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## Nim-LibP2P
## Copyright (c) 2019 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
import sequtils, tables, options, sets, strutils
import chronos, chronicles
import pubsub,
topic = "FloodSub"
const FloodSubCodec* = "/floodsub/1.0.0"
FloodSub = ref object of PubSub
proc sendSubs(f: FloodSub,
peer: PubSubPeer,
topics: seq[string],
subscribe: bool) {.async, gcsafe.} =
## send subscriptions to remote peer
trace "sending subscriptions", peer = peer.id, subscribe = subscribe
var msg: RPCMsg
for t in topics:
trace "sending topic", peer = peer.id, subscribe = subscribe, topicName = t
msg.subscriptions.add(SubOpts(topic: t, subscribe: subscribe))
await peer.send(@[msg])
proc rpcHandler(f: FloodSub,
peer: PubSubPeer,
rpcMsgs: seq[RPCMsg]) {.async, gcsafe.} =
## method called by a PubSubPeer every
## time it receives an RPC message
## The RPC message might contain subscriptions
## or messages forwarded to this peer
trace "processing RPC message", peer = peer.id, msg = rpcMsgs
for m in rpcMsgs: # for all RPC messages
trace "processing message", msg = rpcMsgs
if m.subscriptions.len > 0: # if there are any subscriptions
for s in m.subscriptions: # subscribe/unsubscribe the peer for each topic
let id = peer.id
if not f.peerTopics.contains(s.topic):
f.peerTopics[s.topic] = initSet[string]()
if s.subscribe:
trace "adding subscription for topic", peer = id, subscriptions = m.subscriptions, topic = s.topic
# subscribe the peer to the topic
trace "removing subscription for topic", peer = id, subscriptions = m.subscriptions, topic = s.topic
# unsubscribe the peer from the topic
# send subscriptions to every peer
for p in f.peers.values:
await p.send(@[RPCMsg(subscriptions: m.subscriptions)])
var toSendPeers: HashSet[string] = initSet[string]()
if m.messages.len > 0: # if there are any messages
for msg in m.messages: # for every message
for t in msg.topicIDs: # for every topic in the message
toSendPeers.incl(f.peerTopics[t]) # get all the peers interested in this topic
if f.topics.contains(t): # check that we're subscribed to it
for h in f.topics[t].handler:
await h(t, msg.data) # trigger user provided handler
# forward the message to all peers interested in it
for p in toSendPeers:
await f.peers[p].send(@[RPCMsg(messages: m.messages)])
proc handleConn(f: FloodSub,
conn: Connection) {.async, gcsafe.} =
## handle incoming/outgoing connections
## this proc will:
## 1) register a new PubSubPeer for the connection
## 2) register a handler with the peer;
## this handler gets called on every rpc message
## that the peer receives
## 3) ask the peer to subscribe us to every topic
## that we're interested in
proc handleRpc(peer: PubSubPeer, msgs: seq[RPCMsg]) {.async, gcsafe.} =
await f.rpcHandler(peer, msgs)
var peer = newPubSubPeer(conn, handleRpc)
if peer.peerInfo.peerId.isNone:
debug "no valid PeerInfo for peer"
f.peers[peer.id] = peer
let topics = toSeq(f.topics.keys)
await f.sendSubs(peer, topics, true)
asyncCheck peer.handle()
method init(f: FloodSub) =
proc handler(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async, gcsafe.} =
## main protocol handler that gets triggered on every
## connection for a protocol string
## e.g. ``/floodsub/1.0.0``, etc...
await f.handleConn(conn)
f.handler = handler
f.codec = FloodSubCodec
method subscribeToPeer*(f: FloodSub, conn: Connection) {.async, gcsafe.} =
await f.handleConn(conn)
method publish*(f: FloodSub,
topic: string,
data: seq[byte]) {.async, gcsafe.} =
trace "about to publish message on topic", name = topic, data = data.toHex()
if data.len > 0 and topic.len > 0:
let msg = makeMessage(f.peerInfo.peerId.get(), data, topic)
if topic in f.peerTopics:
trace "processing topic", name = topic
for p in f.peerTopics[topic]:
trace "pubslishing message", topic = topic, peer = p, data = data
await f.peers[p].send(@[RPCMsg(messages: @[msg])])
method subscribe*(f: FloodSub,
topic: string,
handler: TopicHandler) {.async, gcsafe.} =
await procCall PubSub(f).subscribe(topic, handler)
for p in f.peers.values:
await f.sendSubs(p, @[topic], true)
method unsubscribe*(f: FloodSub,
topics: seq[TopicPair]) {.async, gcsafe.} =
await procCall PubSub(f).unsubscribe(topics)
for p in f.peers.values:
await f.sendSubs(p, topics.mapIt(it.topic).deduplicate(), false)
proc newFloodSub*(peerInfo: PeerInfo): FloodSub =
new result
result.peerInfo = peerInfo
result.peers = initTable[string, PubSubPeer]()
result.topics = initTable[string, Topic]()
result.peerTopics = initTable[string, HashSet[string]]()