118 lines
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118 lines
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import # nim libs
os, json, options, strutils, strformat
import # vendor libs
web3, chronos, web3/conversions as web3_conversions, web3/ethtypes,
sqlcipher, json_serialization, json_serialization/[reader, writer, lexer],
import migrations/sql_scripts_app
import conversions, settings/types, settings, database, conversions, callrpc
var db_conn*: DbConn
var web3_conn*: Web3
proc login*(accountData, password: string) =
# TODO: get account, validate password, etc
# TODO: should this be async?
# TODO: db should have been initialized somewhere, not here
# TODO: determine where will the DB connection live. In the meantime I'm storing it into a global variable
# TODO: determine where the web3 conn will live
let path = getCurrentDir() / accountData & ".db"
db_conn = initializeDB(path, password, newMigrationDefinition())
# TODO: these settings should have been set when calling saveAccountAndLogin
let settingsStr = """{
"address": "0x1122334455667788990011223344556677889900",
"chaos-mode": true,
"networks/current-network": "mainnet_rpc",
"dapps-address": "0x1122334455667788990011223344556677889900",
"eip1581-address": "0x1122334455667788990011223344556677889900",
"installation-id": "ABC-DEF-GHI",
"key-uid": "XYZ",
"latest-derived-path": 0,
"networks/networks": [{"id":"mainnet_rpc","etherscan-link":"https://etherscan.io/address/","name":"Mainnet with upstream RPC","config":{"NetworkId":1,"DataDir":"/ethereum/mainnet_rpc","UpstreamConfig":{"Enabled":true,"URL":"wss://mainnet.infura.io/ws/v3/7230123556ec4a8aac8d89ccd0dd74d7"}}}],
"name": "test",
"photo-path": "ABXYZC",
"preview-privacy?": false,
"public-key": "0x123",
"signing-phrase": "ABC DEF GHI",
"wallet-root-address": "0x1122334455667788990011223344556677889900"
let settingsObj = JSON.decode(settingsStr, Settings, allowUnknownFields = true)
let nodeConfig = %* {"config": 1}
db_conn.createSettings(settingsObj, nodeConfig)
web3_conn = newWeb3(getSettings(db_conn))
proc logout*() =
waitFor web3_conn.close()
web3_conn = nil
proc test_removeDB*(accountData: string) = # TODO: remove this once proper db initialization is available
let path = getCurrentDir() / accountData & ".db"
AccountType* {.pure.} = enum
Name = "name",
Identicon = "identicon",
KeycardPairing = "keycardPairing",
KeyUid = "keyUid",
LoginTimestamp = "loginTimestamp"
AccountCol* {.pure.} = enum
Name = "name",
Identicon = "identicon",
KeycardPairing = "keycardPairing",
KeyUid = "keyUid",
LoginTimestamp = "loginTimestamp"
Account* = object
name* {.serializedFieldName($AccountType.Name), dbColumnName($AccountCol.Name).}: string
identicon* {.serializedFieldName($AccountType.Identicon), dbColumnName($AccountCol.Identicon).}: string
keycardPairing* {.serializedFieldName($AccountType.KeycardPairing), dbColumnName($AccountCol.KeycardPairing).}: string
keyUid* {.serializedFieldName($AccountType.KeyUid), dbColumnName($AccountCol.KeyUid).}: string
loginTimestamp* {.serializedFieldName($AccountType.LoginTimestamp), dbColumnName($AccountCol.LoginTimestamp).}: int
proc getAccounts*(db: DbConn): seq[Account] =
var accountList: seq[Account] = @[]
let query = fmt"""SELECT {$AccountCol.Name}, {$AccountCol.LoginTimestamp}, {$AccountCol.Identicon}, {$AccountCol.KeycardPairing}, {$AccountCol.KeyUid}
from accounts ORDER BY {$AccountCol.LoginTimestamp} DESC"""
result = db.all(Account, query)
proc saveAccount*(db: DbConn, account: Account) =
let query = fmt"""
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"""
db.exec(query, account.name, account.identicon, account.keycardPairing, account.keyUid)
proc updateAccount*(db: DbConn, account: Account) =
let query = fmt"""UPDATE accounts
SET {$AccountCol.Name} = ?,
{$AccountCol.Identicon} = ?,
{$AccountCol.KeycardPairing} = ?
WHERE {$AccountCol.KeyUid}= ?"""
db.exec(query, account.name, account.identicon, account.keycardPairing, account.keyUid)
proc updateAccountTimestamp*(db: DbConn, loginTimestamp: int64, keyUid: string) =
let query = fmt"""UPDATE accounts
SET {$AccountCol.LoginTimestamp} = ?
WHERE {$AccountCol.KeyUid} = ?"""
db.exec(query, loginTimestamp, keyUid)
proc deleteAccount*(db: DbConn, keyUid: string) =
let query = fmt"""DELETE FROM accounts WHERE {$AccountCol.KeyUid} = ?"""
db.exec(query, keyUid)