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# Stint
# Copyright 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
import ./datatypes, macros
proc optimUint(x: NimNode): NimNode =
let size = getSize(x)
if size > 64:
result = quote do:
array[`size` div 64, uint64]
elif size == 64:
result = quote do:
elif size == 32:
result = quote do:
elif size == 16:
result = quote do:
elif size == 8:
result = quote do:
error "Unreachable path reached"
proc isUint(x: NimNode): static[bool] =
if eqIdent(x, "uint64"): true
elif eqIdent(x, "uint32"): true
elif eqIdent(x, "uint16"): true
elif eqIdent(x, "uint8"): true
else: false
proc replaceNodes*(ast: NimNode, replacing: NimNode, to_replace: NimNode): NimNode =
# Args:
# - The full syntax tree
# - an array of replacement value
# - an array of identifiers to replace
proc inspect(node: NimNode): NimNode =
case node.kind:
of {nnkIdent, nnkSym}:
for i, c in to_replace:
if node.eqIdent($c):
return replacing[i]
return node
of nnkEmpty:
return node
of nnkLiterals:
return node
var rTree = node.kind.newTree()
for child in node:
rTree.add inspect(child)
return rTree
result = inspect(ast)
macro least_significant_word*(x: UintImpl): untyped =
let optim_type = optimUInt(x)
if optim_type.isUInt:
result = quote do:
when system.cpuEndian == littleEndian:
let size = getSize(x)
let msw_pos = 0
let msw_pos = size div 64 - 1
result = quote do:
macro asWords*(n: UintImpl or IntImpl, ignoreEndianness: static[bool], loopBody: untyped): untyped =
## Iterates over n, as an array of words.
## Input:
## - n: The Multiprecision int
## - If endianness should be taken into account for iteratio order.
## If yes, iteration is done from most significant word to least significant.
## Otherwise it is done in memory layout order.
## - loopBody: the operation you want to do on each word of n
optim_type = optimUint(n)
inner_n: NimNode
to_replace = nnkBracket.newTree
replacing = nnkBracket.newTree
if optim_type.isUint:
# We directly cast n
inner_n = quote do:
# If we have an array of words, inner_n is a loop intermediate variable
inner_n = ident("n_asWordsRaw")
to_replace.add n
replacing.add inner_n
let replacedAST = replaceNodes(loopBody, replacing, to_replace)
if optim_type.isUint:
result = replacedAST
if ignoreEndianness or system.cpuEndian == bigEndian:
result = quote do:
for `inner_n` in cast[`optim_type`](`n`):
assert false, "Not implemented"
macro asWordsZip*(x, y: UintImpl or IntImpl, ignoreEndianness: static[bool], loopBody: untyped): untyped =
## Iterates over x and y, as an array of words.
## Input:
## - x, y: The multiprecision ints
## - If endianness should be taken into account for iteratio order.
## If yes, iteration is done from most significant word to least significant.
## Otherwise it is done in memory layout order.
## - loopBody: the operation you want to do on each word of n
optim_type = optimUint(x)
idx = ident("idx_asWordsRawZip")
inner_x, inner_y: NimNode
to_replace = nnkBracket.newTree
replacing = nnkBracket.newTree
to_replace.add x
to_replace.add y
if optim_type.isUint:
# We directly castx and y
inner_x = quote do:
inner_y = quote do:
replacing.add inner_x
replacing.add inner_y
# If we have an array of words, inner_x and inner_y is are loop intermediate variable
inner_x = ident("x_asWordsRawZip")
inner_y = ident("y_asWordsRawZip")
# We replace the inner loop with the inner_x[idx]
replacing.add quote do:
replacing.add quote do:
let replacedAST = replaceNodes(loopBody, replacing, to_replace)
if optim_type.isUint:
result = replacedAST
if ignoreEndianness or system.cpuEndian == bigEndian:
result = quote do:
{.pragma: restrict, codegenDecl: "$# __restrict $#".}
`inner_x`{.restrict.} = cast[ptr `optim_type`](`x`.unsafeaddr)
`inner_y`{.restrict.} = cast[ptr `optim_type`](`y`.unsafeaddr)
for `idx` in 0 ..< `inner_x`[].len:
# Little-Endian, iteration in reverse
result = quote do:
{.pragma: restrict, codegenDecl: "$# __restrict $#".}
`inner_x`{.restrict.} = cast[ptr `optim_type`](`x`.unsafeaddr)
`inner_y`{.restrict.} = cast[ptr `optim_type`](`y`.unsafeaddr)
for `idx` in countdown(`inner_x`[].len - 1, 0):
macro m_asWordsZip*[T: UintImpl or IntImpl](m: var T, x: T,
ignoreEndianness: static[bool], loopBody: untyped): untyped =
## Iterates over a mutable int m and x as an array of words.
## returning a !! Pointer !! of the proper type to m.
## Input:
## - m: A mutable array
## - x: The multiprecision ints
## - If endianness should be taken into account for iteratio order.
## If yes, iteration is done from most significant word to least significant.
## Otherwise it is done in memory layout order.
## - loopBody: the operation you want to do on each word of n
optim_type = optimUint(x)
idx = ident("idx_asWordsRawZip")
inner_m, inner_x: NimNode
to_replace = nnkBracket.newTree
replacing = nnkBracket.newTree
to_replace.add m
to_replace.add x
if optim_type.isUint:
# We directly cast m and x
inner_m = quote do:
cast[var `optim_type`](`m`.addr)
inner_x = quote do:
replacing.add inner_m
replacing.add inner_x
# If we have an array of words, inner_x and inner_y is are loop intermediate variable
inner_m = ident("m_asWordsRawZip")
inner_x = ident("x_asWordsRawZip")
# We replace the inner loop with the inner_x[idx]
replacing.add quote do:
replacing.add quote do:
let replacedAST = replaceNodes(loopBody, replacing, to_replace)
if optim_type.isUint:
result = replacedAST
if ignoreEndianness or system.cpuEndian == bigEndian:
result = quote do:
{.pragma: restrict, codegenDecl: "$# __restrict $#".}
`inner_m`{.restrict.} = cast[ptr `optim_type`](`m`.addr)
`inner_x`{.restrict.} = cast[ptr `optim_type`](`x`.unsafeaddr)
for `idx` in 0 ..< `inner_x`[].len:
# Little-Endian, iteration in reverse
result = quote do:
{.pragma: restrict, codegenDecl: "$# __restrict $#".}
`inner_m`{.restrict.} = cast[ptr `optim_type`](`m`.addr)
`inner_x`{.restrict.} = cast[ptr `optim_type`](`x`.unsafeaddr)
for `idx` in countdown(`inner_x`[].len - 1, 0):
macro m_asWordsZip*[T: UintImpl or IntImpl](m: var T, x, y: T,
ignoreEndianness: static[bool], loopBody: untyped): untyped =
## Iterates over a mutable int m and x as an array of words.
## returning a !! Pointer !! of the proper type to m.
## Input:
## - m: A mutable array
## - x: The multiprecision ints
## - If endianness should be taken into account for iteratio order.
## If yes, iteration is done from most significant word to least significant.
## Otherwise it is done in memory layout order.
## - loopBody: the operation you want to do on each word of n
optim_type = optimUint(x)
idx = ident("idx_asWordsRawZip")
inner_m, inner_x, inner_y: NimNode
to_replace = nnkBracket.newTree
replacing = nnkBracket.newTree
to_replace.add m
to_replace.add x
to_replace.add y
if optim_type.isUint:
# We directly cast m, x and y
inner_m = quote do:
cast[var `optim_type`](`m`.addr)
inner_x = quote do:
inner_y = quote do:
replacing.add inner_m
replacing.add inner_x
replacing.add inner_y
# If we have an array of words, inner_x and inner_y is are loop intermediate variable
inner_m = ident("m_asWordsRawZip")
inner_x = ident("x_asWordsRawZip")
inner_y = ident("y_asWordsRawZip")
# We replace the inner loop with the inner_x[idx]
replacing.add quote do:
replacing.add quote do:
replacing.add quote do:
let replacedAST = replaceNodes(loopBody, replacing, to_replace)
# Arrays are in the form (`[]`, array, type)
if optim_type.isUint:
result = replacedAST
if ignoreEndianness or system.cpuEndian == bigEndian:
result = quote do:
{.pragma: restrict, codegenDecl: "$# __restrict $#".}
`inner_m`{.restrict.} = cast[ptr `optim_type`](`m`.addr)
`inner_x`{.restrict.} = cast[ptr `optim_type`](`x`.unsafeaddr)
`inner_y`{.restrict.} = cast[ptr `optim_type`](`y`.unsafeaddr)
for `idx` in 0 ..< `inner_x`[].len:
# Little-Endian, iteration in reverse
result = quote do:
{.pragma: restrict, codegenDecl: "$# __restrict $#".}
`inner_m`{.restrict.} = cast[ptr `optim_type`](`m`.addr)
`inner_x`{.restrict.} = cast[ptr `optim_type`](`x`.unsafeaddr)
`inner_y`{.restrict.} = cast[ptr `optim_type`](`y`.unsafeaddr)
for `idx` in countdown(`inner_x`[].len - 1, 0):