369 lines
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369 lines
13 KiB
# nim-raft
# Copyright (c) 2023 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
# at your option.
# This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
# those terms.
import unittest2
import ../raft/types
import ../raft/consensus_state_machine
import ../raft/log
import ../raft/tracker
import ../raft/state
import std/[times, sequtils]
import uuids
import tables
TestCluster* = object
nodes: Table[RaftnodeId, RaftStateMachine]
var test_ids_3 = @[
var test_ids_1 = @[
func createConfigFromIds(ids: seq[RaftnodeId]): RaftConfig =
var config = RaftConfig()
for id in ids:
return config
proc createCluster(ids: seq[RaftnodeId], now: times.DateTime) : TestCluster =
var config = createConfigFromIds(ids)
var cluster = TestCluster()
cluster.nodes = initTable[RaftnodeId, RaftStateMachine]()
for i in 0..<config.currentSet.len:
let id = config.currentSet[i]
var log = initRaftLog(1)
var node = initRaftStateMachine(id, 0, log, 0, config, now)
cluster.nodes[id] = node
return cluster
proc advance(tc: var TestCluster, now: times.DateTime) =
for id, node in tc.nodes:
var output = tc.nodes[id].poll()
# for msg in output.debugLogs:
# echo $msg
for msg in output.messages:
#echo "rpc:" & $msg
tc.nodes[msg.receiver].advance(msg, now)
func getLeader(tc: TestCluster): Option[RaftStateMachine] =
for id, node in tc.nodes:
if node.state.isLeader:
return some(node)
return none(RaftStateMachine)
proc consensusstatemachineMain*() =
suite "Basic state machine tests":
test "create state machine":
var cluster = createCluster(test_ids_1, times.now())
echo cluster
test "tick empty state machine":
var timeNow = times.now()
var config = createConfigFromIds(test_ids_1)
var log = initRaftLog(1)
var sm = initRaftStateMachine(test_ids_1[0], 0, log, 0, config, timeNow)
echo sm.poll()
echo sm.poll()
echo getTime()
suite "Entry log tests":
test "append entry as leadeer":
var log = initRaftLog(1)
log.appendAsLeader(0, 1, Command())
log.appendAsLeader(0, 2, Command())
check log.lastTerm() == 0
log.appendAsLeader(1, 2, Command())
check log.lastTerm() == 1
test "append entry as follower":
var log = initRaftLog(1)
log.appendAsFollower(0, 1, Command())
check log.lastTerm() == 0
check log.lastIndex() == 1
check log.entriesCount == 1
log.appendAsFollower(0, 1, Command())
check log.lastTerm() == 0
check log.lastIndex() == 1
check log.entriesCount == 1
discard log.matchTerm(1, 1)
log.appendAsFollower(1, 2, Command())
check log.lastTerm() == 1
check log.lastIndex() == 2
check log.entriesCount == 2
log.appendAsFollower(1, 3, Command())
check log.lastTerm() == 1
check log.lastIndex() == 3
check log.entriesCount == 3
log.appendAsFollower(1, 2, Command())
check log.lastTerm() == 1
check log.lastIndex() == 2
check log.entriesCount == 2
log.appendAsFollower(2, 1, Command())
check log.lastTerm() == 2
check log.lastIndex() == 1
check log.entriesCount == 1
suite "3 node cluster":
var timeNow = times.now()
var cluster = createCluster(test_ids_3, timeNow)
var t = now()
suite "Single node election tracker":
test "unknown":
var votes = initVotes(test_ids_1)
check votes.tallyVote == RaftElectionResult.Unknown
test "win election":
var votes = initVotes(test_ids_1)
discard votes.registerVote(test_ids_1[0], true)
check votes.tallyVote == RaftElectionResult.Won
test "lost election":
var votes = initVotes(test_ids_1)
discard votes.registerVote(test_ids_1[0], false)
echo votes.tallyVote
check votes.tallyVote == RaftElectionResult.Lost
suite "3 nodes election tracker":
test "win election":
var votes = initVotes(test_ids_3)
check votes.tallyVote == RaftElectionResult.Unknown
discard votes.registerVote(test_ids_3[0], true)
check votes.tallyVote == RaftElectionResult.Unknown
discard votes.registerVote(test_ids_3[1], true)
check votes.tallyVote == RaftElectionResult.Won
test "lose election":
var votes = initVotes(test_ids_3)
check votes.tallyVote == RaftElectionResult.Unknown
discard votes.registerVote(test_ids_3[0], false)
check votes.tallyVote == RaftElectionResult.Unknown
discard votes.registerVote(test_ids_3[1], true)
check votes.tallyVote == RaftElectionResult.Unknown
discard votes.registerVote(test_ids_3[2], true)
check votes.tallyVote == RaftElectionResult.Won
test "lose election":
var votes = initVotes(test_ids_3)
check votes.tallyVote == RaftElectionResult.Unknown
discard votes.registerVote(test_ids_3[0], false)
check votes.tallyVote == RaftElectionResult.Unknown
discard votes.registerVote(test_ids_3[1], false)
check votes.tallyVote == RaftElectionResult.Lost
test "lose election":
var votes = initVotes(test_ids_3)
check votes.tallyVote == RaftElectionResult.Unknown
discard votes.registerVote(test_ids_3[0], true)
check votes.tallyVote == RaftElectionResult.Unknown
discard votes.registerVote(test_ids_3[1], false)
check votes.tallyVote == RaftElectionResult.Unknown
discard votes.registerVote(test_ids_3[2], false)
check votes.tallyVote == RaftElectionResult.Lost
suite "Single node cluster":
test "election":
var timeNow = times.now()
var config = createConfigFromIds(test_ids_1)
var log = initRaftLog(1)
var sm = initRaftStateMachine(test_ids_1[0], 0, log, 0, config, timeNow)
check sm.state.isFollower
timeNow += 99.milliseconds
var output = sm.poll()
check output.logEntries.len == 0
check output.committed.len == 0
check output.messages.len == 0
check sm.state.isFollower
timeNow += 500.milliseconds
output = sm.poll()
check output.logEntries.len == 0
check output.committed.len == 0
check output.messages.len == 0
check sm.state.isLeader
check sm.term == 1
test "append entry":
var timeNow = times.now()
var config = createConfigFromIds(test_ids_1)
var log = initRaftLog(1)
var sm = initRaftStateMachine(test_ids_1[0], 0, log, 0, config, timeNow)
check sm.state.isFollower
timeNow += 1000.milliseconds
var output = sm.poll()
check output.logEntries.len == 0
check output.committed.len == 0
check output.messages.len == 0
check sm.state.isLeader
check sm.poll().messages.len == 0
timeNow += 250.milliseconds
check sm.poll().messages.len == 0
suite "Two nodes cluster":
test "election":
let id1 = test_ids_3[0]
let id2 = test_ids_3[1]
var config = createConfigFromIds(@[id1, id2])
var log = initRaftLog(1)
var timeNow = times.now()
var sm = initRaftStateMachine(test_ids_1[0], 0, log, 0, config, timeNow)
check sm.state.isFollower
timeNow += 601.milliseconds
check sm.state.isCandidate
var output = sm.poll()
check output.votedFor.isSome
check output.votedFor.get() == id1
timeNow += 1.milliseconds
let voteRaplay = RaftRpcVoteReplay(currentTerm: output.term, voteGranted: true)
let msg = RaftRpcMessage(currentTerm: output.term, sender: id2, receiver:id1, kind: RaftRpcMessageType.VoteReplay, voteReplay: voteRaplay)
check sm.state.isCandidate
sm.advance(msg, timeNow)
output = sm.poll()
check output.stateChange == true
check sm.state.isLeader
timeNow += 1.milliseconds
# Older messages should be ignored
let voteRaplay = RaftRpcVoteReplay(currentTerm: (output.term - 1), voteGranted: true)
let msg = RaftRpcMessage(currentTerm: output.term, sender: id2, receiver:id1, kind: RaftRpcMessageType.VoteReplay, voteReplay: voteRaplay)
sm.advance(msg, timeNow)
output = sm.poll()
check output.stateChange == false
check sm.state.isLeader
output = sm.poll()
timeNow += 100.milliseconds
output = sm.poll()
# if the leader get a message with higher term it should become follower
timeNow += 201.milliseconds
output = sm.poll()
let entry = LogEntry(term: (output.term + 1), index: 101, kind: RaftLogEntryType.rletEmpty, empty: true)
let appendRequest = RaftRpcAppendRequest(previousTerm: (output.term + 1), previousLogIndex: 100, commitIndex: 99, entries: @[entry])
let msg = RaftRpcMessage(currentTerm: (output.term + 1), sender: id2, receiver:id1, kind: RaftRpcMessageType.AppendRequest, appendRequest: appendRequest)
sm.advance(msg, timeNow)
output = sm.poll()
check output.stateChange == true
check sm.state.isFollower
suite "3 nodes cluster":
test "election failed":
let mainNodeId = test_ids_3[0]
let id2 = test_ids_3[1]
let id3 = test_ids_3[2]
var config = createConfigFromIds(test_ids_3)
var log = initRaftLog(1)
var timeNow = times.now()
var sm = initRaftStateMachine(test_ids_1[0], 0, log, 0, config, timeNow)
check sm.state.isFollower
timeNow += 501.milliseconds
check sm.state.isCandidate
var output = sm.poll()
check output.votedFor.isSome
check output.votedFor.get() == mainNodeId
timeNow += 1.milliseconds
let voteRaplay = RaftRpcVoteReplay(currentTerm: output.term, voteGranted: false)
let msg = RaftRpcMessage(currentTerm: output.term, sender: id2, receiver:mainNodeId, kind: RaftRpcMessageType.VoteReplay, voteReplay: voteRaplay)
check sm.state.isCandidate
sm.advance(msg, timeNow)
output = sm.poll()
check output.stateChange == false
check sm.state.isCandidate
timeNow += 1.milliseconds
let voteRaplay = RaftRpcVoteReplay(currentTerm: output.term, voteGranted: false)
let msg = RaftRpcMessage(currentTerm: output.term, sender: id3, receiver:mainNodeId, kind: RaftRpcMessageType.VoteReplay, voteReplay: voteRaplay)
check sm.state.isCandidate
sm.advance(msg, timeNow)
output = sm.poll()
check output.stateChange == true
check sm.state.isFollower
timeNow += 1.milliseconds
test "election":
let mainNodeId = test_ids_3[0]
let id2 = test_ids_3[1]
let id3 = test_ids_3[2]
var config = createConfigFromIds(test_ids_3)
var log = initRaftLog(1)
var timeNow = times.now()
var sm = initRaftStateMachine(test_ids_1[0], 0, log, 0, config, timeNow)
check sm.state.isFollower
timeNow += 501.milliseconds
check sm.state.isCandidate
var output = sm.poll()
check output.votedFor.isSome
check output.votedFor.get() == mainNodeId
timeNow += 1.milliseconds
let voteRaplay = RaftRpcVoteReplay(currentTerm: output.term, voteGranted: false)
let msg = RaftRpcMessage(currentTerm: output.term, sender: id2, receiver:mainNodeId, kind: RaftRpcMessageType.VoteReplay, voteReplay: voteRaplay)
check sm.state.isCandidate
sm.advance(msg, timeNow)
output = sm.poll()
check output.stateChange == false
check sm.state.isCandidate
timeNow += 1.milliseconds
let voteRaplay = RaftRpcVoteReplay(currentTerm: output.term, voteGranted: true)
let msg = RaftRpcMessage(currentTerm: output.term, sender: id3, receiver:mainNodeId, kind: RaftRpcMessageType.VoteReplay, voteReplay: voteRaplay)
check sm.state.isCandidate
sm.advance(msg, timeNow)
output = sm.poll()
check output.stateChange == true
check sm.state.isLeader
timeNow += 1.milliseconds
suite "3 nodes cluester":
test "election":
var cluster = createCluster(test_ids_3, times.now())
var timeNow = times.now()
var leader: RaftnodeId
for i in 0..<105:
timeNow += 5.milliseconds
var maybeLeader = cluster.getLeader()
if leader == RaftnodeId():
if maybeLeader.isSome:
leader = maybeLeader.get().myId
if maybeLeader.isSome:
check leader == maybeLeader.get().myId
check false
if isMainModule:
consensusstatemachineMain() |