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# Stint
# Copyright 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
import ./datatypes, ./conversion, macros
# #########################################################################
# Multi-precision ints to compile-time array of words
proc asWordsImpl(x: NimNode, current_path: NimNode, result: var NimNode) =
## Transforms an UintImpl/IntImpl into an array of words
## at compile-time. Recursive implementation.
## Result is from most significant word to least significant
let node = x.getTypeInst
if node.kind == nnkBracketExpr:
assert eqIdent(node[0], "UintImpl") or eqIdent(node[0], "IntImpl")
let hi = nnkDotExpr.newTree(current_path, newIdentNode("hi"))
let lo = nnkDotExpr.newTree(current_path, newIdentNode("lo"))
asWordsImpl(node[1], hi, result)
asWordsImpl(node[1], lo, result)
result.add current_path
# #########################################################################
# Accessors
macro asWords(x: UintImpl or IntImpl, idx: static[int]): untyped =
## Access a single element from a multiprecision ints
## as if if was stored as an array
## x.asWords[0] is the most significant word
var words = nnkBracket.newTree()
asWordsImpl(x, x, words)
result = words[idx]
macro most_significant_word*(x: UintImpl or IntImpl): untyped =
result = getAST(asWords(x, 0))
macro least_significant_word*(x: UintImpl or IntImpl): untyped =
var words = nnkBracket.newTree()
asWordsImpl(x, x, words)
result = words[words.len - 1]
macro second_least_significant_word*(x: UintImpl or IntImpl): untyped =
var words = nnkBracket.newTree()
asWordsImpl(x, x, words)
result = words[words.len - 2]
# #########################################################################
# Iteration macros
proc replaceNodes*(ast: NimNode, replacing: NimNode, to_replace: NimNode): NimNode =
# Args:
# - The full syntax tree
# - an array of replacement value
# - an array of identifiers to replace
proc inspect(node: NimNode): NimNode =
case node.kind:
of {nnkIdent, nnkSym}:
for i, c in to_replace:
if node.eqIdent($c):
return replacing[i]
return node
of nnkEmpty:
return node
of nnkLiterals:
return node
var rTree = node.kind.newTree()
for child in node:
rTree.add inspect(child)
return rTree
result = inspect(ast)
macro asWordsIterate(wordsIdents: untyped, sid0, sid1, sid2: typed, signed: static[bool], loopBody: untyped): untyped =
# TODO: We can't use varargs[typed] without losing type info -
# So we need a workaround we accept fixed 3 args sid0, sid1, sid2 and will just ignore what is not used
result = newStmtList()
let NbStints = wordsIdents.len
# 1. Get the words of each stint
# + Workaround varargs[typed] losing type info
var words = nnkBracket.newTree
var wordList = nnkBracket.newTree
asWordsImpl(sid0, sid0, wordList)
words.add wordList
if NbStints > 1:
var wordList = nnkBracket.newTree
asWordsImpl(sid1, sid1, wordList)
words.add wordList
if NbStints > 2:
var wordList = nnkBracket.newTree
asWordsImpl(sid2, sid2, wordList)
words.add wordList
# 2. Construct an unrolled loop
# We replace each occurence of each words
# in the original loop by how to access it.
let NbWords = words[0].len
for currDepth in 0 ..< NbWords:
var replacing = nnkBracket.newTree
for currStint in 0 ..< NbStints:
var w = words[currStint][currDepth]
if currDepth == 0 and signed:
let toInt = bindSym"toInt"
w = quote do: `toInt`(`w`)
replacing.add w
let body = replaceNodes(loopBody, replacing, to_replace = wordsIdents)
result.add quote do:
block: `body`
template asWordsParse(): untyped {.dirty.}=
# ##### Tree representation
# for word_a, word_b in asWords(a, b):
# discard
# ForStmt
# Ident "word_a"
# Ident "word_b"
# Call
# Ident "asWords"
# Ident "a"
# Ident "b"
# StmtList
# DiscardStmt
# Empty
# 1. Get the words variable idents
var wordsIdents = nnkBracket.newTree
var idx = 0
while x[idx].kind == nnkIdent:
wordsIdents.add x[idx]
inc idx
# 2. Get the multiprecision ints idents
var stintsIdents = nnkArgList.newTree # nnkArgList allows to keep the type when passing to varargs[typed]
# but varargs[typed] has further issues ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
idx = 1
while idx < x[wordsIdents.len].len and x[wordsIdents.len][idx].kind == nnkIdent:
stintsIdents.add x[wordsIdents.len][idx]
inc idx
assert wordsIdents.len == stintsIdents.len, "The number of loop variables and multiprecision integers t iterate on must be the same"
# 3. Get the body and pass the bucket to a typed macro
# + unroll varargs[typed] manually as workaround for
var body = x[x.len - 1]
let sid0 = stintsIdents[0]
let sid1 = if stintsIdents.len > 1: stintsIdents[1] else: newEmptyNode()
let sid2 = if stintsIdents.len > 2: stintsIdents[2] else: newEmptyNode()
macro asWords*(x: ForLoopStmt): untyped =
## This unrolls the body of the for loop and applies it for each word.
## Words are processed from most significant word to least significant.
result = quote do: asWordsIterate(`wordsIdents`, `sid0`, `sid1`, `sid2`, false, `body`)
macro asSignedWords*(x: ForLoopStmt): untyped =
## This unrolls the body of the for loop and applies it for each word.
## Words are processed from most significant word to least significant.
## The most significant word is returned signed for proper comparison.
result = quote do: asWordsIterate(`wordsIdents`, `sid0`, `sid1`, `sid2`, true, `body`)