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2019-07-04 18:30:24 +00:00
# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
# Endian conversion operations for unsigned integers, suitable for serializing
# and deserializing data. The operations are only defined for unsigned
# integers - if you wish to encode signed integers, convert / cast them to
# unsigned first!
# Although it would be possible to enforce correctness with endians in the type
# (`BigEndian[uin64]`) this seems like overkill. That said, some
# static analysis tools allow you to annotate fields with endianess - perhaps
# an idea for the future, akin to `TaintedString`?
# Keeping the above in mind, it's generally safer to use `array[N, byte]` to
# hold values of specific endianess and read them out with `fromBytes` when the
# integer interpretation of the bytes is needed.
# Though it doesn't quite make sense, we include byte swappers for single bytes
# for generic convenience.
when defined(gcc) or defined(llvm_gcc) or defined(clang):
func swapBytesBuiltin(x: uint8): uint8 = x
func swapBytesBuiltin(x: uint16): uint16 {.
importc: "__builtin_bswap16", nodecl.}
func swapBytesBuiltin(x: uint32): uint32 {.
importc: "__builtin_bswap32", nodecl.}
func swapBytesBuiltin(x: uint64): uint64 {.
importc: "__builtin_bswap64", nodecl.}
elif defined(icc):
func swapBytesBuiltin(x: uint8): uint8 = x
func swapBytesBuiltin(a: uint16): uint16 {.importc: "_bswap16", nodecl.}
func swapBytesBuiltin(a: uint32): uint32 {.importc: "_bswap", nodec.}
func swapBytesBuiltin(a: uint64): uint64 {.importc: "_bswap64", nodecl.}
elif defined(vcc):
func swapBytesBuiltin(x: uint8): uint8 = x
proc builtin_bswap16(a: uint16): uint16 {.
importc: "_byteswap_ushort", cdecl, header: "<intrin.h>".}
proc builtin_bswap32(a: uint32): uint32 {.
importc: "_byteswap_ulong", cdecl, header: "<intrin.h>".}
proc builtin_bswap64(a: uint64): uint64 {.
importc: "_byteswap_uint64", cdecl, header: "<intrin.h>".}
func swapBytesNim(x: uint8): uint8 = x
func swapBytesNim(x: uint16): uint16 = (x shl 8) or (x shr 8)
func swapBytesNim(x: uint32): uint32 =
let v = (x shl 16) or (x shr 16)
((v shl 8) and 0xff00ff00'u32) or ((v shr 8) and 0x00ff00ff'u32)
func swapBytesNim(x: uint64): uint64 =
var v = (x shl 32) or (x shr 32)
v =
((v and 0x0000ffff0000ffff'u64) shl 16) or
((v and 0xffff0000ffff0000'u64) shr 16)
((v and 0x00ff00ff00ff00ff'u64) shl 8) or
((v and 0xff00ff00ff00ff00'u64) shr 8)
func swapBytes*(x: SomeUnsignedInt): SomeUnsignedInt {.inline.} =
## Reverse the bytes within an integer, such that the most significant byte
## changes place with the least significant one, etc
## Example:
## doAssert swapBytes(0x01234567'u32) == 0x67452301
when nimvm:
when defined(swapBytesBuiltin):
func toBytes*(x: uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64, endian: Endianness = system.cpuEndian):
array[sizeof(x), byte] {.noinit, inline.} =
## Convert integer to its corresponding byte sequence using the chosen
## endianness. By default, native endianess is used which is not portable!
let v =
if endian == system.cpuEndian: x
else: swapBytes(x)
# Loop since vm can't copymem - let's hope optimizer is smart here :)
for i in 0..<sizeof(result):
result[i] = byte((v shr (i * 8)) and 0xff)
func toBytesLE*(x: uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64):
array[sizeof(x), byte] {.inline.} =
## Convert a native endian integer to a little endian byte sequence
toBytes(x, littleEndian)
func toBytesBE*(x: uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64):
array[sizeof(x), byte] {.inline.} =
## Convert a native endian integer to a native endian byte sequence
toBytes(x, bigEndian)
func fromBytes*(
T: typedesc[uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64],
x: array[sizeof(T), byte],
endian: Endianness = system.cpuEndian): T {.inline.} =
## Convert a byte sequence to a native endian integer. By default, native
## endianess is used which is not portable!
for i in 0..<sizeof(result): # No copymem in vm
result = result or T(x[i]) shl (i * 8)
if endian != system.cpuEndian:
result = swapBytes(result)
func fromBytes*(
T: type,
x: openArray[byte],
endian: Endianness = system.cpuEndian): T {.inline.} =
## Read bytes and convert to an integer according to the given endianess. At
## runtime, v must contain at least sizeof(T) bytes. By default, native
## endianess is used which is not portable!
const ts = sizeof(T) # Nim bug: can't use sizeof directly
var tmp: array[ts, byte]
for i in 0..<tmp.len: # Loop since vm can't copymem
tmp[i] = x[i]
fromBytes(T, tmp, endian)
func fromBytesBE*(
T: typedesc[uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64],
x: array[sizeof(T), byte]): T {.inline.} =
## Read big endian bytes and convert to an integer. By default, native
## endianess is used which is not
## portable!
fromBytes(T, x, bigEndian)
func fromBytesBE*(
T: typedesc[uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64],
x: openArray[byte]): T {.inline.} =
## Read big endian bytes and convert to an integer. At runtime, v must contain
## at least sizeof(T) bytes. By default, native endianess is used which is not
## portable!
fromBytes(T, x, bigEndian)
func toBE*(x: SomeUnsignedInt): SomeUnsignedInt {.inline.} =
## Convert a native endian value to big endian. Consider toBytesBE instead
## which may prevent some confusion.
if cpuEndian == bigEndian: x
else: x.swapBytes
func fromBE*(x: SomeUnsignedInt): SomeUnsignedInt {.inline.} =
## Read a big endian value and return the corresponding native endian
# there's no difference between this and toBE, except when reading the code
func fromBytesLE*(
T: typedesc[uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64],
x: array[sizeof(T), byte]): T {.inline.} =
## Read little endian bytes and convert to an integer. By default, native
## endianess is used which is not portable!
fromBytes(T, x, littleEndian)
func fromBytesLE*(
T: typedesc[uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64],
x: openArray[byte]): T {.inline.} =
## Read little endian bytes and convert to an integer. At runtime, v must
## contain at least sizeof(T) bytes. By default, native endianess is used
## which is not portable!
fromBytes(T, x, littleEndian)
func toLE*(x: SomeUnsignedInt): SomeUnsignedInt {.inline.} =
## Convert a native endian value to little endian. Consider toBytesLE instead
## which may prevent some confusion.
if cpuEndian == littleEndian: x
else: x.swapBytes
func fromLE*(x: SomeUnsignedInt): SomeUnsignedInt {.inline.} =
## Read a little endian value and return the corresponding native endian
# there's no difference between this and toLE, except when reading the code