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# Nim-LibP2P
# Copyright (c) 2023 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
# at your option.
# This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
# those terms.
{.push raises: [].}
import std/sequtils
import chronos
import stew/objects
import ../../../multiaddress, ../../../errors, ../../../stream/connection
import ../../../protobuf/minprotobuf
export multiaddress
const DcutrCodec* = "/libp2p/dcutr"
MsgType* = enum
Connect = 100
Sync = 300
DcutrMsg* = object
msgType*: MsgType
addrs*: seq[MultiAddress]
DcutrError* = object of LPError
proc encode*(msg: DcutrMsg): ProtoBuffer =
result = initProtoBuffer()
result.write(1, msg.msgType.uint)
for addr in msg.addrs:
result.write(2, addr)
proc decode*(_: typedesc[DcutrMsg], buf: seq[byte]): DcutrMsg {.raises: [DcutrError].} =
msgTypeOrd: uint32
dcutrMsg: DcutrMsg
var pb = initProtoBuffer(buf)
var r1 = pb.getField(1, msgTypeOrd)
let r2 = pb.getRepeatedField(2, dcutrMsg.addrs)
if r1.isErr or r2.isErr or not checkedEnumAssign(dcutrMsg.msgType, msgTypeOrd):
raise newException(DcutrError, "Received malformed message")
return dcutrMsg
proc send*(conn: Connection, msgType: MsgType, addrs: seq[MultiAddress]) {.async.} =
let pb = DcutrMsg(msgType: msgType, addrs: addrs).encode()
await conn.writeLp(pb.buffer)
proc getHolePunchableAddrs*(
addrs: seq[MultiAddress]
): seq[MultiAddress] {.raises: [LPError].} =
var result = newSeq[MultiAddress]()
for a in addrs:
# This is necessary to also accept addrs like /ip4/198.51.100/tcp/1234/p2p/QmYyQSo1c1Ym7orWxLYvCrM2EmxFTANf8wXmmE7DWjhx5N
if [TCP, mapAnd(TCP_DNS, P2PPattern), mapAnd(TCP_IP, P2PPattern)].anyIt(it.match(a)):
result.add(a[0 .. 1].tryGet())
return result