WIP: Inital consensus state machine work

This commit is contained in:
Marto 2024-01-04 19:06:20 +02:00
parent 5bc59956c2
commit c28243cb8a
4 changed files with 128 additions and 112 deletions

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@ -7,123 +7,121 @@
# This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
# those terms.
import std/tables
import std/rlocks
import types
import chronicles
import std/[times]
# Node events
EventType* = enum
RaftRpcMessageType* = enum
Vote = 0,
VoteReplay = 1,
Append = 2,
AppendReplay = 3
# Define callback to use with transitions. It is a function that takes a node as an argument and returns nothing.
# It is used to perform some action when a transition is triggered. For example, when a node becomes a leader,
# it should start sending heartbeats to other nodes.
ConsensusFsmTransitionActionType*[NodeType] = proc(node: NodeType) {.gcsafe.}
# Define logical functions (conditions) computed from our NodeType etc. (Truth Table)
LogicalConditionValueType* = bool
LogicalCondition*[NodeTytpe, RaftMessageType] =
proc(node: NodeTytpe, msg: Option[RaftMessageType]): LogicalConditionValueType
LogicalConditionsLut*[RaftNodeState, EventType, NodeType, RaftMessageType] =
Table[(RaftNodeState, EventType), seq[LogicalCondition[NodeType, RaftMessageType]]]
RaftRpcAppendRequest* = object
previousTerm: RaftNodeTerm
# Define Terminals as a tuple of a Event and a sequence of logical functions (conditions) and their respective values computed from NodeType, NodeTytpe and RaftMessageType
# (kind of Truth Table)
TerminalSymbol*[EventType, NodeType, RaftMessageType] =
(EventType, seq[LogicalConditionValueType])
RaftRpcAppendReplay* = object
# Define State Transition Rules LUT of the form ( NonTerminal -> Terminal ) -> NonTerminal )
# NonTerminal is a NodeState and Terminal is a TerminalSymbol - the tuple (EventType, seq[LogicalConditionValueType])
StateTransitionsRulesLut*[RaftNodeState, EventType, NodeType, RaftMessageType] = Table[
(RaftNodeState, TerminalSymbol[NodeType, EventType, RaftMessageType]),
(RaftNodeState, Option[ConsensusFsmTransitionActionType[NodeType]])
RaftRpcVoteRequest* = object
# FSM type definition
ConsensusFsm*[RaftNodeState, EventType, NodeType, RaftMessageType] = ref object
mtx: RLock
state: RaftNodeState
logicalFunctionsLut: LogicalConditionsLut[RaftNodeState, EventType, NodeType, RaftMessageType]
stateTransitionsLut: StateTransitionsRulesLut[RaftNodeState, EventType, NodeType, RaftMessageType]
RaftRpcVoteReplay* = object
# FSM type constructor
proc new*[RaftNodeState, EventType, NodeType, RaftMessageType](
T: type ConsensusFsm[RaftNodeState, EventType, NodeType, RaftMessageType], startSymbol: RaftNodeState = rnsFollower): T =
LeaderState* = object
result = T(mtx: RLock(), state: startSymbol)
CandidateState* = object
votes: seq[RaftNodeId]
debug "new: ", fsm=repr(result)
FollowerState* = object
leader: RaftNodeId
proc addFsmTransition*[RaftNodeState, EventType, NodeType, RaftMessageType](
fsm: ConsensusFsm[RaftNodeState, EventType, NodeType, RaftMessageType],
fromState: RaftNodeState,
termSymb: TerminalSymbol[EventType, NodeType, RaftMessageType],
toState: RaftNodeState,
action: Option[ConsensusFsmTransitionActionType]) =
RaftRpcMessage* = object
currentTerm: RaftNodeTerm
sender: RaftNodeId
case kind: RaftRpcMessageType
of Vote: voteRequest: RaftRpcVoteRequest
of VoteReplay: voteReplay: RaftRpcVoteReplay
of Append: appendRequest: RaftRpcAppendRequest
of AppendReplay: appendReplay: RaftRpcAppendReplay
fsm.stateTransitionsLut[(fromState.state, termSymb)] = (toState, action)
Command* = object
data: seq[byte]
LogEntry* = object # Abstarct Raft Node Log entry containing opaque binary data (Blob etc.)
term: RaftNodeTerm
index: RaftLogIndex
# TODO: Add configuration too
data: Command
proc addFsmTransitionLogicalConditions*[RaftNodeState, EventType, NodeType, RaftMessageType](
fsm: ConsensusFsm[RaftNodeState, EventType, NodeType, RaftMessageType],
state: RaftNodeState,
event: EventType,
logicalConditions: seq[LogicalCondition[NodeType, RaftMessageType]]) =
RaftLog* = object
logEntries: seq[LogEntry]
fsm.logicalFunctionsLut[(state, event)] = logicalConditions
RaftStateMachineOutput* = object
logEntries: seq[LogEntry]
# Entries that should be applyed to the "User" State machine
committed: seq[LogEntry]
messages: seq[RaftRpcMessage]
debugLogs: seq[string]
proc computeFsmLogicFunctionsPermutationValuе*[RaftNodeState, NodeType, EventType, RaftMessageType](
fsm: ConsensusFsm[RaftNodeState, EventType, NodeType, RaftMessageType],
node: NodeType,
termSymb: TerminalSymbol,
msg: Option[RaftMessageType]): TerminalSymbol =
RaftStateMachine* = object
myId*: RaftNodeId
term: RaftNodeTerm
commitIndex: RaftLogIndex
log: RaftLog
output: RaftStateMachineOutput
electionTimeout: times.Duration
lastUpdate: Time
case state: RaftNodeState
of rnsFollower: follower : FollowerState
of rnsCandidate: candidate: CandidateState
of rnsLeader: leader: LeaderState
e = termSymb[0]
RaftStateMachineConfig* = object
debug "computeFSMLogicFunctionsPermutationValue: ", eventType=e, " ", nonTermSymb=nts, " ", msg=msg
func append(rf: var RaftLog, entry: LogEntry) =
logicFunctionsConds = fsm.logicalFunctionsLut[(e, NodeType)]
logicFunctionsCondsValues = seq[LogicalConditionValueType]
func debug*(sm: var RaftStateMachine, log: string) =
debug "computeFSMLogicFunctionsPermutationValue: ", logicFunctionsConds=logicFunctionsConds
func initRaftStateMachine*(config: RaftStateMachineConfig): RaftStateMachine =
var st = RaftStateMachine()
st.term = 0
st.commitIndex = 0
st.state = RaftNodeState.rnsFollower
return st
for f in logicFunctionsConds:
logicFunctionsCondsValues.add f(node, msg)
debug "computeFSMLogicFunctionsPermutationValue: ", logicFunctionsCondsValues=logicFunctionsCondsValues
func createVoteRequest*(sm: var RaftStateMachine): RaftRpcMessage =
return RaftRpcMessage(currentTerm: sm.term, sender: sm.myId, kind: Vote, voteRequest: RaftRpcVoteRequest())
termSymb[1] = logicFunctionsConds
result = termSymb
func advance*(sm: var RaftStateMachine, msg: RaftRpcMessage,currentTime: Time) =
if sm.term > msg.currentTerm:
sm.debug "Current node is behind"
elif sm.term < msg.currentTerm:
sm.debug "The leader is behind"
case sm.state:
of rnsCandidate:
sm.state = rnsFollower
sm.follower.leader = msg.sender
of rnsFollower:
sm.follower.leader = msg.sender
of rnsLeader:
sm.debug "For now it should be impossible to have msg from a non leader to a leader"
proc fsmAdvance*[RaftNodeState, EventType, NodeType, RaftMessageType](
fsm: ConsensusFsm[RaftNodeState, EventType, NodeType, RaftMessageType],
node: NodeType,
termSymb: TerminalSymbol[EventType, NodeType, RaftMessageType],
msg: Option[RaftMessageType]): RaftNodeState =
case msg.kind:
of RaftRpcMessageType.Vote:
sm.debug "Handle vote request"
sm.debug "Unhandle msg type"
input = computeFsmLogicFunctionsPermutationValue(fsm, node, termSymb, msg)
let trans = fsm.stateTransitionsLut[(fsm.state, input)]
let action = trans[1]
func addEntry*(sm: var RaftStateMachine, entry: LogEntry) =
if sm.state != RaftNodeState.rnsLeader:
sm.debug "Error: only the leader can handle new entries"
fsm.state = trans[0]
debug "ConsensusFsmAdvance", fsmState=fsm.state, " ", input=input, " ", action=repr(action)
if action.isSome:
result = fsm.state
func poll*(sm: var RaftStateMachine): RaftStateMachineOutput =
# Should initiate replication if we have new entries
let output = sm.output
sm.output = RaftStateMachineOutput()
return output

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@ -27,10 +27,9 @@ const
RaftNodeState* = enum
rnsError = 0, # Error state
rnsFollower = 1, # Follower state
rnsCandidate = 2 # Candidate state
rnsLeader = 3 # Leader state
rnsFollower = 0, # Follower state
rnsCandidate = 1 # Candidate state
rnsLeader = 2 # Leader state
RaftNodeId* = UUID # uuid4 uniquely identifying every Raft Node
RaftNodeTerm* = int # Raft Node Term Type

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@ -14,4 +14,5 @@ import ../misc/test_macro
import ./test_basic_timers,

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@ -9,16 +9,34 @@
import unittest2
import ../raft/types
import basic_state_machine
import ../raft/consensus_state_machine
import std/[times]
csm: ConsensusFsm[RaftNodeState, EventType, RaftNode[SmCommand, SmState], RaftMessageBase[SmCommand, SmState]]
proc consensusstatemachineMain*() =
suite "Create and test Consensus State Machine":
test "Create Consensus State Machine":
csm = ConsensusFsm[RaftNodeState, EventType, RaftNode[SmCommand, SmState], RaftMessageBase[SmCommand, SmState]].new
check csm != nil
suite "Basic state machine tests":
test "create state machine":
let config = RaftStateMachineConfig()
let sm = initRaftStateMachine(config)
echo sm
# test "Add state transitions / logic conditions":
test "advance empty state machine":
var sm = RaftStateMachine()
var msg = sm.createVoteRequest()
sm.advance(msg ,getTime())
echo sm.poll()
echo sm.poll()
echo getTime()
test "two machines":
var sm = RaftStateMachine()
var sm2 = RaftStateMachine(myId: genUUID())
var msg = sm2.createVoteRequest()
sm.advance(msg ,getTime())
echo sm2
echo getTime()
if isMainModule: