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## Nim-LibP2P
## Copyright (c) 2019 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
import oids, deques
import chronos, chronicles, metrics
import types,
export connection
topics = "mplexchannel"
## Channel half-closed states
## | State | Closed local | Closed remote
## |=============================================
## | Read | Yes (until EOF) | No
## | Write | No | Yes
# TODO: this is one place where we need to use
# a proper state machine, but I've opted out of
# it for now for two reasons:
# 1) we don't have that many states to manage
# 2) I'm not sure if adding the state machine
# would have simplified or complicated the code
# But now that this is in place, we should perhaps
# reconsider reworking it again, this time with a
# more formal approach.
LPChannel* = ref object of BufferStream
id*: uint64 # channel id
name*: string # name of the channel (for debugging)
conn*: Connection # wrapped connection used to for writing
initiator*: bool # initiated remotely or locally flag
isLazy*: bool # is channel lazy
isOpen*: bool # has channel been opened (only used with isLazy)
closedLocal*: bool # has channel been closed locally
msgCode*: MessageType # cached in/out message code
closeCode*: MessageType # cached in/out close code
resetCode*: MessageType # cached in/out reset code
proc open*(s: LPChannel) {.async, gcsafe.}
template withWriteLock(lock: AsyncLock, body: untyped): untyped =
await lock.acquire()
if not(isNil(lock)) and lock.locked:
template withEOFExceptions(body: untyped): untyped =
except LPStreamEOFError as exc:
trace "muxed connection EOF", exc = exc.msg
except LPStreamClosedError as exc:
trace "muxed connection closed", exc = exc.msg
except LPStreamIncompleteError as exc:
trace "incomplete message", exc = exc.msg
method reset*(s: LPChannel) {.base, async, gcsafe.}
method initStream*(s: LPChannel) =
if s.objName.len == 0:
s.objName = "LPChannel"
procCall BufferStream(s).initStream()
proc newChannel*(id: uint64,
conn: Connection,
initiator: bool,
name: string = "",
size: int = DefaultBufferSize,
lazy: bool = false): LPChannel =
result = LPChannel(id: id,
name: name,
conn: conn,
initiator: initiator,
msgCode: if initiator: MessageType.MsgOut else: MessageType.MsgIn,
closeCode: if initiator: MessageType.CloseOut else: MessageType.CloseIn,
resetCode: if initiator: MessageType.ResetOut else: MessageType.ResetIn,
isLazy: lazy)
let chan = result
id = chan.id
initiator = chan.initiator
name = chan.name
oid = $chan.oid
peer = $chan.conn.peerInfo
# stack = getStackTrace()
proc writeHandler(data: seq[byte]): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} =
if chan.isLazy and not(chan.isOpen):
await chan.open()
# writes should happen in sequence
trace "sending data"
await conn.writeMsg(chan.id,
data).wait(2.minutes) # write header
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "exception in lpchannel write handler", exc = exc.msg
await chan.reset()
raise exc
result.initBufferStream(writeHandler, size)
when chronicles.enabledLogLevel == LogLevel.TRACE:
result.name = if result.name.len > 0: result.name else: $result.oid
trace "created new lpchannel"
proc closeMessage(s: LPChannel) {.async.} =
id = s.id
initiator = s.initiator
name = s.name
oid = $s.oid
peer = $s.conn.peerInfo
# stack = getStackTrace()
## send close message - this will not raise
## on EOF or Closed
trace "sending close message"
await s.conn.writeMsg(s.id, s.closeCode) # write close
proc resetMessage(s: LPChannel) {.async.} =
id = s.id
initiator = s.initiator
name = s.name
oid = $s.oid
peer = $s.conn.peerInfo
# stack = getStackTrace()
## send reset message - this will not raise
trace "sending reset message"
await s.conn.writeMsg(s.id, s.resetCode) # write reset
proc open*(s: LPChannel) {.async, gcsafe.} =
id = s.id
initiator = s.initiator
name = s.name
oid = $s.oid
peer = $s.conn.peerInfo
# stack = getStackTrace()
## NOTE: Don't call withExcAndLock or withWriteLock,
## because this already gets called from writeHandler
## which is locked
await s.conn.writeMsg(s.id, MessageType.New, s.name)
trace "opened channel"
s.isOpen = true
proc closeRemote*(s: LPChannel) {.async.} =
id = s.id
initiator = s.initiator
name = s.name
oid = $s.oid
peer = $s.conn.peerInfo
# stack = getStackTrace()
trace "got EOF, closing channel"
await s.drainBuffer()
s.isEof = true # set EOF immediately to prevent further reads
await s.close() # close local end
# call to avoid leaks
await procCall BufferStream(s).close() # close parent bufferstream
trace "channel closed on EOF"
method closed*(s: LPChannel): bool =
## this emulates half-closed behavior
## when closed locally writing is
## disabled - see the table in the
## header of the file
method reset*(s: LPChannel) {.base, async, gcsafe.} =
id = s.id
initiator = s.initiator
name = s.name
oid = $s.oid
peer = $s.conn.peerInfo
# stack = getStackTrace()
trace "resetting channel"
if s.closedLocal and s.isEof:
trace "channel already closed or reset"
# we asyncCheck here because the other end
# might be dead already - reset is always
# optimistic
asyncCheck s.resetMessage()
# drain the buffer before closing
await s.drainBuffer()
await procCall BufferStream(s).close()
s.isEof = true
s.closedLocal = true
trace "channel reset"
method close*(s: LPChannel) {.async, gcsafe.} =
id = s.id
initiator = s.initiator
name = s.name
oid = $s.oid
peer = $s.conn.peerInfo
# stack = getStackTrace()
if s.closedLocal:
trace "channel already closed"
trace "closing local lpchannel"
proc closeInternal() {.async.} =
await s.closeMessage().wait(2.minutes)
if s.atEof: # already closed by remote close parent buffer immediately
await procCall BufferStream(s).close()
except CancelledError as exc:
await s.reset()
raise exc
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "exception closing channel"
await s.reset()
trace "lpchannel closed local"
s.closedLocal = true
asyncCheck closeInternal()