strategy: maxParallel: 10 matrix: # Nim requires enforcing ARCH="x86" and UCPU # for 32-bit targets as it seems like Azure machines are 64-bit # TEST_LANG env variable support TODO Windows_32bit: VM: 'windows-latest' ARCH: x86 PLATFORM: x86 TEST_LANG: c Windows_64bit: VM: 'windows-latest' PLATFORM: x64 TEST_LANG: c pool: vmImage: $(VM) variables: V: 0 # Scripts verbosity, 1 for debugging build scripts steps: - task: CacheBeta@1 displayName: 'cache Nim binaries' inputs: key: NimBinaries | $(Agent.OS) | $(PLATFORM) | "$(Build.SourceBranchName)" | "v5" path: NimBinaries - task: CacheBeta@1 displayName: 'cache Go libp2p daemon' inputs: key: p2pdCache | $(Agent.OS) | $(PLATFORM) | "v3" path: p2pdCache - task: CacheBeta@1 displayName: 'cache MinGW-w64' inputs: key: mingwCache | 8_1_0 | $(PLATFORM) | "v2" path: mingwCache - powershell: | Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem' -Name 'LongPathsEnabled' -Value 1 displayName: 'long path support' - bash: | set -e # custom MinGW-w64 versions for both 32-bit and 64-bit, since we need a 64-bit build of p2pd echo "Installing MinGW-w64" install_mingw() { mkdir -p mingwCache cd mingwCache if [[ ! -e "$MINGW_FILE" ]]; then curl -OLsS "$MINGW_URL" fi 7z x -y -bd "$MINGW_FILE" >/dev/null mkdir -p /c/custom mv "$MINGW_DIR" /c/custom/ cd .. } # 32-bit MINGW_FILE="i686-8.1.0-release-posix-dwarf-rt_v6-rev0.7z" MINGW_URL="${MINGW_FILE}" MINGW_DIR="mingw32" install_mingw # 64-bit MINGW_FILE="x86_64-8.1.0-release-posix-seh-rt_v6-rev0.7z" MINGW_URL="${MINGW_FILE}" MINGW_DIR="mingw64" install_mingw if [[ $PLATFORM == "x86" ]]; then MINGW_DIR="mingw32" else MINGW_DIR="mingw64" fi export PATH="/c/custom/${MINGW_DIR}/bin:${PATH}" echo "PATH=${PATH}" which gcc gcc -v # detect number of cores export ncpu="$NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS" [[ -z "$ncpu" || $ncpu -le 0 ]] && ncpu=2 echo "Found ${ncpu} cores" # build nim from our own branch - this to avoid the day-to-day churn and # regressions of the fast-paced Nim development while maintaining the # flexibility to apply patches curl -OLsS env MAKE="mingw32-make -j${ncpu}" ARCH_OVERRIDE=$(PLATFORM) bash Nim csources dist/nimble NimBinaries export PATH="${PWD}/Nim/bin:${PATH}" echo "PATH=${PATH}" # install and build go-libp2p-daemon go version export GOPATH="${PWD}/go" export PATH="${GOPATH}/bin:${PATH}" echo "PATH=${PATH}" # we can't seem to be able to build a 32-bit p2pd env PATH="/c/custom/mingw64/bin:${PATH}" bash scripts/ p2pdCache update # install dependencies nimble refresh nimble install -y --depsOnly # run tests nimble test nimble examples_build displayName: 'build and test'