1076 lines
72 KiB
1076 lines
72 KiB
{.deadCodeElim: on.}
when defined(windows):
const libncurses* = "libncursesw.dll"
elif defined(macosx):
const libncurses* = "libncursesw.dylib"
const libncurses* = "libncursesw.so(.6|)"
chtype* = cuint ## Holds a character and possibly an attribute
attr_t* = chtype ## Attribute type
cchar_t* = object ## Complex char
attr: attr_t
chars: WideCString #5
ext_color: cint
ldat = object ## Holds line data
Screen* = object
Terminal* = object
Window* = object ## Holds window data
cury, curx: cshort # current cursor position
# window location and size
maxy, maxx: cshort # maximums of x and y, NOT window size
begy, begx: cshort # screen coords of upper-left-hand corner
flags: cshort # window state flags
# attribute tracking
attrs: attr_t # current attribute for non-space character
bkgd: chtype # current background char/attribute pair
# option values set by user
notimeout: bool # no time out on function-key entry?
clear: bool # consider all data in the window invalid?
leaveok: bool # OK to not reset cursor on exit?
scroll: bool # OK to scroll this window?
idlok: bool # OK to use insert/delete line?
idcok: bool # OK to use insert/delete char?
immed: bool # window in immed mode? (not yet used)
sync: bool # window in sync mode?
use_keypad: bool # process function keys into KEY_ symbols?
delay: cint # 0 = nodelay, <0 = blocking, >0 = delay
line: ptr ldat # the actual line data
# global screen state
regtop: cshort # top line of scrolling region
regbottom: cshort # bottom line of scrolling region
# these are used only if this is a sub-window
pary, parx: cint # y, x coordinates of this window in parent
parent: PWindow # pointer to parent if a sub-window
# these are used only if this is a pad
pad: pdat
yoffset: cshort # real begy is _begy + _yoffset
bkgrnd: cchar_t # current background char/attribute pair
color: cint # current color-pair for non-space character
window* {.deprecated: "Use PWindow instead".} = Window
pdat = object ## pad data
pad_y*, pad_x*: cshort
pad_top*, pad_left*: cshort
pad_bottom*, pad_right*: cshort
mmask_t* = uint32
Mevent* = object ## mouse event
id*: cshort # ID to distinguish multiple devices
x*, y*, z*: cint # event coordinates (character-cell)
bstate*: mmask_t # button state bits
#not ncurses but used to make things easier
ErrCode* = cint ## Error Code. Returns ERR (-1) upon failure or OK (0) on success.
PWindow* = ptr Window
PScreen* = ptr Screen
ERR*: ErrCode = (-1)
OK*: ErrCode = (0)
template NCURSES_CAST(`type`, value: untyped): untyped = (`type`)(value)
template NCURSES_BITS(mask, shift: untyped): untyped =
(NCURSES_CAST(chtype, (mask)) shl ((shift) + NCURSES_ATTR_SHIFT))
#color: color manipulation routines
COLORS* {.importc: "COLORS", dynlib: libncurses.}: cint
## Initialized by start_color to the maximum number of colors thfe
## terminal can support.
COLOR_PAIRS* {.importc: "COLOR_PAIRS", dynlib: libncurses.}: cint
## Initialized by start_color to the maximum number of color pairs the
## terminal can support.
template COLOR_PAIR*(n: untyped): untyped = NCURSES_BITS((n), 0'i64)
template PAIR_NUMBER*(a: untyped): untyped =
(NCURSES_CAST(cint, ((NCURSES_CAST(cuint, (a)) and A_COLOR) shr
proc start_color*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Initialises the the eight basic colours and the two global varables COLORS and COLOR_PAIRS.
## It also restores the colours on the terminal to the values that they had when the
## terminal was just turned on.
## @Note: It is good practice to call this routine right after initscr. It must be
## called before any other colour manipulating routines.
proc has_colors*(): bool {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Used to determine if the terminal can manipulate colours.
## @Returns: true if the terminal can manipulate colours or false if it cannot.
proc can_change_color*(): bool {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Used to determine if the terminal supports colours and can change their definitions.
## @Returns: true if the terminal supports colours and can change their definitions or
## false otherwise.
proc init_pair*(pair, f,b: cshort): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Changes the definition of a colour pair.
## @Param: 'pair' the number of the colour pair to change.
## @Param: 'foreground': the foreground colour number.
## @Param: 'background': the background colour number.
## @Returns: ERR on failure and OK upon successful completion.
proc init_color*(color: cshort, r, g, b: cshort): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc init_extended_pair*(pair, f,b: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc init_extended_color*(color: cint, r, g, b: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc color_content*(color: cshort, r, g, b: ptr cshort): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc pair_content*(pair: cshort, f,b: ptr cshort): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc extended_color_content*(color: cint, r, g, b: ptr cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc pair_content*(pair: cint, f,b: ptr cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc reset_color_pairs*(): void {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#threads: thread support
proc get_escdelay*(): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc set_escdelay*(size: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc set_tabsize*(size: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc use_screen*(scr: PScreen, scr_cb: proc(scr: PScreen, pt: pointer): cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc use_window*(win: PWindow, win_cb: proc(win: PWindow, pt: pointer): cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#add_wch: Adding complex characters to a window
proc add_wch*(wch: ptr cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wadd_wch*(win: PWindow, wch: ptr cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvadd_wch*(y, x: cint, wch: ptr cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwadd_wch*(win: PWindow, y, x: cint, wch: ptr cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc echo_wchar*(wch: ptr cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wecho_wchar*(win: PWindow, wch: ptr cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#add_wchstr: Adding an array of complex characters to a window
proc add_wchstr*(wchstr: ptr cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc add_wchnstr*(wchstr: ptr cchar_t, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wadd_wchstr*(win: PWindow, wchstr: ptr cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wadd_wchnstr*(win: PWindow, wchstr: ptr cchar_t, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvadd_wchstr*(y, x: cint, wchstr: ptr cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvadd_wchnstr*(y, x: cint, wchstr: ptr cchar_t, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwadd_wchstr*(win: PWindow, y, x: cint, wchstr: ptr cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwadd_wchnstr*(win: PWindow, y, x: cint, wchstr: ptr cchar_t, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#addch: Adding a character (with attributes) to a window
proc addch*(character: chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Puts a character into the stdscr at its current window position and then advances
## the current window position to the next position.
## @Param: 'character' the character to put into the current window.
## @Returns: ERR on failure and OK upon successful completion.
proc waddch*(win: PWindow, ch: chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvaddch*(y,x: cint; character: chtype): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Moves the cursor to the specified position and outputs the provided character.
## The cursor is then advanced to the next position.
## @Param: 'y' the line to move the cursor to.
## @Param: 'x' the column to move the cursor to.
## @Param: 'character' the character to put into the current window.
## @Returns: ERR on failure and OK upon successful completion.
proc mvwaddch*(win: PWindow, y, x: cint, ch: chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc echochar*(ch: chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wechochar*(win: PWindow, ch: chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#addchstr: Adding a string of characters (and attributes) to a window
proc addchstr*(chstr: ptr chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc addchnstr*(chstr: ptr chtype, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc waddchstr*(win: PWindow, chstr: ptr chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc waddchnstr*(win: PWindow, chstr: ptr chtype, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvaddchstr*(y, x: cint, chstr: ptr chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvaddchnstr*(y, x: cint, chstr: ptr chtype, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwaddchstr*(win: PWindow, y, x: cint, chstr: ptr chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwaddchnstr*(win: PWindow, y, x: cint, chstr: ptr chtype, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#addstr: Adding a string of characters to a window (cstring)
proc addstr*(str: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Adds a string of characters the the stdscr and advances the cursor.
## @Param: The string to add the stdscr.
## @Returns: ERR on failure and OK upon successful completion.
proc addnstr*(str: cstring, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc waddstr*(win: PWindow; str: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Writes a string to the specified window.
## @Param: 'destinationWindow' the window to write the string to.
## @Param: 'stringToWrite'
## @Returns: ERR on failure and OK upon successful completion.
proc waddnstr*(win: PWindow, str: cstring, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvaddstr*(y, x: cint; str: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Moves the cursor to the specified position and outputs the provided string.
## The cursor is then advanced to the next position.
## @Param: 'y' the line to move the cursor to.
## @Param: 'x' the column to move the cursor to.
## @Param: 'stringToOutput' the string to put into the current window.
## @Returns: ERR on failure and OK upon successful completion.
proc mvaddnstr*(y, x: cint, str: cstring, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwaddstr*(win: PWindow, y, x: cint, str: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwaddnstr*(win: PWindow, y, x: cint, str: cstring, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#addwstr: Adding a string of wide characters to a window (WideCString) ## Not used?
proc addwstr(wstr: WideCString): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc addnwstr(wstr: WideCString, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc waddwstr(win: PWindow, wstr: WideCString): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc waddnwstr(win: PWindow, wstr: WideCString, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvaddwstr(y, x: cint, win: PWindow, wstr: WideCString): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvaddnwstr(y, x: cint, win: PWindow, wstr: WideCString, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwaddwstr(win: PWindow, y, x: cint, wstr: WideCString): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwaddnwstr(win: PWindow, y, x: cint, wstr: WideCString, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#new_pair: Color-pair functions
proc alloc_pair*(fg, bg: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc find_pair*(fg, bg: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc free_pair*(pair: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#default_colors: Use terminal's default colors
proc use_default_colors*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc assume_default_colors*(fg, bg: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#attr: Character and attribute control routines
u1: cuint = 1
A_NORMAL* = (u1 - u1)
A_ATTRIBUTES* = NCURSES_BITS(not (u1 - u1), 0)
A_CHAR_TEXT* = (NCURSES_BITS(u1, 0) - u1.chtype)
A_COLOR* = NCURSES_BITS((u1 shl 8) - u1, 0)
proc attr_get*(attrs: ptr attr_t, pair: ptr cshort, opts: pointer): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wattr_get*(win: PWindow, attrs: ptr attr_t, pair: ptr cshort, opts: pointer): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc attr_set*(attrs: attr_t, pair: cshort, opts: pointer): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wattr_set*(win: PWindow, attrs: attr_t, pair: cshort, opts: pointer): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc attr_off*(attrs: attr_t, opts: pointer): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wattr_off*(win: PWindow, attrs: attr_t, opts: pointer): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc attr_on*(attrs: attr_t, opts: pointer): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wattr_on*(win: PWindow, attrs: attr_t, opts: pointer): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc attroff*(attrs: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Turns off the named attributes without affecting any other attributes.
## @Param: 'attributes' the attributes to turn off for the current window.
## @Returns: An integer value, but the returned value does not have any meaning and can
## thus be ignored.
proc wattroff*(win: PWindow, attrs: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc attron*(attrs: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Turns on the named attributes without affecting any other attributes.
## @Param: 'attributes' the attributes to turn on for the current window.
## @Returns: An integer value, but the returned value does not have any meaning and can
## thus be ignored.
proc wattron*(win: PWindow, attrs: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc attrset*(attrs: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Sets the current attributes of the given window to the provided attributes.
## @Param: 'attributes', the attributes to apply to the current window.
## @Returns: An integer value, but the returned value does not have any meaning and can
## thus be ignored.
proc wattrset*(win: PWindow, attrs: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc chgat*(n: cint, attr: attr_t, pair: cshort, opts: pointer): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wchgat*(win: PWindow, n: cint, attr: attr_t, pair: cshort, opts: pointer): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvchgat*(y, x: cint, n: cint, attr: attr_t, pair: cshort, opts: pointer): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwchgat*(win: PWindow, y, x: cint, n: cint, attr: attr_t, pair: cshort, opts: pointer): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc color_set*(pair: cshort, opts: pointer): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wcolor_set*(win: PWindow, pair: cshort, opts: pointer): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#proc standend(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.} ## Not used?
proc wstandend*(win: PWindow): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc standout*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wstandout*(win: PWindow): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#termattrs: Enviroment query routines
proc baudrate*(): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc erasechar*() {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc erasewchar*(ch: WideCString) {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc has_ic*(): bool {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc has_il*(): bool {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc killchar*(): cchar {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc killwchar*(ch: WideCString): cchar {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc longname*(): cstring {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc term_attrs*(): attr_t {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc term_attrs_ch*(): chtype {.cdecl, importc: "termattrs", discardable, dynlib: libncurses.} ## Previously termattrs
proc termname*(): cstring {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#beep: Bell and screen flash routines
proc beep*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc flash*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Flashes the screen and if that is not possible it sounds the alert. If this is not possible
## nothing happens.
## @Returns: ERR on failure and OK upon successfully flashing.
#bkgd: Window background manipulation routines
proc bkgdset*(ch: chtype): void {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wbkgdset*(win: PWindow, ch: chtype): void {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc bkgd*(ch: chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Sets the background property of the current window and apply this setting to every
## character position in the window.
## @Param: 'background' the background property to apply.
proc wbkgd*(win: PWindow, ch: chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc getbkgd*(win: PWindow): chtype {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#bkgrnd: Window complex background manipulation routines
proc bkgrnd*(wch: cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wbkgrnd*(win: PWindow, wch: cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc bkgrndset*(wch: cchar_t): void {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wbkgrndset*(win: PWindow, wch: cchar_t): void {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc getbkgrnd*(wch: cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wgetbkgrnd*(win: PWindow, wch: cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#border: Create borders, horizontal and vertical lines
proc border*(ls, rs, ts, bs, tl, tr, bl, br: chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wborder*(win: PWindow, ls, rs, ts, bs, tl, tr, bl, br: chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc box*(win: PWindow, verch, horch: chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc hline*(ch: chtype, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc whline*(win: PWindow, ch: chtype, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc vline*(ch: chtype, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wvline*(win: PWindow, ch: chtype, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvhline*(y, x: cint, ch: chtype, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwhline*(win: PWindow, y, x: cint, ch: chtype, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvvline*(y, x: cint, ch: chtype, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwvline*(win: PWindow, y, x: cint, ch: chtype, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#borderset: Create borders or lines using complex characters and renditions
proc border_set*(ls, rs, ts, bs, tl, tr, bl, br: cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wborder_set*(win: PWindow, ls, rs, ts, bs, tl, tr, bl, br: cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc box_set*(win: PWindow, verch, horch: cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc hline_set*(wch: cchar_t, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc whline_set*(win: PWindow, wch: cchar_t, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvhline_set*(y,x: cint, wch: cchar_t, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwhline_set*(win: PWindow, y,x: cint, wch: cchar_t, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc vline_set*(wch: cchar_t, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wvline_set*(win: PWindow, wch: cchar_t, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvvline_set*(y,x: cint, wch: cchar_t, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwvline_set*(win: PWindow, y,x: cint, wch: cchar_t, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#inopts: Input options
proc cbreak*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## The cbreak routine disables line buffering and erase/kill character-processing
## (interrupt and flow control characters are unaffected), making characters typed by
## the user immediately available to the program.
## @Returns: ERR on failure and OK upon successful completion.
proc nocbreak*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Returns the terminal to normal (cooked mode).
## @Returns: ERR on failure and OK upon successful completion.
proc noecho*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc onecho*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, discardable, dynlib: libncurses, importc: "echo".} ## Previously echo
proc halfdelay*(tenths: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc keypad*(win: PWindow, bf: bool): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc meta*(win: PWindow, bf: bool): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc nodelay*(win: PWindow, bf: bool): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc raw*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc noraw*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc noqiflush*(): void {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc qiflush*(): void {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc notimeout*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc timeout*(delay: cint): void {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wtimeout*(win: PWindow, delay: cint): void {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc typeahead*(fd: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#clear: Clear all or part of a window
proc erase*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc werase*(win: PWindow): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc clear*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wclear*(win: PWindow): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc clrtobot*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wclrtobot*(win: PWindow): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc clrtoeol*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wclrtoeol*(win: PWindow): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#outopts: Output options
proc clearok*(win: PWindow, bf: bool): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc idlok*(win: PWindow, bf: bool): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc idcok*(win: PWindow, bf: bool): void {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc immedok*(win: PWindow, bf: bool): void {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc leaveok*(win: PWindow, bf: bool): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc setscrreg*(top, bot: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wsetscrreg*(win: PWindow, top, bot: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc scrollok*(win: PWindow, bf: bool): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc nl*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc nonl*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#overlay: overlay and manipulate overlapped windows
proc overlay*(srcwin, dstwin: PWindow): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc overwrite*(srcwin, dstwin: PWindow): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc copywin*(srcwin, dstwin: PWindow,
sminrow, smincol,
dminrow, dmincol,
dmaxrow, dmaxcol: cint
): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#kernel: low-level routines (all except cur_set will always return OK)
proc def_prog_mode*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc def_shell_mode*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc reset_prog_mode*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc reset_shell_mode*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc resetty*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc savetty*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc getsyx*(y,x: cint): void {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc setsyx*(y,x: cint): void {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc ripoffline*(line: cint, init: proc(win: PWindow, cols: cint): cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc curs_set*(visibility: cint): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc napms*(ms: cint): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Used to sleep for the specified milliseconds.
## @Params: 'milliseconds' the number of milliseconds to sleep for.
## @Returns: ERR on failure and OK upon successful completion.
#extend: misc extensions
proc curses_version*(): cstring {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc use_extended_names*(enable: bool): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#define_key: define a keycode
proc define_key*(definition: cstring, keycode: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#terminfo: interfaces to terminfo database
cur_term*: ptr Terminal
boolnames*, boolcodes*, boolfnames*: cstringArray
numnames*, numcodes*, numfnames*: cstringArray
strnames*, strcodes*, strfnames*: cstringArray
proc setupterm*(term: cstring; filedes: cint; errret: ptr cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc setterm*(term: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc set_curterm*(nterm: ptr Terminal): ptr Terminal {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc del_curterm*(oterm: ptr Terminal): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc restartterm*(term: cstring; filedes: cint; errret: ptr cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc tparm*(str: cstring): cstring {.varargs, cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc putp*(str: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc vid_puts_ch*(attrs: chtype; putc: proc(ch: cint): cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc: "vidputs", discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc vid_attr_ch*(attrs: chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc: "vidattr", discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc vid_puts*(attrs: attr_t; pair: cshort; opts: pointer; putc: proc(ch: cint): cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc vid_attr*(attrs: attr_t; pair: cshort; opts: pointer): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvcur*(oldrow, oldcol, newrow, newcol: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc tigetflag*(capname: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc tigetnum*(capname: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc tigetstr*(capname: cstring): cstring {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc tiparm*(str: cstring): cstring {.varargs, cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#util: misc utility routines
proc unctrl*(c: chtype): cstring {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wunctrl*(c: ptr cchar_t): WideCString {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc keyname*(c: cint): cstring {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc keyname_wch*(w: WideCString): cstring {.cdecl, discardable, dynlib: libncurses, importc: "key_name".} ## previously key_name, had to be renamed.
proc filter*(): void {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc nofilter*(): void {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc use_env*(f: bool): void {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc use_tioctl*(f: bool): void {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc putwin*(win: PWindow, filep: File): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc getwin*(filep: File): PWindow {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc delay_output*(ms: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc flushinp*(): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#delch: delete character under the cursor in a window
proc delch*(): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Delete the character under the cursor in the stdscr.
## @Returns: ERR on failure and OK upon successfully flashing.
proc wdelch*(win: PWindow): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvdelch*(y,x: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwdelch*(win: PWindow, y,x: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#deleteln: delete and insert lines in a window
proc deleteln*(): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Deletes the line under the cursor in the stdscr. All lines below the current line are moved up one line.
## The bottom line of the window is cleared and the cursor position does not change.
## @Returns: ERR on failure and OK upon successful completion.
proc wdeleteln*(win: PWindow): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc insdeln*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc winsdeln*(win: PWindow, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc insertln*(): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Inserts a blank line above the current line in stdscr and the bottom line is lost.
## @Returns: ERR on failure and OK upon successful completion.
proc winsertln*(win: PWindow): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#initscr: screen initialization and manipulation routines
proc initscr*(): PWindow {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Usually the first curses routine to be called when initialising a program
## The initscr code determines the terminal type and initialises all curses data structures. initscr also causes the
## first call to refresh to clear the screen.
## @Returns: A pointer to stdscr is returned if the operation is successful.
## @Note: If errors occur, initscr writes an appropriate error message to
## standard error and exits.
proc endwin*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## A program should always call endwin before exiting or escaping from curses mode temporarily. This routine
## restores tty modes, moves the cursor to the lower left-hand corner of the screen and resets the terminal into the
## proper non-visual mode. Calling refresh or doupdate after a temporary escape causes the program to resume visual mode.
## @Returns: ERR on failure and OK upon successful completion.
proc isendwin*(): bool {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc newterm*(`type`: cstring, outfd, infd: File): PScreen {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc set_term*(`new`: PScreen): PScreen {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc delscreen*(sp: PScreen): void {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#window: create a window
proc newwin*(nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x: cint): PWindow {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc delwin*(win: PWindow): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwin*(win: PWindow, y,x: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc subwin*(orig: PWindow, nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x: cint): PWindow {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc derwin*(orig: PWindow, nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x: cint): PWindow {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvderwin*(win: PWindow, par_y, par_x: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc dupwin*(win: PWindow): PWindow {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wsyncup*(win: PWindow): void {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc syncok*(win: PWindow, bf: bool): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wcursyncup*(win: PWindow): void {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wsyncdown*(win: PWindow): void {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#refresh: refresh windows and lines
proc refresh*(): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Must be called to get actual output to the terminal. refresh uses stdscr has the default window.
## @Returns: ERR on failure and OK upon successful completion.
proc wrefresh*(win: PWindow): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wnoutrefresh*(win: PWindow): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc doupdate*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc redrawwin*(win: PWindow): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wredrawln*(win: PWindow, beg_lines, num_lines: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#slk: soft label routines
proc slk_init*(fmt: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc slk_set*(labnum: cint, label: WideCString, fmt: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc slk_wset*(labnum: cint, label: WideCString, fmt: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc slk_label*(labnum: cint): cstring {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc slk_refresh*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc slk_noutrefresh*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc slk_clear*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc slk_restore*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc slk_touch*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc slk_attron_ch*(attrs: chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc: "slk_attron", discardable, dynlib: libncurses.} ## Previously slk_attron
proc slk_attroff_ch*(attrs: chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc: "slk_attroff", discardable, dynlib: libncurses.} ## Previously slk_attroff
proc slk_attrset_ch*(attrs: chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc: "slk_attrset", discardable, dynlib: libncurses.} ## Previously slk_attrset
proc slk_attr_on*(attrs: attr_t, opts: pointer): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc slk_attr_off*(attrs: attr_t, opts: pointer): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc slk_attr_set*(attrs: attr_t, pair: cshort, opts: pointer): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc slk_attr*(): attr_t {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc slk_color*(pair: cshort): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc extended_slk_color*(pair: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#get_wch: get (or push back) a wide character from a terminal keyboard
proc get_wch*(wch: WideCString): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wget_wch*(win: PWindow, wch: WideCString): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvget_wch*(y,x: cint, wch: WideCString): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwget_wch*(win: PWindow, y,x: cint, wch: WideCString): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc unget_wch*(wch: WideCString): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#get_wstr: get an array of wide characters from a terminal keyboard
proc get_wstr*(wstr: WideCString): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc getn_wstr*(wstr: WideCString, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wget_wstr*(win: PWindow, wstr: WideCString): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wgetn_wstr*(win: PWindow, wstr: WideCString, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvget_wstr*(y,x: cint, wstr: WideCString): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvgetn_wstr*(y,x: cint, wstr: WideCString, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwget_wstr*(win: PWindow, y,x: cint, wstr: WideCString): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwgetn_wstr*(win: PWindow, y,x: cint, wstr: WideCString, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#legacy: get cursor and window coordinates, attributes
proc getattrs*(win: PWindow): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc getbegx*(win: PWindow): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc getbegy*(win: PWindow): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc getcurx*(win: PWindow): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc getcury*(win: PWindow): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc getmaxx*(win: PWindow): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc getmaxy*(win: PWindow): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc getparx*(win: PWindow): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc getpary*(win: PWindow): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#getyx: get curses cursor and window coordinates (these are implemented as macros in ncurses.h)
template getyx*(win: PWindow, y, x: cint): untyped=
## Reads the logical cursor location from the specified window.
## @Param: 'win' the window to get the cursor location from.
## @Param: 'y' stores the height of the window.
## @Param: 'x' stores the width of the window.
(y = getcury(win); x = getcurx(win)) ## testing
template getbegyx*(win: PWindow, y, x: cint): untyped=
(y = getbegy(win); x = getbegx(win))
template getmaxyx*(win: PWindow, y, x: cint): untyped=
## retrieves the size of the specified window in the provided y and x parameters.
## @Param: 'win' the window to measure.
## @Param: 'y' stores the height of the window.
## @Param: 'x' stores the width of the window.
(y = getmaxy(win); x = getmaxx(win))
template getparyx*(win: PWindow, y, x: cint): untyped=
(y = getpary(win); x = getparx(win))
#getcchar: Get a wide character string and rendition from cchar_t or set a cchar_t from a wide-character string
proc getcchar*(wcval: ptr cchar_t, wch: WideCString, attrs: ptr attr_t, color_pair: ptr cshort, opts: pointer): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc setcchar*(wcval: ptr cchar_t, wch: WideCString, attrs: attr_t, color_pair: cshort, opts: pointer): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#getch: get (or push back) characters from the terminal keyboard
proc getch*(): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Read a character from the stdscr window.
## @Returns: ERR on failure and OK upon successful completion.
proc wgetch*(win: PWindow): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Read a character from the specified window.
## @Param: 'sourceWindow' the window to read a character from.
## @Returns: ERR on failure and OK upon successful completion.
proc mvgetch*(y,x: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwgetch*(win: PWindow, y,x: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc ungetch*(ch: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc has_key*(ch: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#mouse: mouse interface
proc has_mouse*(): bool {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc getmouse*(event: ptr Mevent): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc ungetmouse*(event: ptr Mevent): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mousemask*(newmask: mmask_t, oldmask: ptr mmask_t): mmask_t {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wenclose*(win: PWindow, y, x: cint): bool {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mouse_trafo*(y,x: ptr cint, to_screen: bool): bool {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wmouse_trafo*(win: PWindow, y,x: ptr cint, to_screen: bool): bool {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mouseinterval*(erval: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#getstr: accept character strings from terminal keyboard
proc getstr*(str: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Reads the inputted characters into the provided string.
## @Param: 'inputString' the variable to read the input into.
## @Returns: ERR on failure and OK upon successful completion.
proc getnstr*(str: cstring; n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Reads at most the specified number of characters into the provided string.
## @Param: 'inputString' the variable to read the input into.
## @Param: 'numberOfCharacters' the maximum number of characters to read.
## @Returns: ERR on failure and OK upon successful completion.
proc wgetstr*(win: PWindow, str: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wgetnstr*(win: PWindow, str: cstring, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvgetstr*(y,x: cint, str: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvgetnstr*(y,x: cint, str: cstring, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwgetstr*(win: PWindow, y,x: cint, str: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwgetnstr*(win: PWindow, y,x: cint, str: cstring, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#in_wch: extract a complex character and rendition from a window
proc in_wch*(wcval: ptr cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvinwch*(y,x: cint, wcval: ptr cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwin_wch*(win: PWindow, y,x: cint, wcval: ptr cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc win_wch*(win: PWindow, wcval: ptr cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#in_wchstr: get an array of complex characters and renditions from a window
proc in_wchstr*(wchstr: ptr cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc in_wchnstr*(wchstr: ptr cchar_t, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc win_wchstr*(win: PWindow, wchstr: ptr cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc win_wchnstr*(win: PWindow, wchstr: ptr cchar_t, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvin_wchstr*(y,x: cint, wchstr: ptr cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvin_wchnstr*(y,x: cint, wchstr: ptr cchar_t, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwin_wchstr*(win: PWindow, y,x: cint, wchstr: ptr cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwin_wchnstr*(win: PWindow; y,x: cint, wchstr: ptr cchar_t, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#inch: get a character and attributes from a window
proc inch*(): chtype {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc winch*(win: PWindow): chtype {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvinch*(y,x: cint): chtype {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwinch*(win: PWindow; y,x: cint): chtype {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#inchstr: get a string of characters (and attributes) from a window
proc inchstr*(chstr: ptr chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc inchnstr*(chstr: ptr chtype; n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc winchstr*(win: PWindow; chstr: ptr chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc winchnstr*(win: PWindow; chstr: ptr chtype; n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvinchstr*(y,x: cint; chstr: ptr chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvinchnstr*(y,x: cint; chstr: ptr chtype; n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwinchstr*(win: PWindow, y,x: cint; chstr: ptr chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwinchnstr*(win: PWindow, y,x: cint; chstr: ptr chtype; n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#instr: get a string of characters from a window
proc instr*(str: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc innstr*(str: cstring, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc winstr*(win: PWindow, str: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc winnstr*(win: PWindow, str: cstring, n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvinstr*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvinnstr*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwinstr*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwinnstr*(): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#inwstr: get a string of wchar_t characters from a window
proc inwstr*(wstr: WideCString): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc innwstr*(wstr: WideCString; n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc winwstr*(win: PWindow; wstr: WideCString): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc winnwstr*(win: PWindow; wstr: WideCString; n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvinwstr*(y,x: cint; wstr: WideCString): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvinnwstr*(y,x: cint; wstr: WideCString; n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwinwstr*(win: PWindow; y,x: cint; wstr: WideCString): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwinnwstr*(win: PWindow; y,x: cint; wstr: WideCString; n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#ins_wstr: insert a wide-character string into a window
proc ins_wstr*(wstr: WideCString): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc ins_nwstr*(wstr: WideCString; n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wins_wstr*(win: PWindow; wstr: WideCString): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wins_nwstr*(win: PWindow; wstr: WideCString; n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvins_wstr*(y,x: cint; wstr: WideCString): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvins_nwstr*(y,x: cint; wstr: WideCString; n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwins_wstr*(win: PWindow; y,x: cint; wstr: WideCString): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwins_nwstr*(win: PWindow; y,x: cint; wstr: WideCString; n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#ins_wch: insert a complex character and rendition into a window
proc ins_wch*(wch: ptr cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wins_wch*(win: PWindow; wch: ptr cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvins_wch*(y,x: cint; wch: ptr cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwins_wch*(win: PWindow; y,x: cint; wch: ptr cchar_t): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#insch: insert a character before cursor in a window
proc insch*(ch: chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Inserts a character before the cursor in the stdscr.
## @Param: 'character' the character to insert.
## @Returns: ERR on failure and OK upon successful completion.
proc winsch*(win: PWindow; ch: chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvinsch*(y,x: cint; ch: chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwinsch*(win: PWindow; y,x: cint; ch: chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#insstr: insert string before cursor in a window
proc insstr*(str: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc insnstr*(str: cstring; n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc winsstr*(win: PWindow; str: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc winsnstr*(win: PWindow; str: cstring; n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvinsstr*(y,x: cint; str: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvinsnstr*(y,x: cint; str: cstring; n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwinsstr*(win: Pwindow; y,x: cint; str: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvwinsnstr*(win: Pwindow; y,x: cint; str: cstring; n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#opaque: window properties
proc is_cleared*(win: PWindow): bool {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## returns the value set in clearok
proc is_idcok*(win: PWindow): bool {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## returns the value set in is_idcok
proc is_idlok*(win: PWindow): bool {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## returns the value set in is_idlok
proc is_immedok*(win: PWindow): bool {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## returns the value set in is_immedok
proc is_keypad*(win: PWindow): bool {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## returns the value set in is_keypad
proc is_leaveok*(win: PWindow): bool {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## returns the value set in is_leaveok
proc is_nodelay*(win: PWindow): bool {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## returns the value set in is_nodelay
proc is_notimeout*(win: PWindow): bool {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## returns the value set in is_notimeout
proc is_pad*(win: PWindow): bool {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## returns TRUE if the window is a pad i.e., created by newpad
proc is_scrollok*(win: PWindow): bool {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## returns the value set in is_scrollok
proc is_subwin*(win: PWindow): bool {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## returns TRUE if the window is a subwindow, i.e., created by subwin
## or derwin
proc is_syncok*(win: PWindow): bool {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## returns the value set in is_syncok
proc wgetparent*(win: PWindow): PWindow {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## returns the parent WINDOW pointer for subwindows, or NULL for
## windows with no parent
proc wgetdelay*(win: PWindow): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## returns the delay timeout as set in wtimeout
proc wgetscrreg*(win: PWindow; top, bottom: cint): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## returns the top and bottom rows for the scrolling margin as set in
## wsetscrreg
#touch: refresh control routines
proc touchwin*(win: PWindow): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Throws away all optimization information about which parts of the window
## have been touched, by pretending that the entire window has been drawn on.
## This is sometimes necessary when using overlapping windows, since a change
## to one window affects the other window, but the records of which lines
## have been changed in the other window do not reflect the change.
proc touchline*(win: PWindow; start, count: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## The same as touchwin, except it only pretends that count lines have been
## changed, beginning with line start.
proc untouchwin*(win: PWindow): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Marks all lines in the window as unchanged since the last call to wrefresh.
proc wtouchln*(win: PWindow; y, n, changed: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Makes n lines in the window, starting at line y, look as if they have
## (changed=1) or have not (changed=0) been changed since the last call to
## wrefresh.
proc is_wintouched*(win: PWindow): bool {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Returns TRUE if the specified window was modified since the last call to
## wrefresh
proc is_linetouched*(win: PWindow; line: cint): bool {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## The same as is_wintouched, In addition, returns ERR if line is not valid
## for the given window.
#resizeterm: change the curses terminal size
proc is_term_resized*(lines, columns: cint): bool {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Checks if the resize_term function would modify the window structures.
## returns TRUE if the windows would be modified, and FALSE otherwise.
proc resize_term*(lines, columns: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Resizes the standard and current windows to the specified dimensions,
## and adjusts other bookkeeping data used by the ncurses library that
## record the window dimensions such as the LINES and COLS variables.
proc resize_term_ext*(lines, columns: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, discardable, dynlib: libncurses, importc: "resize_term".}
## Blank-fills the areas that are extended. The calling application should
## fill in these areas with appropriate data. The resize_term function
## attempts to resize all windows. However, due to the calling convention of
## pads, it is not possible to resize these without additional interaction
## with the application.
#key_defined: check if a keycode is defined
proc key_defined*(definition: cstring): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## If the string is bound to a keycode, its value (greater than zero) is
## returned. If no keycode is bound, zero is returned. If the string
## conflicts with longer strings which are bound to keys, -1 is returned.
#keybound: return definition of keycode
proc keybound*(keycode, count: cint): cstring {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## The keycode parameter must be greater than zero, else NULL is returned.
## If it does not correspond to a defined key, then NULL is returned. The
## count parameter is used to allow the application to iterate through
## multiple definitions, counting from zero. When successful, the function
## returns a string which must be freed by the caller.
#keyok: enable or disable a keycode
proc keyok(keycode: cint; enable: bool): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.} ## Not used?
## The keycode must be greater than zero, else ERR is returned. If it
## does not correspond to a defined key, then ERR is returned. If the
## enable parameter is true, then the key must have been disabled, and
## vice versa. Otherwise, the function returns OK.
#mcprint: ship binary data to printer
proc mcprint*(data: cstring; len: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#move: move window cursor
proc move*(y, x: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## Moves the cursor of stdscr to the specified coordinates.
## @Param: 'y' the line to move the cursor to.
## @Param: 'x' the column to move the cursor to.
## @Returns: ERR on failure and OK upon successful completion.
proc wmove*(win: PWindow; y,x: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#printw: print formatted output in windows
proc printw*(fmt: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses, varargs.}
## Prints out a formatted string to the stdscr.
## @Param: 'formattedString' the string with formatting to be output to stdscr.
## @Returns: ERR on failure and OK upon successful completion.
proc wprintw*(win: PWindow, fmt: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc mvprintw*(y, x: cint; fmt: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses, varargs.}
## Prints out a formatted string to the stdscr at the specified row and column.
## @Param: 'y' the line to move the cursor to.
## @Param: 'x' the column to move the cursor to.
## @Param: 'formattedString' the string with formatting to be output to stdscr.
## @Returns: ERR on failure and OK upon successful completion.
proc mvwprintw*(win: PWindow; y,x: cint; fmt: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses, varargs.}
## Prints out a formatted string to the specified window at the specified row and column.
## @Param: 'destinationWindow' the window to write the string to.
## @Param: 'y' the line to move the cursor to.
## @Param: 'x' the column to move the cursor to.
## @Param: 'formattedString' the string with formatting to be output to stdscr.
## @Returns: ERR on failure and OK upon successful completion.
proc vw_printw*(win: PWindow; fmt: cstring; varglist: varargs[cstring]): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses}
#scanw: convert formatted input from a window
proc scanw*(fmt: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses, varargs.}
## Converts formatted input from the stdscr.
## @Param: 'formattedInput' Contains the fields for the input to be mapped to.
## @Returns: The number of fields that were mapped in the call.
proc wscanw*(win: PWindow; fmt: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses, varargs.}
proc mvscanw*(y,x: cint; fmt: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses, varargs.}
proc mvwscanw*(win: PWindow; y,x: cint; fmt: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses, varargs.}
proc vw_scanw*(win: PWindow; fmt: cstring; varglist: varargs[cstring]): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses, varargs,.}
#pad: create and display pads
proc newpad*(nlines, ncols: cint): PWindow {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc subpad*(orig: PWindow; lines, columns, begin_y, begin_x: cint): PWindow {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc prefresh*(pad: PWindow;
pminrow, pmincol,
sminrow, smincol,
smaxrow, smaxcol: cint
): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc pnoutrefersh*(pad: PWindow;
pminrow, pmincol,
sminrow, smincol,
smaxrow, smaxcol: cint
): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc pechochar*(pad: PWindow; ch: chtype): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc pecho_wchar*(pad: PWindow; wch: WideCString): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#scr_dump: read (write) a screen from (to) a file
proc scr_dump*(filename: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc scr_restore*(filename: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc scr_init*(filename: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc scr_set*(filename: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#scroll: scroll a window
proc scroll*(win: PWindow): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc scrl*(n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc wscrl*(win: PWindow; n: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#termcap: direct interface to the terminfo capability database
PC* {.importc, dynlib: libncurses.}: cchar
## Set by tgetent to the terminfo entry's pad_char value.
## Used in the tdelay_output function.
UP* {.importc, dynlib: libncurses.}: ptr cchar
## Set by tgetent to the terminfo entry's cursor_up value.
## Not used by ncurses.
BC* {.importc, dynlib: libncurses.}: ptr cchar
## Set by tgetent to the terminfo entry's backspace_if_not_bs value.
## Used in the tgoto() emulation.
ospeed* {.importc, dynlib: libncurses.}: cshort
## Set by ncurses in a system-specific coding to reflect the terminal speed.
proc tgetent*(np, name: cstring): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc tgetflag*(id: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc tgetnum*(id: cstring): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc tgetstr*(id: cstring; area: cstringArray ): cstring {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc tgoto*(cap: cstring; col, row: cint): cstring {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
proc tputs*(str: cstring; affcnt: cint; putc: ptr proc(ch: cint): cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
#legacy_coding: override locale-encoding checks
proc use_legacy_coding*(level: cint): cint {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
## If the screen has not been initialized, or the level parameter is out
## of range, the function returns ERR. Otherwise, it returns the previous
## level: 0, 1 or 2.
#wresize: resize a curses window
proc wresize*(win: PWindow; line, column: cint): ErrCode {.cdecl, importc, discardable, dynlib: libncurses.}
# mouse interface
template NCURSES_MOUSE_MASK(b, m: untyped): untyped = ((m) shl (((b) - 1) * 5))
template BUTTON_RELEASE*(e, x: untyped): untyped =
template BUTTON_PRESS*(e, x: untyped): untyped =
template BUTTON_CLICK*(e, x: untyped): untyped =
template BUTTON_DOUBLE_CLICK*(e, x: untyped): untyped =
template BUTTON_TRIPLE_CLICK*(e, x: untyped): untyped =
template BUTTON_RESERVED_EVENT*(e, x: untyped): untyped =
# event masks
# keys
KEY_CODE_YES* = 0o400 ## A wchar_t contains a key code
KEY_MIN* = 0o401 ## Minimum curses key
KEY_BREAK* = 0o401 ## Break key (unreliable)
KEY_SRESET* = 0o530 ## Soft (partial) reset (unreliable)
KEY_RESET* = 0o531 ## Reset or hard reset (unreliable)
KEY_DOWN* = 0o402 ## down-arrow key
KEY_UP* = 0o403 ## up-arrow key
KEY_LEFT* = 0o404 ## left-arrow key
KEY_RIGHT* = 0o405 ## right-arrow key
KEY_HOME* = 0o406 ## home key
KEY_BACKSPACE* = 0o407 ## backspace key
KEY_F0* = 0o410 ## Function keys. Space for 64
KEY_DL* = 0o510 ## delete-line key
KEY_IL* = 0o511 ## insert-line key
KEY_DC* = 0o512 ## delete-character key
KEY_IC* = 0o513 ## insert-character key
KEY_EIC* = 0o514 ## sent by rmir or smir in insert mode
KEY_CLEAR* = 0o515 ## clear-screen or erase key
KEY_EOS* = 0o516 ## clear-to-end-of-screen key
KEY_EOL* = 0o517 ## clear-to-end-of-line key
KEY_SF* = 0o520 ## scroll-forward key
KEY_SR* = 0o521 ## scroll-backward key
KEY_NPAGE* = 0o522 ## next-page key
KEY_PPAGE* = 0o523 ## previous-page key
KEY_STAB* = 0o524 ## set-tab key
KEY_CTAB* = 0o525 ## clear-tab key
KEY_CATAB* = 0o526 ## clear-all-tabs key
KEY_ENTER* = 0o527 ## enter/send key
KEY_PRINT* = 0o532 ## print key
KEY_LL* = 0o533 ## lower-left key (home down)
KEY_A1* = 0o534 ## upper left of keypad
KEY_A3* = 0o535 ## upper right of keypad
KEY_B2* = 0o536 ## center of keypad
KEY_C1* = 0o537 ## lower left of keypad
KEY_C3* = 0o540 ## lower right of keypad
KEY_BTAB* = 0o541 ## back-tab key
KEY_BEG* = 0o542 ## begin key
KEY_CANCEL* = 0o543 ## cancel key
KEY_CLOSE* = 0o544 ## close key
KEY_COMMAND* = 0o545 ## command key
KEY_COPY* = 0o546 ## copy key
KEY_CREATE* = 0o547 ## create key
KEY_END* = 0o550 ## end key
KEY_EXIT* = 0o551 ## exit key
KEY_FIND* = 0o552 ## find key
KEY_HELP* = 0o553 ## help key
KEY_MARK* = 0o554 ## mark key
KEY_MESSAGE* = 0o555 ## message key
KEY_MOVE* = 0o556 ## move key
KEY_NEXT* = 0o557 ## next key
KEY_OPEN* = 0o560 ## open key
KEY_OPTIONS* = 0o561 ## options key
KEY_PREVIOUS* = 0o562 ## previous key
KEY_REDO* = 0o563 ## redo key
KEY_REFERENCE* = 0o564 ## reference key
KEY_REFRESH* = 0o565 ## refresh key
KEY_REPLACE* = 0o566 ## replace key
KEY_RESTART* = 0o567 ## restart key
KEY_RESUME* = 0o570 ## resume key
KEY_SAVE* = 0o571 ## save key
KEY_SBEG* = 0o572 ## shifted begin key
KEY_SCANCEL* = 0o573 ## shifted cancel key
KEY_SCOMMAND* = 0o574 ## shifted command key
KEY_SCOPY* = 0o575 ## shifted copy key
KEY_SCREATE* = 0o576 ## shifted create key
KEY_SDC* = 0o577 ## shifted delete-character key
KEY_SDL* = 0o600 ## shifted delete-line key
KEY_SELECT* = 0o601 ## select key
KEY_SEND* = 0o602 ## shifted end key
KEY_SEOL* = 0o603 ## shifted clear-to-end-of-line key
KEY_SEXIT* = 0o604 ## shifted exit key
KEY_SFIND* = 0o605 ## shifted find key
KEY_SHELP* = 0o606 ## shifted help key
KEY_SHOME* = 0o607 ## shifted home key
KEY_SIC* = 0o610 ## shifted insert-character key
KEY_SLEFT* = 0o611 ## shifted left-arrow key
KEY_SMESSAGE* = 0o612 ## shifted message key
KEY_SMOVE* = 0o613 ## shifted move key
KEY_SNEXT* = 0o614 ## shifted next key
KEY_SOPTIONS* = 0o615 ## shifted options key
KEY_SPREVIOUS* = 0o616 ## shifted previous key
KEY_SPRINT* = 0o617 ## shifted print key
KEY_SREDO* = 0o620 ## shifted redo key
KEY_SREPLACE* = 0o621 ## shifted replace key
KEY_SRIGHT* = 0o622 ## shifted right-arrow key
KEY_SRSUME* = 0o623 ## shifted resume key
KEY_SSAVE* = 0o624 ## shifted save key
KEY_SSUSPEND* = 0o625 ## shifted suspend key
KEY_SUNDO* = 0o626 ## shifted undo key
KEY_SUSPEND* = 0o627 ## suspend key
KEY_UNDO* = 0o630 ## undo key
KEY_MOUSE* = 0o631 ## Mouse event has occurred
KEY_RESIZE* = 0o632 ## Terminal resize event
KEY_EVENT* = 0o633 ## We were interrupted by an event
template KEY_F*(n: untyped): untyped= (KEY_F0+(n)) ## Value of function key n