From 16dc60a663633cdb95a024015acf26ada10f5477 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: = Set the listening address of the switch Set the listening addresses of the switch This procedure performs validation of concatenated result and can raise exception on error. This procedure performs validation of concatenated result and can raise exception on error. If current MultiAddress do not have argument value, then result array will be empty. If current MultiAddress do not have argument value, then result array will be empty. If current MultiAddress do not have argument value, then result will be 0. This template provides a convenient way to work with Option types in Nim. It allows you to execute a block of code (body) only when the Option is not empty. self is the Option instance being checked. value is the variable name to be used within the body for the unwrapped value. body is a block of code that is executed only if self contains a value. The value within body is automatically unwrapped from the Option, making it simpler to work with without needing explicit checks or unwrapping. Example:withObservedAddrManager
-switch, peerid, peerinfo, stream/connection, multiaddress, crypto/crypto, transports/transport, transports/tcptransport, muxers/muxer, muxers/mplex/mplex, muxers/yamux/yamux, protocols/identify, protocols/secure/secure, protocols/secure/noise, protocols/rendezvous, protocols/connectivity/autonat/server, protocols/connectivity/relay/relay, protocols/connectivity/relay/client, protocols/connectivity/relay/rtransport, connmanager, upgrademngrs/muxedupgrade, nameresolving/nameresolver, errors, utility
+switch, peerid, peerinfo, stream/connection, multiaddress, crypto/crypto, transports/transport, transports/tcptransport, muxers/muxer, muxers/mplex/mplex, muxers/yamux/yamux, protocols/identify, protocols/secure/secure, protocols/secure/noise, protocols/rendezvous, protocols/connectivity/autonat/server, protocols/connectivity/relay/relay, protocols/connectivity/relay/client, protocols/connectivity/relay/rtransport, connmanager, upgrademngrs/muxedupgrade, observedaddrmanager, nameresolving/nameresolver, errors, utility
@@ -437,6 +445,7 @@ class="link-seesrc" target="_blank">Source
circuitRelay: Relay
rdv: RendezVous
services: seq[Service]
+ observedAddrManager: ObservedAddrManager
Calling it multiple time will override the value
Calling it multiple time will override the valueproc withObservedAddrManager(b: SwitchBuilder;
+ observedAddrManager: ObservedAddrManager): SwitchBuilder {.
+ ...raises: [], tags: [].}
-newLPStreamWriteError, DNS_OR_IP, LPStreamError, AlreadyExpectingConnectionError, removePeerEventHandler, shortLog, random, UDP_DNS, $, <=, MaxConnectionsPerPeer, ephemeral, dial, MaPatternOp, ==, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, getProtoHeader, MaxSizeError, ==, DialFailedError, decodeProposal, ProtoFlags, getLen, maxIncomingStreams, ECDHEScheme, shortLog, dial, init, closed, addConnEventHandler, [], readVarint, new, shuffle, random, init, VBuffer, Secret, peekVarint, random, handshake, MaxConnections, $, validate, mapOr, dial, hash, MaError, init, secure, UpgradeFailedError, IdentityInvalidMsgError, maxInlineKeyLength, addHandler, TranscoderDNS, QUIC, ephemeral, withValue, getRequiredField, getField, DNSANY, dial, writeLp, removeConnEventHandler, removePeerEventHandler, getWrapped, isEnough, public, MAKind, write, init, checkFieldNumber, valueOr, init, codec, getRepeatedField, matchPartial, addObservation, stop, libp2p_pki_schemes, push, readOnce, trackConnection, ==, readLp, getConnections, HTTP, initVBuffer, start, atEof, PeerEventKind, getOutgoingSlot, peekSeq, SeqPeerBook, toOpt, fullAddrs, payloadType, getProtoHeader, init, decode, $, IP, protoAddress, newRng, peekArray, init, mount, SecureConn, checkValid, mac, getPublicKey, CircuitRelay, ProtoHeader, len, libp2p_failed_upgrades_incoming, extractPublicKey, mapAnd, new, UDP_IP, new, newLPStreamEOFError, selectMuxer, init, connCount, len, getBytes, DNSADDR, ProtoBook, AddressMapper, IdentifyPushHandler, init, write, new, WSS, LPStream, getField, TCP_IP, close, selectMuxer, writePacked, readVarint, handle, closeImpl, identify, toBytes, TCP_DNS, shortLog, encode, len, capLen, init, protoName, protoArgument, PeerEventHandler, LPProtoHandler, Secure, toRawBytes, Identify, IdentifyPush, getStream, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, initProtoBuffer, newLPStreamReadError, init, WSS_DNS, list, match, <, CryptoResult, parseFullAddress, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, init, upgrade, UDP, ProtoVersionBook, Dialer, disconnect, TranscoderOnion, dial, StreamTracker, IdentifyNoPubKeyError, write, init, LPStreamResetError, isEmpty, writeArray, new, LPStreamIncompleteError, connectedPeers, PeerId, LPStreamEOFError, write, maxIncomingStreams=, IP6, shortLog, new, release, initVBuffer, PKScheme, key, new, payload, triggerConnEvent, triggerPeerEvents, init, connect, newSwitch, stretchKeys, write, TCP, PrivateKey, dropPeer, addPeerEventHandler, getBytes, start, newLPStreamIncorrectDefect, init, &=, PeerInfoError, verify, newLPStreamClosedError, random, write, compilesOr, toString, close, trackMuxer, TranscoderIP4, $, initProtoBuffer, toException, DNS, init, Upgrade, UTP, goffset, HandlerHolder, getRawBytes, >, SecureConnTrackerName, KeyPair, finish, init, high, SPRBook, PeerStore, update, Dial, cmp, SupportedWireTypes, AgentBook, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, initStream, formatItIMPL, Signature, contains, codec=, formatItIMPL, getStream, DigestSheme, IPFS, getField, shortLog, init, exceptionToAssert, isEmpty, ConnEventKind, ProtoScalar, shortLog, getWrapped, LPStreamIncorrectDefect, hex, expandItIMPL, protocols, bytes, DefaultMaxIncomingStreams, HTTPS, UNIX, encode, tryAndWarn, TooManyConnectionsError, ConnectionSlot, getPtr, addTransport, readMessage, TLS_WS, sign, init, addHandler, storeMuxer, addConnEventHandler, formatItIMPL, dial, tryDial, PeerEvent, PublicKey, supported, MaResult, init, ProtoField, connect, init, PeerBookChangeHandler, connect, write, getStream, writeSeq, ConnEvent, init, &, DNS6, [], decode, IpTransportProtocol, toOpenArray, init, [], allFuturesThrowing, IP4, TranscoderPort, write, safeConvert, addPeerEventHandler, createExchange, >=, expectConnection, init, payloadDomain, $, start, withValue, handle, init, LPStreamLimitError, TranscoderOnion3, SignedPayload, ProtoBuffer, Matcher, closeImpl, toBytes, protoArgument, secure, newLPStreamLimitError, readOnce, keyOpenArray, match, createProposal, WebSockets_DNS, $, dial, isEmpty, LPStreamReadError, connectedPeers, new, getRequiredRepeatedField, connect, init, newLPStreamIncompleteError, newLPStreamReadError, IdentifyCodec, initProtoBuffer, MAProtocol, newLPStreamResetError, getPackedRepeatedField, initStream, contains, init, getField, shortLog, DNS4, MultiAddress, WS_IP, readArray, selectBest, data, P2PPattern, Connection, Envelope, connect, hasPublicKey, AddressBook, toException, contains, init, isEnough, init, Reliable, addrs, hex, removeConnEventHandler, slotsAvailable, closeImpl, write, write, WS, AgentVersion, init, MultistreamSelect, encode, LPProtocol, init, init, getField, getField, match, TcpOnion3, getField, writeLPVarint, iv, DefaultConnectionTimeout, readLine, Eof, CryptoError, getField, append, MaPattern, vsizeof, IdentifyPushCodec, WSS_IP, LPStreamConnDownError, PeerRecord, decodeExchange, SupportedSchemes, getRepeatedField, LPStreamWriteError, getField, select, Unreliable, SupportedSchemesInt, random, checkFutures, LPError, PeerBook, macOpenArray, init, validate, init, addTransport, ProtoVersion, protoCode, mapEq, getField, init, Onion3, stop, getBytes, guessDialableAddr, select, concat, TranscoderP2P, PeerInfo, AddressInfo, ConnectionTrackerName, TranscoderIP6, new, init, write, EnvelopeError, readSeq, hash, IdentifyInfo, IdentifyError, addHandler, encode, WebSockets, newLPStreamRemoteClosedError, MaPatResult, isConnected, Direction, init, InvalidVarintError, Switch, parseFullAddress, shortLog, items, ==, init, write, getBytes, write, dial, init, toBytes, hash, TimeoutHandler, getMostObservedProtosAndPorts, run, ConcurrentUpgrades, ObservedAddrManager, ConnEventHandler, WebSockets_IP, decodeMsg, writeLp, addTransport, IdentityNoMatchError, writePBVarint, ProtoFieldKind, readExactly, getRepeatedField, decode, ProtoError, newLPStreamConnDownError, new, ConnManager, init, write, initStream, KeyBook, ivOpenArray, connect, closeWithEOF, LPStreamTrackerName, orError, new, LPStreamRemoteClosedError, setupStreamTracker, libp2p_failed_upgrades_outgoing, MultiStreamError, stop, MaInvalidAddress, select, LPStreamClosedError, RsaDefaultKeySize, getIncomingSlot, Service, write, toBytes, getOrder, TranscoderUnix, setup, SignedPeerRecord, tryDial, finish, stop, join, writeVarint, formatItIMPL, hash, shortLog, random, $, write, PeerId, ==, getField, <=, capLen, init, validate, init, match, <, getBytes, maxInlineKeyLength, write, withValue, safeConvert, shortLog, >=, withValue, public, shortLog, compilesOr, toBytes, match, valueOr, init, init, init, toOpt, init, hasPublicKey, >, hex, len, exceptionToAssert, cmp, extractPublicKey, ProtoHeader, shortLog, UDP_DNS, ephemeral, init, MaPatternOp, getProtoHeader, shortLog, init, $, validate, hash, init, TLS_WS, TranscoderDNS, init, ephemeral, getField, MAKind, getField, checkFieldNumber, getRepeatedField, getBytes, len, &, peekSeq, fullAddrs, <=, init, getPublicKey, exceptionToAssert, new, DNSANY, DNSADDR, AddressMapper, WSS, toBytes, TCP_DNS, shortLog, encode, len, supported, ==, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, WSS_DNS, <, $, PeerInfo, TranscoderOnion, write, key, writeArray, PeerId, IP6, shortLog, payload, TCP, PrivateKey, getBytes, init, &=, init, $, getRawBytes, KeyPair, update, SupportedWireTypes, hash, init, DNS4, isEmpty, ProtoScalar, data, HTTPS, tryAndWarn, TranscoderIP6, encode, MaResult, DNS6, [], IpTransportProtocol, toOpenArray, allFuturesThrowing, TranscoderPort, isEnough, write, >=, init, payloadDomain, $, MaPattern, TranscoderOnion3, protoArgument, write, keyOpenArray, match, WebSockets_DNS, isEmpty, getRequiredRepeatedField, initProtoBuffer, init, init, getField, selectBest, getPtr, Envelope, init, finish, Reliable, addrs, stretchKeys, match, getField, CryptoError, append, vsizeof, parseFullAddress, init, getRepeatedField, checkFutures, shuffle, init, validate, protoCode, getField, TranscoderP2P, sign, getBytes, encode, WebSockets, shortLog, items, getBytes, init, ProtoFieldKind, protoArgument, getField, readVarint, orError, decodeExchange, MaInvalidAddress, writeVarint, getOrder, TranscoderUnix, SignedPeerRecord, DNS_OR_IP, decode, random, getProtoHeader, MaError, finish, matchPartial, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, ProtoFlags, ==, getLen, ECDHEScheme, init, [], random, Secret, peekVarint, random, mapOr, bytes, maxInlineKeyLength, QUIC, withValue, getRequiredField, mac, WS_IP, public, write, init, valueOr, init, HTTP, initVBuffer, TcpOnion3, write, toOpt, payloadType, decodeProposal, $, IP, protoAddress, newRng, checkValid, len, CircuitRelay, extractPublicKey, mapAnd, UDP_IP, init, ==, write, TCP_IP, writePacked, readSeq, capLen, protoName, toRawBytes, initProtoBuffer, toException, init, match, writeLPVarint, CryptoResult, parseFullAddress, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, init, UDP, init, isEmpty, decode, initVBuffer, decode, PKScheme, random, write, init, write, PeerInfoError, compilesOr, TranscoderIP4, initProtoBuffer, toException, DNS, goffset, >, init, high, toString, init, cmp, init, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, Signature, toBytes, DigestSheme, IPFS, MultiAddress, hex, protocols, init, UNIX, init, ProtoField, toBytes, writeSeq, ==, init, [], IP4, safeConvert, getField, init, createExchange, withValue, SignedPayload, toBytes, init, MAProtocol, getPackedRepeatedField, contains, libp2p_pki_schemes, readArray, P2PPattern, hasPublicKey, isEnough, hex, write, WS, encode, init, getField, iv, getField, WSS_IP, peekArray, PeerRecord, SupportedSchemes, Unreliable, SupportedSchemesInt, random, LPError, macOpenArray, mapEq, Onion3, concat, AddressInfo, write, EnvelopeError, createProposal, MaPatResult, ProtoBuffer, init, init, write, write, UTP, verify, init, PublicKey, WebSockets_IP, VBuffer, writePBVarint, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, init, ivOpenArray, RsaDefaultKeySize, getField, write, newLPStreamWriteError, DNS_OR_IP, ProtoHeader, shortLog, init, random, UDP_DNS, $, <=, MaError, ephemeral, decode, MaPatternOp, ==, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, getProtoHeader, MaxSizeError, ProtoFlags, getLen, ECDHEScheme, shortLog, init, init, closed, [], macOpenArray, random, init, VBuffer, Secret, peekVarint, random, $, validate, mapOr, bytes, maxInlineKeyLength, TranscoderDNS, QUIC, [], key, ephemeral, withValue, getRequiredField, getField, writeLp, WS_IP, isEnough, public, MAKind, getBytes, write, DNSANY, checkFieldNumber, valueOr, getRepeatedField, matchPartial, libp2p_pki_schemes, getBytes, len, readVarint, readLp, HTTP, initVBuffer, mac, atEof, LPStreamTrackerName, peekSeq, toOpt, fullAddrs, payloadType, getProtoHeader, LPStreamError, IP, protoAddress, newRng, DefaultConnectionTimeout, ==, checkValid, getPublicKey, exceptionToAssert, decodeProposal, len, CircuitRelay, extractPublicKey, mapAnd, new, verify, UDP_IP, new, newLPStreamEOFError, init, write, ==, DNSADDR, AddressMapper, write, PeerId, WSS, LPStream, TCP_IP, close, hash, writePacked, init, closeImpl, readSeq, toBytes, TCP_DNS, shortLog, encode, len, capLen, protoName, toRawBytes, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, initProtoBuffer, newLPStreamReadError, init, WSS_DNS, match, writeLPVarint, CryptoResult, WebSockets_DNS, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, init, init, UDP, TranscoderOnion, StreamTracker, write, init, LPStreamResetError, isEmpty, writeArray, LPStreamReadError, decode, LPStreamIncompleteError, [], LPStreamEOFError, IP6, shortLog, initVBuffer, decode, PKScheme, payload, init, init, Connection, write, init, TCP, PrivateKey, getBytes, write, &=, PeerInfoError, newLPStreamClosedError, random, compilesOr, TranscoderIP4, init, initProtoBuffer, toException, DNS, UTP, goffset, readVarint, >, KeyPair, init, init, high, toString, cmp, init, SupportedWireTypes, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, Signature, contains, hash, formatItIMPL, toBytes, DigestSheme, init, IPFS, readOnce, init, isEmpty, ProtoScalar, shortLog, data, LPStreamIncorrectDefect, hex, protocols, update, HTTPS, tryAndWarn, WebSockets, LPError, getPtr, write, TLS_WS, sign, finish, encode, MaResult, ProtoField, init, toBytes, writeSeq, init, &, DNS6, IpTransportProtocol, toOpenArray, init, allFuturesThrowing, IP4, TranscoderPort, write, newLPStreamIncorrectDefect, getField, init, createExchange, >=, init, payloadDomain, $, MaPattern, withValue, getRawBytes, init, LPStreamLimitError, TranscoderOnion3, SignedPayload, toBytes, protoArgument, newLPStreamLimitError, keyOpenArray, match, createProposal, parseFullAddress, $, isEmpty, supported, getRequiredRepeatedField, init, newLPStreamIncompleteError, newLPStreamReadError, initProtoBuffer, MAProtocol, newLPStreamResetError, getPackedRepeatedField, initStream, init, getField, shortLog, DNS4, getWrapped, readArray, selectBest, safeConvert, P2PPattern, Envelope, hasPublicKey, toException, init, isEnough, init, Reliable, addrs, hex, ProtoBuffer, closeImpl, write, WS, stretchKeys, encode, init, init, getField, getField, match, getField, <, iv, readLine, Eof, CryptoError, getField, hash, append, vsizeof, init, parseFullAddress, WSS_IP, LPStreamConnDownError, peekArray, UNIX, PeerRecord, init, SupportedSchemes, getRepeatedField, LPStreamWriteError, getField, Unreliable, SupportedSchemesInt, random, checkFutures, shuffle, init, validate, $, protoCode, mapEq, Onion3, write, TcpOnion3, concat, TranscoderP2P, PeerInfo, AddressInfo, ConnectionTrackerName, TranscoderIP6, write, EnvelopeError, encode, newLPStreamRemoteClosedError, MaPatResult, Direction, InvalidVarintError, shortLog, items, ==, init, write, getBytes, write, init, PublicKey, WebSockets_IP, writeLp, writePBVarint, ProtoFieldKind, readExactly, protoArgument, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, newLPStreamConnDownError, write, initStream, getField, MultiAddress, finish, ivOpenArray, closeWithEOF, TimeoutHandler, orError, decodeExchange, getField, LPStreamRemoteClosedError, setupStreamTracker, MaInvalidAddress, LPStreamClosedError, RsaDefaultKeySize, write, getOrder, TranscoderUnix, SignedPeerRecord, join, writeVarint, DNS_OR_IP, hash, UDP_DNS, MaError, IPFS, MaPatternOp, isEmpty, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, ProtoScalar, getProtoHeader, hex, protocols, bytes, ==, getLen, HTTPS, UNIX, TranscoderIP6, encode, [], MaResult, init, ProtoField, peekVarint, getRequiredRepeatedField, mapOr, writeSeq, WebSockets_IP, &, DNS6, TLS_WS, [], IpTransportProtocol, QUIC, toOpenArray, IP4, TranscoderPort, withValue, safeConvert, getRequiredField, $, WS_IP, withValue, public, MAKind, getField, checkFieldNumber, TranscoderOnion3, getRepeatedField, matchPartial, protoArgument, match, data, WebSockets, $, isEmpty, HTTP, initVBuffer, finish, VBuffer, init, TcpOnion3, initProtoBuffer, MAProtocol, peekSeq, getPackedRepeatedField, toOpt, getProtoHeader, ProtoHeader, IP, getField, protoAddress, DNS4, readArray, getPtr, isEnough, P2PPattern, CircuitRelay, contains, isEnough, Reliable, ProtoBuffer, len, WS, exceptionToAssert, mapAnd, UDP_IP, DNSANY, DNSADDR, append, write, WSS_IP, peekArray, WSS, readSeq, getRepeatedField, TCP_IP, getField, writePacked, Unreliable, TCP_DNS, capLen, init, protoName, protoArgument, validate, mapEq, Onion3, MaPattern, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, initProtoBuffer, concat, TranscoderP2P, WSS_DNS, writeLPVarint, write, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, len, UDP, MaPatResult, TranscoderOnion, write, init, shortLog, items, isEmpty, writeArray, write, WebSockets_DNS, init, UTP, [], IP6, shortLog, ProtoFlags, finish, writePBVarint, valueOr, ProtoFieldKind, TCP, TranscoderDNS, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, init, init, getField, MultiAddress, &=, readVarint, compilesOr, vsizeof, getField, TranscoderIP4, init, initVBuffer, protoCode, MaInvalidAddress, initProtoBuffer, DNS, write, TranscoderUnix, high, toString, writeVarint, SupportedWireTypes, Signature, shortLog, toBytes, DigestSheme, ephemeral, decodeProposal, init, getRawBytes, sign, SupportedSchemesInt, macOpenArray, Secret, $, write, init, selectBest, init, ECDHEScheme, ephemeral, withValue, safeConvert, init, createExchange, init, withValue, public, init, getField, valueOr, init, toBytes, random, createProposal, init, getBytes, write, toOpt, init, newRng, toRawBytes, getPublicKey, init, random, init, exceptionToAssert, init, init, init, getField, iv, CryptoError, ==, verify, init, key, SupportedSchemes, RsaDefaultKeySize, toBytes, capLen, shuffle, supported, write, ==, libp2p_pki_schemes, random, getBytes, random, keyOpenArray, CryptoResult, stretchKeys, init, init, shortLog, init, PublicKey, mac, shortLog, PKScheme, init, PrivateKey, getBytes, ivOpenArray, write, compilesOr, orError, decodeExchange, $, write, goffset, getOrder, KeyPair, toException, toException, allFuturesThrowing, tryAndWarn, checkFutures, LPError
+newLPStreamWriteError, DNS_OR_IP, LPStreamError, AlreadyExpectingConnectionError, removePeerEventHandler, shortLog, random, UDP_DNS, $, <=, MaxConnectionsPerPeer, ephemeral, dial, MaPatternOp, ==, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, getProtoHeader, MaxSizeError, ==, DialFailedError, decodeProposal, ProtoFlags, getLen, maxIncomingStreams, ECDHEScheme, shortLog, dial, init, closed, addConnEventHandler, [], readVarint, new, shuffle, random, init, VBuffer, Secret, peekVarint, random, handshake, MaxConnections, $, validate, mapOr, dial, hash, MaError, init, secure, UpgradeFailedError, IdentityInvalidMsgError, maxInlineKeyLength, addHandler, TranscoderDNS, QUIC, ephemeral, withValue, getRequiredField, getField, DNSANY, dial, writeLp, removeConnEventHandler, removePeerEventHandler, getWrapped, isEnough, public, MAKind, write, init, checkFieldNumber, valueOr, init, codec, getRepeatedField, matchPartial, addObservation, stop, libp2p_pki_schemes, push, readOnce, trackConnection, ==, readLp, getConnections, HTTP, initVBuffer, start, atEof, PeerEventKind, getOutgoingSlot, peekSeq, SeqPeerBook, toOpt, fullAddrs, payloadType, getProtoHeader, init, decode, $, IP, protoAddress, newRng, peekArray, init, mount, SecureConn, checkValid, mac, getPublicKey, CircuitRelay, ProtoHeader, len, libp2p_failed_upgrades_incoming, extractPublicKey, mapAnd, new, UDP_IP, new, newLPStreamEOFError, selectMuxer, init, connCount, len, getBytes, DNSADDR, ProtoBook, AddressMapper, IdentifyPushHandler, init, write, new, WSS, LPStream, getField, TCP_IP, close, selectMuxer, writePacked, readVarint, handle, closeImpl, identify, toBytes, TCP_DNS, shortLog, encode, len, capLen, init, protoName, protoArgument, PeerEventHandler, LPProtoHandler, Secure, toRawBytes, Identify, IdentifyPush, getStream, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, initProtoBuffer, newLPStreamReadError, init, WSS_DNS, list, match, <, CryptoResult, parseFullAddress, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, init, upgrade, UDP, ProtoVersionBook, Dialer, disconnect, TranscoderOnion, dial, StreamTracker, IdentifyNoPubKeyError, write, init, LPStreamResetError, isEmpty, writeArray, new, LPStreamIncompleteError, connectedPeers, PeerId, LPStreamEOFError, write, maxIncomingStreams=, IP6, shortLog, new, release, initVBuffer, PKScheme, key, new, payload, triggerConnEvent, triggerPeerEvents, init, connect, newSwitch, stretchKeys, write, TCP, PrivateKey, dropPeer, addPeerEventHandler, getBytes, start, newLPStreamIncorrectDefect, init, &=, PeerInfoError, verify, newLPStreamClosedError, random, write, compilesOr, toString, close, trackMuxer, TranscoderIP4, $, initProtoBuffer, toException, DNS, init, Upgrade, UTP, goffset, HandlerHolder, getRawBytes, >, SecureConnTrackerName, KeyPair, finish, init, high, SPRBook, PeerStore, update, Dial, cmp, SupportedWireTypes, AgentBook, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, initStream, formatItIMPL, Signature, contains, codec=, formatItIMPL, getStream, DigestSheme, IPFS, getField, shortLog, init, exceptionToAssert, isEmpty, ConnEventKind, ProtoScalar, shortLog, getWrapped, LPStreamIncorrectDefect, hex, expandItIMPL, protocols, bytes, DefaultMaxIncomingStreams, HTTPS, UNIX, encode, tryAndWarn, TooManyConnectionsError, ConnectionSlot, getPtr, addTransport, readMessage, TLS_WS, sign, init, addHandler, storeMuxer, addConnEventHandler, formatItIMPL, dial, tryDial, PeerEvent, PublicKey, supported, MaResult, init, ProtoField, connect, init, PeerBookChangeHandler, connect, write, getStream, writeSeq, ConnEvent, init, &, DNS6, [], decode, IpTransportProtocol, toOpenArray, init, [], allFuturesThrowing, IP4, TranscoderPort, write, safeConvert, addPeerEventHandler, createExchange, >=, expectConnection, init, payloadDomain, $, start, withValue, handle, init, LPStreamLimitError, TranscoderOnion3, SignedPayload, ProtoBuffer, Matcher, closeImpl, toBytes, protoArgument, secure, newLPStreamLimitError, readOnce, keyOpenArray, match, createProposal, WebSockets_DNS, $, dial, isEmpty, LPStreamReadError, connectedPeers, new, getRequiredRepeatedField, connect, init, newLPStreamIncompleteError, newLPStreamReadError, IdentifyCodec, initProtoBuffer, MAProtocol, newLPStreamResetError, getPackedRepeatedField, initStream, contains, init, getField, shortLog, DNS4, MultiAddress, WS_IP, readArray, selectBest, data, P2PPattern, Connection, Envelope, connect, hasPublicKey, AddressBook, toException, contains, init, isEnough, init, Reliable, addrs, hex, removeConnEventHandler, slotsAvailable, closeImpl, write, write, WS, AgentVersion, init, MultistreamSelect, encode, LPProtocol, init, init, getField, getField, match, TcpOnion3, getField, writeLPVarint, iv, DefaultConnectionTimeout, readLine, Eof, CryptoError, getField, append, MaPattern, vsizeof, IdentifyPushCodec, WSS_IP, LPStreamConnDownError, PeerRecord, decodeExchange, SupportedSchemes, getRepeatedField, LPStreamWriteError, getField, select, Unreliable, SupportedSchemesInt, random, checkFutures, LPError, PeerBook, macOpenArray, init, validate, init, addTransport, ProtoVersion, protoCode, mapEq, getField, init, Onion3, stop, getBytes, guessDialableAddr, select, concat, TranscoderP2P, PeerInfo, AddressInfo, ConnectionTrackerName, TranscoderIP6, new, init, write, EnvelopeError, readSeq, hash, IdentifyInfo, IdentifyError, addHandler, encode, WebSockets, newLPStreamRemoteClosedError, MaPatResult, isConnected, Direction, init, InvalidVarintError, Switch, parseFullAddress, shortLog, items, ==, init, write, getBytes, write, dial, init, toBytes, hash, TimeoutHandler, getMostObservedProtosAndPorts, run, ConcurrentUpgrades, ObservedAddrManager, ConnEventHandler, WebSockets_IP, decodeMsg, writeLp, addTransport, IdentityNoMatchError, writePBVarint, ProtoFieldKind, readExactly, getRepeatedField, decode, ProtoError, newLPStreamConnDownError, new, ConnManager, init, write, initStream, KeyBook, ivOpenArray, connect, closeWithEOF, LPStreamTrackerName, orError, new, LPStreamRemoteClosedError, setupStreamTracker, libp2p_failed_upgrades_outgoing, MultiStreamError, stop, MaInvalidAddress, select, LPStreamClosedError, RsaDefaultKeySize, getIncomingSlot, Service, write, toBytes, getOrder, TranscoderUnix, setup, SignedPeerRecord, tryDial, finish, stop, join, writeVarint, formatItIMPL, hash, shortLog, random, $, write, PeerId, ==, getField, <=, capLen, init, validate, init, match, <, getBytes, maxInlineKeyLength, write, withValue, safeConvert, shortLog, >=, withValue, public, shortLog, compilesOr, toBytes, match, valueOr, init, init, init, toOpt, init, hasPublicKey, >, hex, len, exceptionToAssert, cmp, extractPublicKey, ProtoHeader, shortLog, UDP_DNS, ephemeral, init, MaPatternOp, getProtoHeader, shortLog, init, $, validate, hash, init, TLS_WS, TranscoderDNS, init, ephemeral, getField, MAKind, getField, checkFieldNumber, getRepeatedField, getBytes, len, &, peekSeq, fullAddrs, <=, init, getPublicKey, exceptionToAssert, new, DNSANY, DNSADDR, AddressMapper, WSS, toBytes, TCP_DNS, shortLog, encode, len, supported, ==, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, WSS_DNS, <, $, PeerInfo, TranscoderOnion, write, key, writeArray, PeerId, IP6, shortLog, payload, TCP, PrivateKey, getBytes, init, &=, init, $, getRawBytes, KeyPair, update, SupportedWireTypes, hash, init, DNS4, isEmpty, ProtoScalar, data, HTTPS, tryAndWarn, TranscoderIP6, encode, MaResult, DNS6, [], IpTransportProtocol, toOpenArray, allFuturesThrowing, TranscoderPort, isEnough, write, >=, init, payloadDomain, $, MaPattern, TranscoderOnion3, protoArgument, write, keyOpenArray, match, WebSockets_DNS, isEmpty, getRequiredRepeatedField, initProtoBuffer, init, init, getField, selectBest, getPtr, Envelope, init, finish, Reliable, addrs, stretchKeys, match, getField, CryptoError, append, vsizeof, parseFullAddress, init, getRepeatedField, checkFutures, shuffle, init, validate, protoCode, getField, TranscoderP2P, sign, getBytes, encode, WebSockets, shortLog, items, getBytes, init, ProtoFieldKind, protoArgument, getField, readVarint, orError, decodeExchange, MaInvalidAddress, writeVarint, getOrder, TranscoderUnix, SignedPeerRecord, DNS_OR_IP, decode, random, getProtoHeader, MaError, finish, matchPartial, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, ProtoFlags, ==, getLen, ECDHEScheme, init, [], random, Secret, peekVarint, random, mapOr, bytes, maxInlineKeyLength, QUIC, withValue, getRequiredField, mac, WS_IP, public, write, init, valueOr, init, HTTP, initVBuffer, TcpOnion3, write, toOpt, payloadType, decodeProposal, $, IP, protoAddress, newRng, checkValid, len, CircuitRelay, extractPublicKey, mapAnd, UDP_IP, init, ==, write, TCP_IP, writePacked, readSeq, capLen, protoName, toRawBytes, initProtoBuffer, toException, init, match, writeLPVarint, CryptoResult, parseFullAddress, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, init, UDP, init, isEmpty, decode, initVBuffer, decode, PKScheme, random, write, init, write, PeerInfoError, compilesOr, TranscoderIP4, initProtoBuffer, toException, DNS, goffset, >, init, high, toString, init, cmp, init, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, Signature, toBytes, DigestSheme, IPFS, MultiAddress, hex, protocols, init, UNIX, init, ProtoField, toBytes, writeSeq, ==, init, [], IP4, safeConvert, getField, init, createExchange, withValue, SignedPayload, toBytes, init, MAProtocol, getPackedRepeatedField, contains, libp2p_pki_schemes, readArray, P2PPattern, hasPublicKey, isEnough, hex, write, WS, encode, init, getField, iv, getField, WSS_IP, peekArray, PeerRecord, SupportedSchemes, Unreliable, SupportedSchemesInt, random, LPError, macOpenArray, mapEq, Onion3, concat, AddressInfo, write, EnvelopeError, createProposal, MaPatResult, ProtoBuffer, init, init, write, write, UTP, verify, init, PublicKey, WebSockets_IP, VBuffer, writePBVarint, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, init, ivOpenArray, RsaDefaultKeySize, getField, write, newLPStreamWriteError, DNS_OR_IP, ProtoHeader, shortLog, init, random, UDP_DNS, $, <=, MaError, ephemeral, decode, MaPatternOp, ==, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, getProtoHeader, MaxSizeError, ProtoFlags, getLen, ECDHEScheme, shortLog, init, init, closed, [], macOpenArray, random, init, VBuffer, Secret, peekVarint, random, $, validate, mapOr, bytes, maxInlineKeyLength, TranscoderDNS, QUIC, [], key, ephemeral, withValue, getRequiredField, getField, writeLp, WS_IP, isEnough, public, MAKind, getBytes, write, DNSANY, checkFieldNumber, valueOr, getRepeatedField, matchPartial, libp2p_pki_schemes, getBytes, len, readVarint, readLp, HTTP, initVBuffer, mac, atEof, LPStreamTrackerName, peekSeq, toOpt, fullAddrs, payloadType, getProtoHeader, LPStreamError, IP, protoAddress, newRng, DefaultConnectionTimeout, ==, checkValid, getPublicKey, exceptionToAssert, decodeProposal, len, CircuitRelay, extractPublicKey, mapAnd, new, verify, UDP_IP, new, newLPStreamEOFError, init, write, ==, DNSADDR, AddressMapper, write, PeerId, WSS, LPStream, TCP_IP, close, hash, writePacked, init, closeImpl, readSeq, toBytes, TCP_DNS, shortLog, encode, len, capLen, protoName, toRawBytes, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, initProtoBuffer, newLPStreamReadError, init, WSS_DNS, match, writeLPVarint, CryptoResult, WebSockets_DNS, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, init, init, UDP, TranscoderOnion, StreamTracker, write, init, LPStreamResetError, isEmpty, writeArray, LPStreamReadError, decode, LPStreamIncompleteError, [], LPStreamEOFError, IP6, shortLog, initVBuffer, decode, PKScheme, payload, init, init, Connection, write, init, TCP, PrivateKey, getBytes, write, &=, PeerInfoError, newLPStreamClosedError, random, compilesOr, TranscoderIP4, init, initProtoBuffer, toException, DNS, UTP, goffset, readVarint, >, KeyPair, init, init, high, toString, cmp, init, SupportedWireTypes, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, Signature, contains, hash, formatItIMPL, toBytes, DigestSheme, init, IPFS, readOnce, init, isEmpty, ProtoScalar, shortLog, data, LPStreamIncorrectDefect, hex, protocols, update, HTTPS, tryAndWarn, WebSockets, LPError, getPtr, write, TLS_WS, sign, finish, encode, MaResult, ProtoField, init, toBytes, writeSeq, init, &, DNS6, IpTransportProtocol, toOpenArray, init, allFuturesThrowing, IP4, TranscoderPort, write, newLPStreamIncorrectDefect, getField, init, createExchange, >=, init, payloadDomain, $, MaPattern, withValue, getRawBytes, init, LPStreamLimitError, TranscoderOnion3, SignedPayload, toBytes, protoArgument, newLPStreamLimitError, keyOpenArray, match, createProposal, parseFullAddress, $, isEmpty, supported, getRequiredRepeatedField, init, newLPStreamIncompleteError, newLPStreamReadError, initProtoBuffer, MAProtocol, newLPStreamResetError, getPackedRepeatedField, initStream, init, getField, shortLog, DNS4, getWrapped, readArray, selectBest, safeConvert, P2PPattern, Envelope, hasPublicKey, toException, init, isEnough, init, Reliable, addrs, hex, ProtoBuffer, closeImpl, write, WS, stretchKeys, encode, init, init, getField, getField, match, getField, <, iv, readLine, Eof, CryptoError, getField, hash, append, vsizeof, init, parseFullAddress, WSS_IP, LPStreamConnDownError, peekArray, UNIX, PeerRecord, init, SupportedSchemes, getRepeatedField, LPStreamWriteError, getField, Unreliable, SupportedSchemesInt, random, checkFutures, shuffle, init, validate, $, protoCode, mapEq, Onion3, write, TcpOnion3, concat, TranscoderP2P, PeerInfo, AddressInfo, ConnectionTrackerName, TranscoderIP6, write, EnvelopeError, encode, newLPStreamRemoteClosedError, MaPatResult, Direction, InvalidVarintError, shortLog, items, ==, init, write, getBytes, write, init, PublicKey, WebSockets_IP, writeLp, writePBVarint, ProtoFieldKind, readExactly, protoArgument, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, newLPStreamConnDownError, write, initStream, getField, MultiAddress, finish, ivOpenArray, closeWithEOF, TimeoutHandler, orError, decodeExchange, getField, LPStreamRemoteClosedError, setupStreamTracker, MaInvalidAddress, LPStreamClosedError, RsaDefaultKeySize, write, getOrder, TranscoderUnix, SignedPeerRecord, join, writeVarint, DNS_OR_IP, hash, UDP_DNS, MaError, IPFS, MaPatternOp, isEmpty, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, ProtoScalar, getProtoHeader, hex, protocols, bytes, ==, getLen, HTTPS, UNIX, TranscoderIP6, encode, [], MaResult, init, ProtoField, peekVarint, getRequiredRepeatedField, mapOr, writeSeq, WebSockets_IP, &, DNS6, TLS_WS, [], IpTransportProtocol, QUIC, toOpenArray, IP4, TranscoderPort, withValue, safeConvert, getRequiredField, $, WS_IP, withValue, public, MAKind, getField, checkFieldNumber, TranscoderOnion3, getRepeatedField, matchPartial, protoArgument, match, data, WebSockets, $, isEmpty, HTTP, initVBuffer, finish, VBuffer, init, TcpOnion3, initProtoBuffer, MAProtocol, peekSeq, getPackedRepeatedField, toOpt, getProtoHeader, ProtoHeader, IP, getField, protoAddress, DNS4, readArray, getPtr, isEnough, P2PPattern, CircuitRelay, contains, isEnough, Reliable, ProtoBuffer, len, WS, exceptionToAssert, mapAnd, UDP_IP, DNSANY, DNSADDR, append, write, WSS_IP, peekArray, WSS, readSeq, getRepeatedField, TCP_IP, getField, writePacked, Unreliable, TCP_DNS, capLen, init, protoName, protoArgument, validate, mapEq, Onion3, MaPattern, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, initProtoBuffer, concat, TranscoderP2P, WSS_DNS, writeLPVarint, write, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, len, UDP, MaPatResult, TranscoderOnion, write, init, shortLog, items, isEmpty, writeArray, write, WebSockets_DNS, init, UTP, [], IP6, shortLog, ProtoFlags, finish, writePBVarint, valueOr, ProtoFieldKind, TCP, TranscoderDNS, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, init, init, getField, MultiAddress, &=, readVarint, compilesOr, vsizeof, getField, TranscoderIP4, init, initVBuffer, protoCode, MaInvalidAddress, initProtoBuffer, DNS, write, TranscoderUnix, high, toString, writeVarint, SupportedWireTypes, Signature, shortLog, toBytes, DigestSheme, ephemeral, decodeProposal, init, getRawBytes, sign, SupportedSchemesInt, macOpenArray, Secret, $, write, init, selectBest, init, ECDHEScheme, ephemeral, withValue, safeConvert, init, createExchange, init, withValue, public, init, getField, valueOr, init, toBytes, random, createProposal, init, getBytes, write, toOpt, init, newRng, toRawBytes, getPublicKey, init, random, init, exceptionToAssert, init, init, init, getField, iv, CryptoError, ==, verify, init, key, SupportedSchemes, RsaDefaultKeySize, toBytes, capLen, shuffle, supported, write, ==, libp2p_pki_schemes, random, getBytes, random, keyOpenArray, CryptoResult, stretchKeys, init, init, shortLog, init, PublicKey, mac, shortLog, PKScheme, init, PrivateKey, getBytes, ivOpenArray, write, compilesOr, orError, decodeExchange, $, write, goffset, getOrder, KeyPair, toException, toException, allFuturesThrowing, tryAndWarn, checkFutures, LPError
proc getStream(c: ConnManager; peerId: PeerId): Future[Connection] {....gcsafe,
- stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
proc getStream(c: ConnManager; peerId: PeerId): Future[Connection] {.
+ stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
tags: [RootEffect].}
proc getStream(c: ConnManager; peerId: PeerId; dir: Direction): Future[
- Connection] {....gcsafe, stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [],
- raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
proc triggerPeerEvents(c: ConnManager; peerId: PeerId; event: PeerEvent): Future[
- void] {....gcsafe, stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [],
- raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
@@ -315,10 +315,9 @@ class="link-seesrc" target="_blank">Source
@@ -344,9 +344,9 @@ class="link-seesrc" target="_blank">Source
- Edit
+ Edit
@@ -361,9 +361,9 @@ class="link-seesrc" target="_blank">Source
- Edit
+ Edit
@@ -374,24 +374,23 @@ class="link-seesrc" target="_blank">Source
Connects to a peer and retrieve its PeerId
- Edit
+ Edit
method connect(self: Dial; peerId: PeerId; addrs: seq[MultiAddress];
- forceDial = false; reuseConnection = true;
- upgradeDir = Direction.Out): Future[void] {.base,
- stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
- tags: [RootEffect].}
method connect(self: Dialer; peerId: PeerId; addrs: seq[MultiAddress];
- forceDial = false; reuseConnection = true;
- upgradeDir = Direction.Out): Future[void] {.stackTrace: false,
- ...gcsafe, raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
@@ -247,8 +252,12 @@ window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", main2);
proc init(mtype: typedesc[MultiAddress]; address: IpAddress;
+ protocol: IpTransportProtocol; port: Port): MultiAddress {....raises: [],
+ public.}
proc init(mtype: typedesc[MultiAddress]; address: ValidIpAddress;
- protocol: IpTransportProtocol; port: Port): MultiAddress {....raises: [],
- public.}
proc handle(_: type MultistreamSelect; conn: Connection; protos: seq[string];
matchers = newSeq[Matcher](); active: bool = false): Future[string] {.
- ...gcsafe, stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [].}
proc handle(m: MultistreamSelect; conn: Connection; active: bool = false): Future[
- void] {....gcsafe, stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [],
- raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
proc readMsg(conn: Connection): Future[Msg] {....gcsafe, stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe,
proc readMsg(conn: Connection): Future[Msg] {.stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe,
raises: [], raises: [], raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
method close(m: Muxer): Future[void] {.base, ...gcsafe, stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe,
method close(m: Muxer): Future[void] {.base, stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe,
raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
tags: [RootEffect].}
method handle(m: Muxer): Future[void] {.base, ...gcsafe, stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe,
method handle(m: Muxer): Future[void] {.base, stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe,
raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
tags: [RootEffect].}
method newStream(m: Muxer; name: string = ""; lazy: bool = false): Future[
- Connection] {.base, ...gcsafe, stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [],
- raises: [], raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
@@ -344,14 +353,16 @@ class="link-seesrc" target="_blank">Source
currentId: uint32
isClosed: bool
maxChannCount: int
+ windowSize: int
+ maxSendQueueSize: int
YamuxDefaultWindowSize = 256000
proc new(T: type[Yamux]; conn: Connection; maxChannCount: int = MaxChannelCount): T:type {.
- ...raises: [].}
proc new(T: type[Yamux]; conn: Connection; maxChannCount: int = MaxChannelCount;
+ windowSize: int = YamuxDefaultWindowSize;
+ maxSendQueueSize: int = MaxSendQueueSize): T:type {....raises: [].}
proc open(channel: YamuxChannel): Future[void] {....gcsafe, stackTrace: false,
- ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
proc open(channel: YamuxChannel): Future[void] {.stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe,
+ raises: [], raises: [], raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
method closeImpl(channel: YamuxChannel): Future[void] {....gcsafe,
- stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
- tags: [RootEffect].}
method closeImpl(channel: YamuxChannel): Future[void] {.stackTrace: false,
+ ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
method handle(m: Yamux): Future[void] {....gcsafe, stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe,
- raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
method handle(m: Yamux): Future[void] {.stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [],
+ raises: [], raises: [],
tags: [RootEffect].}
method newStream(m: Yamux; name: string = ""; lazy: bool = false): Future[
- Connection] {....gcsafe, stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [],
- raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
-formatItIMPL, hash, shortLog, random, $, write, PeerId, ==, getField, <=, capLen, init, validate, init, match, <, getBytes, maxInlineKeyLength, write, withValue, safeConvert, shortLog, >=, withValue, public, shortLog, compilesOr, toBytes, match, valueOr, init, init, init, toOpt, init, hasPublicKey, >, hex, len, exceptionToAssert, cmp, extractPublicKey, DNS_OR_IP, hash, UDP_DNS, MaError, IPFS, MaPatternOp, isEmpty, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, ProtoScalar, getProtoHeader, hex, protocols, bytes, ==, getLen, HTTPS, UNIX, TranscoderIP6, encode, [], MaResult, init, ProtoField, peekVarint, getRequiredRepeatedField, mapOr, writeSeq, WebSockets_IP, &, DNS6, TLS_WS, [], IpTransportProtocol, QUIC, toOpenArray, IP4, TranscoderPort, withValue, safeConvert, getRequiredField, $, WS_IP, withValue, public, MAKind, getField, checkFieldNumber, TranscoderOnion3, getRepeatedField, matchPartial, protoArgument, match, data, WebSockets, $, isEmpty, HTTP, initVBuffer, finish, VBuffer, init, TcpOnion3, initProtoBuffer, MAProtocol, peekSeq, getPackedRepeatedField, toOpt, getProtoHeader, ProtoHeader, IP, getField, protoAddress, DNS4, readArray, getPtr, isEnough, P2PPattern, CircuitRelay, contains, isEnough, Reliable, ProtoBuffer, len, WS, exceptionToAssert, mapAnd, UDP_IP, DNSANY, DNSADDR, append, write, WSS_IP, peekArray, WSS, readSeq, getRepeatedField, TCP_IP, getField, writePacked, Unreliable, TCP_DNS, capLen, init, protoName, protoArgument, validate, mapEq, Onion3, MaPattern, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, initProtoBuffer, concat, TranscoderP2P, WSS_DNS, writeLPVarint, write, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, len, UDP, MaPatResult, TranscoderOnion, write, init, shortLog, items, isEmpty, writeArray, write, WebSockets_DNS, init, UTP, [], IP6, shortLog, ProtoFlags, finish, writePBVarint, valueOr, ProtoFieldKind, TCP, TranscoderDNS, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, init, init, getField, MultiAddress, &=, readVarint, compilesOr, vsizeof, getField, TranscoderIP4, init, initVBuffer, protoCode, MaInvalidAddress, initProtoBuffer, DNS, write, TranscoderUnix, high, toString, writeVarint, SupportedWireTypes, Signature, shortLog, toBytes, DigestSheme, ephemeral, decodeProposal, init, getRawBytes, sign, SupportedSchemesInt, macOpenArray, Secret, $, write, init, selectBest, init, ECDHEScheme, ephemeral, withValue, safeConvert, init, createExchange, init, withValue, public, init, getField, valueOr, init, toBytes, random, createProposal, init, getBytes, write, toOpt, init, newRng, toRawBytes, getPublicKey, init, random, init, exceptionToAssert, init, init, init, getField, iv, CryptoError, ==, verify, init, key, SupportedSchemes, RsaDefaultKeySize, toBytes, capLen, shuffle, supported, write, ==, libp2p_pki_schemes, random, getBytes, random, keyOpenArray, CryptoResult, stretchKeys, init, init, shortLog, init, PublicKey, mac, shortLog, PKScheme, init, PrivateKey, getBytes, ivOpenArray, write, compilesOr, orError, decodeExchange, $, write, goffset, getOrder, KeyPair, DNS_OR_IP, shortLog, random, UDP_DNS, $, getProtoHeader, MaError, ephemeral, MaPatternOp, ==, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, <=, decodeProposal, ==, getLen, ECDHEScheme, shortLog, init, finish, [], macOpenArray, random, init, Secret, peekVarint, random, $, validate, mapOr, init, bytes, maxInlineKeyLength, TranscoderDNS, QUIC, init, withValue, getRequiredField, mac, stretchKeys, WS_IP, write, public, MAKind, toRawBytes, write, decode, checkFieldNumber, init, getRepeatedField, matchPartial, init, data, HTTP, initVBuffer, VBuffer, finish, peekSeq, toOpt, payloadType, getProtoHeader, ProtoHeader, init, IP, protoAddress, newRng, ==, checkValid, getPublicKey, CircuitRelay, len, exceptionToAssert, extractPublicKey, mapAnd, UDP_IP, init, ==, DNSADDR, write, WSS, TCP_IP, writePacked, toBytes, TCP_DNS, encode, len, capLen, supported, protoName, write, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, initProtoBuffer, init, ProtoBuffer, WSS_DNS, match, writeLPVarint, CryptoResult, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, init, $, UDP, TranscoderOnion, write, init, readVarint, isEmpty, writeArray, PeerId, [], IP6, shortLog, initVBuffer, ProtoFlags, PKScheme, init, payload, init, init, write, DNSANY, valueOr, TCP, PrivateKey, getBytes, write, &=, random, compilesOr, TranscoderIP4, init, $, initProtoBuffer, DNS, init, goffset, getRawBytes, >, KeyPair, init, high, toString, cmp, SupportedWireTypes, formatItIMPL, verify, Signature, contains, toBytes, DigestSheme, IPFS, getField, init, libp2p_pki_schemes, isEmpty, ProtoScalar, hex, protocols, init, HTTPS, UNIX, WebSockets, getPtr, getBytes, TLS_WS, TranscoderIP6, readSeq, encode, MaResult, init, ProtoField, toBytes, writeSeq, ephemeral, &, DNS6, [], IpTransportProtocol, toOpenArray, init, IP4, TranscoderPort, isEnough, safeConvert, getField, init, createExchange, >=, init, payloadDomain, MaPattern, withValue, init, TranscoderOnion3, SignedPayload, key, toBytes, protoArgument, write, keyOpenArray, match, createProposal, WebSockets_DNS, $, isEmpty, getRequiredRepeatedField, init, initProtoBuffer, MAProtocol, decode, getPackedRepeatedField, getField, DNS4, readArray, selectBest, getBytes, P2PPattern, Envelope, hasPublicKey, init, isEnough, Reliable, hex, write, WS, init, encode, init, init, init, getField, match, getField, <, iv, CryptoError, getField, append, decode, WSS_IP, peekArray, PeerRecord, init, SupportedSchemes, getRepeatedField, getField, RsaDefaultKeySize, hash, Unreliable, SupportedSchemesInt, random, init, shuffle, init, validate, mapEq, getField, Onion3, TcpOnion3, concat, TranscoderP2P, AddressInfo, sign, write, EnvelopeError, encode, len, MaPatResult, init, shortLog, init, write, getBytes, write, init, UTP, PublicKey, WebSockets_IP, writePBVarint, ProtoFieldKind, protoArgument, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, getField, MultiAddress, ivOpenArray, orError, vsizeof, decodeExchange, getField, protoCode, MaInvalidAddress, writeVarint, items, write, getOrder, hash, TranscoderUnix, SignedPeerRecord, toException, toException, allFuturesThrowing, tryAndWarn, checkFutures, LPError
+formatItIMPL, hash, shortLog, random, $, write, PeerId, ==, getField, <=, capLen, init, validate, init, match, <, getBytes, maxInlineKeyLength, write, withValue, safeConvert, shortLog, >=, withValue, public, shortLog, compilesOr, toBytes, match, valueOr, init, init, init, toOpt, init, hasPublicKey, >, hex, len, exceptionToAssert, cmp, extractPublicKey, DNS_OR_IP, hash, UDP_DNS, MaError, IPFS, MaPatternOp, isEmpty, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, ProtoScalar, getProtoHeader, hex, protocols, bytes, ==, getLen, HTTPS, UNIX, TranscoderIP6, encode, [], MaResult, init, ProtoField, peekVarint, getRequiredRepeatedField, mapOr, writeSeq, WebSockets_IP, &, DNS6, TLS_WS, [], IpTransportProtocol, QUIC, toOpenArray, IP4, TranscoderPort, withValue, safeConvert, getRequiredField, $, WS_IP, withValue, public, MAKind, getField, checkFieldNumber, TranscoderOnion3, getRepeatedField, matchPartial, protoArgument, match, data, WebSockets, $, isEmpty, HTTP, initVBuffer, finish, VBuffer, init, TcpOnion3, initProtoBuffer, MAProtocol, peekSeq, getPackedRepeatedField, toOpt, getProtoHeader, ProtoHeader, IP, getField, protoAddress, DNS4, readArray, getPtr, isEnough, P2PPattern, CircuitRelay, contains, isEnough, Reliable, ProtoBuffer, len, WS, exceptionToAssert, mapAnd, UDP_IP, DNSANY, DNSADDR, append, write, WSS_IP, peekArray, WSS, readSeq, getRepeatedField, TCP_IP, getField, writePacked, Unreliable, TCP_DNS, capLen, init, protoName, protoArgument, validate, mapEq, Onion3, MaPattern, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, initProtoBuffer, concat, TranscoderP2P, WSS_DNS, writeLPVarint, write, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, len, UDP, MaPatResult, TranscoderOnion, write, init, shortLog, items, isEmpty, writeArray, write, WebSockets_DNS, init, UTP, [], IP6, shortLog, ProtoFlags, finish, writePBVarint, valueOr, ProtoFieldKind, TCP, TranscoderDNS, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, init, init, getField, MultiAddress, &=, readVarint, compilesOr, vsizeof, getField, TranscoderIP4, init, initVBuffer, protoCode, MaInvalidAddress, initProtoBuffer, DNS, write, TranscoderUnix, high, toString, writeVarint, SupportedWireTypes, Signature, shortLog, toBytes, DigestSheme, ephemeral, decodeProposal, init, getRawBytes, sign, SupportedSchemesInt, macOpenArray, Secret, $, write, init, selectBest, init, ECDHEScheme, ephemeral, withValue, safeConvert, init, createExchange, init, withValue, public, init, getField, valueOr, init, toBytes, random, createProposal, init, getBytes, write, toOpt, init, newRng, toRawBytes, getPublicKey, init, random, init, exceptionToAssert, init, init, init, getField, iv, CryptoError, ==, verify, init, key, SupportedSchemes, RsaDefaultKeySize, toBytes, capLen, shuffle, supported, write, ==, libp2p_pki_schemes, random, getBytes, random, keyOpenArray, CryptoResult, stretchKeys, init, init, shortLog, init, PublicKey, mac, shortLog, PKScheme, init, PrivateKey, getBytes, ivOpenArray, write, compilesOr, orError, decodeExchange, $, write, goffset, getOrder, KeyPair, DNS_OR_IP, shortLog, random, UDP_DNS, $, getProtoHeader, MaError, ephemeral, MaPatternOp, ==, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, <=, decodeProposal, ==, getLen, ECDHEScheme, shortLog, init, finish, [], macOpenArray, random, init, Secret, peekVarint, random, $, validate, mapOr, init, bytes, maxInlineKeyLength, TranscoderDNS, QUIC, init, withValue, getRequiredField, mac, stretchKeys, WS_IP, write, public, MAKind, toRawBytes, write, decode, checkFieldNumber, init, getRepeatedField, matchPartial, init, data, HTTP, initVBuffer, VBuffer, finish, peekSeq, toOpt, payloadType, getProtoHeader, ProtoHeader, init, IP, protoAddress, newRng, ==, checkValid, getPublicKey, CircuitRelay, len, exceptionToAssert, extractPublicKey, mapAnd, UDP_IP, init, ==, DNSADDR, write, WSS, TCP_IP, writePacked, toBytes, TCP_DNS, encode, len, capLen, supported, protoName, write, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, initProtoBuffer, init, ProtoBuffer, WSS_DNS, match, writeLPVarint, CryptoResult, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, init, $, UDP, TranscoderOnion, write, init, readVarint, isEmpty, writeArray, PeerId, [], IP6, shortLog, initVBuffer, ProtoFlags, PKScheme, init, payload, init, init, write, DNSANY, valueOr, TCP, PrivateKey, getBytes, write, &=, random, compilesOr, TranscoderIP4, init, $, initProtoBuffer, DNS, init, goffset, getRawBytes, >, KeyPair, init, high, toString, cmp, SupportedWireTypes, formatItIMPL, verify, Signature, contains, toBytes, DigestSheme, IPFS, getField, init, libp2p_pki_schemes, isEmpty, ProtoScalar, hex, protocols, init, HTTPS, UNIX, WebSockets, getPtr, getBytes, TLS_WS, TranscoderIP6, readSeq, encode, MaResult, init, ProtoField, toBytes, writeSeq, ephemeral, &, DNS6, [], IpTransportProtocol, toOpenArray, init, IP4, TranscoderPort, isEnough, safeConvert, getField, init, createExchange, >=, init, payloadDomain, MaPattern, withValue, init, TranscoderOnion3, SignedPayload, key, toBytes, protoArgument, write, keyOpenArray, match, createProposal, WebSockets_DNS, $, isEmpty, getRequiredRepeatedField, init, initProtoBuffer, MAProtocol, decode, getPackedRepeatedField, getField, DNS4, readArray, selectBest, getBytes, P2PPattern, Envelope, hasPublicKey, init, isEnough, Reliable, hex, write, WS, init, encode, init, init, init, getField, match, getField, <, iv, CryptoError, getField, append, decode, WSS_IP, peekArray, PeerRecord, init, SupportedSchemes, getRepeatedField, getField, RsaDefaultKeySize, hash, Unreliable, SupportedSchemesInt, random, init, shuffle, init, validate, mapEq, getField, Onion3, TcpOnion3, concat, TranscoderP2P, AddressInfo, sign, write, EnvelopeError, encode, len, MaPatResult, init, shortLog, init, write, getBytes, write, init, UTP, PublicKey, WebSockets_IP, writePBVarint, ProtoFieldKind, protoArgument, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, getField, MultiAddress, ivOpenArray, orError, vsizeof, decodeExchange, getField, protoCode, MaInvalidAddress, writeVarint, items, write, getOrder, hash, TranscoderUnix, SignedPeerRecord, toException, toException, allFuturesThrowing, tryAndWarn, checkFutures, LPError
proc handleHop(r: Relay; connSrc: Connection; msg: RelayMessage): Future[void] {.
- ...gcsafe, stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
+ stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
tags: [RootEffect].}
proc handleHopStreamV2(r: Relay; conn: Connection): Future[void] {....gcsafe,
- stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
proc handleHopStreamV2(r: Relay; conn: Connection): Future[void] {.
+ stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
tags: [RootEffect].}
proc dial(self: RelayTransport; ma: MultiAddress): Future[Connection] {....gcsafe,
- stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
proc dial(self: RelayTransport; ma: MultiAddress): Future[Connection] {.
+ stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
tags: [RootEffect].}
method accept(self: RelayTransport): Future[Connection] {....gcsafe,
- stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
- tags: [RootEffect].}
method accept(self: RelayTransport): Future[Connection] {.stackTrace: false,
+ ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
method dial(self: RelayTransport; hostname: string; ma: MultiAddress;
peerId: Opt[PeerId] = Opt.none(PeerId)): Future[Connection] {.
- ...gcsafe, stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
+ stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
tags: [RootEffect].}
method stop(self: RelayTransport): Future[void] {....gcsafe, stackTrace: false,
- ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
method stop(self: RelayTransport): Future[void] {.stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe,
+ raises: [], raises: [], raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
proc sendHopStatus(conn: Connection; code: StatusV2): Future[void] {....gcsafe,
- stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
proc sendHopStatus(conn: Connection; code: StatusV2): Future[void] {.
+ stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
tags: [RootEffect].}
proc sendStatus(conn: Connection; code: StatusV1): Future[void] {....gcsafe,
- stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
proc sendStatus(conn: Connection; code: StatusV1): Future[void] {.
+ stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
tags: [RootEffect].}
-../protobuf/minprotobuf, ../peerinfo, ../stream/connection, ../peerid, ../crypto/crypto, ../multiaddress, protocol, ../utility, ../errors, ../observedaddrmanager
+../protobuf/minprotobuf, ../peerinfo, ../stream/connection, ../peerid, ../crypto/crypto, ../multiaddress, ../multicodec, protocol, ../utility, ../errors, ../observedaddrmanager
IdentifyPushCodec = "/ipfs/id/push/1.0.0"
ProtoVersion = "ipfs/0.1.0"
IdentifyPushCodec = "/ipfs/id/push/1.0.0"
ProtoVersion = "ipfs/0.1.0"
proc identify(self: Identify; conn: Connection; remotePeerId: PeerId): Future[
- IdentifyInfo] {....gcsafe, stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [],
+ IdentifyInfo] {.stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [],
raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
proc new(T: typedesc[Identify]; peerInfo: PeerInfo; sendSignedPeerRecord = false): T:type {.
- ...raises: [].}
proc new(T: typedesc[Identify]; peerInfo: PeerInfo;
+ sendSignedPeerRecord = false;
+ observedAddrManager = T:type {....raises: [].}
proc ping(p: Ping; conn: Connection): Future[Duration] {....gcsafe, public(),
proc ping(p: Ping; conn: Connection): Future[Duration] {.public(),
stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
tags: [RootEffect].}
-newLPStreamWriteError, DNS_OR_IP, ProtoHeader, shortLog, init, random, UDP_DNS, $, <=, MaError, ephemeral, decode, MaPatternOp, ==, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, getProtoHeader, MaxSizeError, ProtoFlags, getLen, ECDHEScheme, shortLog, init, init, closed, [], macOpenArray, random, init, VBuffer, Secret, peekVarint, random, $, validate, mapOr, bytes, maxInlineKeyLength, TranscoderDNS, QUIC, [], key, ephemeral, withValue, getRequiredField, getField, writeLp, WS_IP, isEnough, public, MAKind, getBytes, write, DNSANY, checkFieldNumber, valueOr, getRepeatedField, matchPartial, libp2p_pki_schemes, getBytes, len, readVarint, readLp, HTTP, initVBuffer, mac, atEof, LPStreamTrackerName, peekSeq, toOpt, fullAddrs, payloadType, getProtoHeader, LPStreamError, IP, protoAddress, newRng, DefaultConnectionTimeout, ==, checkValid, getPublicKey, exceptionToAssert, decodeProposal, len, CircuitRelay, extractPublicKey, mapAnd, new, verify, UDP_IP, new, newLPStreamEOFError, init, write, ==, DNSADDR, AddressMapper, write, PeerId, WSS, LPStream, TCP_IP, close, hash, writePacked, init, closeImpl, readSeq, toBytes, TCP_DNS, shortLog, encode, len, capLen, protoName, toRawBytes, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, initProtoBuffer, newLPStreamReadError, init, WSS_DNS, match, writeLPVarint, CryptoResult, WebSockets_DNS, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, init, init, UDP, TranscoderOnion, StreamTracker, write, init, LPStreamResetError, isEmpty, writeArray, LPStreamReadError, decode, LPStreamIncompleteError, [], LPStreamEOFError, IP6, shortLog, initVBuffer, decode, PKScheme, payload, init, init, Connection, write, init, TCP, PrivateKey, getBytes, write, &=, PeerInfoError, newLPStreamClosedError, random, compilesOr, TranscoderIP4, init, initProtoBuffer, toException, DNS, UTP, goffset, readVarint, >, KeyPair, init, init, high, toString, cmp, init, SupportedWireTypes, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, Signature, contains, hash, formatItIMPL, toBytes, DigestSheme, init, IPFS, readOnce, init, isEmpty, ProtoScalar, shortLog, data, LPStreamIncorrectDefect, hex, protocols, update, HTTPS, tryAndWarn, WebSockets, LPError, getPtr, write, TLS_WS, sign, finish, encode, MaResult, ProtoField, init, toBytes, writeSeq, init, &, DNS6, IpTransportProtocol, toOpenArray, init, allFuturesThrowing, IP4, TranscoderPort, write, newLPStreamIncorrectDefect, getField, init, createExchange, >=, init, payloadDomain, $, MaPattern, withValue, getRawBytes, init, LPStreamLimitError, TranscoderOnion3, SignedPayload, toBytes, protoArgument, newLPStreamLimitError, keyOpenArray, match, createProposal, parseFullAddress, $, isEmpty, supported, getRequiredRepeatedField, init, newLPStreamIncompleteError, newLPStreamReadError, initProtoBuffer, MAProtocol, newLPStreamResetError, getPackedRepeatedField, initStream, init, getField, shortLog, DNS4, getWrapped, readArray, selectBest, safeConvert, P2PPattern, Envelope, hasPublicKey, toException, init, isEnough, init, Reliable, addrs, hex, ProtoBuffer, closeImpl, write, WS, stretchKeys, encode, init, init, getField, getField, match, getField, <, iv, readLine, Eof, CryptoError, getField, hash, append, vsizeof, init, parseFullAddress, WSS_IP, LPStreamConnDownError, peekArray, UNIX, PeerRecord, init, SupportedSchemes, getRepeatedField, LPStreamWriteError, getField, Unreliable, SupportedSchemesInt, random, checkFutures, shuffle, init, validate, $, protoCode, mapEq, Onion3, write, TcpOnion3, concat, TranscoderP2P, PeerInfo, AddressInfo, ConnectionTrackerName, TranscoderIP6, write, EnvelopeError, encode, newLPStreamRemoteClosedError, MaPatResult, Direction, InvalidVarintError, shortLog, items, ==, init, write, getBytes, write, init, PublicKey, WebSockets_IP, writeLp, writePBVarint, ProtoFieldKind, readExactly, protoArgument, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, newLPStreamConnDownError, write, initStream, getField, MultiAddress, finish, ivOpenArray, closeWithEOF, TimeoutHandler, orError, decodeExchange, getField, LPStreamRemoteClosedError, setupStreamTracker, MaInvalidAddress, LPStreamClosedError, RsaDefaultKeySize, write, getOrder, TranscoderUnix, SignedPeerRecord, join, writeVarint
+newLPStreamWriteError, DNS_OR_IP, ProtoHeader, shortLog, init, random, UDP_DNS, $, <=, MaError, ephemeral, decode, MaPatternOp, ==, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, getProtoHeader, MaxSizeError, ProtoFlags, getLen, ECDHEScheme, shortLog, init, init, closed, [], macOpenArray, random, init, VBuffer, Secret, peekVarint, random, $, validate, mapOr, bytes, maxInlineKeyLength, TranscoderDNS, QUIC, [], key, ephemeral, withValue, getRequiredField, getField, writeLp, WS_IP, isEnough, public, MAKind, getBytes, write, DNSANY, checkFieldNumber, valueOr, getRepeatedField, matchPartial, libp2p_pki_schemes, getBytes, len, readVarint, readLp, HTTP, initVBuffer, mac, atEof, LPStreamTrackerName, peekSeq, toOpt, fullAddrs, payloadType, getProtoHeader, LPStreamError, IP, protoAddress, newRng, DefaultConnectionTimeout, ==, checkValid, getPublicKey, exceptionToAssert, decodeProposal, len, CircuitRelay, extractPublicKey, mapAnd, new, verify, UDP_IP, new, newLPStreamEOFError, init, write, ==, DNSADDR, AddressMapper, write, PeerId, WSS, LPStream, TCP_IP, close, hash, writePacked, init, closeImpl, readSeq, toBytes, TCP_DNS, shortLog, encode, len, capLen, protoName, toRawBytes, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, initProtoBuffer, newLPStreamReadError, init, WSS_DNS, match, writeLPVarint, CryptoResult, WebSockets_DNS, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, init, init, UDP, TranscoderOnion, StreamTracker, write, init, LPStreamResetError, isEmpty, writeArray, LPStreamReadError, decode, LPStreamIncompleteError, [], LPStreamEOFError, IP6, shortLog, initVBuffer, decode, PKScheme, payload, init, init, Connection, write, init, TCP, PrivateKey, getBytes, write, &=, PeerInfoError, newLPStreamClosedError, random, compilesOr, TranscoderIP4, init, initProtoBuffer, toException, DNS, UTP, goffset, readVarint, >, KeyPair, init, init, high, toString, cmp, init, SupportedWireTypes, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, Signature, contains, hash, formatItIMPL, toBytes, DigestSheme, init, IPFS, readOnce, init, isEmpty, ProtoScalar, shortLog, data, LPStreamIncorrectDefect, hex, protocols, update, HTTPS, tryAndWarn, WebSockets, LPError, getPtr, write, TLS_WS, sign, finish, encode, MaResult, ProtoField, init, toBytes, writeSeq, init, &, DNS6, IpTransportProtocol, toOpenArray, init, allFuturesThrowing, IP4, TranscoderPort, write, newLPStreamIncorrectDefect, getField, init, createExchange, >=, init, payloadDomain, $, MaPattern, withValue, getRawBytes, init, LPStreamLimitError, TranscoderOnion3, SignedPayload, toBytes, protoArgument, newLPStreamLimitError, keyOpenArray, match, createProposal, parseFullAddress, $, isEmpty, supported, getRequiredRepeatedField, init, newLPStreamIncompleteError, newLPStreamReadError, initProtoBuffer, MAProtocol, newLPStreamResetError, getPackedRepeatedField, initStream, init, getField, shortLog, DNS4, getWrapped, readArray, selectBest, safeConvert, P2PPattern, Envelope, hasPublicKey, toException, init, isEnough, init, Reliable, addrs, hex, ProtoBuffer, closeImpl, write, WS, stretchKeys, encode, init, init, getField, getField, match, getField, <, iv, readLine, Eof, CryptoError, getField, hash, append, vsizeof, init, parseFullAddress, WSS_IP, LPStreamConnDownError, peekArray, UNIX, PeerRecord, init, SupportedSchemes, getRepeatedField, LPStreamWriteError, getField, Unreliable, SupportedSchemesInt, random, checkFutures, shuffle, init, validate, $, protoCode, mapEq, Onion3, write, TcpOnion3, concat, TranscoderP2P, PeerInfo, AddressInfo, ConnectionTrackerName, TranscoderIP6, write, EnvelopeError, encode, newLPStreamRemoteClosedError, MaPatResult, Direction, InvalidVarintError, shortLog, items, ==, init, write, getBytes, write, init, PublicKey, WebSockets_IP, writeLp, writePBVarint, ProtoFieldKind, readExactly, protoArgument, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, newLPStreamConnDownError, write, initStream, getField, MultiAddress, finish, ivOpenArray, closeWithEOF, TimeoutHandler, orError, decodeExchange, getField, LPStreamRemoteClosedError, setupStreamTracker, MaInvalidAddress, LPStreamClosedError, RsaDefaultKeySize, write, getOrder, TranscoderUnix, SignedPeerRecord, join, writeVarint
proc rateLimit(g: GossipSub; peer: PubSubPeer; rpcMsgOpt: Opt[RPCMsg];
- msgSize: int): Future[void] {.
- ...raises: [PeerRateLimitError, CatchableError], stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe,
+ msgSize: int): Future[void] {.stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe,
raises: [], raises: [], raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
proc sendEncoded(p: PubSubPeer; msg: seq[byte]): Future[void] {....raises: [],
- stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
proc sendEncoded(p: PubSubPeer; msg: seq[byte]): Future[void] {.
+ stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
tags: [RootEffect].}
-formatItIMPL, hash, shortLog, random, $, write, PeerId, ==, getField, <=, capLen, init, validate, init, match, <, getBytes, maxInlineKeyLength, write, withValue, safeConvert, shortLog, >=, withValue, public, shortLog, compilesOr, toBytes, match, valueOr, init, init, init, toOpt, init, hasPublicKey, >, hex, len, exceptionToAssert, cmp, extractPublicKey, newLPStreamWriteError, DNS_OR_IP, ProtoHeader, shortLog, init, random, UDP_DNS, $, <=, MaError, ephemeral, decode, MaPatternOp, ==, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, getProtoHeader, MaxSizeError, ProtoFlags, getLen, ECDHEScheme, shortLog, init, init, closed, [], macOpenArray, random, init, VBuffer, Secret, peekVarint, random, $, validate, mapOr, bytes, maxInlineKeyLength, TranscoderDNS, QUIC, [], key, ephemeral, withValue, getRequiredField, getField, writeLp, WS_IP, isEnough, public, MAKind, getBytes, write, DNSANY, checkFieldNumber, valueOr, getRepeatedField, matchPartial, libp2p_pki_schemes, getBytes, len, readVarint, readLp, HTTP, initVBuffer, mac, atEof, LPStreamTrackerName, peekSeq, toOpt, fullAddrs, payloadType, getProtoHeader, LPStreamError, IP, protoAddress, newRng, DefaultConnectionTimeout, ==, checkValid, getPublicKey, exceptionToAssert, decodeProposal, len, CircuitRelay, extractPublicKey, mapAnd, new, verify, UDP_IP, new, newLPStreamEOFError, init, write, ==, DNSADDR, AddressMapper, write, PeerId, WSS, LPStream, TCP_IP, close, hash, writePacked, init, closeImpl, readSeq, toBytes, TCP_DNS, shortLog, encode, len, capLen, protoName, toRawBytes, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, initProtoBuffer, newLPStreamReadError, init, WSS_DNS, match, writeLPVarint, CryptoResult, WebSockets_DNS, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, init, init, UDP, TranscoderOnion, StreamTracker, write, init, LPStreamResetError, isEmpty, writeArray, LPStreamReadError, decode, LPStreamIncompleteError, [], LPStreamEOFError, IP6, shortLog, initVBuffer, decode, PKScheme, payload, init, init, Connection, write, init, TCP, PrivateKey, getBytes, write, &=, PeerInfoError, newLPStreamClosedError, random, compilesOr, TranscoderIP4, init, initProtoBuffer, toException, DNS, UTP, goffset, readVarint, >, KeyPair, init, init, high, toString, cmp, init, SupportedWireTypes, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, Signature, contains, hash, formatItIMPL, toBytes, DigestSheme, init, IPFS, readOnce, init, isEmpty, ProtoScalar, shortLog, data, LPStreamIncorrectDefect, hex, protocols, update, HTTPS, tryAndWarn, WebSockets, LPError, getPtr, write, TLS_WS, sign, finish, encode, MaResult, ProtoField, init, toBytes, writeSeq, init, &, DNS6, IpTransportProtocol, toOpenArray, init, allFuturesThrowing, IP4, TranscoderPort, write, newLPStreamIncorrectDefect, getField, init, createExchange, >=, init, payloadDomain, $, MaPattern, withValue, getRawBytes, init, LPStreamLimitError, TranscoderOnion3, SignedPayload, toBytes, protoArgument, newLPStreamLimitError, keyOpenArray, match, createProposal, parseFullAddress, $, isEmpty, supported, getRequiredRepeatedField, init, newLPStreamIncompleteError, newLPStreamReadError, initProtoBuffer, MAProtocol, newLPStreamResetError, getPackedRepeatedField, initStream, init, getField, shortLog, DNS4, getWrapped, readArray, selectBest, safeConvert, P2PPattern, Envelope, hasPublicKey, toException, init, isEnough, init, Reliable, addrs, hex, ProtoBuffer, closeImpl, write, WS, stretchKeys, encode, init, init, getField, getField, match, getField, <, iv, readLine, Eof, CryptoError, getField, hash, append, vsizeof, init, parseFullAddress, WSS_IP, LPStreamConnDownError, peekArray, UNIX, PeerRecord, init, SupportedSchemes, getRepeatedField, LPStreamWriteError, getField, Unreliable, SupportedSchemesInt, random, checkFutures, shuffle, init, validate, $, protoCode, mapEq, Onion3, write, TcpOnion3, concat, TranscoderP2P, PeerInfo, AddressInfo, ConnectionTrackerName, TranscoderIP6, write, EnvelopeError, encode, newLPStreamRemoteClosedError, MaPatResult, Direction, InvalidVarintError, shortLog, items, ==, init, write, getBytes, write, init, PublicKey, WebSockets_IP, writeLp, writePBVarint, ProtoFieldKind, readExactly, protoArgument, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, newLPStreamConnDownError, write, initStream, getField, MultiAddress, finish, ivOpenArray, closeWithEOF, TimeoutHandler, orError, decodeExchange, getField, LPStreamRemoteClosedError, setupStreamTracker, MaInvalidAddress, LPStreamClosedError, RsaDefaultKeySize, write, getOrder, TranscoderUnix, SignedPeerRecord, join, writeVarint
+formatItIMPL, hash, shortLog, random, $, write, PeerId, ==, getField, <=, capLen, init, validate, init, match, <, getBytes, maxInlineKeyLength, write, withValue, safeConvert, shortLog, >=, withValue, public, shortLog, compilesOr, toBytes, match, valueOr, init, init, init, toOpt, init, hasPublicKey, >, hex, len, exceptionToAssert, cmp, extractPublicKey, newLPStreamWriteError, DNS_OR_IP, ProtoHeader, shortLog, init, random, UDP_DNS, $, <=, MaError, ephemeral, decode, MaPatternOp, ==, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, getProtoHeader, MaxSizeError, ProtoFlags, getLen, ECDHEScheme, shortLog, init, init, closed, [], macOpenArray, random, init, VBuffer, Secret, peekVarint, random, $, validate, mapOr, bytes, maxInlineKeyLength, TranscoderDNS, QUIC, [], key, ephemeral, withValue, getRequiredField, getField, writeLp, WS_IP, isEnough, public, MAKind, getBytes, write, DNSANY, checkFieldNumber, valueOr, getRepeatedField, matchPartial, libp2p_pki_schemes, getBytes, len, readVarint, readLp, HTTP, initVBuffer, mac, atEof, LPStreamTrackerName, peekSeq, toOpt, fullAddrs, payloadType, getProtoHeader, LPStreamError, IP, protoAddress, newRng, DefaultConnectionTimeout, ==, checkValid, getPublicKey, exceptionToAssert, decodeProposal, len, CircuitRelay, extractPublicKey, mapAnd, new, verify, UDP_IP, new, newLPStreamEOFError, init, write, ==, DNSADDR, AddressMapper, write, PeerId, WSS, LPStream, TCP_IP, close, hash, writePacked, init, closeImpl, readSeq, toBytes, TCP_DNS, shortLog, encode, len, capLen, protoName, toRawBytes, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, initProtoBuffer, newLPStreamReadError, init, WSS_DNS, match, writeLPVarint, CryptoResult, WebSockets_DNS, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, init, init, UDP, TranscoderOnion, StreamTracker, write, init, LPStreamResetError, isEmpty, writeArray, LPStreamReadError, decode, LPStreamIncompleteError, [], LPStreamEOFError, IP6, shortLog, initVBuffer, decode, PKScheme, payload, init, init, Connection, write, init, TCP, PrivateKey, getBytes, write, &=, PeerInfoError, newLPStreamClosedError, random, compilesOr, TranscoderIP4, init, initProtoBuffer, toException, DNS, UTP, goffset, readVarint, >, KeyPair, init, init, high, toString, cmp, init, SupportedWireTypes, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, Signature, contains, hash, formatItIMPL, toBytes, DigestSheme, init, IPFS, readOnce, init, isEmpty, ProtoScalar, shortLog, data, LPStreamIncorrectDefect, hex, protocols, update, HTTPS, tryAndWarn, WebSockets, LPError, getPtr, write, TLS_WS, sign, finish, encode, MaResult, ProtoField, init, toBytes, writeSeq, init, &, DNS6, IpTransportProtocol, toOpenArray, init, allFuturesThrowing, IP4, TranscoderPort, write, newLPStreamIncorrectDefect, getField, init, createExchange, >=, init, payloadDomain, $, MaPattern, withValue, getRawBytes, init, LPStreamLimitError, TranscoderOnion3, SignedPayload, toBytes, protoArgument, newLPStreamLimitError, keyOpenArray, match, createProposal, parseFullAddress, $, isEmpty, supported, getRequiredRepeatedField, init, newLPStreamIncompleteError, newLPStreamReadError, initProtoBuffer, MAProtocol, newLPStreamResetError, getPackedRepeatedField, initStream, init, getField, shortLog, DNS4, getWrapped, readArray, selectBest, safeConvert, P2PPattern, Envelope, hasPublicKey, toException, init, isEnough, init, Reliable, addrs, hex, ProtoBuffer, closeImpl, write, WS, stretchKeys, encode, init, init, getField, getField, match, getField, <, iv, readLine, Eof, CryptoError, getField, hash, append, vsizeof, init, parseFullAddress, WSS_IP, LPStreamConnDownError, peekArray, UNIX, PeerRecord, init, SupportedSchemes, getRepeatedField, LPStreamWriteError, getField, Unreliable, SupportedSchemesInt, random, checkFutures, shuffle, init, validate, $, protoCode, mapEq, Onion3, write, TcpOnion3, concat, TranscoderP2P, PeerInfo, AddressInfo, ConnectionTrackerName, TranscoderIP6, write, EnvelopeError, encode, newLPStreamRemoteClosedError, MaPatResult, Direction, InvalidVarintError, shortLog, items, ==, init, write, getBytes, write, init, PublicKey, WebSockets_IP, writeLp, writePBVarint, ProtoFieldKind, readExactly, protoArgument, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, newLPStreamConnDownError, write, initStream, getField, MultiAddress, finish, ivOpenArray, closeWithEOF, TimeoutHandler, orError, decodeExchange, getField, LPStreamRemoteClosedError, setupStreamTracker, MaInvalidAddress, LPStreamClosedError, RsaDefaultKeySize, write, getOrder, TranscoderUnix, SignedPeerRecord, join, writeVarint
@@ -498,14 +496,14 @@ class="link-seesrc" target="_blank">Source
- Edit
+ Edit
-method secure(s: Secure; conn: Connection; initiator: bool; peerId: Opt[PeerId]): Future[
method secure(s: Secure; conn: Connection; peerId: Opt[PeerId]): Future[
Connection] {.base, ...gcsafe, raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
-formatItIMPL, hash, shortLog, random, $, write, PeerId, ==, getField, <=, capLen, init, validate, init, match, <, getBytes, maxInlineKeyLength, write, withValue, safeConvert, shortLog, >=, withValue, public, shortLog, compilesOr, toBytes, match, valueOr, init, init, init, toOpt, init, hasPublicKey, >, hex, len, exceptionToAssert, cmp, extractPublicKey, DNS_OR_IP, hash, UDP_DNS, MaError, IPFS, MaPatternOp, isEmpty, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, ProtoScalar, getProtoHeader, hex, protocols, bytes, ==, getLen, HTTPS, UNIX, TranscoderIP6, encode, [], MaResult, init, ProtoField, peekVarint, getRequiredRepeatedField, mapOr, writeSeq, WebSockets_IP, &, DNS6, TLS_WS, [], IpTransportProtocol, QUIC, toOpenArray, IP4, TranscoderPort, withValue, safeConvert, getRequiredField, $, WS_IP, withValue, public, MAKind, getField, checkFieldNumber, TranscoderOnion3, getRepeatedField, matchPartial, protoArgument, match, data, WebSockets, $, isEmpty, HTTP, initVBuffer, finish, VBuffer, init, TcpOnion3, initProtoBuffer, MAProtocol, peekSeq, getPackedRepeatedField, toOpt, getProtoHeader, ProtoHeader, IP, getField, protoAddress, DNS4, readArray, getPtr, isEnough, P2PPattern, CircuitRelay, contains, isEnough, Reliable, ProtoBuffer, len, WS, exceptionToAssert, mapAnd, UDP_IP, DNSANY, DNSADDR, append, write, WSS_IP, peekArray, WSS, readSeq, getRepeatedField, TCP_IP, getField, writePacked, Unreliable, TCP_DNS, capLen, init, protoName, protoArgument, validate, mapEq, Onion3, MaPattern, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, initProtoBuffer, concat, TranscoderP2P, WSS_DNS, writeLPVarint, write, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, len, UDP, MaPatResult, TranscoderOnion, write, init, shortLog, items, isEmpty, writeArray, write, WebSockets_DNS, init, UTP, [], IP6, shortLog, ProtoFlags, finish, writePBVarint, valueOr, ProtoFieldKind, TCP, TranscoderDNS, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, init, init, getField, MultiAddress, &=, readVarint, compilesOr, vsizeof, getField, TranscoderIP4, init, initVBuffer, protoCode, MaInvalidAddress, initProtoBuffer, DNS, write, TranscoderUnix, high, toString, writeVarint, SupportedWireTypes, verify, Signature, shortLog, $, toBytes, DigestSheme, ephemeral, getField, mac, init, decodeProposal, write, ==, init, sign, init, encode, decodeExchange, shuffle, random, Secret, write, init, init, withValue, safeConvert, createExchange, supported, withValue, public, init, SignedPayload, toBytes, PrivateKey, keyOpenArray, payload, init, getBytes, toOpt, init, ECDHEScheme, newRng, selectBest, write, Envelope, getPublicKey, init, init, random, decode, exceptionToAssert, getField, getField, iv, init, CryptoError, ==, init, write, SupportedSchemes, libp2p_pki_schemes, init, toBytes, random, capLen, macOpenArray, init, write, toRawBytes, createProposal, init, random, CryptoResult, init, write, EnvelopeError, SupportedSchemesInt, encode, decode, init, ephemeral, shortLog, init, getBytes, init, shortLog, PKScheme, PublicKey, stretchKeys, valueOr, getBytes, getField, ivOpenArray, RsaDefaultKeySize, compilesOr, orError, init, $, goffset, getRawBytes, getOrder, KeyPair, key, init
+formatItIMPL, hash, shortLog, random, $, write, PeerId, ==, getField, <=, capLen, init, validate, init, match, <, getBytes, maxInlineKeyLength, write, withValue, safeConvert, shortLog, >=, withValue, public, shortLog, compilesOr, toBytes, match, valueOr, init, init, init, toOpt, init, hasPublicKey, >, hex, len, exceptionToAssert, cmp, extractPublicKey, DNS_OR_IP, hash, UDP_DNS, MaError, IPFS, MaPatternOp, isEmpty, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, ProtoScalar, getProtoHeader, hex, protocols, bytes, ==, getLen, HTTPS, UNIX, TranscoderIP6, encode, [], MaResult, init, ProtoField, peekVarint, getRequiredRepeatedField, mapOr, writeSeq, WebSockets_IP, &, DNS6, TLS_WS, [], IpTransportProtocol, QUIC, toOpenArray, IP4, TranscoderPort, withValue, safeConvert, getRequiredField, $, WS_IP, withValue, public, MAKind, getField, checkFieldNumber, TranscoderOnion3, getRepeatedField, matchPartial, protoArgument, match, data, WebSockets, $, isEmpty, HTTP, initVBuffer, finish, VBuffer, init, TcpOnion3, initProtoBuffer, MAProtocol, peekSeq, getPackedRepeatedField, toOpt, getProtoHeader, ProtoHeader, IP, getField, protoAddress, DNS4, readArray, getPtr, isEnough, P2PPattern, CircuitRelay, contains, isEnough, Reliable, ProtoBuffer, len, WS, exceptionToAssert, mapAnd, UDP_IP, DNSANY, DNSADDR, append, write, WSS_IP, peekArray, WSS, readSeq, getRepeatedField, TCP_IP, getField, writePacked, Unreliable, TCP_DNS, capLen, init, protoName, protoArgument, validate, mapEq, Onion3, MaPattern, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, initProtoBuffer, concat, TranscoderP2P, WSS_DNS, writeLPVarint, write, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, len, UDP, MaPatResult, TranscoderOnion, write, init, shortLog, items, isEmpty, writeArray, write, WebSockets_DNS, init, UTP, [], IP6, shortLog, ProtoFlags, finish, writePBVarint, valueOr, ProtoFieldKind, TCP, TranscoderDNS, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, init, init, getField, MultiAddress, &=, readVarint, compilesOr, vsizeof, getField, TranscoderIP4, init, initVBuffer, protoCode, MaInvalidAddress, initProtoBuffer, DNS, write, TranscoderUnix, high, toString, writeVarint, SupportedWireTypes, verify, Signature, shortLog, $, toBytes, DigestSheme, ephemeral, getField, mac, init, decodeProposal, write, ==, init, sign, init, encode, decodeExchange, shuffle, random, Secret, write, init, init, withValue, safeConvert, createExchange, supported, withValue, public, init, SignedPayload, toBytes, PrivateKey, keyOpenArray, payload, init, getBytes, toOpt, init, ECDHEScheme, newRng, selectBest, write, Envelope, getPublicKey, init, init, random, decode, exceptionToAssert, getField, getField, iv, init, CryptoError, ==, init, write, SupportedSchemes, libp2p_pki_schemes, init, toBytes, random, capLen, macOpenArray, init, write, toRawBytes, createProposal, init, random, CryptoResult, init, write, EnvelopeError, SupportedSchemesInt, encode, decode, init, ephemeral, shortLog, init, getBytes, init, shortLog, PKScheme, PublicKey, stretchKeys, valueOr, getBytes, getField, ivOpenArray, RsaDefaultKeySize, compilesOr, orError, init, $, goffset, getRawBytes, getOrder, KeyPair, key, init
-newLPStreamWriteError, DNS_OR_IP, ProtoHeader, shortLog, init, random, UDP_DNS, $, <=, MaError, ephemeral, decode, MaPatternOp, ==, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, getProtoHeader, MaxSizeError, ProtoFlags, getLen, ECDHEScheme, shortLog, init, init, closed, [], macOpenArray, random, init, VBuffer, Secret, peekVarint, random, $, validate, mapOr, bytes, maxInlineKeyLength, TranscoderDNS, QUIC, [], key, ephemeral, withValue, getRequiredField, getField, writeLp, WS_IP, isEnough, public, MAKind, getBytes, write, DNSANY, checkFieldNumber, valueOr, getRepeatedField, matchPartial, libp2p_pki_schemes, getBytes, len, readVarint, readLp, HTTP, initVBuffer, mac, atEof, LPStreamTrackerName, peekSeq, toOpt, fullAddrs, payloadType, getProtoHeader, LPStreamError, IP, protoAddress, newRng, DefaultConnectionTimeout, ==, checkValid, getPublicKey, exceptionToAssert, decodeProposal, len, CircuitRelay, extractPublicKey, mapAnd, new, verify, UDP_IP, new, newLPStreamEOFError, init, write, ==, DNSADDR, AddressMapper, write, PeerId, WSS, LPStream, TCP_IP, close, hash, writePacked, init, closeImpl, readSeq, toBytes, TCP_DNS, shortLog, encode, len, capLen, protoName, toRawBytes, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, initProtoBuffer, newLPStreamReadError, init, WSS_DNS, match, writeLPVarint, CryptoResult, WebSockets_DNS, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, init, init, UDP, TranscoderOnion, StreamTracker, write, init, LPStreamResetError, isEmpty, writeArray, LPStreamReadError, decode, LPStreamIncompleteError, [], LPStreamEOFError, IP6, shortLog, initVBuffer, decode, PKScheme, payload, init, init, Connection, write, init, TCP, PrivateKey, getBytes, write, &=, PeerInfoError, newLPStreamClosedError, random, compilesOr, TranscoderIP4, init, initProtoBuffer, toException, DNS, UTP, goffset, readVarint, >, KeyPair, init, init, high, toString, cmp, init, SupportedWireTypes, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, Signature, contains, hash, formatItIMPL, toBytes, DigestSheme, init, IPFS, readOnce, init, isEmpty, ProtoScalar, shortLog, data, LPStreamIncorrectDefect, hex, protocols, update, HTTPS, tryAndWarn, WebSockets, LPError, getPtr, write, TLS_WS, sign, finish, encode, MaResult, ProtoField, init, toBytes, writeSeq, init, &, DNS6, IpTransportProtocol, toOpenArray, init, allFuturesThrowing, IP4, TranscoderPort, write, newLPStreamIncorrectDefect, getField, init, createExchange, >=, init, payloadDomain, $, MaPattern, withValue, getRawBytes, init, LPStreamLimitError, TranscoderOnion3, SignedPayload, toBytes, protoArgument, newLPStreamLimitError, keyOpenArray, match, createProposal, parseFullAddress, $, isEmpty, supported, getRequiredRepeatedField, init, newLPStreamIncompleteError, newLPStreamReadError, initProtoBuffer, MAProtocol, newLPStreamResetError, getPackedRepeatedField, initStream, init, getField, shortLog, DNS4, getWrapped, readArray, selectBest, safeConvert, P2PPattern, Envelope, hasPublicKey, toException, init, isEnough, init, Reliable, addrs, hex, ProtoBuffer, closeImpl, write, WS, stretchKeys, encode, init, init, getField, getField, match, getField, <, iv, readLine, Eof, CryptoError, getField, hash, append, vsizeof, init, parseFullAddress, WSS_IP, LPStreamConnDownError, peekArray, UNIX, PeerRecord, init, SupportedSchemes, getRepeatedField, LPStreamWriteError, getField, Unreliable, SupportedSchemesInt, random, checkFutures, shuffle, init, validate, $, protoCode, mapEq, Onion3, write, TcpOnion3, concat, TranscoderP2P, PeerInfo, AddressInfo, ConnectionTrackerName, TranscoderIP6, write, EnvelopeError, encode, newLPStreamRemoteClosedError, MaPatResult, Direction, InvalidVarintError, shortLog, items, ==, init, write, getBytes, write, init, PublicKey, WebSockets_IP, writeLp, writePBVarint, ProtoFieldKind, readExactly, protoArgument, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, newLPStreamConnDownError, write, initStream, getField, MultiAddress, finish, ivOpenArray, closeWithEOF, TimeoutHandler, orError, decodeExchange, getField, LPStreamRemoteClosedError, setupStreamTracker, MaInvalidAddress, LPStreamClosedError, RsaDefaultKeySize, write, getOrder, TranscoderUnix, SignedPeerRecord, join, writeVarint
+newLPStreamWriteError, DNS_OR_IP, ProtoHeader, shortLog, init, random, UDP_DNS, $, <=, MaError, ephemeral, decode, MaPatternOp, ==, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, getProtoHeader, MaxSizeError, ProtoFlags, getLen, ECDHEScheme, shortLog, init, init, closed, [], macOpenArray, random, init, VBuffer, Secret, peekVarint, random, $, validate, mapOr, bytes, maxInlineKeyLength, TranscoderDNS, QUIC, [], key, ephemeral, withValue, getRequiredField, getField, writeLp, WS_IP, isEnough, public, MAKind, getBytes, write, DNSANY, checkFieldNumber, valueOr, getRepeatedField, matchPartial, libp2p_pki_schemes, getBytes, len, readVarint, readLp, HTTP, initVBuffer, mac, atEof, LPStreamTrackerName, peekSeq, toOpt, fullAddrs, payloadType, getProtoHeader, LPStreamError, IP, protoAddress, newRng, DefaultConnectionTimeout, ==, checkValid, getPublicKey, exceptionToAssert, decodeProposal, len, CircuitRelay, extractPublicKey, mapAnd, new, verify, UDP_IP, new, newLPStreamEOFError, init, write, ==, DNSADDR, AddressMapper, write, PeerId, WSS, LPStream, TCP_IP, close, hash, writePacked, init, closeImpl, readSeq, toBytes, TCP_DNS, shortLog, encode, len, capLen, protoName, toRawBytes, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, initProtoBuffer, newLPStreamReadError, init, WSS_DNS, match, writeLPVarint, CryptoResult, WebSockets_DNS, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, init, init, UDP, TranscoderOnion, StreamTracker, write, init, LPStreamResetError, isEmpty, writeArray, LPStreamReadError, decode, LPStreamIncompleteError, [], LPStreamEOFError, IP6, shortLog, initVBuffer, decode, PKScheme, payload, init, init, Connection, write, init, TCP, PrivateKey, getBytes, write, &=, PeerInfoError, newLPStreamClosedError, random, compilesOr, TranscoderIP4, init, initProtoBuffer, toException, DNS, UTP, goffset, readVarint, >, KeyPair, init, init, high, toString, cmp, init, SupportedWireTypes, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, Signature, contains, hash, formatItIMPL, toBytes, DigestSheme, init, IPFS, readOnce, init, isEmpty, ProtoScalar, shortLog, data, LPStreamIncorrectDefect, hex, protocols, update, HTTPS, tryAndWarn, WebSockets, LPError, getPtr, write, TLS_WS, sign, finish, encode, MaResult, ProtoField, init, toBytes, writeSeq, init, &, DNS6, IpTransportProtocol, toOpenArray, init, allFuturesThrowing, IP4, TranscoderPort, write, newLPStreamIncorrectDefect, getField, init, createExchange, >=, init, payloadDomain, $, MaPattern, withValue, getRawBytes, init, LPStreamLimitError, TranscoderOnion3, SignedPayload, toBytes, protoArgument, newLPStreamLimitError, keyOpenArray, match, createProposal, parseFullAddress, $, isEmpty, supported, getRequiredRepeatedField, init, newLPStreamIncompleteError, newLPStreamReadError, initProtoBuffer, MAProtocol, newLPStreamResetError, getPackedRepeatedField, initStream, init, getField, shortLog, DNS4, getWrapped, readArray, selectBest, safeConvert, P2PPattern, Envelope, hasPublicKey, toException, init, isEnough, init, Reliable, addrs, hex, ProtoBuffer, closeImpl, write, WS, stretchKeys, encode, init, init, getField, getField, match, getField, <, iv, readLine, Eof, CryptoError, getField, hash, append, vsizeof, init, parseFullAddress, WSS_IP, LPStreamConnDownError, peekArray, UNIX, PeerRecord, init, SupportedSchemes, getRepeatedField, LPStreamWriteError, getField, Unreliable, SupportedSchemesInt, random, checkFutures, shuffle, init, validate, $, protoCode, mapEq, Onion3, write, TcpOnion3, concat, TranscoderP2P, PeerInfo, AddressInfo, ConnectionTrackerName, TranscoderIP6, write, EnvelopeError, encode, newLPStreamRemoteClosedError, MaPatResult, Direction, InvalidVarintError, shortLog, items, ==, init, write, getBytes, write, init, PublicKey, WebSockets_IP, writeLp, writePBVarint, ProtoFieldKind, readExactly, protoArgument, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, newLPStreamConnDownError, write, initStream, getField, MultiAddress, finish, ivOpenArray, closeWithEOF, TimeoutHandler, orError, decodeExchange, getField, LPStreamRemoteClosedError, setupStreamTracker, MaInvalidAddress, LPStreamClosedError, RsaDefaultKeySize, write, getOrder, TranscoderUnix, SignedPeerRecord, join, writeVarint
-allFuturesThrowing, InvalidVarintError, newLPStreamWriteError, newLPStreamIncorrectDefect, writeLp, newLPStreamReadError, formatItIMPL, newLPStreamEOFError, initStream, newLPStreamClosedError, closeWithEOF, newLPStreamLimitError, join, newLPStreamIncompleteError, LPStreamTrackerName, Eof, LPStreamError, atEof, LPStreamIncompleteError, close, LPStreamRemoteClosedError, readLp, readVarint, setupStreamTracker, LPStreamEOFError, newLPStreamReadError, LPStreamResetError, LPStreamConnDownError, LPStreamLimitError, readOnce, toException, toException, LPStream, LPStreamClosedError, LPStreamWriteError, StreamTracker, MaxSizeError, write, LPStreamIncorrectDefect, closeImpl, write, writeLp, newLPStreamRemoteClosedError, LPStreamReadError, checkFutures, readLine, closed, Direction, readExactly, tryAndWarn, newLPStreamConnDownError, newLPStreamResetError, shortLog, LPError, ProtoHeader, shortLog, UDP_DNS, ephemeral, init, MaPatternOp, getProtoHeader, shortLog, init, $, validate, hash, init, TLS_WS, TranscoderDNS, init, ephemeral, getField, MAKind, getField, checkFieldNumber, getRepeatedField, getBytes, len, &, peekSeq, fullAddrs, <=, init, getPublicKey, exceptionToAssert, new, DNSANY, DNSADDR, AddressMapper, WSS, toBytes, TCP_DNS, shortLog, encode, len, supported, ==, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, WSS_DNS, <, $, PeerInfo, TranscoderOnion, write, key, writeArray, PeerId, IP6, shortLog, payload, TCP, PrivateKey, getBytes, init, &=, init, $, getRawBytes, KeyPair, update, SupportedWireTypes, hash, init, DNS4, isEmpty, ProtoScalar, data, HTTPS, tryAndWarn, TranscoderIP6, encode, MaResult, DNS6, [], IpTransportProtocol, toOpenArray, allFuturesThrowing, TranscoderPort, isEnough, write, >=, init, payloadDomain, $, MaPattern, TranscoderOnion3, protoArgument, write, keyOpenArray, match, WebSockets_DNS, isEmpty, getRequiredRepeatedField, initProtoBuffer, init, init, getField, selectBest, getPtr, Envelope, init, finish, Reliable, addrs, stretchKeys, match, getField, CryptoError, append, vsizeof, parseFullAddress, init, getRepeatedField, checkFutures, shuffle, init, validate, protoCode, getField, TranscoderP2P, sign, getBytes, encode, WebSockets, shortLog, items, getBytes, init, ProtoFieldKind, protoArgument, getField, readVarint, orError, decodeExchange, MaInvalidAddress, writeVarint, getOrder, TranscoderUnix, SignedPeerRecord, DNS_OR_IP, decode, random, getProtoHeader, MaError, finish, matchPartial, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, ProtoFlags, ==, getLen, ECDHEScheme, init, [], random, Secret, peekVarint, random, mapOr, bytes, maxInlineKeyLength, QUIC, withValue, getRequiredField, mac, WS_IP, public, write, init, valueOr, init, HTTP, initVBuffer, TcpOnion3, write, toOpt, payloadType, decodeProposal, $, IP, protoAddress, newRng, checkValid, len, CircuitRelay, extractPublicKey, mapAnd, UDP_IP, init, ==, write, TCP_IP, writePacked, readSeq, capLen, protoName, toRawBytes, initProtoBuffer, toException, init, match, writeLPVarint, CryptoResult, parseFullAddress, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, init, UDP, init, isEmpty, decode, initVBuffer, decode, PKScheme, random, write, init, write, PeerInfoError, compilesOr, TranscoderIP4, initProtoBuffer, toException, DNS, goffset, >, init, high, toString, init, cmp, init, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, Signature, toBytes, DigestSheme, IPFS, MultiAddress, hex, protocols, init, UNIX, init, ProtoField, toBytes, writeSeq, ==, init, [], IP4, safeConvert, getField, init, createExchange, withValue, SignedPayload, toBytes, init, MAProtocol, getPackedRepeatedField, contains, libp2p_pki_schemes, readArray, P2PPattern, hasPublicKey, isEnough, hex, write, WS, encode, init, getField, iv, getField, WSS_IP, peekArray, PeerRecord, SupportedSchemes, Unreliable, SupportedSchemesInt, random, LPError, macOpenArray, mapEq, Onion3, concat, AddressInfo, write, EnvelopeError, createProposal, MaPatResult, ProtoBuffer, init, init, write, write, UTP, verify, init, PublicKey, WebSockets_IP, VBuffer, writePBVarint, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, init, ivOpenArray, RsaDefaultKeySize, getField, write, toException, toException, allFuturesThrowing, tryAndWarn, checkFutures, LPError
+allFuturesThrowing, InvalidVarintError, newLPStreamWriteError, newLPStreamIncorrectDefect, writeLp, newLPStreamReadError, formatItIMPL, newLPStreamEOFError, initStream, newLPStreamClosedError, closeWithEOF, newLPStreamLimitError, join, newLPStreamIncompleteError, LPStreamTrackerName, Eof, LPStreamError, atEof, LPStreamIncompleteError, close, LPStreamRemoteClosedError, readLp, readVarint, setupStreamTracker, LPStreamEOFError, newLPStreamReadError, LPStreamResetError, LPStreamConnDownError, LPStreamLimitError, readOnce, toException, toException, LPStream, LPStreamClosedError, LPStreamWriteError, StreamTracker, MaxSizeError, write, LPStreamIncorrectDefect, closeImpl, write, writeLp, newLPStreamRemoteClosedError, LPStreamReadError, checkFutures, readLine, closed, Direction, readExactly, tryAndWarn, newLPStreamConnDownError, newLPStreamResetError, shortLog, LPError, ProtoHeader, shortLog, UDP_DNS, ephemeral, init, MaPatternOp, getProtoHeader, shortLog, init, $, validate, hash, init, TLS_WS, TranscoderDNS, init, ephemeral, getField, MAKind, getField, checkFieldNumber, getRepeatedField, getBytes, len, &, peekSeq, fullAddrs, <=, init, getPublicKey, exceptionToAssert, new, DNSANY, DNSADDR, AddressMapper, WSS, toBytes, TCP_DNS, shortLog, encode, len, supported, ==, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, WSS_DNS, <, $, PeerInfo, TranscoderOnion, write, key, writeArray, PeerId, IP6, shortLog, payload, TCP, PrivateKey, getBytes, init, &=, init, $, getRawBytes, KeyPair, update, SupportedWireTypes, hash, init, DNS4, isEmpty, ProtoScalar, data, HTTPS, tryAndWarn, TranscoderIP6, encode, MaResult, DNS6, [], IpTransportProtocol, toOpenArray, allFuturesThrowing, TranscoderPort, isEnough, write, >=, init, payloadDomain, $, MaPattern, TranscoderOnion3, protoArgument, write, keyOpenArray, match, WebSockets_DNS, isEmpty, getRequiredRepeatedField, initProtoBuffer, init, init, getField, selectBest, getPtr, Envelope, init, finish, Reliable, addrs, stretchKeys, match, getField, CryptoError, append, vsizeof, parseFullAddress, init, getRepeatedField, checkFutures, shuffle, init, validate, protoCode, getField, TranscoderP2P, sign, getBytes, encode, WebSockets, shortLog, items, getBytes, init, ProtoFieldKind, protoArgument, getField, readVarint, orError, decodeExchange, MaInvalidAddress, writeVarint, getOrder, TranscoderUnix, SignedPeerRecord, DNS_OR_IP, decode, random, getProtoHeader, MaError, finish, matchPartial, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, ProtoFlags, ==, getLen, ECDHEScheme, init, [], random, Secret, peekVarint, random, mapOr, bytes, maxInlineKeyLength, QUIC, withValue, getRequiredField, mac, WS_IP, public, write, init, valueOr, init, HTTP, initVBuffer, TcpOnion3, write, toOpt, payloadType, decodeProposal, $, IP, protoAddress, newRng, checkValid, len, CircuitRelay, extractPublicKey, mapAnd, UDP_IP, init, ==, write, TCP_IP, writePacked, readSeq, capLen, protoName, toRawBytes, initProtoBuffer, toException, init, match, writeLPVarint, CryptoResult, parseFullAddress, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, init, UDP, init, isEmpty, decode, initVBuffer, decode, PKScheme, random, write, init, write, PeerInfoError, compilesOr, TranscoderIP4, initProtoBuffer, toException, DNS, goffset, >, init, high, toString, init, cmp, init, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, Signature, toBytes, DigestSheme, IPFS, MultiAddress, hex, protocols, init, UNIX, init, ProtoField, toBytes, writeSeq, ==, init, [], IP4, safeConvert, getField, init, createExchange, withValue, SignedPayload, toBytes, init, MAProtocol, getPackedRepeatedField, contains, libp2p_pki_schemes, readArray, P2PPattern, hasPublicKey, isEnough, hex, write, WS, encode, init, getField, iv, getField, WSS_IP, peekArray, PeerRecord, SupportedSchemes, Unreliable, SupportedSchemesInt, random, LPError, macOpenArray, mapEq, Onion3, concat, AddressInfo, write, EnvelopeError, createProposal, MaPatResult, ProtoBuffer, init, init, write, write, UTP, verify, init, PublicKey, WebSockets_IP, VBuffer, writePBVarint, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, init, ivOpenArray, RsaDefaultKeySize, getField, write, toException, toException, allFuturesThrowing, tryAndWarn, checkFutures, LPError
proc readLp(s: LPStream; maxSize: int): Future[seq[byte]] {....gcsafe, public(),
proc readLp(s: LPStream; maxSize: int): Future[seq[byte]] {.public(),
stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], gcsafe, raises: [], gcsafe,
raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
proc readVarint(conn: LPStream): Future[uint64] {....gcsafe, public(),
- stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], gcsafe, raises: [], gcsafe,
- raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
proc readVarint(conn: LPStream): Future[uint64] {.public(), stackTrace: false,
+ ...gcsafe, raises: [], gcsafe, raises: [], gcsafe, raises: [],
+ tags: [RootEffect].}
@@ -593,9 +593,9 @@ class="link-seesrc" target="_blank">Source
proc start(s: Switch): Future[void] {....gcsafe, public(), stackTrace: false,
- ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [],
- raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
proc start(s: Switch): Future[void] {.public(), stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe,
+ raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
+ tags: [RootEffect].}
method connect(s: Switch; peerId: PeerId; addrs: seq[MultiAddress];
- forceDial = false; reuseConnection = true;
- upgradeDir = Direction.Out): Future[void] {.public, ...raises: [],
- tags: [RootEffect].}
method run(self: Service; switch: Switch): Future[void] {.base, ...gcsafe,
- stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
method run(self: Service; switch: Switch): Future[void] {.base,
+ stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
tags: [RootEffect].}
method setup(self: Service; switch: Switch): Future[bool] {.base, ...gcsafe,
- stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
method setup(self: Service; switch: Switch): Future[bool] {.base,
+ stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
tags: [RootEffect].}
method stop(self: Service; switch: Switch): Future[bool] {.base, ...gcsafe,
- stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
method stop(self: Service; switch: Switch): Future[bool] {.base,
+ stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
tags: [RootEffect].}
-ConnManager, getStream, PeerEventKind, getStream, addPeerEventHandler, new, ConnEventKind, PeerEventHandler, selectMuxer, getConnections, contains, removePeerEventHandler, expectConnection, ConnEvent, connCount, ConnEventHandler, addConnEventHandler, triggerConnEvent, removeConnEventHandler, contains, triggerPeerEvents, AlreadyExpectingConnectionError, PeerEvent, TooManyConnectionsError, getStream, trackConnection, close, MaxConnectionsPerPeer, connectedPeers, selectMuxer, trackMuxer, getOutgoingSlot, slotsAvailable, dropPeer, getIncomingSlot, storeMuxer, release, MaxConnections, ConnectionSlot, newLPStreamWriteError, DNS_OR_IP, AlreadyExpectingConnectionError, shortLog, init, random, new, UDP_DNS, $, getProtoHeader, MaxConnectionsPerPeer, ephemeral, close, MaPatternOp, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, <=, MaxSizeError, decodeProposal, ProtoFlags, ==, getLen, maxIncomingStreams, ECDHEScheme, shortLog, closed, addConnEventHandler, [], init, new, macOpenArray, random, init, new, Secret, peekVarint, random, handshake, MaxConnections, $, validate, mapOr, MaError, init, bytes, UpgradeFailedError, IdentityInvalidMsgError, maxInlineKeyLength, addHandler, TranscoderDNS, QUIC, ProtoVersion, [], init, ephemeral, withValue, getRequiredField, getField, init, writeLp, removeConnEventHandler, WS_IP, write, public, MAKind, decode, write, write, init, checkFieldNumber, valueOr, codec, getRepeatedField, matchPartial, addObservation, IdentityNoMatchError, libp2p_pki_schemes, push, getBytes, len, trackConnection, &, readLp, HTTP, initVBuffer, start, atEof, PeerEventKind, getOutgoingSlot, peekSeq, toOpt, fullAddrs, payloadType, getProtoHeader, LPStreamError, init, $, IP, protoAddress, newRng, ==, IdentifyPushCodec, SecureConn, checkValid, getPublicKey, CircuitRelay, ProtoHeader, WebSockets, libp2p_failed_upgrades_incoming, exceptionToAssert, extractPublicKey, mapAnd, new, UDP_IP, new, newLPStreamEOFError, selectMuxer, connCount, write, DNSADDR, LPError, AddressMapper, IdentifyPushHandler, write, ConnManager, WSS, getField, TCP_IP, selectMuxer, hash, writePacked, handle, init, closeImpl, Identify, toBytes, TCP_DNS, shortLog, encode, len, capLen, init, protoName, protoArgument, PeerEventHandler, LPProtoHandler, secure, toRawBytes, IdentifyPush, getStream, MaPattern, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, initProtoBuffer, newLPStreamReadError, WSS_DNS, list, match, <, CryptoResult, parseFullAddress, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, init, upgrade, UDP, TranscoderOnion, StreamTracker, IdentifyNoPubKeyError, write, init, LPStreamResetError, isEmpty, writeArray, writeLp, getRawBytes, new, LPStreamIncompleteError, PeerId, LPStreamEOFError, readOnce, maxIncomingStreams=, IP6, shortLog, new, release, initVBuffer, PKScheme, new, payload, triggerConnEvent, triggerPeerEvents, stretchKeys, init, Connection, write, TCP, PrivateKey, dropPeer, getBytes, start, newLPStreamIncorrectDefect, init, close, &=, PeerInfoError, newLPStreamClosedError, random, compilesOr, handle, trackMuxer, init, initProtoBuffer, toException, DNS, Upgrade, goffset, HandlerHolder, >, SecureConnTrackerName, KeyPair, init, high, toString, cmp, init, SupportedWireTypes, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, initStream, hash, formatItIMPL, Signature, formatItIMPL, getStream, IPFS, shortLog, readOnce, init, init, secure, isEmpty, ConnEventKind, MultiAddress, ProtoScalar, shortLog, LPStreamIncorrectDefect, contains, hex, expandItIMPL, protocols, codec=, init, DefaultMaxIncomingStreams, HTTPS, UNIX, encode, tryAndWarn, TooManyConnectionsError, ConnectionSlot, getPtr, write, TLS_WS, sign, readSeq, addHandler, storeMuxer, TranscoderIP4, formatItIMPL, PeerEvent, supported, MaResult, init, ProtoField, write, getStream, writeSeq, DigestSheme, ConnEvent, ==, $, DNS6, [], IpTransportProtocol, toOpenArray, init, allFuturesThrowing, IP4, TranscoderPort, isEnough, safeConvert, addPeerEventHandler, init, createExchange, >=, expectConnection, init, payloadDomain, $, withValue, init, init, LPStreamLimitError, TranscoderOnion3, SignedPayload, closeImpl, toBytes, Secure, newLPStreamLimitError, keyOpenArray, init, match, WebSockets_DNS, $, closeImpl, isEmpty, LPStreamReadError, decode, connectedPeers, mac, new, getRequiredRepeatedField, init, newLPStreamIncompleteError, newLPStreamReadError, initProtoBuffer, MAProtocol, newLPStreamResetError, getPackedRepeatedField, initStream, contains, getField, shortLog, DNS4, getWrapped, readArray, selectBest, write, P2PPattern, getWrapped, Envelope, hasPublicKey, toException, contains, decode, init, isEnough, init, Reliable, init, addrs, hex, slotsAvailable, data, readMessage, WS, AgentVersion, init, init, MultistreamSelect, encode, LPProtocol, DNSANY, TimeoutHandler, getField, match, getField, writeLPVarint, iv, DefaultConnectionTimeout, readLine, Eof, CryptoError, getField, append, init, parseFullAddress, WSS_IP, LPStreamConnDownError, PeerRecord, decodeExchange, SupportedSchemes, getRepeatedField, LPStreamWriteError, getField, select, hash, Unreliable, SupportedSchemesInt, random, checkFutures, libp2p_failed_upgrades_outgoing, shuffle, init, validate, Matcher, mapEq, getField, readVarint, removePeerEventHandler, Onion3, getBytes, LPStreamTrackerName, identify, select, concat, TranscoderP2P, PeerInfo, AddressInfo, ConnectionTrackerName, TranscoderIP6, finish, write, EnvelopeError, verify, IdentifyInfo, IdentifyError, addHandler, encode, len, newLPStreamRemoteClosedError, createProposal, MaPatResult, Direction, ProtoBuffer, IdentifyCodec, key, InvalidVarintError, shortLog, ==, init, write, getBytes, write, init, UTP, getConnections, toBytes, peekArray, init, getMostObservedProtosAndPorts, ObservedAddrManager, PublicKey, ConnEventHandler, WebSockets_IP, decodeMsg, VBuffer, update, writePBVarint, ProtoFieldKind, readExactly, protoArgument, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, newLPStreamConnDownError, init, write, initStream, getField, readVarint, ivOpenArray, closeWithEOF, finish, TcpOnion3, orError, vsizeof, getField, LPStreamRemoteClosedError, setupStreamTracker, guessDialableAddr, MultiStreamError, protoCode, stop, MaInvalidAddress, select, LPStream, LPStreamClosedError, RsaDefaultKeySize, writeVarint, getIncomingSlot, items, write, toBytes, getOrder, TranscoderUnix, SignedPeerRecord, init, stop, join, dial, dial, dial, connect, checkFutures, tryAndWarn, LPError, addTransport, addTransport, connect, toException, new, dial, allFuturesThrowing, Dialer, tryDial, DialFailedError, connect, Dial, connect, toException, tryDial, SPRBook, PeerBook, ProtoBook, AddressBook, ProtoVersionBook, SeqPeerBook, KeyBook, PeerBookChangeHandler, AgentBook, new, PeerStore
+ConnManager, getStream, PeerEventKind, getStream, addPeerEventHandler, new, ConnEventKind, PeerEventHandler, selectMuxer, getConnections, contains, removePeerEventHandler, expectConnection, ConnEvent, connCount, ConnEventHandler, addConnEventHandler, triggerConnEvent, removeConnEventHandler, contains, triggerPeerEvents, AlreadyExpectingConnectionError, PeerEvent, TooManyConnectionsError, getStream, trackConnection, close, MaxConnectionsPerPeer, connectedPeers, selectMuxer, trackMuxer, getOutgoingSlot, slotsAvailable, dropPeer, getIncomingSlot, storeMuxer, release, MaxConnections, ConnectionSlot, newLPStreamWriteError, DNS_OR_IP, AlreadyExpectingConnectionError, shortLog, init, random, new, UDP_DNS, $, getProtoHeader, MaxConnectionsPerPeer, ephemeral, close, MaPatternOp, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, <=, MaxSizeError, decodeProposal, ProtoFlags, ==, getLen, maxIncomingStreams, ECDHEScheme, shortLog, closed, addConnEventHandler, [], init, new, macOpenArray, random, init, new, Secret, peekVarint, random, handshake, MaxConnections, $, validate, mapOr, MaError, init, bytes, UpgradeFailedError, IdentityInvalidMsgError, maxInlineKeyLength, addHandler, TranscoderDNS, QUIC, ProtoVersion, [], init, ephemeral, withValue, getRequiredField, getField, init, writeLp, removeConnEventHandler, WS_IP, write, public, MAKind, decode, write, write, init, checkFieldNumber, valueOr, codec, getRepeatedField, matchPartial, addObservation, IdentityNoMatchError, libp2p_pki_schemes, push, getBytes, len, trackConnection, &, readLp, HTTP, initVBuffer, start, atEof, PeerEventKind, getOutgoingSlot, peekSeq, toOpt, fullAddrs, payloadType, getProtoHeader, LPStreamError, init, $, IP, protoAddress, newRng, ==, IdentifyPushCodec, SecureConn, checkValid, getPublicKey, CircuitRelay, ProtoHeader, WebSockets, libp2p_failed_upgrades_incoming, exceptionToAssert, extractPublicKey, mapAnd, new, UDP_IP, new, newLPStreamEOFError, selectMuxer, connCount, write, DNSADDR, LPError, AddressMapper, IdentifyPushHandler, write, ConnManager, WSS, getField, TCP_IP, selectMuxer, hash, writePacked, handle, init, closeImpl, Identify, toBytes, TCP_DNS, shortLog, encode, len, capLen, init, protoName, protoArgument, PeerEventHandler, LPProtoHandler, secure, toRawBytes, IdentifyPush, getStream, MaPattern, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, initProtoBuffer, newLPStreamReadError, WSS_DNS, list, match, <, CryptoResult, parseFullAddress, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, init, upgrade, UDP, TranscoderOnion, StreamTracker, IdentifyNoPubKeyError, write, init, LPStreamResetError, isEmpty, writeArray, writeLp, getRawBytes, new, LPStreamIncompleteError, PeerId, LPStreamEOFError, readOnce, maxIncomingStreams=, IP6, shortLog, new, release, initVBuffer, PKScheme, new, payload, triggerConnEvent, triggerPeerEvents, stretchKeys, init, Connection, write, TCP, PrivateKey, dropPeer, getBytes, start, newLPStreamIncorrectDefect, init, close, &=, PeerInfoError, newLPStreamClosedError, random, compilesOr, handle, trackMuxer, init, initProtoBuffer, toException, DNS, Upgrade, goffset, HandlerHolder, >, SecureConnTrackerName, KeyPair, init, high, toString, cmp, init, SupportedWireTypes, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, initStream, hash, formatItIMPL, Signature, formatItIMPL, getStream, IPFS, shortLog, readOnce, init, init, secure, isEmpty, ConnEventKind, MultiAddress, ProtoScalar, shortLog, LPStreamIncorrectDefect, contains, hex, expandItIMPL, protocols, codec=, init, DefaultMaxIncomingStreams, HTTPS, UNIX, encode, tryAndWarn, TooManyConnectionsError, ConnectionSlot, getPtr, write, TLS_WS, sign, readSeq, addHandler, storeMuxer, TranscoderIP4, formatItIMPL, PeerEvent, supported, MaResult, init, ProtoField, write, getStream, writeSeq, DigestSheme, ConnEvent, ==, $, DNS6, [], IpTransportProtocol, toOpenArray, init, allFuturesThrowing, IP4, TranscoderPort, isEnough, safeConvert, addPeerEventHandler, init, createExchange, >=, expectConnection, init, payloadDomain, $, withValue, init, init, LPStreamLimitError, TranscoderOnion3, SignedPayload, closeImpl, toBytes, Secure, newLPStreamLimitError, keyOpenArray, init, match, WebSockets_DNS, $, closeImpl, isEmpty, LPStreamReadError, decode, connectedPeers, mac, new, getRequiredRepeatedField, init, newLPStreamIncompleteError, newLPStreamReadError, initProtoBuffer, MAProtocol, newLPStreamResetError, getPackedRepeatedField, initStream, contains, getField, shortLog, DNS4, getWrapped, readArray, selectBest, write, P2PPattern, getWrapped, Envelope, hasPublicKey, toException, contains, decode, init, isEnough, init, Reliable, init, addrs, hex, slotsAvailable, data, readMessage, WS, AgentVersion, init, init, MultistreamSelect, encode, LPProtocol, DNSANY, TimeoutHandler, getField, match, getField, writeLPVarint, iv, DefaultConnectionTimeout, readLine, Eof, CryptoError, getField, append, init, parseFullAddress, WSS_IP, LPStreamConnDownError, PeerRecord, decodeExchange, SupportedSchemes, getRepeatedField, LPStreamWriteError, getField, select, hash, Unreliable, SupportedSchemesInt, random, checkFutures, libp2p_failed_upgrades_outgoing, shuffle, init, validate, Matcher, mapEq, getField, readVarint, removePeerEventHandler, Onion3, getBytes, LPStreamTrackerName, identify, select, concat, TranscoderP2P, PeerInfo, AddressInfo, ConnectionTrackerName, TranscoderIP6, finish, write, EnvelopeError, verify, IdentifyInfo, IdentifyError, addHandler, encode, len, newLPStreamRemoteClosedError, createProposal, MaPatResult, Direction, ProtoBuffer, IdentifyCodec, key, InvalidVarintError, shortLog, ==, init, write, getBytes, write, init, UTP, getConnections, toBytes, peekArray, init, getMostObservedProtosAndPorts, ObservedAddrManager, PublicKey, ConnEventHandler, WebSockets_IP, decodeMsg, VBuffer, update, writePBVarint, ProtoFieldKind, readExactly, protoArgument, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, newLPStreamConnDownError, init, write, initStream, getField, readVarint, ivOpenArray, closeWithEOF, finish, TcpOnion3, orError, vsizeof, getField, LPStreamRemoteClosedError, setupStreamTracker, guessDialableAddr, MultiStreamError, protoCode, stop, MaInvalidAddress, select, LPStream, LPStreamClosedError, RsaDefaultKeySize, writeVarint, getIncomingSlot, items, write, toBytes, getOrder, TranscoderUnix, SignedPeerRecord, init, stop, join, dial, dial, dial, connect, checkFutures, tryAndWarn, LPError, addTransport, addTransport, connect, toException, new, dial, allFuturesThrowing, Dialer, tryDial, DialFailedError, connect, Dial, connect, toException, tryDial, SPRBook, PeerBook, ProtoBook, AddressBook, ProtoVersionBook, SeqPeerBook, KeyBook, PeerBookChangeHandler, AgentBook, new, PeerStore
method dial(self: TcpTransport; hostname: string; address: MultiAddress;
peerId: Opt[PeerId] = Opt.none(PeerId)): Future[Connection] {.
- ...gcsafe, stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
+ stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
tags: [RootEffect].}
method stop(self: TcpTransport): Future[void] {....gcsafe, stackTrace: false,
- ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
method stop(self: TcpTransport): Future[void] {.stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe,
+ raises: [], raises: [], raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
-TransportInvalidAddrError, dial, upgrade, Transport, newTransportClosedError, stop, accept, TransportError, TransportClosedError, NetworkReachability, handles, dial, start
+TransportInvalidAddrError, dial, upgrade, Transport, newTransportClosedError, stop, accept, TransportError, TransportClosedError, NetworkReachability, handles, dial, start
@@ -429,9 +427,9 @@ class="link-seesrc" target="_blank">Source
check if transport supports the multiaddress
- Edit
+ Edit
@@ -462,10 +460,9 @@ class="link-seesrc" target="_blank">Source
-method upgrade(self: Transport; conn: Connection; direction: Direction;
- peerId: Opt[PeerId]): Future[Muxer] {.base, ...gcsafe, raises: [],
- tags: [].}
method upgrade(self: Transport; conn: Connection; peerId: Opt[PeerId]): Future[
+ Muxer] {.base, ...gcsafe, raises: [], tags: [].}
method accept(self: WsTransport): Future[Connection] {....gcsafe,
- stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
- tags: [RootEffect].}
method accept(self: WsTransport): Future[Connection] {.stackTrace: false,
+ ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
method stop(self: WsTransport): Future[void] {....gcsafe, stackTrace: false,
- ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
method stop(self: WsTransport): Future[void] {.stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe,
+ raises: [], raises: [], raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
-TransportInvalidAddrError, dial, upgrade, Transport, newTransportClosedError, stop, accept, TransportError, TransportClosedError, NetworkReachability, handles, dial, start
+TransportInvalidAddrError, dial, upgrade, Transport, newTransportClosedError, stop, accept, TransportError, TransportClosedError, NetworkReachability, handles, dial, start
@@ -234,10 +234,8 @@ window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", main2);
@@ -290,17 +288,17 @@ class="link-seesrc" target="_blank">Source
proc mux(self: MuxedUpgrade; conn: Connection; direction: Direction): Future[
- Muxer] {....gcsafe, stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [],
- raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
proc mux(self: MuxedUpgrade; conn: Connection): Future[Muxer] {.
+ stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
+ tags: [RootEffect].}
method upgrade(self: MuxedUpgrade; conn: Connection; direction: Direction;
- peerId: Opt[PeerId]): Future[Muxer] {.stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe,
- raises: [], raises: [], raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
method upgrade(self: MuxedUpgrade; conn: Connection; peerId: Opt[PeerId]): Future[
+ Muxer] {.stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
+ tags: [RootEffect].}
@@ -235,10 +233,8 @@ window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", main2);
@@ -327,18 +323,17 @@ class="link-seesrc" target="_blank">Source
proc secure(self: Upgrade; conn: Connection; direction: Direction;
- peerId: Opt[PeerId]): Future[Connection] {....gcsafe,
- stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], gcsafe, raises: [], gcsafe,
- raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
proc secure(self: Upgrade; conn: Connection; peerId: Opt[PeerId]): Future[
+ Connection] {.stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], gcsafe, raises: [],
+ gcsafe, raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
method upgrade(self: Upgrade; conn: Connection; direction: Direction;
- peerId: Opt[PeerId]): Future[Muxer] {.base, ...gcsafe, raises: [],
- tags: [].}
method upgrade(self: Upgrade; conn: Connection; peerId: Opt[PeerId]): Future[
+ Muxer] {.base, ...gcsafe, raises: [], tags: [].}
-ConnManager, getStream, PeerEventKind, getStream, addPeerEventHandler, new, ConnEventKind, PeerEventHandler, selectMuxer, getConnections, contains, removePeerEventHandler, expectConnection, ConnEvent, connCount, ConnEventHandler, addConnEventHandler, triggerConnEvent, removeConnEventHandler, contains, triggerPeerEvents, AlreadyExpectingConnectionError, PeerEvent, TooManyConnectionsError, getStream, trackConnection, close, MaxConnectionsPerPeer, connectedPeers, selectMuxer, trackMuxer, getOutgoingSlot, slotsAvailable, dropPeer, getIncomingSlot, storeMuxer, release, MaxConnections, ConnectionSlot, newLPStreamWriteError, DNS_OR_IP, ProtoHeader, shortLog, init, random, UDP_DNS, $, <=, MaError, ephemeral, decode, MaPatternOp, ==, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, getProtoHeader, MaxSizeError, ProtoFlags, getLen, ECDHEScheme, shortLog, init, init, closed, [], macOpenArray, random, init, VBuffer, Secret, peekVarint, random, $, validate, mapOr, bytes, maxInlineKeyLength, TranscoderDNS, QUIC, [], key, ephemeral, withValue, getRequiredField, getField, writeLp, WS_IP, isEnough, public, MAKind, getBytes, write, DNSANY, checkFieldNumber, valueOr, getRepeatedField, matchPartial, libp2p_pki_schemes, getBytes, len, readVarint, readLp, HTTP, initVBuffer, mac, atEof, LPStreamTrackerName, peekSeq, toOpt, fullAddrs, payloadType, getProtoHeader, LPStreamError, IP, protoAddress, newRng, DefaultConnectionTimeout, ==, checkValid, getPublicKey, exceptionToAssert, decodeProposal, len, CircuitRelay, extractPublicKey, mapAnd, new, verify, UDP_IP, new, newLPStreamEOFError, init, write, ==, DNSADDR, AddressMapper, write, PeerId, WSS, LPStream, TCP_IP, close, hash, writePacked, init, closeImpl, readSeq, toBytes, TCP_DNS, shortLog, encode, len, capLen, protoName, toRawBytes, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, initProtoBuffer, newLPStreamReadError, init, WSS_DNS, match, writeLPVarint, CryptoResult, WebSockets_DNS, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, init, init, UDP, TranscoderOnion, StreamTracker, write, init, LPStreamResetError, isEmpty, writeArray, LPStreamReadError, decode, LPStreamIncompleteError, [], LPStreamEOFError, IP6, shortLog, initVBuffer, decode, PKScheme, payload, init, init, Connection, write, init, TCP, PrivateKey, getBytes, write, &=, PeerInfoError, newLPStreamClosedError, random, compilesOr, TranscoderIP4, init, initProtoBuffer, toException, DNS, UTP, goffset, readVarint, >, KeyPair, init, init, high, toString, cmp, init, SupportedWireTypes, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, Signature, contains, hash, formatItIMPL, toBytes, DigestSheme, init, IPFS, readOnce, init, isEmpty, ProtoScalar, shortLog, data, LPStreamIncorrectDefect, hex, protocols, update, HTTPS, tryAndWarn, WebSockets, LPError, getPtr, write, TLS_WS, sign, finish, encode, MaResult, ProtoField, init, toBytes, writeSeq, init, &, DNS6, IpTransportProtocol, toOpenArray, init, allFuturesThrowing, IP4, TranscoderPort, write, newLPStreamIncorrectDefect, getField, init, createExchange, >=, init, payloadDomain, $, MaPattern, withValue, getRawBytes, init, LPStreamLimitError, TranscoderOnion3, SignedPayload, toBytes, protoArgument, newLPStreamLimitError, keyOpenArray, match, createProposal, parseFullAddress, $, isEmpty, supported, getRequiredRepeatedField, init, newLPStreamIncompleteError, newLPStreamReadError, initProtoBuffer, MAProtocol, newLPStreamResetError, getPackedRepeatedField, initStream, init, getField, shortLog, DNS4, getWrapped, readArray, selectBest, safeConvert, P2PPattern, Envelope, hasPublicKey, toException, init, isEnough, init, Reliable, addrs, hex, ProtoBuffer, closeImpl, write, WS, stretchKeys, encode, init, init, getField, getField, match, getField, <, iv, readLine, Eof, CryptoError, getField, hash, append, vsizeof, init, parseFullAddress, WSS_IP, LPStreamConnDownError, peekArray, UNIX, PeerRecord, init, SupportedSchemes, getRepeatedField, LPStreamWriteError, getField, Unreliable, SupportedSchemesInt, random, checkFutures, shuffle, init, validate, $, protoCode, mapEq, Onion3, write, TcpOnion3, concat, TranscoderP2P, PeerInfo, AddressInfo, ConnectionTrackerName, TranscoderIP6, write, EnvelopeError, encode, newLPStreamRemoteClosedError, MaPatResult, Direction, InvalidVarintError, shortLog, items, ==, init, write, getBytes, write, init, PublicKey, WebSockets_IP, writeLp, writePBVarint, ProtoFieldKind, readExactly, protoArgument, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, newLPStreamConnDownError, write, initStream, getField, MultiAddress, finish, ivOpenArray, closeWithEOF, TimeoutHandler, orError, decodeExchange, getField, LPStreamRemoteClosedError, setupStreamTracker, MaInvalidAddress, LPStreamClosedError, RsaDefaultKeySize, write, getOrder, TranscoderUnix, SignedPeerRecord, join, writeVarint, getMostObservedProtosAndPorts, new, IdentifyPush, init, addObservation, IdentityInvalidMsgError, IdentifyCodec, new, new, Identify, IdentityNoMatchError, ProtoVersion, push, IdentifyError, IdentifyInfo, decodeMsg, $, expandItIMPL, init, identify, ObservedAddrManager, AgentVersion, IdentifyNoPubKeyError, IdentifyPushHandler, guessDialableAddr, IdentifyPushCodec, formatItIMPL, new, codec=, DefaultMaxIncomingStreams, LPProtoHandler, handshake, new, secure, init, readMessage, shortLog, init, maxIncomingStreams=, codec, closeImpl, maxIncomingStreams, readOnce, getWrapped, start, initStream, SecureConn, SecureConnTrackerName, LPProtocol, stop, Secure, addHandler, start, MultiStreamError, handle, addHandler, list, new, HandlerHolder, stop, addHandler, select, select, Matcher, MultistreamSelect, select, handle
+ConnManager, getStream, PeerEventKind, getStream, addPeerEventHandler, new, ConnEventKind, PeerEventHandler, selectMuxer, getConnections, contains, removePeerEventHandler, expectConnection, ConnEvent, connCount, ConnEventHandler, addConnEventHandler, triggerConnEvent, removeConnEventHandler, contains, triggerPeerEvents, AlreadyExpectingConnectionError, PeerEvent, TooManyConnectionsError, getStream, trackConnection, close, MaxConnectionsPerPeer, connectedPeers, selectMuxer, trackMuxer, getOutgoingSlot, slotsAvailable, dropPeer, getIncomingSlot, storeMuxer, release, MaxConnections, ConnectionSlot, newLPStreamWriteError, DNS_OR_IP, ProtoHeader, shortLog, init, random, UDP_DNS, $, <=, MaError, ephemeral, decode, MaPatternOp, ==, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, getProtoHeader, MaxSizeError, ProtoFlags, getLen, ECDHEScheme, shortLog, init, init, closed, [], macOpenArray, random, init, VBuffer, Secret, peekVarint, random, $, validate, mapOr, bytes, maxInlineKeyLength, TranscoderDNS, QUIC, [], key, ephemeral, withValue, getRequiredField, getField, writeLp, WS_IP, isEnough, public, MAKind, getBytes, write, DNSANY, checkFieldNumber, valueOr, getRepeatedField, matchPartial, libp2p_pki_schemes, getBytes, len, readVarint, readLp, HTTP, initVBuffer, mac, atEof, LPStreamTrackerName, peekSeq, toOpt, fullAddrs, payloadType, getProtoHeader, LPStreamError, IP, protoAddress, newRng, DefaultConnectionTimeout, ==, checkValid, getPublicKey, exceptionToAssert, decodeProposal, len, CircuitRelay, extractPublicKey, mapAnd, new, verify, UDP_IP, new, newLPStreamEOFError, init, write, ==, DNSADDR, AddressMapper, write, PeerId, WSS, LPStream, TCP_IP, close, hash, writePacked, init, closeImpl, readSeq, toBytes, TCP_DNS, shortLog, encode, len, capLen, protoName, toRawBytes, TranscoderIP6Zone, $, initProtoBuffer, newLPStreamReadError, init, WSS_DNS, match, writeLPVarint, CryptoResult, WebSockets_DNS, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, init, init, UDP, TranscoderOnion, StreamTracker, write, init, LPStreamResetError, isEmpty, writeArray, LPStreamReadError, decode, LPStreamIncompleteError, [], LPStreamEOFError, IP6, shortLog, initVBuffer, decode, PKScheme, payload, init, init, Connection, write, init, TCP, PrivateKey, getBytes, write, &=, PeerInfoError, newLPStreamClosedError, random, compilesOr, TranscoderIP4, init, initProtoBuffer, toException, DNS, UTP, goffset, readVarint, >, KeyPair, init, init, high, toString, cmp, init, SupportedWireTypes, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, Signature, contains, hash, formatItIMPL, toBytes, DigestSheme, init, IPFS, readOnce, init, isEmpty, ProtoScalar, shortLog, data, LPStreamIncorrectDefect, hex, protocols, update, HTTPS, tryAndWarn, WebSockets, LPError, getPtr, write, TLS_WS, sign, finish, encode, MaResult, ProtoField, init, toBytes, writeSeq, init, &, DNS6, IpTransportProtocol, toOpenArray, init, allFuturesThrowing, IP4, TranscoderPort, write, newLPStreamIncorrectDefect, getField, init, createExchange, >=, init, payloadDomain, $, MaPattern, withValue, getRawBytes, init, LPStreamLimitError, TranscoderOnion3, SignedPayload, toBytes, protoArgument, newLPStreamLimitError, keyOpenArray, match, createProposal, parseFullAddress, $, isEmpty, supported, getRequiredRepeatedField, init, newLPStreamIncompleteError, newLPStreamReadError, initProtoBuffer, MAProtocol, newLPStreamResetError, getPackedRepeatedField, initStream, init, getField, shortLog, DNS4, getWrapped, readArray, selectBest, safeConvert, P2PPattern, Envelope, hasPublicKey, toException, init, isEnough, init, Reliable, addrs, hex, ProtoBuffer, closeImpl, write, WS, stretchKeys, encode, init, init, getField, getField, match, getField, <, iv, readLine, Eof, CryptoError, getField, hash, append, vsizeof, init, parseFullAddress, WSS_IP, LPStreamConnDownError, peekArray, UNIX, PeerRecord, init, SupportedSchemes, getRepeatedField, LPStreamWriteError, getField, Unreliable, SupportedSchemesInt, random, checkFutures, shuffle, init, validate, $, protoCode, mapEq, Onion3, write, TcpOnion3, concat, TranscoderP2P, PeerInfo, AddressInfo, ConnectionTrackerName, TranscoderIP6, write, EnvelopeError, encode, newLPStreamRemoteClosedError, MaPatResult, Direction, InvalidVarintError, shortLog, items, ==, init, write, getBytes, write, init, PublicKey, WebSockets_IP, writeLp, writePBVarint, ProtoFieldKind, readExactly, protoArgument, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, newLPStreamConnDownError, write, initStream, getField, MultiAddress, finish, ivOpenArray, closeWithEOF, TimeoutHandler, orError, decodeExchange, getField, LPStreamRemoteClosedError, setupStreamTracker, MaInvalidAddress, LPStreamClosedError, RsaDefaultKeySize, write, getOrder, TranscoderUnix, SignedPeerRecord, join, writeVarint, getMostObservedProtosAndPorts, new, IdentifyPush, init, addObservation, IdentityInvalidMsgError, IdentifyCodec, new, new, Identify, IdentityNoMatchError, ProtoVersion, push, IdentifyError, IdentifyInfo, decodeMsg, $, expandItIMPL, init, identify, ObservedAddrManager, AgentVersion, IdentifyNoPubKeyError, IdentifyPushHandler, guessDialableAddr, IdentifyPushCodec, formatItIMPL, new, codec=, DefaultMaxIncomingStreams, LPProtoHandler, handshake, new, secure, init, readMessage, shortLog, init, maxIncomingStreams=, codec, closeImpl, maxIncomingStreams, readOnce, getWrapped, start, initStream, SecureConn, SecureConnTrackerName, LPProtocol, stop, Secure, addHandler, start, MultiStreamError, handle, addHandler, list, new, HandlerHolder, stop, addHandler, select, select, Matcher, MultistreamSelect, select, handle
template withValue[T](self: Opt[T] | Option[T]; value, body: untyped): untyped
let myOpt = Opt.some(5)
+ echo value # Will print 5
Note: This is a template, and it will be inlined at the call site, offering good performance.
Source diff --git a/zz-dbg/libp2p/utils/future.html b/zz-dbg/libp2p/utils/future.html index 6a968b93b..5548ad90a 100644 --- a/zz-dbg/libp2p/utils/future.html +++ b/zz-dbg/libp2p/utils/future.html @@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ class="link-seesrc" target="_blank">Source diff --git a/zz-dbg/libp2p/utils/heartbeat.html b/zz-dbg/libp2p/utils/heartbeat.html index 0de52c2e2..046d02de3 100644 --- a/zz-dbg/libp2p/utils/heartbeat.html +++ b/zz-dbg/libp2p/utils/heartbeat.html @@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ class="link-seesrc" target="_blank">Source diff --git a/zz-dbg/libp2p/utils/offsettedseq.html b/zz-dbg/libp2p/utils/offsettedseq.html index 698f07d52..2791940f7 100644 --- a/zz-dbg/libp2p/utils/offsettedseq.html +++ b/zz-dbg/libp2p/utils/offsettedseq.html @@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ class="link-seesrc" target="_blank">Source diff --git a/zz-dbg/libp2p/utils/semaphore.html b/zz-dbg/libp2p/utils/semaphore.html index 3c07aa75d..b7d5ff506 100644 --- a/zz-dbg/libp2p/utils/semaphore.html +++ b/zz-dbg/libp2p/utils/semaphore.html @@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ class="link-seesrc" target="_blank">Source diff --git a/zz-dbg/libp2p/varint.html b/zz-dbg/libp2p/varint.html index 6ebcbf50d..40ac4ba1c 100644 --- a/zz-dbg/libp2p/varint.html +++ b/zz-dbg/libp2p/varint.html @@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ class="link-seesrc" target="_blank">Source diff --git a/zz-dbg/libp2p/vbuffer.html b/zz-dbg/libp2p/vbuffer.html index 653c9d6b4..0e48dd13f 100644 --- a/zz-dbg/libp2p/vbuffer.html +++ b/zz-dbg/libp2p/vbuffer.html @@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ class="link-seesrc" target="_blank">Source diff --git a/zz-dbg/libp2p/wire.html b/zz-dbg/libp2p/wire.html index 2ad2e978e..8880555c4 100644 --- a/zz-dbg/libp2p/wire.html +++ b/zz-dbg/libp2p/wire.html @@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ class="link-seesrc" target="_blank">Source diff --git a/zz-dbg/theindex.html b/zz-dbg/theindex.html index d998bbcfe..b7940db82 100644 --- a/zz-dbg/theindex.html +++ b/zz-dbg/theindex.html @@ -746,17 +746,17 @@ window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', main); PeerId]