284 lines
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284 lines
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# Stint
# Copyright 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
{.pragma: fooPragma.}
./private/[as_words, as_signed_words],
./int_public, ./uint_public,
typetraits, algorithm
template static_check_size(T: typedesc[SomeInteger], bits: static[int]) =
# To avoid a costly runtime check, we refuse storing into StUint types smaller
# than the input type.
static: assert sizeof(T) * 8 <= bits, "Input type (" & $T &
") cannot be stored in a multi-precision " &
$bits & "-bit integer." &
"\nUse a smaller input type instead. This is a compile-time check" &
" to avoid a costly run-time bit_length check at each StUint initialization."
func stuint*[T: SomeInteger](n: T, bits: static[int]): StUint[bits] {.inline.}=
assert n >= 0.T
when result.data is UintImpl:
static_check_size(T, bits)
let r_ptr = cast[ptr array[bits div (sizeof(T) * 8), T]](result.addr)
when system.cpuEndian == littleEndian:
# "Least significant byte is at the beginning"
r_ptr[0] = n
r_ptr[r_ptr[].len - 1] = n
result.data = (type result.data)(n)
func stint*[T: SomeInteger](n: T, bits: static[int]): StInt[bits] {.inline.}=
when result.data is IntImpl:
static_check_size(T, bits)
let r_ptr = cast[ptr array[bits div (sizeof(T) * 8), T]](result.addr)
when system.cpuEndian == littleEndian:
# "Least significant byte is at the beginning"
if n < 0:
r_ptr[0] = -n
result = -result
r_ptr[0] = n
if n < 0:
r_ptr[r_ptr[].len - 1] = -n
result = -result
r_ptr[r_ptr[].len - 1] = n
result.data = (type result.data)(n)
func toInt*(num: Stint or StUint): int {.inline.}=
# Returns as int. Result is modulo 2^(sizeof(int)
func readHexChar(c: char): int8 {.inline.}=
## Converts an hex char to an int
case c
of '0'..'9': result = int8 ord(c) - ord('0')
of 'a'..'f': result = int8 ord(c) - ord('a') + 10
of 'A'..'F': result = int8 ord(c) - ord('A') + 10
raise newException(ValueError, $c & "is not a hexadecimal character")
func skipPrefixes(current_idx: var int, str: string, base: range[2..16]) {.inline.} =
## Returns the index of the first meaningful char in `hexStr` by skipping
## "0x" prefix
assert current_idx == 0, "skipPrefixes only works for prefixes (position 0 and 1 of the string)"
if str[0] == '0':
if str[1] in {'x', 'X'}:
assert base == 16, "Parsing mismatch, 0x prefix is only valid for a hexadecimal number (base 16)"
current_idx = 2
elif str[1] in {'o', 'O'}:
assert base == 8, "Parsing mismatch, 0o prefix is only valid for an octal number (base 8)"
current_idx = 2
elif str[1] in {'b', 'B'}:
assert base == 2, "Parsing mismatch, 0b prefix is only valid for a binary number (base 2)"
current_idx = 2
func nextNonBlank(current_idx: var int, s: string) {.inline.} =
## Move the current index, skipping white spaces and "_" characters.
const blanks = {' ', '_'}
inc current_idx
while current_idx < s.len and s[current_idx] in blanks:
inc current_idx
func readDecChar(c: range['0'..'9']): int {.inline.}=
## Converts a decimal char to an int
# specialization without branching for base <= 10.
ord(c) - ord('0')
func unsafeConv[bits: static[int]](n: range[0..16], T: typedesc[Stint[bits]|Stuint[bits]]): T =
## Fast convert a small int to a Stint/Stuint
## This assumes that the int always fit.
## Purpose:
## - Converting bases in the range [2..16]
## - Converting decimal/hexadecimal in range [0..15]
let r_ptr = cast[ptr array[bits div 8, byte]](result.addr)
when system.cpuEndian == littleEndian:
r_ptr[0] = n.byte
r_ptr[r_ptr[].len - 1] = n.byte
func parse*[bits: static[int]](T: typedesc[Stuint[bits]], input: string, base: static[int]): T =
## Parse a string and store the result in a Stint[bits] or Stuint[bits].
static: assert (base >= 2) and base <= 16, "Only base from 2..16 are supported"
# TODO: use static[range[2 .. 16]], not supported at the moment (2018-04-26)
# TODO: we can special case hex result/input as an array of bytes
# and be much faster
let radix = unsafeConv(base, T)
var curr = 0 # Current index in the string
skipPrefixes(curr, input, base)
while curr < input.len:
# TODO: overflow detection
when base <= 10:
result = result * radix + input[curr].readDecChar.unsafeConv(T)
result = result * radix + input[curr].readHexChar.unsafeConv(T)
nextNonBlank(curr, input)
func parse*[bits: static[int]](T: typedesc[Stint[bits]], input: string, base: static[int]): T =
## Parse a string and store the result in a Stint[bits] or Stuint[bits].
static: assert (base >= 2) and base <= 16, "Only base from 2..16 are supported"
# TODO: use static[range[2 .. 16]], not supported at the moment (2018-04-26)
# TODO: we can special case hex result/input as an array of bytes
# and be much faster
# For conversion we require overflowing operations (for example for negative hex numbers)
let radix = unsafeConv(base, Stuint[bits])
curr = 0 # Current index in the string
isNeg = false
no_overflow: Stuint[bits]
if input[curr] == '-':
assert base == 10, "Negative numbers are only supported with base 10 input."
isNeg = true
inc curr
skipPrefixes(curr, input, base)
while curr < input.len:
# TODO: overflow detection
when base <= 10:
no_overflow = no_overflow * radix + input[curr].readDecChar.unsafeConv(Stuint[bits])
no_overflow = no_overflow * radix + input[curr].readHexChar.unsafeConv(Stuint[bits])
nextNonBlank(curr, input)
# TODO: we can't create the lowest int this way
if isNeg:
result = -cast[Stint[bits]](no_overflow)
result = cast[Stint[bits]](no_overflow)
func parse*[bits: static[int]](T: typedesc[Stint[bits]|Stuint[bits]], input: string): T {.inline, fooPragma.}=
## Parse a string and store the result in a Stint[bits] or Stuint[bits].
## Input is considered a decimal string.
# TODO: Have a default static argument in the previous proc. Currently we get
# "Cannot evaluate at compile-time" in several places (2018-04-26).
parse(T, input, 10)
func toString*[bits: static[int]](num: StUint[bits], base: static[int]): string =
## Convert a Stint or Stuint to string.
## In case of negative numbers:
## - they are prefixed with "-" for base 10.
## - if not base 10, they are returned raw in two-complement form.
static: assert (base >= 2) and base <= 16, "Only base from 2..16 are supported"
# TODO: use static[range[2 .. 16]], not supported at the moment (2018-04-26)
const hexChars = "0123456789abcdef"
let radix = unsafeConv(base, type num)
result = ""
var (q, r) = divmod(num, radix)
while true:
result.add hexChars[r.toInt]
if q.isZero:
(q, r) = divmod(q, radix)
func toString*[bits: static[int]](num: Stint[bits], base: static[int]): string =
## Convert a Stint or Stuint to string.
## In case of negative numbers:
## - they are prefixed with "-" for base 10.
## - if not base 10, they are returned raw in two-complement form.
static: assert (base >= 2) and base <= 16, "Only base from 2..16 are supported"
# TODO: use static[range[2 .. 16]], not supported at the moment (2018-04-26)
const hexChars = "0123456789abcdef"
let radix = unsafeConv(base, type num)
result = ""
let isNeg = num.isNegative
let num = if base == 10 and isNeg: -num
else: num
var (q, r) = divmod(num, radix)
while true:
result.add hexChars[r.toInt]
if q.isZero:
(q, r) = divmod(q, radix)
if isNeg:
result.add '-'
func toString*[bits: static[int]](num: Stint[bits] or StUint[bits]): string {.inline, fooPragma.}=
## Convert to a string.
## Output is considered a decimal string.
# TODO: Have a default static argument in the previous proc. Currently we get
# "Error: type mismatch: got <int, type StInt[128]>, required type static[int]"
toString(num, 10)
func dumpHex*(x: Stint or StUint, order: static[Endianness]): string =
## Stringify an int to hex.
## Note. Leading 0 are not removed. Use toString(n, base = 16) instead.
## You can specify bigEndian or littleEndian order.
## i.e. in bigEndian:
## - 1.uint64 will be 00000001
## - (2.uint128)^64 + 1 will be 0000000100000001
## in littleEndian:
## - 1.uint64 will be 01000000
## - (2.uint128)^64 + 1 will be 0100000001000000
hexChars = "0123456789abcdef"
size = getSize(x.data) div 8
{.pragma: restrict, codegenDecl: "$# __restrict__ $#".}
let bytes {.restrict.}= cast[ptr array[size, byte]](x.unsafeaddr)
result = newString(2*size)
for i in 0 ..< size:
when order == system.cpuEndian:
result[2*i] = hexChars[int bytes[i] shr 4 and 0xF]
result[2*i+1] = hexChars[int bytes[i] and 0xF]
result[2*i] = hexChars[int bytes[bytes[].high - i] shr 4 and 0xF]
result[2*i+1] = hexChars[int bytes[bytes[].high - i] and 0xF]
func dumpHex*(x: Stint or StUint): string {.inline.}=
## Stringify an int to hex.
## By default, dump is done in bigEndian order.
dumpHex(x, bigEndian)
# TODO: Have a default static argument in the previous proc. Currently we get
# "Cannot evaluate at compile-time".