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## Nim-LibP2P
## Copyright (c) 2020 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
import chronos, chronicles
import ringbuffer,
DefaultBuffSize* = 1 shl 20
SafeVarintSize* = sizeof(uint)
InvalidVarintException* = object of CatchableError
InvalidVarintSizeException* = object of CatchableError
LenPrefixed* = ref object
readBuff: RingBuffer[byte]
buff: seq[byte]
pos, size: int
mode: Mode
Mode {.pure.} = enum Decoding, Reading
proc newInvalidVarintException*(): ref InvalidVarintException =
newException(InvalidVarintException, "Unable to parse varint")
proc newInvalidVarintSizeException*(): ref InvalidVarintSizeException =
newException(InvalidVarintSizeException, "Wrong varint size")
proc init*(lp: type[LenPrefixed], maxSize: int = DefaultBuffSize): lp =
LenPrefixed(readBuff: RingBuffer[byte].init(maxSize),
buff: newSeq[byte](maxSize), # TODO: don't allocate all - grow dinamicaly
mode: Mode.Decoding,
pos: 0, size: 0)
proc decodeLen(lp: LenPrefixed): int =
size: uint
length: int
res: VarintStatus
for i in 0..SafeVarintSize:
lp.buff[i] = lp.readBuff.read(1)[0]
res = LP.getUVarint(lp.buff.toOpenArray(0, i), length, size)
if res == VarintStatus.Success:
if length > SafeVarintSize:
raise newInvalidVarintSizeException()
if size.int <= 0:
raise newInvalidVarintSizeException()
return size.int
proc read(lp: LenPrefixed,
chunk: Future[seq[byte]]):
Future[seq[byte]] {.async, gcsafe.} =
lp.readBuff.append((await chunk))
while lp.readBuff.len > 0:
case lp.mode:
of Mode.Decoding:
lp.size = lp.decodeLen()
lp.mode = Mode.Reading
var last = lp.pos + lp.size - 1
if last <= 0:
last = 1
var read = lp.readBuff.read(lp.buff.toOpenArray(lp.pos, last))
lp.size -= read
lp.pos += read
if lp.size == 0:
lp.mode = Mode.Decoding
result = lp.buff[0..<lp.pos]
lp.pos = 0
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "Exception occured", exc = exc.msg
raise exc
proc decoder*(lp: LenPrefixed): Through[seq[byte]] =
return proc(i: Source[seq[byte]]): Source[seq[byte]] =
return iterator(): Future[seq[byte]] {.closure.} =
for chunk in i:
yield lp.read(chunk)
proc write(lp: LenPrefixed,
chunk: Future[seq[byte]]):
Future[seq[byte]] {.async.} =
var buf = initVBuffer()
buf.writeSeq((await chunk))
result = buf.buffer
proc encoder*(lp: LenPrefixed): Through[seq[byte]] =
return proc(i: Source[seq[byte]]): Source[seq[byte]] {.gcsafe.} =
return iterator(): Future[seq[byte]] {.closure.} =
for chunk in i:
yield lp.write(chunk)
when isMainModule:
import unittest, sequtils, strutils
import pushable
suite "Lenght Prefixed":
test "encode":
proc test() {.async.} =
var pushable = Pushable[seq[byte]].init()
var lp = LenPrefixed.init()
var source = pipe(pushable, lp.encoder())
await pushable.push(cast[seq[byte]]("HELLO"))
check: (await source()) == @[5, 72, 69, 76, 76, 79].mapIt( it.byte )
test "encode multiple":
proc test() {.async.} =
var pushable = Pushable[seq[byte]].init()
var lp = LenPrefixed.init()
var source = pipe(pushable, lp.encoder())
proc read(): Future[bool] {.async.} =
var count = 6
for chunk in source:
(await chunk).len == count
return true
var reader = read()
for i in 5..<15:
await pushable.push(toSeq("a".repeat(i)).mapIt( it.byte ))
await pushable.close()
check: await reader
test "decode":
proc test() {.async.} =
var pushable = Pushable[seq[byte]].init()
var lp = LenPrefixed.init()
var source = pipe(pushable, lp.decoder())
await pushable.push(@[5, 72, 69, 76, 76, 79].mapIt( it.byte ))
await pushable.close()
check: (await source()) == @[72, 69, 76, 76, 79].mapIt( it.byte )
test "decode in parts":
proc test() {.async.} =
var pushable = Pushable[seq[byte]].init()
var lp = LenPrefixed.init()
proc write() {.async.} =
await pushable.push(@[5, 72, 69].mapIt( it.byte ))
await pushable.push(@[76, 76, 79].mapIt( it.byte ))
await pushable.close()
var source = pipe(pushable, lp.decoder())
var writer = write()
var res: seq[byte]
for i in source:
res &= await i
res == @[72, 69, 76, 76, 79].mapIt( it.byte )
await writer