154 lines
5.6 KiB
154 lines
5.6 KiB
{.push raises: [].}
pkg/faststreams/[inputs, multisync, outputs],
"."/[codec, encoder, exceptions],
inputs, multisync, outputs, codec, exceptions
proc checkCrcAndAppend(
output: OutputStream, data: openArray[byte], crc: uint32,
checkIntegrity: bool): bool {.
raises: [IOError].}=
if not checkIntegrity or maskedCrc(data) == crc:
return true
proc compress*(input: InputStream, output: OutputStream) {.
raises: [InputTooLarge, IOError].} =
## Compress all bytes of `input`, writing into `output` and flushing at the end.
## Input length must not exceed `maxUncompressedLen == 2^32-1` or
## `InputTooLarge` will be raised. Other errors are raised as they happen on
## the given streams.
doAssert input.len.isSome, "TODO: support actual .. streams"
lenU32 = checkInputLen(input.len.get).valueOr:
maxCompressed = maxCompressedLen(input.len.get).valueOr:
# TODO https://github.com/status-im/nim-faststreams/issues/28
# output.ensureRunway maxCompressed
output.write lenU32.toBytes(Leb128).toOpenArray()
# TODO instead of a temporary buffer, use `getWriteableBytes` once it
# works
tmp = newSeqUninitialized[byte](int maxCompressedBlockLen)
while input.readable(maxBlockLen.int):
let written = encodeBlock(input.read(maxBlockLen.int), tmp)
# TODO async streams could be supported efficiently by waiting here, after
# each 64kb-block
output.write(tmp.toOpenArray(0, written - 1))
let remainingBytes = input.totalUnconsumedBytes
if remainingBytes > 0:
let written = encodeBlock(input.read(remainingBytes), tmp)
output.write(tmp.toOpenArray(0, written - 1))
proc compress*(input: openArray[byte], output: OutputStream) {.
raises: [InputTooLarge, IOError].} =
compress(unsafeMemoryInput(input), output)
# `uncompress` is not implemented due to the requirement that the full output
# must remain accessible throughout uncompression
# TODO reading from a stream is still feasible
proc compressFramed*(input: InputStream, output: OutputStream) {.
raises: [IOError].} =
# write the magic identifier
tmp = newSeqUninitialized[byte](int maxCompressedFrameDataLen)
while input.readable(maxUncompressedFrameDataLen.int):
let written = encodeFrame(input.read(maxUncompressedFrameDataLen.int), tmp)
# TODO async streams could be supported efficiently by waiting here, after
# each 64kb-block
output.write(tmp.toOpenArray(0, written - 1))
let remainingBytes = input.totalUnconsumedBytes
if remainingBytes > 0:
let written = encodeFrame(input.read(remainingBytes), tmp)
output.write(tmp.toOpenArray(0, written - 1))
proc compressFramed*(input: openArray[byte], output: OutputStream) {.
raises: [IOError].} =
compressFramed(unsafeMemoryInput(input), output)
proc uncompressFramed*(
input: InputStream, output: OutputStream, checkIntegrity = true) {.
fsMultiSync, raises: [IOError, SnappyDecodingError].} =
if not input.readable(framingHeader.len):
raise newException(UnexpectedEofError, "Failed to read stream header")
if input.read(framingHeader.len) != framingHeader:
raise newException(MalformedSnappyData, "Invalid header value")
var tmp = newSeqUninitialized[byte](maxUncompressedFrameDataLen)
while input.readable(4):
let (id, dataLen) = decodeFrameHeader(input.read(4))
if dataLen.uint64 > maxCompressedFrameDataLen:
raise newException(MalformedSnappyData, "Invalid frame length: " & $dataLen)
if not input.readable(dataLen):
raise newException(UnexpectedEofError, "Failed to read the entire snappy frame")
if id == chunkCompressed:
if dataLen < 4:
raise newException(MalformedSnappyData, "Frame size too low to contain CRC checksum")
crc = uint32.fromBytesLE input.read(4)
uncompressed = uncompress(input.read(dataLen - 4), tmp).valueOr:
raise newException(MalformedSnappyData, "Failed to decompress content")
if not checkCrcAndAppend(
Sync output, tmp.toOpenArray(0, uncompressed-1), crc, checkIntegrity):
raise newException(MalformedSnappyData, "Content CRC checksum failed")
elif id == chunkUncompressed:
if dataLen < 4:
raise newException(MalformedSnappyData, "Frame size too low to contain CRC checksum")
if dataLen.uint64 - 4 > maxUncompressedFrameDataLen:
raise newException(MalformedSnappyData, "Invalid frame length: " & $dataLen)
let crc = uint32.fromBytesLE(input.read(4))
if not checkCrcAndAppend(
Sync output, input.read(dataLen - 4), crc, checkIntegrity):
raise newException(MalformedSnappyData, "Content CRC checksum failed")
elif id < 0x80:
# Reserved unskippable chunks (chunk types 0x02-0x7f)
# if we encounter this type of chunk, stop decoding
# the spec says it is an error
raise newException(MalformedSnappyData, "Invalid chunk type " & toHex([id]))
# Reserved skippable chunks (chunk types 0x80-0xfe)
# including STREAM_HEADER (0xff) should be skipped
input.advance dataLen
if input.readable(1):
raise newException(MalformedSnappyData, "Input contains unknown trailing bytes")
proc uncompressFramed*(
input: openArray[byte], output: OutputStream, checkIntegrity = true) {.
raises: [IOError, SnappyDecodingError].} =
unsafeMemoryInput(input), output, checkIntegrity = checkIntegrity)