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# nim-raft
# Copyright (c) 2023 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
# at your option.
# This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
# those terms.
import types
import std/[times]
import std/sequtils
RaftRpcMessageType* = enum
Vote = 0,
VoteReplay = 1,
Append = 2,
AppendReplay = 3
RaftRpcCode* = enum
Rejected = 0,
Accepted = 1
RaftElectionResult* = enum
Unknown = 0,
Won = 1,
Lost = 2
RaftLogEntryType* = enum
rletCommand = 0,
rletConfig = 1,
rletEmpty = 2
RaftRpcAppendRequest* = object
previousTerm: RaftNodeTerm
previousLogIndex: RaftLogIndex
commitIndex: RaftLogIndex
entry: LogEntry
RaftRpcAppendReplayRejected* = object
nonMatchingIndex: RaftLogIndex
lastIdx: RaftLogIndex
RaftRpcAppendReplayAccepted* = object
lastNewIndex: RaftLogIndex
RaftRpcAppendReplay* = object
commitIndex: RaftLogIndex
term: RaftNodeTerm
case result: RaftRpcCode:
of Accepted: accepted: RaftRpcAppendReplayAccepted
of Rejected: rejected: RaftRpcAppendReplayRejected
RaftRpcVoteRequest* = object
currentTerm: RaftNodeTerm
lastLogIndex: RaftLogIndex
lastLogTerm: RaftNodeTerm
isPrevote: bool
force: bool
RaftRpcVoteReplay* = object
currentTerm: RaftNodeTerm
voteGranted: bool
isPrevote: bool
LeaderState* = object
followersProgress: seq[RaftFollowerProgressTracker]
RaftElectionTracker* = object
all: seq[RaftNodeId]
responded: seq[RaftNodeId]
granted: int
RaftVotes* = object
voters: seq[RaftNodeId]
current: RaftElectionTracker
CandidateState* = object
votes: RaftVotes
isPrevote: bool
FollowerState* = object
leader: RaftNodeId
RaftRpcMessage* = object
currentTerm: RaftNodeTerm
sender: RaftNodeId
receiver: RaftNodeId
case kind: RaftRpcMessageType
of Vote: voteRequest: RaftRpcVoteRequest
of VoteReplay: voteReplay: RaftRpcVoteReplay
of Append: appendRequest: RaftRpcAppendRequest
of AppendReplay: appendReplay: RaftRpcAppendReplay
Command* = object
data: seq[byte]
Config* = object
LogEntry* = object # Abstarct Raft Node Log entry containing opaque binary data (Blob etc.)
term: RaftNodeTerm
index: RaftLogIndex
# TODO: Add configuration too
case kind: RaftLogEntryType:
of rletCommand: command: Command
of rletConfig: config: Config
of rletEmpty: empty: bool
RaftLog* = object
logEntries: seq[LogEntry]
RaftStateMachineOutput* = object
logEntries: seq[LogEntry]
# Entries that should be applyed to the "User" State machine
committed: seq[LogEntry]
messages: seq[RaftRpcMessage]
debugLogs: seq[string]
stateChange: bool
RaftConfig* = object
currentSet*: seq[RaftNodeId]
RaftStateMachine* = object
myId*: RaftNodeId
term: RaftNodeTerm
commitIndex: RaftLogIndex
toCommit: RaftLogIndex
log: RaftLog
output: RaftStateMachineOutput
lastUpdate: Time
votedFor: RaftNodeId
currentLeader: RaftNodeId
pingLeader: bool
config: RaftConfig
lastElectionTime: times.Duration
randomizedElectionTime: times.Duration
timeNow: times.Duration
electionTimeout: times.Duration
case state: RaftNodeState
of rnsFollower: follower : FollowerState
of rnsCandidate: candidate: CandidateState
of rnsLeader: leader: LeaderState
RaftFollowerProgressTracker* = object
id: RaftNodeId
nextIndex: RaftLogIndex
# Index of the highest log entry known to be replicated to this server.
matchIndex: RaftLogIndex
commitIndex: RaftLogIndex
replayedIndex: RaftLogIndex
func contains(a: seq[RaftNodeId], id: RaftNodeId): bool =
var found = false
for n in a:
if n == id:
found = true
return found
func initElectionTracker*(nodes: seq[RaftNodeId]): RaftElectionTracker =
var r = RaftElectionTracker()
r.all = nodes
r.granted = 0
return r
func registerVote*(ret: var RaftElectionTracker, nodeId: RaftNodeId, granted: bool): bool =
if not ret.all.contains nodeId:
return false
if not ret.responded.contains nodeId:
ret.granted += 1
return true
func tallyVote*(ret: var RaftElectionTracker): RaftElectionResult =
let quorym = int(len(ret.all) / 2) + 1
if ret.granted > quorym:
return RaftElectionResult.Won
let unkown = len(ret.all) - len(ret.responded)
if ret.granted + unkown > quorym:
return RaftElectionResult.Unknown
return RaftElectionResult.Lost
func initVotes*(nodes: seq[RaftNodeId]): RaftVotes =
var r = RaftVotes(voters: nodes, current: initElectionTracker(nodes))
return r
func registerVote*(rv: var RaftVotes, nodeId: RaftNodeId, granted: bool): bool =
# TODO: Add support for configuration
return rv.current.registerVote(nodeId, granted)
func tallyVote*(rv: var RaftVotes): RaftElectionResult =
# TODO: Add support for configuration
return rv.current.tallyVote()
func initFollowerProgressTracker*(follower: RaftNodeId, nextIndex: RaftLogIndex): RaftFollowerProgressTracker =
return RaftFollowerProgressTracker(id: follower, nextIndex: nextIndex, matchIndex: 0, commitIndex: 0, replayedIndex: 0)
func accepted*(fpt: var RaftFollowerProgressTracker, index: RaftLogIndex)=
fpt.matchIndex = max(fpt.matchIndex, index)
fpt.nextIndex = max(fpt.nextIndex, index)
func initRaftLog*(): RaftLog =
return RaftLog()
func lastTerm*(rf: RaftLog): RaftNodeTerm =
# Not sure if it's ok, maybe we should return optional value
if len(rf.logEntries) == 0:
return 0
let idx = len(rf.logEntries)
return rf.logEntries[idx - 1].term
func entriesCount*(rf: RaftLog): int =
return len(rf.logEntries)
func lastIndex*(rf: RaftLog): RaftNodeTerm =
# Not sure if it's ok, maybe we should return optional value
if len(rf.logEntries) == 0:
return 0
let idx = len(rf.logEntries)
return rf.logEntries[idx - 1].index
func nextIndex*(rf: RaftLog): int =
return rf.lastIndex + 1
func truncateUncomitted*(rf: var RaftLog, index: RaftLogIndex) =
# TODO: We should add support for configurations and snapshots
func isUpToDate(rf: RaftLog, index: RaftLogIndex, term: RaftNodeTerm): bool =
return term > rf.lastTerm or (term == rf.lastTerm and index >= rf.lastIndex)
func getEntryByIndex(rf: RaftLog, index: RaftLogIndex): LogEntry =
return rf.logEntries[index]
func appendAsLeader(rf: var RaftLog, entry: LogEntry) =
func appendAsFollower*(rf: var RaftLog, entry: LogEntry) =
let currentIdx = rf.lastIndex()
if entry.index <= currentIdx:
# TODO: The indexing hold only if we keep all entries in memory
# we should change it when we add support for snapshots
if len(rf.logEntries) > 0 and entry.term != rf.logEntries[entry.index].term:
func appendAsLeader*(rf: var RaftLog, term: RaftNodeTerm, index: RaftLogIndex, data: Command) =
rf.appendAsLeader(LogEntry(term: term, index: index, kind: rletCommand, command: data))
func appendAsLeader*(rf: var RaftLog, term: RaftNodeTerm, index: RaftLogIndex, empty: bool) =
rf.appendAsLeader(LogEntry(term: term, index: index, kind: rletEmpty, empty: true))
func appendAsFollower*(rf: var RaftLog, term: RaftNodeTerm, index: RaftLogIndex, data: Command) =
rf.appendAsFollower(LogEntry(term: term, index: index, kind: rletCommand, command: data))
func matchTerm*(rf: RaftLog, index: RaftLogIndex, term: RaftNodeTerm): (bool, RaftNodeTerm) =
if len(rf.logEntries) == 0:
return (true, 0)
# TODO: We should add support for snapshots
if index > len(rf.logEntries):
# The follower doesn't have all etries
return (false, 0)
if rf.logEntries[index].term == term:
return (true, 0)
return (false, rf.logEntries[index].term)
func termForIndex*(rf: RaftLog, index: RaftLogIndex): RaftNodeTerm =
# TODO: We should add support for snapshots
return rf.logEntries[index].term
func debug*(sm: var RaftStateMachine, log: string) =
func resetElectionTimeout*(sm: var RaftStateMachine) =
# TODO actually pick random time
sm.randomizedElectionTime = sm.electionTimeout + times.initDuration(milliseconds = 42)
func initRaftStateMachine*(id: RaftnodeId, currentTerm: RaftNodeTerm, log: RaftLog, commitIndex: RaftLogIndex, config: RaftConfig): RaftStateMachine =
var sm = RaftStateMachine()
sm.term = currentTerm
sm.log = log
sm.commitIndex = commitIndex
sm.state = RaftNodeState.rnsFollower
sm.config = config
return sm
func sendTo*(sm: var RaftStateMachine, id: RaftNodeId, request: RaftRpcAppendRequest) =
sm.output.messages.add(RaftRpcMessage(currentTerm: sm.term, receiver: id, sender: sm.myId, kind: RaftRpcMessageType.Append, appendRequest: request))
func sendTo*(sm: var RaftStateMachine, id: RaftNodeId, request: RaftRpcAppendReplay) =
sm.output.messages.add(RaftRpcMessage(currentTerm: sm.term, receiver: id, sender: sm.myId, kind: RaftRpcMessageType.AppendReplay, appendReplay: request))
func sendTo*(sm: var RaftStateMachine, id: RaftNodeId, request: RaftRpcVoteRequest) =
sm.output.messages.add(RaftRpcMessage(currentTerm: sm.term, receiver: id, sender: sm.myId, kind: RaftRpcMessageType.Vote, voteRequest: request))
func sendTo*(sm: var RaftStateMachine, id: RaftNodeId, request: RaftRpcVoteReplay) =
sm.output.messages.add(RaftRpcMessage(currentTerm: sm.term, receiver: id, sender: sm.myId, kind: RaftRpcMessageType.VoteReplay, voteReplay: request))
func createVoteRequest*(sm: var RaftStateMachine): RaftRpcMessage =
return RaftRpcMessage(currentTerm: sm.term, sender: sm.myId, kind: Vote, voteRequest: RaftRpcVoteRequest())
func replicateTo*(sm: var RaftStateMachine, follower: var RaftFollowerProgressTracker) =
if follower.nextIndex > sm.log.lastIndex():
let request = RaftRpcAppendRequest(
previousTerm: follower.nextIndex - 1,
previousLogIndex: sm.log.termForIndex(follower.nextIndex - 1),
commitIndex: sm.commitIndex,
entry: sm.log.getEntryByIndex(follower.nextIndex))
follower.nextIndex += 1
sm.sendTo(, request)
func replicate*(sm: var RaftStateMachine) =
if sm.state == RaftNodeState.rnsLeader:
for followerIndex in
if sm.myId != sm.leader.followersProgress[followerIndex].id:
func advance*(sm: var RaftStateMachine, msg: RaftRpcMessage,currentTime: Time) =
if sm.term > msg.currentTerm:
sm.debug "Current node is behind"
elif sm.term < msg.currentTerm:
sm.debug "The leader is behind"
case sm.state:
of rnsCandidate:
sm.state = rnsFollower
sm.follower.leader = msg.sender
of rnsFollower:
sm.follower.leader = msg.sender
of rnsLeader:
sm.debug "For now it should be impossible to have msg from a non leader to a leader"
case msg.kind:
of RaftRpcMessageType.Vote:
sm.debug "Handle vote request"
sm.debug "Unhandle msg type"
func addEntry*(sm: var RaftStateMachine, entry: LogEntry) =
if sm.state != RaftNodeState.rnsLeader:
sm.debug "Error: only the leader can handle new entries"
func addEntry*(sm: var RaftStateMachine, command: Command) =
sm.addEntry(LogEntry(term: sm.term, index: sm.log.nextIndex, kind: rletCommand, command: command))
func addEntry*(sm: var RaftStateMachine, config: Config) =
sm.addEntry(LogEntry(term: sm.term, index: sm.log.nextIndex, kind: rletConfig, config: config))
func addEmptyEntry*(sm: var RaftStateMachine) =
sm.addEntry(LogEntry(term: sm.term, index: sm.log.nextIndex, kind: rletEmpty, empty: true))
func becomeFollower*(sm: var RaftStateMachine, leaderId: RaftNodeId) =
if sm.myId == leaderId:
sm.debug "Can't be follower of itself"
sm.output.stateChange = sm.state != RaftNodeState.rnsFollower
sm.state = RaftNodeState.rnsFollower
sm.follower = FollowerState(leader: leaderId)
if leaderId != RaftnodeId():
sm.pingLeader = false
# TODO: Update last election time
func becomeLeader*(sm: var RaftStateMachine) =
if sm.state == RaftNodeState.rnsLeader:
sm.debug "The leader can't become leader second time"
sm.output.stateChange = true
sm.state = RaftnodeState.rnsLeader
sm.leader = LeaderState()
sm.pingLeader = false
#TODO: Update last election time
#TODO: setup the tracket
func becomeCandidate*(sm: var RaftStateMachine, isPrevote: bool) =
#TODO: implement
func tickLeader*(sm: var RaftStateMachine, now: times.Duration) =
sm.timeNow = now
if sm.lastElectionTime - sm.timeNow > sm.electionTimeout:
if sm.state != RaftNodeState.rnsLeader:
sm.debug "tick_leader can be called only on the leader"
for followerIndex in
var follower = sm.leader.followersProgress[followerIndex]
if sm.myId !=
if follower.matchIndex < sm.log.lastIndex or follower.commitIndex < sm.commitIndex:
# TODO: implement step down logic
func tick*(sm: var RaftStateMachine, now: times.Duration) =
sm.timeNow = now
if sm.state != RaftNodeState.rnsLeader:
elif sm.lastElectionTime - sm.timeNow > sm.randomizedElectionTime:
func poll*(sm: var RaftStateMachine): RaftStateMachineOutput =
# Should initiate replication if we have new entries
if sm.state == RaftNodeState.rnsLeader:
let output = sm.output
sm.output = RaftStateMachineOutput()
return output
func commit*(sm: var RaftStateMachine) =
if sm.state != RaftNodeState.rnsLeader:
var new_index = sm.commitIndex
var next_index = sm.commitIndex + 1
while next_index < sm.log.lastIndex:
var replicationCnt = 0
for p in sm.leader.followersProgress:
if p.matchIndex > new_index:
replicationCnt += 1
if replicationCnt > len(sm.leader.followersProgress):
sm.commitIndex += next_index;
next_index += 1
func findFollowerProggressById(sm: var RaftStateMachine, id: RaftNodeId): Option[RaftFollowerProgressTracker] =
for follower in sm.leader.followersProgress:
if == id:
return some(follower)
return none(RaftFollowerProgressTracker)
func appendEntryReply*(sm: var RaftStateMachine, from_id: RaftNodeId, replay: RaftRpcAppendReplay) =
if sm.state != RaftNodeState.rnsLeader:
sm.debug "You can't append append replay to the follower"
var follower = sm.findFollowerProggressById(from_id)
if not follower.isSome:
sm.debug "Can't find the follower"
follower.get().commitIndex = max(follower.get().commitIndex, replay.commitIndex)
case replay.result:
of RaftRpcCode.Accepted:
let lestIndex = replay.accepted.lastNewIndex
# TODO: add leader stepping down logic here
if sm.state != RaftNodeState.rnsLeader:
of RaftRpcCode.Rejected:
if replay.rejected.nonMatchingIndex == 0 and replay.rejected.lastIdx == 0:
follower.get().next_index = min(replay.rejected.nonMatchingIndex, replay.rejected.lastIdx + 1)
# if commit apply configuration that removes current follower
# we should take it again
var follower2 = sm.findFollowerProggressById(from_id)
if follower2.isSome:
func advanceCommitIdx(sm: var RaftStateMachine, leaderIdx: RaftLogIndex) =
let new_idx = min(leaderIdx, sm.log.lastIndex)
if new_idx > sm.commitIndex:
sm.commitIndex = new_idx
# TODO: signal the output for the update
func appendEntry*(sm: var RaftStateMachine, from_id: RaftNodeId, request: RaftRpcAppendRequest) =
if sm.state != RaftNodeState.rnsFollower:
sm.debug "You can't append append request to the non follower"
let (match, term) = sm.log.matchTerm(request.previousLogIndex, request.previousTerm)
if not match:
let rejected = RaftRpcAppendReplayRejected(nonMatchingIndex: request.previousLogIndex, lastIdx: sm.log.lastIndex)
let responce = RaftRpcAppendReplay(term: sm.term, commitIndex: sm.commitIndex, result: RaftRpcCode.Rejected, rejected: rejected)
sm.sendTo(sm.myId, responce)
sm.debug "Reject to apply the entry"
# reject to apply
let accepted = RaftRpcAppendReplayAccepted(lastNewIndex: sm.log.lastIndex)
let responce = RaftRpcAppendReplay(term: sm.term, commitIndex: sm.commitIndex, result: RaftRpcCode.Accepted, accepted: accepted)
sm.sendTo(sm.myId, responce)
func requestVote*(sm: var RaftStateMachine, from_id: RaftNodeId, request: RaftRpcVoteRequest, ) =
let canVote = sm.votedFor == from_id or (sm.votedFor == RaftNodeId() and sm.currentLeader == RaftNodeId()) or (request.isPrevote and request.currentTerm > sm.term)
if canVote and sm.log.isUpToDate(request.lastLogIndex, request.lastLogTerm):
if not request.is_prevote:
# TODO: Update election time
sm.votedFor = from_id
let responce = RaftRpcVoteReplay(currentTerm: sm.term, voteGranted: true, isPrevote: request.is_prevote)
sm.sendTo(sm.myId, responce)
let responce = RaftRpcVoteReplay(currentTerm: sm.term, voteGranted: false, isPrevote: request.is_prevote)
sm.sendTo(sm.myId, responce)
func requestVoteReply*(sm: var RaftStateMachine, from_id: RaftNodeId, request: RaftRpcVoteReplay) =
if sm.state != RaftNodeState.rnsCandidate:
sm.debug "Non candidate can't handle votes"
discard sm.candidate.votes.registerVote(from_id, request.voteGranted)
case sm.candidate.votes.tallyVote:
of RaftElectionResult.Unknown:
of RaftElectionResult.Won:
sm.debug "Win election"
if (sm.candidate.isPrevote):
of RaftElectionResult.Lost:
sm.debug "Lost election"
# TODO: become foller