mode = ScriptMode.Verbose packageName = "libp2p" version = "0.0.2" author = "Status Research & Development GmbH" description = "LibP2P implementation" license = "MIT" skipDirs = @["tests", "examples", "Nim", "tools", "scripts", "docs"] requires "nim >= 1.2.0", "nimcrypto >= 0.4.1", "dnsclient >= 0.1.2", "bearssl >= 0.1.4", "chronicles >= 0.10.2", "chronos >= 3.0.6", "metrics", "secp256k1", "stew#head", "websock" proc runTest(filename: string, verify: bool = true, sign: bool = true, moreoptions: string = "") = var excstr = "nim c --skipParentCfg --opt:speed -d:debug -d:libp2p_agents_metrics -d:libp2p_protobuf_metrics -d:libp2p_network_protocols_metrics -d:libp2p_mplex_metrics " excstr.add(" -d:chronicles_sinks=textlines[stdout],json[dynamic] -d:chronicles_log_level=TRACE ") excstr.add(" -d:chronicles_runtime_filtering=TRUE ") excstr.add(" " & getEnv("NIMFLAGS") & " ") excstr.add(" --verbosity:0 --hints:off ") excstr.add(" -d:libp2p_pubsub_sign=" & $sign) excstr.add(" -d:libp2p_pubsub_verify=" & $verify) excstr.add(" " & moreoptions & " ") exec excstr & " -r " & " tests/" & filename rmFile "tests/" & filename.toExe proc buildSample(filename: string, run = false) = var excstr = "nim c --opt:speed --threads:on -d:debug --verbosity:0 --hints:off " excstr.add(" examples/" & filename) exec excstr if run: exec "./examples/" & filename.toExe rmFile "examples/" & filename.toExe proc buildTutorial(filename: string) = discard gorge "cat " & filename & " | nim c -r --hints:off tools/markdown_runner.nim | " & " nim --verbosity:0 --hints:off c -" task testnative, "Runs libp2p native tests": runTest("testnative") task testdaemon, "Runs daemon tests": runTest("testdaemon") task testinterop, "Runs interop tests": runTest("testinterop") task testpubsub, "Runs pubsub tests": runTest("pubsub/testgossipinternal", sign = false, verify = false, moreoptions = "-d:pubsub_internal_testing") runTest("pubsub/testpubsub") runTest("pubsub/testpubsub", sign = false, verify = false) runTest("pubsub/testpubsub", sign = false, verify = false, moreoptions = "-d:libp2p_pubsub_anonymize=true") task testpubsub_slim, "Runs pubsub tests": runTest("pubsub/testgossipinternal", sign = false, verify = false, moreoptions = "-d:pubsub_internal_testing") runTest("pubsub/testpubsub") task testfilter, "Run PKI filter test": runTest("testpkifilter", moreoptions = "-d:libp2p_pki_schemes=\"secp256k1\"") runTest("testpkifilter", moreoptions = "-d:libp2p_pki_schemes=\"secp256k1;ed25519\"") runTest("testpkifilter", moreoptions = "-d:libp2p_pki_schemes=\"secp256k1;ed25519;ecnist\"") runTest("testpkifilter", moreoptions = "-d:libp2p_pki_schemes=") task test, "Runs the test suite": exec "nimble testnative" exec "nimble testpubsub" exec "nimble testdaemon" exec "nimble testinterop" exec "nimble testfilter" exec "nimble examples_build" task test_slim, "Runs the (slimmed down) test suite": exec "nimble testnative" exec "nimble testpubsub_slim" exec "nimble testfilter" exec "nimble examples_build" task examples_build, "Build the samples": buildSample("directchat") buildSample("helloworld", true) buildSample("circuitrelay", true) buildTutorial("examples/") buildTutorial("examples/") # pin system # while nimble lockfile # isn't available const PinFile = ".pinned" task pin, "Create a lockfile": # pinner.nim was originally here # but you can't read output from # a command in a nimscript exec "nim c -r tools/pinner.nim" import sequtils import os task install_pinned, "Reads the lockfile": let toInstall = readFile(PinFile).splitWhitespace().mapIt((it.split(";", 1)[0], it.split(";", 1)[1])) # [('packageName', 'packageFullUri')] rmDir("nimbledeps") mkDir("nimbledeps") exec "nimble install -y " & toInstall.mapIt(it[1]).join(" ") # Remove the automatically installed deps # (inefficient you say?) let allowedDirectories = toInstall.mapIt(it[0] & "-" & it[1].split('@')[1]) for dependency in listDirs("nimbledeps/pkgs"): if dependency.extractFilename notin allowedDirectories: rmDir(dependency) task unpin, "Restore global package use": rmDir("nimbledeps")