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# Stint
# Copyright 2018-2020 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
# Status lib
# Internal
export StUint
# Initialization
# --------------------------------------------------------
{.push raises: [], inline, noInit, gcsafe.}
func setZero*(a: var StUint) =
## Set ``a`` to 0
zeroMem(a[0].addr, sizeof(a))
func setOne*(a: var StUint) =
## Set ``a`` to 1
when cpuEndian == littleEndian:
a.limbs[0] = 1
when a.limbs.len > 1:
zeroMem(a.limbs[1].addr, (a.limbs.len - 1) * sizeof(SecretWord))
a.limbs[^1] = 1
when a.limbs.len > 1:
zeroMem(a.limbs[0].addr, (a.len - 1) * sizeof(SecretWord))
func zero*[bits: static[int]](T: typedesc[Stuint[bits]]): T {.inline.} =
## Returns the zero of the input type
func one*[bits: static[int]](T: typedesc[Stuint[bits]]): T {.inline.} =
## Returns the one of the input type
func high*[bits](_: typedesc[Stuint[bits]]): Stuint[bits] {.inline.} =
for wr in leastToMostSig(result):
wr = high(Word)
func low*[bits](_: typedesc[Stuint[bits]]): Stuint[bits] {.inline.} =
# Comparisons
# --------------------------------------------------------
{.push raises: [], inline, noInit, gcsafe.}
func isZero*(a: Stuint): bool =
for word in leastToMostSig(a):
if word != 0:
return false
return true
func `==`*(a, b: Stuint): bool {.inline.} =
## Unsigned `equal` comparison
for wa, wb in leastToMostSig(a, b):
if wa != wb:
return false
return true
func `<`*(a, b: Stuint): bool {.inline.} =
## Unsigned `less than` comparison
var diff: Word
var borrow: Borrow
for wa, wb in leastToMostSig(a, b):
subB(borrow, diff, wa, wb, borrow)
return bool(borrow)
func `<=`*(a, b: Stuint): bool {.inline.} =
## Unsigned `less or equal` comparison
not(a < b)
func isOdd*(a: Stuint): bool {.inline.} =
## Returns true if input is off
## false otherwise
bool(a.leastSignificantWord and 1)
func isEven*(a: Stuint): bool {.inline.} =
## Returns true if input is zero
## false otherwise
not a.isOdd
# Bitwise operations
# --------------------------------------------------------
{.push raises: [], inline, noInit, gcsafe.}
template clearExtraBits(a: var StUint) =
## A Stuint is stored in an array of 32 of 64-bit word
## If we do bit manipulation at the word level,
## for example a 8-bit stuint stored in a 64-bit word
## we need to clear the upper 56-bit
when a.bits != a.limbs.len * WordBitWidth:
const posExtraBits = a.bits - (a.limbs.len-1) * WordBitWidth
const mask = (Word(1) shl posExtraBits) - 1
mostSignificantWord(a) = mostSignificantWord(a) and mask
func `not`*(a: Stuint): Stuint =
## Bitwise complement of unsigned integer a
## i.e. flips all bits of the input
for wr, wa in leastToMostSig(result, a):
wr = not wa
func `or`*(a, b: Stuint): Stuint =
## `Bitwise or` of numbers a and b
for wr, wa, wb in leastToMostSig(result, a, b):
wr = wa or wb
func `and`*(a, b: Stuint): Stuint =
## `Bitwise and` of numbers a and b
for wr, wa, wb in leastToMostSig(result, a, b):
wr = wa and wb
func `xor`*(a, b: Stuint): Stuint =
## `Bitwise xor` of numbers x and y
for wr, wa, wb in leastToMostSig(result, a, b):
wr = wa xor wb
func countOnes*(a: Stuint): int {.inline.} =
result = 0
for wa in leastToMostSig(a):
result += countOnes(wa)
func parity*(a: Stuint): int {.inline.} =
result = parity(a.limbs[0])
for i in 1 ..< a.limbs.len:
result = result xor parity(a.limbs[i])
func leadingZeros*(a: Stuint): int {.inline.} =
result = 0
for word in mostToLeastSig(a):
let zeroCount = word.leadingZeros()
result += zeroCount
if zeroCount != WordBitWidth:
func trailingZeros*(a: Stuint): int {.inline.} =
result = 0
for word in leastToMostSig(a):
let zeroCount = word.leadingZeros()
result += zeroCount
if zeroCount != WordBitWidth:
func firstOne*(a: Stuint): int {.inline.} =
result = trailingZeros(a)
if result == a.limbs.len * WordBitWidth:
result = 0
result += 1
func `shr`*(a: Stuint, k: SomeInteger): Stuint {.inline.} =
## Shift right by k bits
if k < WordBitWidth:
result.limbs.shrSmall(a.limbs, k)
# w = k div WordBitWidth, shift = k mod WordBitWidth
let w = k shr static(log2trunc(uint32(WordBitWidth)))
let shift = k and (WordBitWidth - 1)
if shift == 0:
result.limbs.shrWords(a.limbs, w)
result.limbs.shrLarge(a.limbs, w, shift)
func `shl`*(a: Stuint, k: SomeInteger): Stuint {.inline.} =
## Shift left by k bits
if k < WordBitWidth:
result.limbs.shlSmall(a.limbs, k)
# w = k div WordBitWidth, shift = k mod WordBitWidth
let w = k shr static(log2trunc(uint32(WordBitWidth)))
let shift = k and (WordBitWidth - 1)
if shift == 0:
result.limbs.shlWords(a.limbs, w)
result.limbs.shlLarge(a.limbs, w, shift)
{.pop.} # End inline
# Addsub
# --------------------------------------------------------
{.push raises: [], inline, noInit, gcsafe.}
func `+`*(a, b: Stuint): Stuint =
# Addition for multi-precision unsigned int
var carry = Carry(0)
for wr, wa, wb in leastToMostSig(result, a, b):
addC(carry, wr, wa, wb, carry)
func `+=`*(a: var Stuint, b: Stuint) =
## In-place addition for multi-precision unsigned int
var carry = Carry(0)
for wa, wb in leastToMostSig(a, b):
addC(carry, wa, wa, wb, carry)
func `-`*(a, b: Stuint): Stuint =
# Substraction for multi-precision unsigned int
var borrow = Borrow(0)
for wr, wa, wb in leastToMostSig(result, a, b):
subB(borrow, wr, wa, wb, borrow)
func `-=`*(a: var Stuint, b: Stuint) =
## In-place substraction for multi-precision unsigned int
var borrow = Borrow(0)
for wa, wb in leastToMostSig(a, b):
subB(borrow, wa, wa, wb, borrow)
func inc*(a: var Stuint, w: Word = 1) =
var carry = Carry(0)
when cpuEndian == littleEndian:
addC(carry, x.limbs[0], x.limbs[0], w, carry)
for i in 1 ..< x.len:
addC(carry, x.limbs[i], x.limbs[i], 0, carry)
# Multiplication
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Multiplication is implemented in a separate file at the limb-level
# - It's too big to be inlined (especially with unrolled loops)
# - It's implemented at the limb-level so that
# in the future Stuint[254] and Stuint256] share a common codepath
import ./private/uint_mul
{.push raises: [], inline, noInit, gcsafe.}
func `*`*(a, b: Stuint): Stuint =
## Integer multiplication, b.limbs)
# Division & Modulo
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Exponentiation
# --------------------------------------------------------