99 lines
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99 lines
3.0 KiB
import types
import std/sequtils
import std/[times]
RaftElectionResult* = enum
Unknown = 0,
Won = 1,
Lost = 2
RaftElectionTracker* = object
all: seq[RaftNodeId]
responded: seq[RaftNodeId]
granted: int
RaftVotes* = object
voters*: seq[RaftNodeId]
current: RaftElectionTracker
RaftFollowerProgress = seq[RaftFollowerProgressTracker]
RaftTracker* = object
progress*: RaftFollowerProgress
current: seq[RaftNodeId]
RaftFollowerProgressTracker* = ref object
id*: RaftNodeId
nextIndex*: RaftLogIndex
# Index of the highest log entry known to be replicated to this server.
matchIndex*: RaftLogIndex
commitIndex*: RaftLogIndex
replayedIndex: RaftLogIndex
lastMessageAt*: times.DateTime
func initElectionTracker*(nodes: seq[RaftNodeId]): RaftElectionTracker =
var r = RaftElectionTracker()
r.all = nodes
r.granted = 0
return r
func registerVote*(ret: var RaftElectionTracker, nodeId: RaftNodeId, granted: bool): bool =
if not ret.all.contains nodeId:
return false
if not ret.responded.contains nodeId:
if granted:
ret.granted += 1
return true
func tallyVote*(ret: var RaftElectionTracker): RaftElectionResult =
let quorym = int(len(ret.all) / 2) + 1
if ret.granted >= quorym:
return RaftElectionResult.Won
let unkown = len(ret.all) - len(ret.responded)
if ret.granted + unkown >= quorym:
return RaftElectionResult.Unknown
return RaftElectionResult.Lost
func initVotes*(nodes: seq[RaftNodeId]): RaftVotes =
var r = RaftVotes(voters: nodes, current: initElectionTracker(nodes))
return r
func initVotes*(config: RaftConfig): RaftVotes =
var r = RaftVotes(voters: config.currentSet, current: initElectionTracker(config.currentSet))
return r
func registerVote*(rv: var RaftVotes, nodeId: RaftNodeId, granted: bool): bool =
# TODO: Add support for configuration
return rv.current.registerVote(nodeId, granted)
func tallyVote*(rv: var RaftVotes): RaftElectionResult =
# TODO: Add support for configuration
return rv.current.tallyVote()
func find*(ls: RaftTracker, id: RaftnodeId): Option[RaftFollowerProgressTracker] =
for follower in ls.progress:
if follower.id == id:
return some(follower)
return none(RaftFollowerProgressTracker)
func initFollowerProgressTracker*(follower: RaftNodeId, nextIndex: RaftLogIndex, now: times.DateTime): RaftFollowerProgressTracker =
return RaftFollowerProgressTracker(id: follower, nextIndex: nextIndex, matchIndex: 0, commitIndex: 0, replayedIndex: 0, lastMessageAt: now)
func initTracker*(config: RaftConfig, nextIndex: RaftLogIndex, now: times.DateTime): RaftTracker =
var tracker = RaftTracker()
for node in config.currentSet:
tracker.progress.add(initFollowerProgressTracker(node, nextIndex, now))
return tracker
func accepted*(fpt: var RaftFollowerProgressTracker, index: RaftLogIndex)=
fpt.matchIndex = max(fpt.matchIndex, index)
fpt.nextIndex = max(fpt.nextIndex, index)