# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except # according to those terms. import std/[algorithm, sequtils, strformat, strutils, tables], ../stew/keyed_queue, ../stew/keyed_queue/kq_debug, unittest const usedStrutils = newSeq[string]().join(" ") lruCacheLimit = 10 lruCacheModulo = 13 keyList = [ 185, 208, 53, 54, 196, 189, 187, 117, 94, 29, 6, 173, 207, 45, 31, 208, 127, 106, 117, 49, 40, 171, 6, 94, 84, 60, 125, 87, 168, 183, 200, 155, 34, 27, 67, 107, 108, 223, 249, 4, 113, 9, 205, 100, 77, 224, 19, 196, 14, 83, 145, 154, 95, 56, 236, 97, 115, 140, 134, 97, 153, 167, 23, 17, 182, 116, 253, 32, 108, 148, 135, 169, 178, 124, 147, 231, 236, 174, 211, 247, 22, 118, 144, 224, 68, 124, 200, 92, 63, 183, 56, 107, 45, 180, 113, 233, 59, 246, 29, 212, 172, 161, 183, 207, 189, 56, 198, 130, 62, 28, 53, 122] type KUQueue = # mind the kqueue module from the nim standard lib KeyedQueue[uint,uint] LruCache = object size: int q: KUQueue let noisy = defined(debug) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Debugging # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc `$`(rc: KeyedQueuePair[uint,uint]): string = "(" & $rc.key & "," & $rc.data & ")" proc `$`(rc: Result[KeyedQueuePair[uint,uint],void]): string = result = "<" if rc.isOK: result &= $rc.value.key & "," & $rc.value.data result &= ">" proc `$`(rc: Result[uint,void]): string = result = "<" if rc.isOK: result &= $rc.value result &= ">" proc say(noisy = false; pfx = "***"; args: varargs[string, `$`]) = if noisy: if args.len == 0: echo "*** ", pfx elif 0 < pfx.len and pfx[^1] != ' ': echo pfx, " ", args.toSeq.join else: echo pfx, args.toSeq.join # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Converters # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc toValue(n: int): uint = (n + 1000).uint proc fromValue(n: uint): int = (n - 1000).int proc toKey(n: int): uint = n.uint proc fromKey(n: uint): int = n.int # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Helpers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc lruValue(lru: var LruCache; n: int): uint = let key = n.toKey rc = lru.q.lruFetch(key) if rc.isOK: return rc.value lru.q.lruAppend(key, key.fromKey.toValue, lru.size) proc toLruCache(a: openArray[int]): LruCache = result.size = lruCacheLimit for n in a.toSeq.mapIt(it mod lruCacheModulo): doAssert result.lruValue(n) == n.toValue proc toQueue(a: openArray[int]): KUQueue = for n in a: result[n.toKey] = n.toValue proc toUnique(a: openArray[int]): seq[uint] = var q = a.toQueue toSeq(q.nextKeys) proc addOrFlushGroupwise(rq: var KUQueue; grpLen: int; seen: var seq[int]; n: int; noisy = true) = seen.add n if seen.len < grpLen: return # flush group-wise let rqLen = rq.len noisy.say "updateSeen: deleting ", seen.mapIt($it).join(" ") for a in seen: doAssert rq.delete(a.toKey).value.data == a.toValue doAssert rqLen == seen.len + rq.len seen.setLen(0) proc compileGenericFunctions(rq: var KUQueue) = ## Verifies that functions compile, at all rq.del(0) rq[0] = 0 # so `rq[0]` works discard rq[0] let ignoreValues = ( (rq.append(0,0), rq.push(0,0), rq.replace(0,0), rq.prepend(0,0), rq.unshift(0,0), rq.shift, rq.shiftKey, rq.shiftValue, rq.pop, rq.popKey, rq.popValue, rq.delete(0)), (rq.hasKey(0), rq.eq(0)), (rq.firstKey, rq.secondKey, rq.beforeLastKey, rq.lastKey, rq.nextKey(0), rq.prevKey(0)), (rq.first, rq.second, rq.beforeLast, rq.last, rq.next(0), rq.prev(0)), (rq.firstValue, rq.secondValue, rq.beforeLastValue, rq.lastValue), (rq == rq, rq.len), (toSeq(rq.nextKeys), toSeq(rq.nextValues), toSeq(rq.nextPairs), toSeq(rq.prevKeys), toSeq(rq.prevValues), toSeq(rq.prevPairs))) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test Runners # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ let uniqueKeys = keyList.toUnique numUniqeKeys = keyList.toSeq.mapIt((it,false)).toTable.len numKeyDups = keyList.len - numUniqeKeys suite "KeyedQueue: Data queue with keyed random access": block: var fwdRq, revRq: KUQueue fwdRej, revRej: seq[int] test &"All functions smoke test": var rq: KeyedQueue[uint,uint] rq.compileGenericFunctions test &"Append/traverse {keyList.len} items, " & &"rejecting {numKeyDups} duplicates": var rq: KUQueue rej: seq[int] for n in keyList: if not rq.push(n.toKey, n.toValue): # synonymous for append() rej.add n let check = rq.verify if check.isErr: check check.error[2] == kQOk check rq.len == numUniqeKeys check rej.len == numKeyDups check rq.len + rej.len == keyList.len fwdRq = rq fwdRej = rej check uniqueKeys == toSeq(rq.nextKeys) check uniqueKeys == toSeq(rq.prevKeys).reversed check uniqueKeys.len == numUniqeKeys test &"Prepend/traverse {keyList.len} items, " & &"rejecting {numKeyDups} duplicates": var rq: KUQueue rej: seq[int] for n in keyList: if not rq.unshift(n.toKey, n.toValue): # synonymous for prepend() rej.add n let check = rq.verify if check.isErr: check check.error[2] == kQOk check rq.len == numUniqeKeys check rej.len == numKeyDups check rq.len + rej.len == keyList.len check toSeq(rq.nextKeys) == toSeq(rq.prevKeys).reversed revRq = rq revRej = rej test "Compare previous forward/reverse queues": check 0 < fwdRq.len check 0 < revRq.len check toSeq(fwdRq.nextKeys) == toSeq(revRq.prevKeys) check toSeq(fwdRq.prevKeys) == toSeq(revRq.nextKeys) check fwdRej.sorted == revRej.sorted test "Delete corresponding entries by keyed access from previous queues": var seen: seq[int] let sub7 = keyList.len div 7 for n in toSeq(countUp(0,sub7)).concat(toSeq(countUp(3*sub7,4*sub7))): let key = keyList[n].toKey canDeleteOk = (key.fromKey notin seen) eqFwdData = fwdRq.eq(key) eqRevData = revRq.eq(key) if not canDeleteOk: check eqFwdData.isErr check eqRevData.isErr else: check eqFwdData.isOk check eqRevData.isOk let eqFwdEq = fwdRq.eq(eqFwdData.value.fromValue.toKey) eqRevEq = revRq.eq(eqRevData.value.fromValue.toKey) check eqFwdEq.isOk check eqRevEq.isOk let eqFwdKey = eqFwdEq.value.fromValue.toKey eqRevKey = eqRevEq.value.fromValue.toKey check eqFwdKey == key check eqRevKey == key let fwdData = fwdRq.delete(key) fwdRqCheck = fwdRq.verify revData = revRq.delete(key) revRqCheck = revRq.verify if key.fromKey notin seen: seen.add key.fromKey if fwdRqCheck.isErr: check fwdRqCheck.error[2] == kQOk check fwdData.isOk == canDeleteOk if revRqCheck.isErr: check revRqCheck.error[2] == kQOk check revData.isOk == canDeleteOk if canDeleteOk: check fwdData.value.data == revData.value.data check fwdRq.len == revRq.len check seen.len + fwdRq.len + fwdRej.len == keyList.len # -------------------------------------- block: const groupLen = 7 let veryNoisy = noisy and false test &"Load/forward/reverse iterate {numUniqeKeys} items, "& &"deleting in groups of at most {groupLen}": # forward ... block: var rq = keyList.toQueue seen: seq[int] all: seq[uint] rc = rq.first while rc.isOK: let key = rc.value.key all.add key rc = rq.next(key) rq.addOrFlushGroupwise(groupLen, seen, key.fromKey, veryNoisy) check rq.verify.isOK check seen.len == rq.len check seen.len < groupLen check uniqueKeys == all block: var rq = keyList.toQueue seen: seq[int] all: seq[uint] for w in rq.nextKeys: all.add w rq.addOrFlushGroupwise(groupLen, seen, w.fromKey, veryNoisy) check rq.verify.isOK check seen.len == rq.len check seen.len < groupLen check uniqueKeys == all block: var rq = keyList.toQueue seen: seq[int] all: seq[uint] for w in rq.nextPairs: all.add w.key rq.addOrFlushGroupwise(groupLen, seen, w.key.fromKey, veryNoisy) check rq.verify.isOK check seen.len == rq.len check seen.len < groupLen check uniqueKeys == all block: var rq = keyList.toQueue seen: seq[int] all: seq[uint] for v in rq.nextValues: let w = v.fromValue.toKey all.add w rq.addOrFlushGroupwise(groupLen, seen, w.fromKey, veryNoisy) check rq.verify.isOK check seen.len == rq.len check seen.len < groupLen check uniqueKeys == all # reverse ... block: var rq = keyList.toQueue seen: seq[int] all: seq[uint] rc = rq.last while rc.isOK: let key = rc.value.key all.add key rc = rq.prev(key) rq.addOrFlushGroupwise(groupLen, seen, key.fromKey, veryNoisy) check rq.verify.isOK check seen.len == rq.len check seen.len < groupLen check uniqueKeys == all.reversed block: var rq = keyList.toQueue seen: seq[int] all: seq[uint] for w in rq.prevKeys: all.add w rq.addOrFlushGroupwise(groupLen, seen, w.fromKey, veryNoisy) check rq.verify.isOK check seen.len == rq.len check seen.len < groupLen check uniqueKeys == all.reversed block: var rq = keyList.toQueue seen: seq[int] all: seq[uint] for w in rq.prevPairs: all.add w.key rq.addOrFlushGroupwise(groupLen, seen, w.key.fromKey, veryNoisy) check rq.verify.isOK check seen.len == rq.len check seen.len < groupLen check uniqueKeys == all.reversed block: var rq = keyList.toQueue seen: seq[int] all: seq[uint] for v in rq.prevValues: let w = v.fromValue.toKey all.add w rq.addOrFlushGroupwise(groupLen, seen, w.fromKey, veryNoisy) check rq.verify.isOK check seen.len == rq.len check seen.len < groupLen check uniqueKeys == all.reversed test &"Load/forward/reverse steps {numUniqeKeys} key/item consistency": # forward ... block: var rq = keyList.toQueue count = 0 rc = rq.firstKey while rc.isOk: check uniqueKeys[count] == rc.value rc = rq.nextKey(rc.value) count.inc check rq.verify.isOK check count == uniqueKeys.len block: var rq = keyList.toQueue count = 0 rc = rq.first while rc.isOk: check uniqueKeys[count] == rc.value.data.fromValue.toKey rc = rq.next(rc.value.key) count.inc check rq.verify.isOK check count == uniqueKeys.len # reverse ... block: var rq = keyList.toQueue count = uniqueKeys.len rc = rq.lastKey while rc.isOk: count.dec check uniqueKeys[count] == rc.value rc = rq.prevKey(rc.value) check rq.verify.isOK check count == 0 block: var rq = keyList.toQueue count = uniqueKeys.len rc = rq.last while rc.isOk: count.dec check uniqueKeys[count] == rc.value.data.fromValue.toKey rc = rq.prev(rc.value.key) check rq.verify.isOK check count == 0 # -------------------------------------- test &"Load/delete 2nd entries from either queue end until only one left": block: var rq = keyList.toQueue while true: let rc = rq.secondKey if rc.isErr: check rq.second.isErr break let key = rc.value check rq.second.value.data == rq[key] check rq.delete(key).isOK check rq.verify.isOK check rq.len == 1 block: var rq = keyList.toQueue while true: let rc = rq.beforeLastKey if rc.isErr: check rq.beforeLast.isErr break let key = rc.value check rq.beforeLast.value.data == rq[key] check rq.delete(key).isOK check rq.verify.isOK check rq.len == 1 # -------------------------------------- test &"Deep copy semantics": var rp = keyList.toQueue rq = rp let reduceLen = (rp.len div 3) check 0 < reduceLen check rp == rq for _ in 1 .. (rp.len div 3): let key = rp.firstKey.value check rp.delete(key).value.data.fromValue.toKey == key check rq.len == numUniqeKeys check rp.len + reduceLen == rq.len suite "KeyedQueue: Data queue as LRU cache": test "Fill Up": var cache = newSeq[int]().toLruCache cExpected = keyList.toLruCache for w in keyList: var item = (w mod lruCacheModulo) reSched = cache.q.hasKey(item.toKey) value = cache.lruValue(item) queue = toSeq(cache.q.nextPairs).mapIt(it.key) values = toSeq(cache.q.nextPairs).mapIt(it.data) infoPfx = if reSched: ">>> rotate" else: "+++ append" noisy.say infoPfx, &"{value} => {queue}" check cache.q.verify.isOK check queue.mapIt($it) == values.mapIt($it.fromValue) check item.toKey == cache.q.lastKey.value check toSeq(cache.q.nextPairs) == toSeq(cExpected.q.nextPairs) test "Deep copy semantics": var c1 = keyList.toLruCache c2 = c1 check c1 == c2 check c1.lruValue(77) == 77.toValue check c1.q.verify.isOK check c2.q.verify.isOK noisy.say &"c1Specs: {c1.size} {c1.q.firstKey} {c1.q.lastKey} ..." noisy.say &"c2Specs: {c2.size} {c2.q.firstKey} {c2.q.lastKey} ..." check c1 != c2 check toSeq(c1.q.nextPairs) != toSeq(c2.q.nextPairs) # -------------------- test "Random Access Delete": var c1 = keyList.toLruCache sq = toSeq(c1.q.nextPairs).mapIt(it.key.fromKey) s0 = sq inx = 5 key = sq[5].toKey sq.delete(5,5) # delete index 5 in sequence noisy.say &"sq: {s0} {sq}" check c1.q.delete(key).value.key == key check sq == toSeq(c1.q.nextPairs).mapIt(it.key.fromKey) check c1.q.verify.isOk # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------