import # nim libs json, options, os, unittest import # vendor libs chronos, json_serialization, sqlcipher, stew/byteutils import # status libs ../status/[chats, contacts, conversions, database, messages], ./test_helpers procSuite "chats": asyncTest "chats": let password = "qwerty" let path = currentSourcePath.parentDir() & "/build/my.db" removeFile(path) let db = initializeDB(path, password) var chat = Chat( id: "ContactId", name: "chat-name", color: "blue", chatType: 1, active: true, timestamp: 25, deletedAtClockValue: 15, publicKey: "public-key".toBytes(), unviewedMessageCount: 3, lastClockValue: 18, lastMessage: some("lastMessage".toBytes()), members: "members".toBytes(), membershipUpdates: "membershipUpdates".toBytes(), profile: "profile", invitationAdmin: "invitationAdmin", muted: false, ) # saveChat db.saveChat(chat) # getChats = "ContactId1" db.saveChat(chat) var dbChats = db.getChats() check: len(dbChats) == 2 # getChatById var dbChat = db.getChatById("ContactId").get() check: == true and dbChat.publicKey == "public-key".toBytes() and dbChat.unviewedMessageCount == 3 # [mute/unmute]Chat db.muteChat("ContactId") dbChat = db.getChatById("ContactId").get() check: dbChat.muted == true db.unmuteChat("ContactId") dbChat = db.getChatById("ContactId").get() check: dbChat.muted == false # blockContact let contact = Contact( id: "ContactId", address: some("0xdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef11111111".parseAddress), name: some("TheUsername1"), ensVerified: true, ensVerifiedAt: 11111, lastENSClockValue: 111, ensVerificationRetries: 1, alias: some("Teenage Mutant NinjaTurtle"), identicon: "ABCDEF", photo: some("ABC"), lastUpdated: 11111, systemTags: @["tag11","tag12","tag13"], deviceInfo: @[ContactDeviceInfo(installationId: "ABC1", timestamp: 11, fcmToken: "ABC1")], tributeToTalk: some("ABC1"), localNickname: some("ABC1") ) db.saveContact(contact) var msg = Message( id: "msg1", whisperTimestamp: 0, source: "ContactId", destination: "default_destination".toBytes(), text: "text", contentType: 0, username: "user1", timestamp: 25, chatId: "chat-id", localChatId: "ContactId", hide: false, responseTo: "user1", messageType: 0, clockValue: 0, seen: false, outgoingStatus: "Delivered", parsedText: "parsed".toBytes(), rawPayload: "raw".toBytes(), stickerPack: 0, stickerHash: "hash", commandId: "command1", commandValue: "commandValue", commandAddress: "commandAddress", commandFrom: "commandFrom", commandContract: "commandContract", commandTransactionHash: "commandTransactionHash", commandSignature: "commandSignature".toBytes(), commandState: 3, audioPayload: "audioPayload".toBytes(), audioType: 0, audioDurationMs: 10, audioBase64: "sdf", replaceMessage: "message_replacement", rtl: false, lineCount: 5, links: "links", mentions: "mentions", imagePayload: "blob".toBytes(), imageType: "type", imageBase64: "sdfsdfsdf" ) db.saveMessage(msg) = "msg2" msg.source = "ContactId1" msg.localChatId = "ContactId1" db.saveMessage(msg) let chatsAfterBlocking = db.blockContact(contact) check: # Assert that blockContact deleted entry from user_messages db.getMessageById("msg1").isNone() # Assert that blockContact deleted entry from chats db.getChatById("ContactId").isNone() # Assert there is 1 unviewed message from ContactId1 len(chatsAfterBlocking) == 1 let chatEntry = chatsAfterBlocking[0] echo "chatEntry" echo chatEntry check: chatEntry.unviewedMessageCount == 1 # deleteChat db.deleteChat(chat) dbChats = db.getChats() check: # Chat with id=ContactId was deleted by blockContact len(dbChats) == 0 db.close() removeFile(path)