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# Stint
# Copyright 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
import ./bitops2_priv, ./conversion, ./initialization,
# ################### Division ################### #
# We use the following algorithm:
# - Fast recursive division by Burnikel and Ziegler
## ##
## Grade school division, but with (very) large digits, dividing [a1,a2,a3,a4] by [b1,b2]: ##
## ##
## +----+----+----+----+ +----+----+ +----+ ##
## | a1 | a2 | a3 | a4 | / | b1 | b2 | = | q1 | DivideThreeHalvesByTwo(a1a2, a3, b1b2, n, q1, r1r2) ##
## +----+----+----+----+ +----+----+ +----+ ##
## +--------------+ | | ##
## | b1b2 * q1 | | | ##
## +--------------+ | | ##
## - ================ v | ##
## +----+----+----+ +----+----+ | +----+ ##
## | r1 | r2 | a4 | / | b1 | b2 | = | | q2 | DivideThreeHalvesByTwo(r1r2, a4, b1b2, n, q1, r1r2) ##
## +----+----+----+ +----+----+ | +----+ ##
## +--------------+ | | ##
## | b1b2 * q2 | | | ##
## +--------------+ | | ##
## - ================ v v ##
## +----+----+ +----+----+ ##
## | r1 | r2 | | q1 | q2 | r1r2 = a1a2a3a4 mod b1b2, q1q2 = a1a2a3a4 div b1b2 ##
## +----+----+ +----+----+ , ##
## ##
## Note: in the diagram above, a1, b1, q1, r1 etc. are the most significant "digits" of their numbers. ##
## ##
func div2n1n[T: SomeunsignedInt](q, r: var T, n_hi, n_lo, d: T)
func div2n1n(q, r: var UintImpl, ah, al, b: UintImpl)
# Forward declaration
func divmod*(x, y: SomeUnsignedInt): tuple[quot, rem: SomeUnsignedInt] {.inline.}=
# hopefully the compiler fuse that in a single op
(x div y, x mod y)
func divmod*[T](x, y: UintImpl[T]): tuple[quot, rem: UintImpl[T]]
# Forward declaration
func div3n2n[T]( q: var UintImpl[T],
r: var UintImpl[UintImpl[T]],
a2, a1, a0: UintImpl[T],
b: UintImpl[UintImpl[T]]) =
c: UintImpl[T]
d: UintImpl[UintImpl[T]]
carry: bool
if a2 < b.hi:
div2n1n(q, c, a2, a1, b.hi)
q = zero(type q) - one(type q) # We want 0xFFFFF ....
c = a1 + b.hi
if c < a1:
carry = true
extPrecMul[T](d, q, b.lo)
let ca0 = UintImpl[type c](hi: c, lo: a0)
r = ca0 - d
if (not carry) and (d > ca0):
q -= one(type q)
r += b
# if there was no carry
if r > b:
q -= one(type q)
r += b
proc div3n2n[T: SomeUnsignedInt](
q: var T,
r: var UintImpl[T],
a2, a1, a0: T,
b: UintImpl[T]) =
c: T
d: UintImpl[T]
carry: bool
if a2 < b.hi:
div2n1n(q, c, a2, a1, b.hi)
q = 0.T - 1.T # We want 0xFFFFF ....
c = a1 + b.hi
if c < a1:
carry = true
extPrecMul[T](d, q, b.lo)
let ca0 = UintImpl[T](hi: c, lo: a0)
r = ca0 - d
if (not carry) and d > ca0:
dec q
r += b
# if there was no carry
if r > b:
dec q
r += b
func div2n1n(q, r: var UintImpl, ah, al, b: UintImpl) =
# doAssert leadingZeros(b) == 0, "Divisor was not normalized"
var s: UintImpl
div3n2n(q.hi, s, ah.hi, ah.lo, al.hi, b)
div3n2n(q.lo, r, s.hi, s.lo, al.lo, b)
func div2n1n[T: SomeunsignedInt](q, r: var T, n_hi, n_lo, d: T) =
# doAssert leadingZeros(d) == 0, "Divisor was not normalized"
size = bitsof(q)
halfSize = size div 2
halfMask = (1.T shl halfSize) - 1.T
template halfQR(n_hi, n_lo, d, d_hi, d_lo: T): tuple[q,r: T] =
var (q, r) = divmod(n_hi, d_hi)
let m = q * d_lo
r = (r shl halfSize) or n_lo
# Fix the reminder, we're at most 2 iterations off
if r < m:
dec q
r += d
if r >= d and r < m:
dec q
r += d
r -= m
(q, r)
d_hi = d shr halfSize
d_lo = d and halfMask
n_lohi = nlo shr halfSize
n_lolo = nlo and halfMask
# First half of the quotient
let (q1, r1) = halfQR(n_hi, n_lohi, d, d_hi, d_lo)
# Second half
let (q2, r2) = halfQR(r1, n_lolo, d, d_hi, d_lo)
q = (q1 shl halfSize) or q2
r = r2
func divmodBZ[T](x, y: UintImpl[T], q, r: var UintImpl[T])=
doAssert y.isZero.not() # This should be checked on release mode in the divmod caller proc
if y.hi.isZero:
# Shortcut if divisor is smaller than half the size of the type
if x.hi < y.lo:
# Normalize
clz = leadingZeros(y.lo)
xx = x shl clz
yy = y.lo shl clz
# If y is smaller than the base, normalizing x does not overflow.
# Compute directly the low part
div2n1n(q.lo, r.lo, xx.hi, xx.lo, yy)
# Undo normalization
r.lo = r.lo shr clz
# General case
# Normalization
let clz = leadingZeros(y)
xx = UintImpl[type x](lo: x) shl clz
yy = y shl clz
# Compute
div2n1n(q, r, xx.hi, xx.lo, yy)
# Undo normalization
r = r shr clz
func divmodBS(x, y: UintImpl, q, r: var UintImpl) =
## Division for multi-precision unsigned uint
## Implementation through binary shift division
doAssert y.isZero.not() # This should be checked on release mode in the divmod caller proc
type SubTy = type x.lo
shift = y.leadingZeros - x.leadingZeros
d = y shl shift
r = x
while shift >= 0:
q += q
if r >= d:
r -= d
q.lo = q.lo or one(SubTy)
d = d shr 1
const BinaryShiftThreshold = 8 # If the difference in bit-length is below 8
# binary shift is probably faster
func divmod*[T](x, y: UintImpl[T]): tuple[quot, rem: UintImpl[T]]=
let x_clz = x.leadingZeros
let y_clz = y.leadingZeros
# We short-circuit division depending on special-cases.
# TODO: Constant-time division
if unlikely(y.isZero):
raise newException(DivByZeroError, "You attempted to divide by zero")
elif y_clz == (bitsof(y) - 1):
# y is one
result.quot = x
elif (x.hi or y.hi).isZero:
# If computing just on the low part is enough
(result.quot.lo, result.rem.lo) = divmod(x.lo, y.lo)
elif (y and (y - one(type y))).isZero:
# y is a power of 2. (this also matches 0 but it was eliminated earlier)
# TODO. Would it be faster to use countTrailingZero (ctz) + clz == size(y) - 1?
# Especially because we shift by ctz after.
# It is a bit tricky with recursive types. An empty n.lo means 0 or sizeof(n.lo)
let y_ctz = bitsof(y) - y_clz - 1
result.quot = x shr y_ctz
result.rem = x and (y - one(type y))
elif x == y:
result.quot.lo = one(T)
elif x < y:
result.rem = x
elif (y_clz - x_clz) < BinaryShiftThreshold:
divmodBS(x, y, result.quot, result.rem)
divmodBZ(x, y, result.quot, result.rem)
func `div`*(x, y: UintImpl): UintImpl {.inline.} =
## Division operation for multi-precision unsigned uint
func `mod`*(x, y: UintImpl): UintImpl {.inline.} =
## Division operation for multi-precision unsigned uint
# ######################################################################
# Division implementations
# Division is the most costly operation
# And also of critical importance for cryptography application
# ##### Research #####
# Overview of division algorithms:
# -
# -
# - Comparison of fast division algorithms for large integers:
# Libdivide has an implementations faster than hardware if dividing by the same number is needed
# -
# -
# Furthermore libdivide also has branchless implementations
# Implementation: we use recursive fast division by Burnikel and Ziegler.
# It is build upon divide and conquer algorithm that can be found in:
# - Hacker's delight:
# - Libdivide
# - Code project:
# - Cuda-uint128 (unfinished):
# - Mpdecimal:
# Description of recursive fast division by Burnikel and Ziegler (
# - Python implementation: and discussion
# - C++ implementation:
# - The Handbook of Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Cryptography Algorithm 10.35 on page 188 has a more explicit version of the div2NxN algorithm. This algorithm is directly recursive and avoids the mutual recursion of the original paper's calls between div2NxN and div3Nx2N.
# Other libraries that can be used as reference for alternative (?) implementations:
# - TTMath:
# - LibTomMath:
# - Google Abseil:
# - Crypto libraries like libsecp256k1, OpenSSL, ... though they are not generics. (uint256 only for example)
# Note: GMP/MPFR are GPL. The papers can be used but not their code.