# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except # according to those terms. import ./rbtree_desc, ../results type RbLtFn*[C] = ##\ ## Compare two data containers (rather than a container against a key) ## for the equivalent of `a < b` proc(a, b: C): bool {.gcsafe.} RbPrnFn* = ##\ ## Handle error message proc(code: RbInfo; ctxInfo: string) {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,CatchableError].} RbDdebug[C,K] = object tree: RbTreeRef[C,K] ## tree, not-Nil node: RbNodeRef[C] ## current node level: int ## red + black recursion level blkLevel: int ## black recursion level blkDepth: int ## expected black node chain length (unless zero) lt: RbLtFn[C] ## vfy less than pr: RbPrnFn msg: string ## collect data {.push raises: [Defect].} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ # Private # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc pp[C](n: RbNodeRef[C]): string = if n.isNil: return "nil" result = $n.casket if n.isRed: result &= "~red" else: result &= "~black" proc doError[C,K](d: var RbDdebug[C,K]; t: RbInfo; s: string): Result[void,(C,RbInfo)] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,CatchableError].} = if not d.pr.isNil: var msg = s & ": <" & d.node.pp & " link[" & d.node.linkLeft.pp & ", " & d.node.linkRight.pp & "]>" d.pr(t, msg) err((d.node.casket,t)) proc rootIsRed[C,K](d: var RbDdebug[C,K]): Result[void,(C,RbInfo)] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,CatchableError].} = d.doError(rbVfyRootIsRed, "Root node is red") proc redNodeRedLinkLeft[C,K](d: var RbDdebug[C,K]): Result[void,(C,RbInfo)] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,CatchableError].} = d.doError(rbVfyRedParentRedLeftLink, "Parent node and left link red") proc redNodeRedLinkRight[C,K](d: var RbDdebug[C,K]): Result[void,(C,RbInfo)] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,CatchableError].} = d.doError(rbVfyRedParentRedRightLink, "Parent node and right link red") proc redNodeRedLinkBoth[C,K](d: var RbDdebug[C,K]): Result[void,(C,RbInfo)] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,CatchableError].} = d.doError(rbVfyRedParentRedBothLinks, "Parent node and both links red") proc linkLeftCompError[C,K](d: var RbDdebug[C,K]): Result[void,(C,RbInfo)] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,CatchableError].} = d.doError(rbVfyLeftLinkGtParent, "Left node greater than parent") proc linkRightCompError[C,K](d: var RbDdebug[C,K]): Result[void,(C,RbInfo)] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,CatchableError].} = d.doError(rbVfyRightLinkLtParent, "Right node greater than parent") proc linkBothCompError[C,K](d: var RbDdebug[C,K]): Result[void,(C,RbInfo)] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,CatchableError].} = d.doError(rbVfyBothLinkCmpParentReversed, "Left node greater than parent greater than right node") proc blackChainLevelError[C,K](d: var RbDdebug[C,K]): Result[void,(C,RbInfo)] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,CatchableError].} = d.doError(rbVfyBlackChainLevelMismatch, "Inconsistent length of black node chains") proc subTreeVerify[C,K](d: var RbDdebug[C,K]): Result[void,(C,RbInfo)] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,CatchableError].} = let node = d.node doAssert not node.isNil # Check for double red link violation if node.isRed: if node.linkLeft.isRed: if node.linkRight.isRed: return d.redNodeRedLinkBoth return d.redNodeRedLinkLeft if node.linkRight.isRed: return d.redNodeRedLinkRight # ok node is black, check the values if `lt` is available if not d.lt.isNil: let linkLeft = node.linkLeft leftOk = linkLeft.isNil or d.lt(linkLeft.casket,node.casket) linkRight = node.linkRight rightOk = linkRight.isNil or d.lt(node.casket,linkRight.casket) if not leftOk: if not rightOk: return d.linkBothCompError return d.linkLeftCompError if not rightOk: return d.linkRightCompError # update nesting level and black chain length d.level.inc if not node.isRed: d.blkLevel.inc if node.linkLeft.isNil and node.linkRight.isNil: # verify black chain length if d.blkDepth == 0: d.blkDepth = d.blkLevel elif d.blkDepth != d.blkLevel: return d.blackChainLevelError if not node.linkLeft.isNil: d.node = node.linkLeft let rc = d.subTreeVerify if rc.isErr: return rc ; if not node.linkRight.isNil: d.node = node.linkRight let rc = d.subTreeVerify if rc.isErr: return rc ; d.level.dec if not node.isRed: d.blkLevel.dec ok() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ # Public # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc rbTreeVerify*[C,K](rbt: RbTreeRef[C,K]; lt: RbLtFn[C] = nil; pr: RbPrnFn = nil): Result[void,(C,RbInfo)] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,CatchableError].} = ## Verifies the argument tree `rbt` for ## * No consecutively linked red nodes down the tree ## * Link consisteny: value(leftLink) < value(node) < value(rightLink). This ## check needs to have the argument `lt` defined, otherwise this check is ## skipped ## * Black length: verify that all node chains down the tree count the same ## lengths ## ## The function returns `rbOk` unless an error is found. If `pr` is defined, ## this function is called with some error code and context information. if rbt.root.isNil: return ok() var d = RbDdebug[C,K]( tree: rbt, node: rbt.root, lt: lt, pr: pr) if rbt.root.isRed: return d.rootIsRed d.subTreeVerify # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ # End # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------