## Nim-LibP2P ## Copyright (c) 2019 Status Research & Development GmbH ## Licensed under either of ## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE)) ## * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT)) ## at your option. ## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to ## those terms. import tables, sequtils, options, sets, oids import chronos, chronicles, metrics import stream/connection, transports/transport, multistream, multiaddress, protocols/protocol, protocols/secure/secure, peerinfo, protocols/identify, muxers/muxer, connmanager, peerid, errors chronicles.formatIt(PeerInfo): $it chronicles.formatIt(PeerID): $it logScope: topics = "switch" #TODO: General note - use a finite state machine to manage the different # steps of connections establishing and upgrading. This makes everything # more robust and less prone to ordering attacks - i.e. muxing can come if # and only if the channel has been secured (i.e. if a secure manager has been # previously provided) declareCounter(libp2p_dialed_peers, "dialed peers") declareCounter(libp2p_failed_dials, "failed dials") declareCounter(libp2p_failed_upgrade, "peers failed upgrade") type NoPubSubException* = object of CatchableError ConnEventKind* {.pure.} = enum Connected, # A connection was made and securely upgraded - there may be # more than one concurrent connection thus more than one upgrade # event per peer. Disconnected # Peer disconnected - this event is fired once per upgrade # when the associated connection is terminated. ConnEvent* = object case kind*: ConnEventKind of ConnEventKind.Connected: incoming*: bool else: discard ConnEventHandler* = proc(peerId: PeerID, event: ConnEvent): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} Switch* = ref object of RootObj peerInfo*: PeerInfo connManager: ConnManager transports*: seq[Transport] protocols*: seq[LPProtocol] muxers*: Table[string, MuxerProvider] ms*: MultistreamSelect identity*: Identify streamHandler*: StreamHandler secureManagers*: seq[Secure] dialLock: Table[PeerID, AsyncLock] ConnEvents: Table[ConnEventKind, HashSet[ConnEventHandler]] proc addConnEventHandler*(s: Switch, handler: ConnEventHandler, kind: ConnEventKind) = ## Add peer event handler - handlers must not raise exceptions! if isNil(handler): return s.ConnEvents.mgetOrPut(kind, initHashSet[ConnEventHandler]()).incl(handler) proc removeConnEventHandler*(s: Switch, handler: ConnEventHandler, kind: ConnEventKind) = s.ConnEvents.withValue(kind, handlers) do: handlers[].excl(handler) proc triggerConnEvent(s: Switch, peerId: PeerID, event: ConnEvent) {.async, gcsafe.} = try: if event.kind in s.ConnEvents: var ConnEvents: seq[Future[void]] for h in s.ConnEvents[event.kind]: ConnEvents.add(h(peerId, event)) checkFutures(await allFinished(ConnEvents)) except CancelledError as exc: raise exc except CatchableError as exc: # handlers should not raise! warn "exception in trigger ConnEvents", exc = exc.msg proc disconnect*(s: Switch, peerId: PeerID) {.async, gcsafe.} proc isConnected*(s: Switch, peerId: PeerID): bool = ## returns true if the peer has one or more ## associated connections (sockets) ## peerId in s.connManager proc secure(s: Switch, conn: Connection): Future[Connection] {.async, gcsafe.} = if s.secureManagers.len <= 0: raise newException(CatchableError, "No secure managers registered!") let manager = await s.ms.select(conn, s.secureManagers.mapIt(it.codec)) if manager.len == 0: raise newException(CatchableError, "Unable to negotiate a secure channel!") trace "securing connection", codec = manager let secureProtocol = s.secureManagers.filterIt(it.codec == manager) # ms.select should deal with the correctness of this # let's avoid duplicating checks but detect if it fails to do it properly doAssert(secureProtocol.len > 0) result = await secureProtocol[0].secure(conn, true) proc identify(s: Switch, conn: Connection) {.async, gcsafe.} = ## identify the connection if (await s.ms.select(conn, s.identity.codec)): let info = await s.identity.identify(conn, conn.peerInfo) if info.pubKey.isNone and isNil(conn): raise newException(CatchableError, "no public key provided and no existing peer identity found") if isNil(conn.peerInfo): conn.peerInfo = PeerInfo.init(info.pubKey.get()) if info.addrs.len > 0: conn.peerInfo.addrs = info.addrs if info.agentVersion.isSome: conn.peerInfo.agentVersion = info.agentVersion.get() if info.protoVersion.isSome: conn.peerInfo.protoVersion = info.protoVersion.get() if info.protos.len > 0: conn.peerInfo.protocols = info.protos trace "identify: identified remote peer", peer = $conn.peerInfo proc mux(s: Switch, conn: Connection) {.async, gcsafe.} = ## mux incoming connection trace "muxing connection", peer = $conn if s.muxers.len == 0: warn "no muxers registered, skipping upgrade flow" return let muxerName = await s.ms.select(conn, toSeq(s.muxers.keys())) if muxerName.len == 0 or muxerName == "na": debug "no muxer available, early exit", peer = $conn return # create new muxer for connection let muxer = s.muxers[muxerName].newMuxer(conn) s.connManager.storeMuxer(muxer) trace "found a muxer", name = muxerName, peer = $conn # install stream handler muxer.streamHandler = s.streamHandler # new stream for identify var stream = await muxer.newStream() defer: if not(isNil(stream)): await stream.close() # close identify stream # call muxer handler, this should # not end until muxer ends let handlerFut = muxer.handle() # do identify first, so that we have a # PeerInfo in case we didn't before await s.identify(stream) if isNil(conn.peerInfo): await muxer.close() raise newException(CatchableError, "unable to identify peer, aborting upgrade") # store it in muxed connections if we have a peer for it trace "adding muxer for peer", peer = conn.peerInfo.id s.connManager.storeMuxer(muxer, handlerFut) # update muxer with handler proc disconnect*(s: Switch, peerId: PeerID): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} = s.connManager.dropPeer(peerId) proc upgradeOutgoing(s: Switch, conn: Connection): Future[Connection] {.async, gcsafe.} = logScope: conn = $conn oid = $conn.oid let sconn = await s.secure(conn) # secure the connection if isNil(sconn): raise newException(CatchableError, "unable to secure connection, stopping upgrade") trace "upgrading connection" await s.mux(sconn) # mux it if possible if isNil(sconn.peerInfo): await sconn.close() raise newException(CatchableError, "unable to identify connection, stopping upgrade") trace "successfully upgraded outgoing connection", oid = sconn.oid return sconn proc upgradeIncoming(s: Switch, conn: Connection) {.async, gcsafe.} = trace "upgrading incoming connection", conn = $conn, oid = $conn.oid let ms = newMultistream() # secure incoming connections proc securedHandler (conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async, gcsafe, closure.} = var sconn: Connection trace "Securing connection", oid = $conn.oid let secure = s.secureManagers.filterIt(it.codec == proto)[0] try: sconn = await secure.secure(conn, false) if isNil(sconn): return defer: await sconn.close() # add the muxer for muxer in s.muxers.values: ms.addHandler(muxer.codec, muxer) # handle subsequent secure requests await ms.handle(sconn) except CancelledError as exc: raise exc except CatchableError as exc: debug "ending secured handler", err = exc.msg if (await ms.select(conn)): # just handshake # add the secure handlers for k in s.secureManagers: ms.addHandler(k.codec, securedHandler) # handle un-secured connections # we handshaked above, set this ms handler as active await ms.handle(conn, active = true) proc internalConnect(s: Switch, peerId: PeerID, addrs: seq[MultiAddress]): Future[Connection] {.async.} = logScope: peer = peerId if s.peerInfo.peerId == peerId: raise newException(CatchableError, "can't dial self!") var conn: Connection # Ensure there's only one in-flight attempt per peer let lock = s.dialLock.mgetOrPut(peerId, newAsyncLock()) try: await lock.acquire() # Check if we have a connection already and try to reuse it conn = s.connManager.selectConn(peerId) if conn != nil: if conn.atEof or conn.closed: # This connection should already have been removed from the connection # manager - it's essentially a bug that we end up here - we'll fail # for now, hoping that this will clean themselves up later... warn "dead connection in connection manager" await conn.close() raise newException(CatchableError, "Zombie connection encountered") trace "Reusing existing connection", oid = $conn.oid, direction = $conn.dir return conn trace "Dialing peer" for t in s.transports: # for each transport for a in addrs: # for each address if t.handles(a): # check if it can dial it trace "Dialing address", address = $a let dialed = try: await t.dial(a) except CancelledError as exc: trace "dialing canceled", exc = exc.msg raise exc except CatchableError as exc: trace "dialing failed", exc = exc.msg libp2p_failed_dials.inc() continue # Try the next address # make sure to assign the peer to the connection dialed.peerInfo = PeerInfo.init(peerId, addrs) libp2p_dialed_peers.inc() let upgraded = try: await s.upgradeOutgoing(dialed) except CatchableError as exc: # If we failed to establish the connection through one transport, # we won't succeeed through another - no use in trying again await dialed.close() debug "upgrade failed", exc = exc.msg if exc isnot CancelledError: libp2p_failed_upgrade.inc() raise exc doAssert not isNil(upgraded), "connection died after upgradeOutgoing" s.connManager.storeOutgoing(upgraded) conn = upgraded trace "dial successful", oid = $upgraded.oid, peerInfo = shortLog(upgraded.peerInfo) break finally: if lock.locked(): lock.release() if isNil(conn): # None of the addresses connected raise newException(CatchableError, "Unable to establish outgoing link") conn.closeEvent.wait() .addCallback do(udata: pointer): asyncCheck s.triggerConnEvent( peerId, ConnEvent(kind: ConnEventKind.Disconnected)) await s.triggerConnEvent( peerId, ConnEvent(kind: ConnEventKind.Connected, incoming: false)) if conn.closed(): # This can happen if one of the peer event handlers deems the peer # unworthy and disconnects it raise newException(CatchableError, "Connection closed during handshake") return conn proc connect*(s: Switch, peerId: PeerID, addrs: seq[MultiAddress]) {.async.} = discard await s.internalConnect(peerId, addrs) proc negotiateStream(s: Switch, stream: Connection, proto: string): Future[Connection] {.async.} = trace "Attempting to select remote", proto = proto, streamOid = $stream.oid, oid = $stream.oid if not await s.ms.select(stream, proto): await stream.close() raise newException(CatchableError, "Unable to select sub-protocol" & proto) return stream proc dial*(s: Switch, peerId: PeerID, proto: string): Future[Connection] {.async.} = let stream = await s.connmanager.getMuxedStream(peerId) if stream.isNil: raise newException(CatchableError, "Couldn't get muxed stream") return await s.negotiateStream(stream, proto) proc dial*(s: Switch, peerId: PeerID, addrs: seq[MultiAddress], proto: string): Future[Connection] {.async.} = let conn = await s.internalConnect(peerId, addrs) let stream = await s.connManager.getMuxedStream(conn) proc cleanup() {.async.} = if not(isNil(stream)): await stream.close() if not(isNil(conn)): await conn.close() try: if isNil(stream): await conn.close() raise newException(CatchableError, "Couldn't get muxed stream") return await s.negotiateStream(stream, proto) except CancelledError as exc: trace "dial canceled" await cleanup() raise exc except CatchableError as exc: trace "error dialing", exc = exc.msg await cleanup() raise exc proc mount*[T: LPProtocol](s: Switch, proto: T) {.gcsafe.} = if isNil(proto.handler): raise newException(CatchableError, "Protocol has to define a handle method or proc") if proto.codec.len == 0: raise newException(CatchableError, "Protocol has to define a codec string") s.ms.addHandler(proto.codec, proto) proc start*(s: Switch): Future[seq[Future[void]]] {.async, gcsafe.} = trace "starting switch for peer", peerInfo = shortLog(s.peerInfo) proc handle(conn: Connection): Future[void] {.async, closure, gcsafe.} = try: await s.upgradeIncoming(conn) # perform upgrade on incoming connection except CancelledError as exc: raise exc except CatchableError as exc: trace "Exception occurred in Switch.start", exc = exc.msg finally: await conn.close() var startFuts: seq[Future[void]] for t in s.transports: # for each transport for i, a in s.peerInfo.addrs: if t.handles(a): # check if it handles the multiaddr var server = await t.listen(a, handle) s.peerInfo.addrs[i] = t.ma # update peer's address startFuts.add(server) debug "started libp2p node", peer = $s.peerInfo, addrs = s.peerInfo.addrs result = startFuts # listen for incoming connections proc stop*(s: Switch) {.async.} = trace "stopping switch" # close and cleanup all connections await s.connManager.close() for t in s.transports: try: await t.close() except CancelledError as exc: raise exc except CatchableError as exc: warn "error cleaning up transports" trace "switch stopped" proc muxerHandler(s: Switch, muxer: Muxer) {.async, gcsafe.} = var stream = await muxer.newStream() defer: if not(isNil(stream)): await stream.close() try: # once we got a muxed connection, attempt to # identify it await s.identify(stream) if isNil(stream.peerInfo): await muxer.close() return let peerInfo = stream.peerInfo peerId = peerInfo.peerId muxer.connection.peerInfo = peerInfo # store incoming connection s.connManager.storeIncoming(muxer.connection) # store muxer and muxed connection s.connManager.storeMuxer(muxer) trace "got new muxer", peer = shortLog(peerInfo) muxer.connection.closeEvent.wait() .addCallback do(udata: pointer): asyncCheck s.triggerConnEvent( peerId, ConnEvent(kind: ConnEventKind.Disconnected)) asyncCheck s.triggerConnEvent( peerId, ConnEvent(kind: ConnEventKind.Connected, incoming: true)) except CancelledError as exc: await muxer.close() raise exc except CatchableError as exc: await muxer.close() libp2p_failed_upgrade.inc() trace "exception in muxer handler", exc = exc.msg proc newSwitch*(peerInfo: PeerInfo, transports: seq[Transport], identity: Identify, muxers: Table[string, MuxerProvider], secureManagers: openarray[Secure] = []): Switch = if secureManagers.len == 0: raise (ref CatchableError)(msg: "Provide at least one secure manager") result = Switch( peerInfo: peerInfo, ms: newMultistream(), transports: transports, connManager: ConnManager.init(), identity: identity, muxers: muxers, secureManagers: @secureManagers, ) let s = result # can't capture result result.streamHandler = proc(stream: Connection) {.async, gcsafe.} = try: trace "handling connection for", peerInfo = $stream defer: if not(isNil(stream)): await stream.close() await s.ms.handle(stream) # handle incoming connection except CancelledError as exc: raise exc except CatchableError as exc: trace "exception in stream handler", exc = exc.msg result.mount(identity) for key, val in muxers: val.streamHandler = result.streamHandler val.muxerHandler = proc(muxer: Muxer): Future[void] = s.muxerHandler(muxer) proc isConnected*(s: Switch, peerInfo: PeerInfo): bool {.deprecated: "Use PeerID version".} = not isNil(peerInfo) and isConnected(s, peerInfo.peerId) proc disconnect*(s: Switch, peerInfo: PeerInfo): Future[void] {.deprecated: "Use PeerID version", gcsafe.} = disconnect(s, peerInfo.peerId) proc connect*(s: Switch, peerInfo: PeerInfo): Future[void] {.deprecated: "Use PeerID version".} = connect(s, peerInfo.peerId, peerInfo.addrs) proc dial*(s: Switch, peerInfo: PeerInfo, proto: string): Future[Connection] {.deprecated: "Use PeerID version".} = dial(s, peerInfo.peerId, peerInfo.addrs, proto)