import unittest, strutils, sequtils, strformat, stew/byteutils import chronos import ../libp2p/errors, ../libp2p/multistream, ../libp2p/stream/bufferstream, ../libp2p/stream/connection, ../libp2p/multiaddress, ../libp2p/transports/transport, ../libp2p/transports/tcptransport, ../libp2p/protocols/protocol import ./helpers when defined(nimHasUsed): {.used.} ## Mock stream for select test type TestSelectStream = ref object of Connection step*: int method readExactly*(s: TestSelectStream, pbytes: pointer, nbytes: int): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} = case s.step: of 1: var buf = newSeq[byte](1) buf[0] = 19 copyMem(pbytes, addr buf[0], buf.len()) s.step = 2 of 2: var buf = "/multistream/1.0.0\n" copyMem(pbytes, addr buf[0], buf.len()) s.step = 3 of 3: var buf = newSeq[byte](1) buf[0] = 18 copyMem(pbytes, addr buf[0], buf.len()) s.step = 4 of 4: var buf = "/test/proto/1.0.0\n" copyMem(pbytes, addr buf[0], buf.len()) else: copyMem(pbytes, cstring("\0x3na\n"), "\0x3na\n".len()) method write*(s: TestSelectStream, msg: seq[byte]) {.async, gcsafe.} = discard method close(s: TestSelectStream) {.async, gcsafe.} = s.isClosed = true proc newTestSelectStream(): TestSelectStream = new result result.step = 1 ## Mock stream for handles `ls` test type LsHandler = proc(procs: seq[byte]): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} TestLsStream = ref object of LPStream step*: int ls*: LsHandler method readExactly*(s: TestLsStream, pbytes: pointer, nbytes: int): Future[void] {.async.} = case s.step: of 1: var buf = newSeq[byte](1) buf[0] = 19 copyMem(pbytes, addr buf[0], buf.len()) s.step = 2 of 2: var buf = "/multistream/1.0.0\n" copyMem(pbytes, addr buf[0], buf.len()) s.step = 3 of 3: var buf = newSeq[byte](1) buf[0] = 3 copyMem(pbytes, addr buf[0], buf.len()) s.step = 4 of 4: var buf = "ls\n" copyMem(pbytes, addr buf[0], buf.len()) else: var buf = "na\n" copyMem(pbytes, addr buf[0], buf.len()) method write*(s: TestLsStream, msg: seq[byte]) {.async, gcsafe.} = if s.step == 4: await method close(s: TestLsStream) {.async, gcsafe.} = s.isClosed = true proc newTestLsStream(ls: LsHandler): TestLsStream {.gcsafe.} = new result = ls result.step = 1 ## Mock stream for handles `na` test type NaHandler = proc(procs: string): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} TestNaStream = ref object of LPStream step*: int na*: NaHandler method readExactly*(s: TestNaStream, pbytes: pointer, nbytes: int): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} = case s.step: of 1: var buf = newSeq[byte](1) buf[0] = 19 copyMem(pbytes, addr buf[0], buf.len()) s.step = 2 of 2: var buf = "/multistream/1.0.0\n" copyMem(pbytes, addr buf[0], buf.len()) s.step = 3 of 3: var buf = newSeq[byte](1) buf[0] = 18 copyMem(pbytes, addr buf[0], buf.len()) s.step = 4 of 4: var buf = "/test/proto/1.0.0\n" copyMem(pbytes, addr buf[0], buf.len()) else: copyMem(pbytes, cstring("\0x3na\n"), "\0x3na\n".len()) method write*(s: TestNaStream, msg: seq[byte]) {.async, gcsafe.} = if s.step == 4: await method close(s: TestNaStream) {.async, gcsafe.} = s.isClosed = true proc newTestNaStream(na: NaHandler): TestNaStream = new result = na result.step = 1 suite "Multistream select": teardown: for tracker in testTrackers(): # echo tracker.dump() check tracker.isLeaked() == false test "test select custom proto": proc testSelect(): Future[bool] {.async.} = let ms = newMultistream() let conn = newTestSelectStream() result = (await, @["/test/proto/1.0.0"])) == "/test/proto/1.0.0" await conn.close() check: waitFor(testSelect()) == true test "test handle custom proto": proc testHandle(): Future[bool] {.async.} = let ms = newMultistream() let conn = newTestSelectStream() var protocol: LPProtocol = new LPProtocol proc testHandler(conn: Connection, proto: string): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} = check proto == "/test/proto/1.0.0" await conn.close() protocol.handler = testHandler ms.addHandler("/test/proto/1.0.0", protocol) await ms.handle(conn) result = true check: waitFor(testHandle()) == true test "test handle `ls`": proc testLs(): Future[bool] {.async.} = let ms = newMultistream() proc testLsHandler(proto: seq[byte]) {.async, gcsafe.} # forward declaration let conn = Connection(newTestLsStream(testLsHandler)) let done = newFuture[void]() proc testLsHandler(proto: seq[byte]) {.async, gcsafe.} = var strProto: string = string.fromBytes(proto) check strProto == "\x26/test/proto1/1.0.0\n/test/proto2/1.0.0\n" await conn.close() done.complete() proc testHandler(conn: Connection, proto: string): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} = discard var protocol: LPProtocol = new LPProtocol protocol.handler = testHandler ms.addHandler("/test/proto1/1.0.0", protocol) ms.addHandler("/test/proto2/1.0.0", protocol) await ms.handle(conn) result = true await done.wait(5.seconds) check: waitFor(testLs()) == true test "test handle `na`": proc testNa(): Future[bool] {.async.} = let ms = newMultistream() proc testNaHandler(msg: string): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} let conn = newTestNaStream(testNaHandler) proc testNaHandler(msg: string): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} = check msg == Na await conn.close() var protocol: LPProtocol = new LPProtocol proc testHandler(conn: Connection, proto: string): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} = discard protocol.handler = testHandler ms.addHandler("/unabvailable/proto/1.0.0", protocol) await ms.handle(conn) result = true check: waitFor(testNa()) == true test "e2e - handle": proc endToEnd(): Future[bool] {.async.} = let ma: MultiAddress = Multiaddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet() let handlerWait1 = newFuture[void]() handlerWait2 = newFuture[void]() var protocol: LPProtocol = new LPProtocol proc testHandler(conn: Connection, proto: string): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} = check proto == "/test/proto/1.0.0" await conn.writeLp("Hello!") await conn.close() handlerWait1.complete() protocol.handler = testHandler let msListen = newMultistream() msListen.addHandler("/test/proto/1.0.0", protocol) proc connHandler(conn: Connection): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} = await msListen.handle(conn) await conn.close() handlerWait2.complete() let transport1: TcpTransport = TcpTransport.init() asyncCheck transport1.listen(ma, connHandler) let msDial = newMultistream() let transport2: TcpTransport = TcpTransport.init() let conn = await transport2.dial( check (await, "/test/proto/1.0.0")) == true let hello = string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024)) result = hello == "Hello!" await conn.close() await transport2.close() await transport1.close() await allFuturesThrowing( handlerWait1.wait(30.seconds), handlerWait2.wait(30.seconds)) check: waitFor(endToEnd()) == true test "e2e - ls": proc endToEnd(): Future[bool] {.async.} = let ma: MultiAddress = Multiaddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet() let handlerWait = newFuture[void]() let msListen = newMultistream() var protocol: LPProtocol = new LPProtocol protocol.handler = proc(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async, gcsafe.} = # never reached discard proc testHandler(conn: Connection, proto: string): Future[void] {.async.} = # never reached discard protocol.handler = testHandler msListen.addHandler("/test/proto1/1.0.0", protocol) msListen.addHandler("/test/proto2/1.0.0", protocol) let transport1: TcpTransport = TcpTransport.init() proc connHandler(conn: Connection): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} = try: await msListen.handle(conn) except LPStreamEOFError: discard except LPStreamClosedError: discard finally: await conn.close() let listenFut = transport1.listen(ma, connHandler) let msDial = newMultistream() let transport2: TcpTransport = TcpTransport.init() let conn = await transport2.dial( let ls = await msDial.list(conn) let protos: seq[string] = @["/test/proto1/1.0.0", "/test/proto2/1.0.0"] result = ls == protos await conn.close() await transport2.close() await transport1.close() discard await listenFut.wait(5.seconds) check: waitFor(endToEnd()) == true test "e2e - select one from a list with unsupported protos": proc endToEnd(): Future[bool] {.async.} = let ma: MultiAddress = Multiaddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet() var protocol: LPProtocol = new LPProtocol proc testHandler(conn: Connection, proto: string): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} = check proto == "/test/proto/1.0.0" await conn.writeLp("Hello!") await conn.close() protocol.handler = testHandler let msListen = newMultistream() msListen.addHandler("/test/proto/1.0.0", protocol) proc connHandler(conn: Connection): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} = await msListen.handle(conn) let transport1: TcpTransport = TcpTransport.init() asyncCheck transport1.listen(ma, connHandler) let msDial = newMultistream() let transport2: TcpTransport = TcpTransport.init() let conn = await transport2.dial( check (await, @["/test/proto/1.0.0", "/test/no/proto/1.0.0"])) == "/test/proto/1.0.0" let hello = string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024)) result = hello == "Hello!" await conn.close() await transport2.close() await transport1.close() check: waitFor(endToEnd()) == true test "e2e - select one with both valid": proc endToEnd(): Future[bool] {.async.} = let ma: MultiAddress = Multiaddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet() var protocol: LPProtocol = new LPProtocol proc testHandler(conn: Connection, proto: string): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} = await conn.writeLp(&"Hello from {proto}!") await conn.close() protocol.handler = testHandler let msListen = newMultistream() msListen.addHandler("/test/proto1/1.0.0", protocol) msListen.addHandler("/test/proto2/1.0.0", protocol) proc connHandler(conn: Connection): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} = await msListen.handle(conn) let transport1: TcpTransport = TcpTransport.init() asyncCheck transport1.listen(ma, connHandler) let msDial = newMultistream() let transport2: TcpTransport = TcpTransport.init() let conn = await transport2.dial( check (await, @["/test/proto2/1.0.0", "/test/proto1/1.0.0"])) == "/test/proto2/1.0.0" result = string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024)) == "Hello from /test/proto2/1.0.0!" await conn.close() await transport2.close() await transport1.close() check: waitFor(endToEnd()) == true