111 lines
3.6 KiB
111 lines
3.6 KiB
import lib/accounts
import lib/alias
import lib/alias/data
import lib/account
import lib/accounts
import lib/identicon
import lib/messages
import lib/chats
import lib/permissions
import lib/util
import lib/migration
import lib/database
import lib/migrations/sql_scripts_accounts as acc_migration
import lib/migrations/sql_scripts_app as app_migration
import sqlcipher
import nimcrypto
import strformat
import strutils
import unicode
import json
import os
export createAccount
export getAccounts;
export saveAccount;
export updateAccount;
export updateAccountTimestamp;
export deleteAccount;
export addPermissions, getPermissions, deletePermission
proc hashMessage*(message: string): string =
## hashMessage calculates the hash of a message to be safely signed by the keycard.
## The hash is calulcated as
## keccak256("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n"${message length}${message}).
## This gives context to the signed message and prevents signing of transactions.
var msg = message
if isHexString(msg):
msg = parseHexStr(msg[2..^1])
const END_OF_MEDIUM = Rune(0x19).toUTF8
const prefix = END_OF_MEDIUM & "Ethereum Signed Message:\n"
"0x" & toLower($keccak_256.digest(prefix & $(msg.len) & msg))
proc generateAlias*(pubKey: string): string =
## generateAlias returns a 3-words generated name given a hex encoded (prefixed with 0x) public key.
## We ignore any error, empty string result is considered an error.
result = ""
if isPubKey(pubKey):
let seed = truncPubKey(pubKey)
const poly: uint64 = 0xB8
let generator = Lsfr(poly: poly, data: seed)
let adjective1 = adjectives[generator.next mod adjectives.len]
let adjective2 = adjectives[generator.next mod adjectives.len]
let animal = animals[generator.next mod animals.len.uint64]
result = fmt("{adjective1} {adjective2} {animal}")
proc identicon*(str: string): string =
## identicon returns a base64 encoded icon given a string.
## We ignore any error, empty string result is considered an error.
result = generateBase64(str)
##### TODO: move to somefile
type StatusObject* = ref object
rootDataDir: string
accountsDB*: DbConn
userDB*: DbConn
proc init*(dataDir: string): StatusObject =
result = new StatusObject
result.rootDataDir = dataDir
result.accountsDB = initializeDB(dataDir / "accounts.sql", acc_migration.newMigrationDefinition(), false) # Disabling migrations because we are reusing a status-go DB
proc openAccounts*(self: StatusObject): seq[Account] =
proc openUserDB*(self: StatusObject, keyUid: string, password: string) =
self.userDB = initializeDB(self.rootDataDir / keyUid & ".db", password, app_migration.newMigrationDefinition(), false) # Disabling migrations because we are reusing a status-go DB
self.userDB.execScript("PRAGMA cipher_page_size = 1024");
self.userDB.execScript("PRAGMA kdf_iter = 3200");
self.userDB.execScript("PRAGMA cipher_hmac_algorithm = HMAC_SHA1");
self.userDB.execScript("PRAGMA cipher_kdf_algorithm = PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1");
echo "==============================="
echo "DB path: " & (self.rootDataDir / keyUid & ".db")
echo "Password: " & password
let result = self.userDB.value("SELECT public_key from settings") # check if decryption worked
echo "Result: "
echo result.get()
proc closeUserDB*(self: StatusObject) =
proc loadChats*(self: StatusObject): seq[Chat] =
proc close*(self: StatusObject) =
self.accountsDB.close() |