)
return x;
else if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<T>)
return bswap(x);
else // Wordwise bswap.
T r;
for (size_t i = 0; i < T::num_words; ++i)
r[i] = bswap(x[i]);
return r;
/// Convert native representation to/from big-endian byte order.
/// intx and built-in integral types are supported.
template <typename T>
inline constexpr T to_big_endian(const T& x) noexcept
if constexpr (std::endian::native == std::endian::little)
return bswap(x);
else if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<T>)
return x;
else // Swap words.
T r;
for (size_t i = 0; i < T::num_words; ++i)
r[T::num_words - 1 - i] = x[i];
return r;
namespace le // Conversions to/from LE bytes.
template <typename T, unsigned M>
inline T load(const uint8_t (&src)[M]) noexcept
M == sizeof(T), "the size of source bytes must match the size of the destination uint");
T x;
std::memcpy(&x, src, sizeof(x));
return to_little_endian(x);
template <typename T>
inline void store(uint8_t (&dst)[sizeof(T)], const T& x) noexcept
const auto d = to_little_endian(x);
std::memcpy(dst, &d, sizeof(d));
namespace unsafe
template <typename T>
inline T load(const uint8_t* src) noexcept
T x;
std::memcpy(&x, src, sizeof(x));
return to_little_endian(x);
template <typename T>
inline void store(uint8_t* dst, const T& x) noexcept
const auto d = to_little_endian(x);
std::memcpy(dst, &d, sizeof(d));
} // namespace unsafe
} // namespace le
namespace be // Conversions to/from BE bytes.
/// Loads an integer value from bytes of big-endian order.
/// If the size of bytes is smaller than the result, the value is zero-extended.
template <typename T, unsigned M>
inline T load(const uint8_t (&src)[M]) noexcept
static_assert(M <= sizeof(T),
"the size of source bytes must not exceed the size of the destination uint");
T x{};
std::memcpy(&as_bytes(x)[sizeof(T) - M], src, M);
x = to_big_endian(x);
return x;
template <typename IntT, typename T>
inline IntT load(const T& t) noexcept
return load<IntT>(t.bytes);
/// Stores an integer value in a bytes array in big-endian order.
template <typename T>
inline void store(uint8_t (&dst)[sizeof(T)], const T& x) noexcept
const auto d = to_big_endian(x);
std::memcpy(dst, &d, sizeof(d));
/// Stores an SrcT value in .bytes field of type DstT. The .bytes must be an array of uint8_t
/// of the size matching the size of uint.
template <typename DstT, typename SrcT>
inline DstT store(const SrcT& x) noexcept
DstT r{};
store(r.bytes, x);
return r;
/// Stores the truncated value of an uint in a bytes array.
/// Only the least significant bytes from big-endian representation of the uint
/// are stored in the result bytes array up to array's size.
template <unsigned M, unsigned N>
inline void trunc(uint8_t (&dst)[M], const uint<N>& x) noexcept
static_assert(M < N / 8, "destination must be smaller than the source value");
const auto d = to_big_endian(x);
std::memcpy(dst, &as_bytes(d)[sizeof(d) - M], M);
/// Stores the truncated value of an uint in the .bytes field of an object of type T.
template <typename T, unsigned N>
inline T trunc(const uint<N>& x) noexcept
T r{};
trunc(r.bytes, x);
return r;
namespace unsafe
/// Loads an uint value from a buffer. The user must make sure
/// that the provided buffer is big enough. Therefore marked "unsafe".
template <typename IntT>
inline IntT load(const uint8_t* src) noexcept
// Align bytes.
// TODO: Using memcpy() directly triggers this optimization bug in GCC:
alignas(IntT) std::byte aligned_storage[sizeof(IntT)];
std::memcpy(&aligned_storage, src, sizeof(IntT));
// TODO(C++23): Use std::start_lifetime_as<uint256>().
return to_big_endian(*reinterpret_cast<const IntT*>(&aligned_storage));
/// Stores an integer value at the provided pointer in big-endian order. The user must make sure
/// that the provided buffer is big enough to fit the value. Therefore marked "unsafe".
template <typename T>
inline void store(uint8_t* dst, const T& x) noexcept
const auto d = to_big_endian(x);
std::memcpy(dst, &d, sizeof(d));
/// Specialization for uint256.
inline void store(uint8_t* dst, const uint256& x) noexcept
// Store byte-swapped words in primitive temporaries. This helps with memory aliasing
// and GCC bug
// TODO: Use std::byte instead of uint8_t.
const auto v0 = to_big_endian(x[0]);
const auto v1 = to_big_endian(x[1]);
const auto v2 = to_big_endian(x[2]);
const auto v3 = to_big_endian(x[3]);
// Store words in reverse (big-endian) order, write addresses are ascending.
std::memcpy(dst, &v3, sizeof(v3));
std::memcpy(dst + 8, &v2, sizeof(v2));
std::memcpy(dst + 16, &v1, sizeof(v1));
std::memcpy(dst + 24, &v0, sizeof(v0));
} // namespace unsafe
} // namespace be
} // namespace intx
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(pop)