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synced 2025-03-02 05:20:43 +00:00
* gossipsub: adding duplicate arrival metrics Adding counters for received deduplicated messages and for duplicates recognized by the seen cache. Note that duplicates that are not recognized (arrive after seenTTL) are not counted as duplicates here either. * gossipsub: adding mcache (message cache for responding IWANT) stats It is generally assumed that IWANT messages arrive when mcache still has the message. These stats are to verify this assumption. * libp2p: adding internal TX queuing stats Messages are queued in TX before getting written on the stream, but we have no statistics about these queues. This patch adds some queue length and queuing time related statistics. * adding Grafana libp2p dashboard Adding Grafana dashboard with newly exposed metrics. * enable libp2p_mplex_metrics in nimble test Signed-off-by: Csaba Kiraly <csaba.kiraly@gmail.com>
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## Nim-LibP2P
## Copyright (c) 2019 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
{.push raises: [Defect].}
import std/[oids, strformat]
import pkg/[chronos, chronicles, metrics, nimcrypto/utils]
import ./coder,
../../stream/[bufferstream, connection, streamseq],
export connection
topics = "libp2p mplexchannel"
when defined(libp2p_mplex_metrics):
declareHistogram libp2p_mplex_qlen, "message queue length",
buckets = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0, 32.0, 64.0, 128.0, 256.0, 512.0]
declareCounter libp2p_mplex_qlenclose, "closed because of max queuelen"
declareHistogram libp2p_mplex_qtime, "message queuing time"
when defined(libp2p_network_protocols_metrics):
declareCounter libp2p_protocols_bytes, "total sent or received bytes", ["protocol", "direction"]
## Channel half-closed states
## | State | Closed local | Closed remote
## |=============================================
## | Read | Yes (until EOF) | No
## | Write | No | Yes
## Channels are considered fully closed when both outgoing and incoming
## directions are closed and when the reader of the channel has read the
## EOF marker
MaxWrites = 1024 ##\
## Maximum number of in-flight writes - after this, we disconnect the peer
LPChannelTrackerName* = "LPChannel"
LPChannel* = ref object of BufferStream
id*: uint64 # channel id
name*: string # name of the channel (for debugging)
conn*: Connection # wrapped connection used to for writing
initiator*: bool # initiated remotely or locally flag
isOpen*: bool # has channel been opened
closedLocal*: bool # has channel been closed locally
msgCode*: MessageType # cached in/out message code
closeCode*: MessageType # cached in/out close code
resetCode*: MessageType # cached in/out reset code
writes*: int # In-flight writes
func shortLog*(s: LPChannel): auto =
if s.isNil: "LPChannel(nil)"
elif s.name != $s.oid and s.name.len > 0:
else: &"{shortLog(s.conn.peerId)}:{s.oid}"
except ValueError as exc:
raise newException(Defect, exc.msg)
chronicles.formatIt(LPChannel): shortLog(it)
proc open*(s: LPChannel) {.async, gcsafe.} =
trace "Opening channel", s, conn = s.conn
if s.conn.isClosed:
await s.conn.writeMsg(s.id, MessageType.New, s.name)
s.isOpen = true
except CatchableError as exc:
await s.conn.close()
raise exc
method closed*(s: LPChannel): bool {.raises: [Defect].} =
proc closeUnderlying(s: LPChannel): Future[void] {.async.} =
## Channels may be closed for reading and writing in any order - we'll close
## the underlying bufferstream when both directions are closed
if s.closedLocal and s.atEof():
await procCall BufferStream(s).close()
proc reset*(s: LPChannel) {.async, gcsafe.} =
if s.isClosed:
trace "Already closed", s
s.isClosed = true
s.closedLocal = true
trace "Resetting channel", s, len = s.len
if s.isOpen and not s.conn.isClosed:
# If the connection is still active, notify the other end
proc resetMessage() {.async.} =
trace "sending reset message", s, conn = s.conn
await s.conn.writeMsg(s.id, s.resetCode) # write reset
except CatchableError as exc:
# No cancellations
await s.conn.close()
trace "Can't send reset message", s, conn = s.conn, msg = exc.msg
asyncSpawn resetMessage()
await s.closeImpl() # noraises, nocancels
trace "Channel reset", s
method close*(s: LPChannel) {.async, gcsafe.} =
## Close channel for writing - a message will be sent to the other peer
## informing them that the channel is closed and that we're waiting for
## their acknowledgement.
if s.closedLocal:
trace "Already closed", s
s.closedLocal = true
trace "Closing channel", s, conn = s.conn, len = s.len
if s.isOpen and not s.conn.isClosed:
await s.conn.writeMsg(s.id, s.closeCode) # write close
except CancelledError as exc:
await s.conn.close()
raise exc
except CatchableError as exc:
# It's harmless that close message cannot be sent - the connection is
# likely down already
await s.conn.close()
trace "Cannot send close message", s, id = s.id, msg = exc.msg
await s.closeUnderlying() # maybe already eofed
trace "Closed channel", s, len = s.len
method initStream*(s: LPChannel) =
if s.objName.len == 0:
s.objName = LPChannelTrackerName
s.timeoutHandler = proc(): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} =
trace "Idle timeout expired, resetting LPChannel", s
procCall BufferStream(s).initStream()
method readOnce*(s: LPChannel,
pbytes: pointer,
nbytes: int):
Future[int] {.async.} =
## Mplex relies on reading being done regularly from every channel, or all
## channels are blocked - in particular, this means that reading from one
## channel must not be done from within a callback / read handler of another
## or the reads will lock each other.
let bytes = await procCall BufferStream(s).readOnce(pbytes, nbytes)
when defined(libp2p_network_protocols_metrics):
if s.tag.len > 0:
libp2p_protocols_bytes.inc(bytes.int64, labelValues=[s.tag, "in"])
trace "readOnce", s, bytes
if bytes == 0:
await s.closeUnderlying()
return bytes
except CatchableError as exc:
# readOnce in BufferStream generally raises on EOF or cancellation - for
# the former, resetting is harmless, for the latter it's necessary because
# data has been lost in s.readBuf and there's no way to gracefully recover /
# use the channel any more
await s.reset()
raise exc
proc prepareWrite(s: LPChannel, msg: seq[byte]): Future[void] {.async.} =
# prepareWrite is the slow path of writing a message - see conditions in
# write
if s.closedLocal or s.conn.closed:
raise newLPStreamClosedError()
if msg.len == 0:
if s.writes >= MaxWrites:
debug "Closing connection, too many in-flight writes on channel",
s, conn = s.conn, writes = s.writes
when defined(libp2p_mplex_metrics):
await s.reset()
await s.conn.close()
if not s.isOpen:
await s.open()
await s.conn.writeMsg(s.id, s.msgCode, msg)
proc completeWrite(
s: LPChannel, fut: Future[void], msgLen: int): Future[void] {.async.} =
s.writes += 1
when defined(libp2p_mplex_metrics):
libp2p_mplex_qlen.observe(s.writes.int64 - 1)
await fut
await fut
when defined(libp2p_network_protocol_metrics):
if s.tag.len > 0:
libp2p_protocols_bytes.inc(msgLen.int64, labelValues=[s.tag, "out"])
s.activity = true
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "exception in lpchannel write handler", s, msg = exc.msg
await s.reset()
await s.conn.close()
raise exc
s.writes -= 1
method write*(s: LPChannel, msg: seq[byte]): Future[void] =
## Write to mplex channel - there may be up to MaxWrite concurrent writes
## pending after which the peer is disconnected
closed = s.closedLocal or s.conn.closed
let fut =
if (not closed) and msg.len > 0 and s.writes < MaxWrites and s.isOpen:
# Fast path: Avoid a copy of msg being kept in the closure created by
# `{.async.}` as this drives up memory usage - the conditions are laid out
# in prepareWrite
s.conn.writeMsg(s.id, s.msgCode, msg)
prepareWrite(s, msg)
s.completeWrite(fut, msg.len)
proc init*(
L: type LPChannel,
id: uint64,
conn: Connection,
initiator: bool,
name: string = "",
timeout: Duration = DefaultChanTimeout): LPChannel =
let chann = L(
id: id,
name: name,
conn: conn,
initiator: initiator,
timeout: timeout,
isOpen: if initiator: false else: true,
msgCode: if initiator: MessageType.MsgOut else: MessageType.MsgIn,
closeCode: if initiator: MessageType.CloseOut else: MessageType.CloseIn,
resetCode: if initiator: MessageType.ResetOut else: MessageType.ResetIn,
dir: if initiator: Direction.Out else: Direction.In)
when chronicles.enabledLogLevel == LogLevel.TRACE:
chann.name = if chann.name.len > 0: chann.name else: $chann.oid
trace "Created new lpchannel", s = chann, id, initiator
return chann