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synced 2025-03-01 21:10:41 +00:00
* feat: allow msgIdProvider to fail Closes: #642. Changes the return type of the msgIdProvider to `Result[MessageID, string]` so that message id generation can fail. String error type was chosen as this `msgIdProvider` mainly because the failed message id generation drops the message and logs the error provided. Because `msgIdProvider` can be externally provided by library consumers, an enum didn’t make sense and a object seemed to be overkill. Exceptions could have been used as well, however, in this case, Result ergonomics were warranted and prevented wrapping quite a large block of code in try/except. The `defaultMsgIdProvider` function previously allowed message id generation to fail silently for use in the tests: when seqno or source peerid were not valid, the message id generated was based on a hash of the message data and topic ids. The silent failing was moved to the `defaultMsgIdProvider` used only in the tests so that it could not fail silently in applications. Unit tests were added for the `defaultMsgIdProvider`. * Change MsgIdProvider error type to ValidationResult
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## Nim-LibP2P
## Copyright (c) 2019 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
{.push raises: [Defect].}
import hashes
import chronicles, metrics, stew/[byteutils, endians2]
import ./messages,
export errors, messages
topics = "pubsubmessage"
const PubSubPrefix = toBytes("libp2p-pubsub:")
declareCounter(libp2p_pubsub_sig_verify_success, "pubsub successfully validated messages")
declareCounter(libp2p_pubsub_sig_verify_failure, "pubsub failed validated messages")
func defaultMsgIdProvider*(m: Message): Result[MessageID, ValidationResult] =
if m.seqno.len > 0 and m.fromPeer.data.len > 0:
let mid = byteutils.toHex(m.seqno) & $m.fromPeer
ok mid.toBytes()
err ValidationResult.Reject
proc sign*(msg: Message, privateKey: PrivateKey): CryptoResult[seq[byte]] =
ok((? privateKey.sign(PubSubPrefix & encodeMessage(msg, false))).getBytes())
proc verify*(m: Message): bool =
if m.signature.len > 0 and m.key.len > 0:
var msg = m
msg.signature = @[]
msg.key = @[]
var remote: Signature
var key: PublicKey
if remote.init(m.signature) and key.init(m.key):
trace "verifying signature", remoteSignature = remote
result = remote.verify(PubSubPrefix & encodeMessage(msg, false), key)
if result:
proc init*(
T: type Message,
peer: Option[PeerInfo],
data: seq[byte],
topic: string,
seqno: Option[uint64],
sign: bool = true): Message
{.gcsafe, raises: [Defect, LPError].} =
var msg = Message(data: data, topicIDs: @[topic])
# order matters, we want to include seqno in the signature
if seqno.isSome:
msg.seqno = @(seqno.get().toBytesBE())
if peer.isSome:
let peer = peer.get()
msg.fromPeer = peer.peerId
if sign:
msg.signature = sign(msg, peer.privateKey).expect("Couldn't sign message!")
msg.key = peer.privateKey.getPublicKey().expect("Invalid private key!")
.getBytes().expect("Couldn't get public key bytes!")
elif sign:
raise (ref LPError)(msg: "Cannot sign message without peer info")
proc init*(
T: type Message,
peerId: PeerId,
data: seq[byte],
topic: string,
seqno: Option[uint64]): Message
{.gcsafe, raises: [Defect, LPError].} =
var msg = Message(data: data, topicIDs: @[topic])
msg.fromPeer = peerId
if seqno.isSome:
msg.seqno = @(seqno.get().toBytesBE())