2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
import options, tables
2020-05-23 11:14:22 -06:00
import chronos, chronicles, stew/byteutils
import helpers
2021-06-11 16:33:47 -06:00
import ../libp2p
2022-05-18 10:19:37 +02:00
import ../libp2p/[daemon/daemonapi, varint, transports/wstransport, crypto/crypto, protocols/relay ]
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
DaemonPeerInfo = daemonapi.PeerInfo
proc writeLp*(s: StreamTransport, msg: string | seq[byte]): Future[int] {.gcsafe.} =
## write lenght prefixed
var buf = initVBuffer()
result = s.write(buf.buffer)
proc readLp*(s: StreamTransport): Future[seq[byte]] {.async, gcsafe.} =
2020-05-29 10:25:25 -06:00
## read length prefixed msg
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
size: uint
length: int
2020-05-31 23:22:49 +09:00
res: VarintResult[void]
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
result = newSeq[byte](10)
2020-05-07 22:37:46 +02:00
for i in 0..<len(result):
await s.readExactly(addr result[i], 1)
res = LP.getUVarint(result.toOpenArray(0, i), length, size)
2020-05-31 23:22:49 +09:00
if res.isOk():
2020-05-07 22:37:46 +02:00
2020-05-31 23:22:49 +09:00
res.expect("Valid varint")
2020-05-07 22:37:46 +02:00
if size > 0.uint:
await s.readExactly(addr result[0], int(size))
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
proc testPubSubDaemonPublish(gossip: bool = false, count: int = 1) {.async.} =
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
var pubsubData = "TEST MESSAGE"
var testTopic = "test-topic"
2020-06-02 20:21:11 -06:00
var msgData = pubsubData.toBytes()
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
var flags = {PSFloodSub}
if gossip:
flags = {PSGossipSub}
let daemonNode = await newDaemonApi(flags)
let daemonPeer = await daemonNode.identity()
2021-02-08 14:33:34 -06:00
let nativeNode = newStandardSwitch(outTimeout = 5.minutes)
2020-07-17 12:44:41 -06:00
2020-08-11 18:05:49 -06:00
let pubsub = if gossip:
switch = nativeNode).PubSub
switch = nativeNode).PubSub
2021-12-04 05:23:12 +11:00
await nativeNode.start()
2020-08-11 18:05:49 -06:00
await pubsub.start()
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
let nativePeer = nativeNode.peerInfo
2020-05-15 05:56:56 +02:00
var finished = false
2019-12-23 12:45:12 -06:00
var times = 0
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
proc nativeHandler(topic: string, data: seq[byte]) {.async.} =
2020-06-02 20:21:11 -06:00
let smsg = string.fromBytes(data)
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
check smsg == pubsubData
2019-12-23 12:45:12 -06:00
2020-05-15 05:56:56 +02:00
if times >= count and not finished:
finished = true
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2021-09-08 11:07:46 +02:00
await nativeNode.connect(daemonPeer.peer, daemonPeer.addresses)
2020-07-27 13:33:51 -06:00
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
await sleepAsync(1.seconds)
2019-12-07 10:36:39 -06:00
await daemonNode.connect(nativePeer.peerId, nativePeer.addrs)
2019-12-10 14:50:35 -06:00
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
proc pubsubHandler(api: DaemonAPI,
ticket: PubsubTicket,
2019-12-10 14:50:35 -06:00
message: PubSubMessage): Future[bool] {.async.} =
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
result = true # don't cancel subscription
asyncDiscard daemonNode.pubsubSubscribe(testTopic, pubsubHandler)
2020-12-19 23:43:32 +09:00
pubsub.subscribe(testTopic, nativeHandler)
2020-05-23 11:14:22 -06:00
await sleepAsync(5.seconds)
2020-05-15 05:56:56 +02:00
proc publisher() {.async.} =
while not finished:
await daemonNode.pubsubPublish(testTopic, msgData)
2020-05-23 11:14:22 -06:00
await sleepAsync(500.millis)
2020-05-15 05:56:56 +02:00
2020-05-18 07:49:49 -06:00
await wait(publisher(), 5.minutes) # should be plenty of time
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
await nativeNode.stop()
2020-08-11 18:05:49 -06:00
await pubsub.stop()
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
await daemonNode.close()
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
proc testPubSubNodePublish(gossip: bool = false, count: int = 1) {.async.} =
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
var pubsubData = "TEST MESSAGE"
var testTopic = "test-topic"
2020-06-02 20:21:11 -06:00
var msgData = pubsubData.toBytes()
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
var flags = {PSFloodSub}
if gossip:
flags = {PSGossipSub}
let daemonNode = await newDaemonApi(flags)
let daemonPeer = await daemonNode.identity()
2021-02-08 14:33:34 -06:00
let nativeNode = newStandardSwitch(outTimeout = 5.minutes)
2020-07-17 12:44:41 -06:00
2020-08-11 18:05:49 -06:00
let pubsub = if gossip:
switch = nativeNode).PubSub
switch = nativeNode).PubSub
2021-12-04 05:23:12 +11:00
await nativeNode.start()
2020-08-11 18:05:49 -06:00
await pubsub.start()
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
let nativePeer = nativeNode.peerInfo
2021-09-08 11:07:46 +02:00
await nativeNode.connect(daemonPeer.peer, daemonPeer.addresses)
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
await sleepAsync(1.seconds)
2019-12-07 10:36:39 -06:00
await daemonNode.connect(nativePeer.peerId, nativePeer.addrs)
2019-12-10 14:50:35 -06:00
2019-12-23 12:45:12 -06:00
var times = 0
2020-05-15 05:56:56 +02:00
var finished = false
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
proc pubsubHandler(api: DaemonAPI,
ticket: PubsubTicket,
2019-12-10 14:50:35 -06:00
message: PubSubMessage): Future[bool] {.async.} =
2020-06-02 20:21:11 -06:00
let smsg = string.fromBytes(message.data)
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
check smsg == pubsubData
2019-12-23 12:45:12 -06:00
2020-05-15 05:56:56 +02:00
if times >= count and not finished:
finished = true
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
result = true # don't cancel subscription
2019-12-23 12:45:12 -06:00
discard await daemonNode.pubsubSubscribe(testTopic, pubsubHandler)
proc nativeHandler(topic: string, data: seq[byte]) {.async.} = discard
2020-12-19 23:43:32 +09:00
pubsub.subscribe(testTopic, nativeHandler)
2020-05-23 11:14:22 -06:00
await sleepAsync(5.seconds)
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-05-15 05:56:56 +02:00
proc publisher() {.async.} =
while not finished:
2020-08-11 18:05:49 -06:00
discard await pubsub.publish(testTopic, msgData)
2020-05-23 11:14:22 -06:00
await sleepAsync(500.millis)
2020-05-15 05:56:56 +02:00
2020-05-18 07:49:49 -06:00
await wait(publisher(), 5.minutes) # should be plenty of time
2020-05-15 05:56:56 +02:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
check finished
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
await nativeNode.stop()
2020-08-11 18:05:49 -06:00
await pubsub.stop()
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
await daemonNode.close()
suite "Interop":
2020-05-23 11:15:47 -06:00
# TODO: chronos transports are leaking,
# but those are tracked for both the daemon
# and libp2p, so not sure which one it is,
# need to investigate more
# teardown:
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
# checkTrackers()
2020-05-23 11:14:22 -06:00
2020-09-21 18:16:29 +09:00
# TODO: this test is failing sometimes on windows
# For some reason we receive EOF before test 4 sometimes
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
asyncTest "native -> daemon multiple reads and writes":
var protos = @["/test-stream"]
let nativeNode = newStandardSwitch(
secureManagers = [SecureProtocol.Noise],
outTimeout = 5.minutes)
2021-12-04 05:23:12 +11:00
await nativeNode.start()
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
let daemonNode = await newDaemonApi()
let daemonPeer = await daemonNode.identity()
var testFuture = newFuture[void]("test.future")
proc daemonHandler(api: DaemonAPI, stream: P2PStream) {.async.} =
check string.fromBytes(await stream.transp.readLp()) == "test 1"
discard await stream.transp.writeLp("test 2")
check string.fromBytes(await stream.transp.readLp()) == "test 3"
discard await stream.transp.writeLp("test 4")
await daemonNode.addHandler(protos, daemonHandler)
2021-09-08 11:07:46 +02:00
let conn = await nativeNode.dial(daemonPeer.peer, daemonPeer.addresses, protos[0])
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
await conn.writeLp("test 1")
check "test 2" == string.fromBytes((await conn.readLp(1024)))
await conn.writeLp("test 3")
check "test 4" == string.fromBytes((await conn.readLp(1024)))
await wait(testFuture, 10.secs)
await nativeNode.stop()
await daemonNode.close()
await sleepAsync(1.seconds)
asyncTest "native -> daemon connection":
var protos = @["/test-stream"]
var test = "TEST STRING"
# We are preparing expect string, which should be prefixed with varint
# length and do not have `\r\n` suffix, because we going to use
# readLine().
var buffer = initVBuffer()
buffer.writeSeq(test & "\r\n")
var expect = newString(len(buffer) - 2)
copyMem(addr expect[0], addr buffer.buffer[0], len(expect))
let nativeNode = newStandardSwitch(
secureManagers = [SecureProtocol.Noise],
outTimeout = 5.minutes)
2021-12-04 05:23:12 +11:00
await nativeNode.start()
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
let daemonNode = await newDaemonApi()
let daemonPeer = await daemonNode.identity()
var testFuture = newFuture[string]("test.future")
proc daemonHandler(api: DaemonAPI, stream: P2PStream) {.async.} =
# We should perform `readLp()` instead of `readLine()`. `readLine()`
# here reads actually length prefixed string.
var line = await stream.transp.readLine()
check line == expect
await stream.close()
2020-05-23 11:14:22 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
await daemonNode.addHandler(protos, daemonHandler)
2021-09-08 11:07:46 +02:00
let conn = await nativeNode.dial(daemonPeer.peer, daemonPeer.addresses, protos[0])
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
await conn.writeLp(test & "\r\n")
check expect == (await wait(testFuture, 10.secs))
await conn.close()
await nativeNode.stop()
await daemonNode.close()
asyncTest "daemon -> native connection":
var protos = @["/test-stream"]
var test = "TEST STRING"
var testFuture = newFuture[string]("test.future")
proc nativeHandler(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
var line = string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
check line == test
2020-05-23 11:14:22 -06:00
await conn.close()
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
# custom proto
var proto = new LPProtocol
proto.handler = nativeHandler
proto.codec = protos[0] # codec
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
let nativeNode = newStandardSwitch(
secureManagers = [SecureProtocol.Noise], outTimeout = 5.minutes)
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2021-12-04 05:23:12 +11:00
await nativeNode.start()
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
let nativePeer = nativeNode.peerInfo
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
let daemonNode = await newDaemonApi()
await daemonNode.connect(nativePeer.peerId, nativePeer.addrs)
var stream = await daemonNode.openStream(nativePeer.peerId, protos)
discard await stream.transp.writeLp(test)
2020-07-17 12:44:41 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
check test == (await wait(testFuture, 10.secs))
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
await stream.close()
await nativeNode.stop()
await daemonNode.close()
await sleepAsync(1.seconds)
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2021-08-03 15:48:03 +02:00
asyncTest "native -> daemon websocket connection":
var protos = @["/test-stream"]
var test = "TEST STRING"
var testFuture = newFuture[string]("test.future")
proc nativeHandler(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
var line = string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
check line == test
await conn.close()
# custom proto
var proto = new LPProtocol
proto.handler = nativeHandler
proto.codec = protos[0] # codec
let wsAddress = MultiAddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet()
let nativeNode = SwitchBuilder
.withTransport(proc (upgr: Upgrade): Transport = WsTransport.new(upgr))
2021-12-04 05:23:12 +11:00
await nativeNode.start()
2021-08-03 15:48:03 +02:00
let nativePeer = nativeNode.peerInfo
let daemonNode = await newDaemonApi(hostAddresses = @[wsAddress])
await daemonNode.connect(nativePeer.peerId, nativePeer.addrs)
var stream = await daemonNode.openStream(nativePeer.peerId, protos)
discard await stream.transp.writeLp(test)
check test == (await wait(testFuture, 10.secs))
await stream.close()
await nativeNode.stop()
await daemonNode.close()
await sleepAsync(1.seconds)
asyncTest "daemon -> native websocket connection":
var protos = @["/test-stream"]
var test = "TEST STRING"
# We are preparing expect string, which should be prefixed with varint
# length and do not have `\r\n` suffix, because we going to use
# readLine().
var buffer = initVBuffer()
buffer.writeSeq(test & "\r\n")
var expect = newString(len(buffer) - 2)
copyMem(addr expect[0], addr buffer.buffer[0], len(expect))
let wsAddress = MultiAddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet()
let nativeNode = SwitchBuilder
.withTransport(proc (upgr: Upgrade): Transport = WsTransport.new(upgr))
2021-12-04 05:23:12 +11:00
await nativeNode.start()
2021-08-03 15:48:03 +02:00
let daemonNode = await newDaemonApi(hostAddresses = @[wsAddress])
let daemonPeer = await daemonNode.identity()
var testFuture = newFuture[string]("test.future")
proc daemonHandler(api: DaemonAPI, stream: P2PStream) {.async.} =
# We should perform `readLp()` instead of `readLine()`. `readLine()`
# here reads actually length prefixed string.
var line = await stream.transp.readLine()
check line == expect
await stream.close()
await daemonNode.addHandler(protos, daemonHandler)
2021-09-08 11:07:46 +02:00
let conn = await nativeNode.dial(daemonPeer.peer, daemonPeer.addresses, protos[0])
2021-08-03 15:48:03 +02:00
await conn.writeLp(test & "\r\n")
check expect == (await wait(testFuture, 10.secs))
await conn.close()
await nativeNode.stop()
await daemonNode.close()
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
asyncTest "daemon -> multiple reads and writes":
var protos = @["/test-stream"]
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
var testFuture = newFuture[void]("test.future")
proc nativeHandler(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
check "test 1" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("test 2".toBytes())
2020-06-24 09:08:44 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
check "test 3" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("test 4".toBytes())
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
await conn.close()
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
# custom proto
var proto = new LPProtocol
proto.handler = nativeHandler
proto.codec = protos[0] # codec
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
let nativeNode = newStandardSwitch(
secureManagers = [SecureProtocol.Noise], outTimeout = 5.minutes)
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2021-12-04 05:23:12 +11:00
await nativeNode.start()
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
let nativePeer = nativeNode.peerInfo
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
let daemonNode = await newDaemonApi()
await daemonNode.connect(nativePeer.peerId, nativePeer.addrs)
var stream = await daemonNode.openStream(nativePeer.peerId, protos)
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
asyncDiscard stream.transp.writeLp("test 1")
check "test 2" == string.fromBytes(await stream.transp.readLp())
2020-07-17 12:44:41 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
asyncDiscard stream.transp.writeLp("test 3")
check "test 4" == string.fromBytes(await stream.transp.readLp())
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
await wait(testFuture, 10.secs)
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
await stream.close()
await nativeNode.stop()
await daemonNode.close()
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
asyncTest "read write multiple":
var protos = @["/test-stream"]
var test = "TEST STRING"
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
var count = 0
var testFuture = newFuture[int]("test.future")
proc nativeHandler(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
while count < 10:
var line = string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
check line == test
await conn.writeLp(test.toBytes())
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
await conn.close()
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
# custom proto
var proto = new LPProtocol
proto.handler = nativeHandler
proto.codec = protos[0] # codec
let nativeNode = newStandardSwitch(
secureManagers = [SecureProtocol.Noise], outTimeout = 5.minutes)
2021-12-04 05:23:12 +11:00
await nativeNode.start()
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
let nativePeer = nativeNode.peerInfo
let daemonNode = await newDaemonApi()
await daemonNode.connect(nativePeer.peerId, nativePeer.addrs)
var stream = await daemonNode.openStream(nativePeer.peerId, protos)
var count2 = 0
while count2 < 10:
discard await stream.transp.writeLp(test)
let line = await stream.transp.readLp()
check test == string.fromBytes(line)
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
check 10 == (await wait(testFuture, 1.minutes))
await stream.close()
await nativeNode.stop()
await daemonNode.close()
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
asyncTest "floodsub: daemon publish one":
await testPubSubDaemonPublish()
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
asyncTest "floodsub: daemon publish many":
await testPubSubDaemonPublish(count = 10)
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
asyncTest "gossipsub: daemon publish one":
await testPubSubDaemonPublish(gossip = true)
2019-12-23 12:45:12 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
asyncTest "gossipsub: daemon publish many":
await testPubSubDaemonPublish(gossip = true, count = 10)
2019-12-23 12:45:12 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
asyncTest "floodsub: node publish one":
await testPubSubNodePublish()
2019-12-05 20:16:18 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
asyncTest "floodsub: node publish many":
await testPubSubNodePublish(count = 10)
2019-12-23 12:45:12 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
asyncTest "gossipsub: node publish one":
await testPubSubNodePublish(gossip = true)
2019-12-23 12:45:12 -06:00
2020-11-12 21:44:02 -06:00
asyncTest "gossipsub: node publish many":
await testPubSubNodePublish(gossip = true, count = 10)
2022-05-18 10:19:37 +02:00
asyncTest "NativeSrc -> NativeRelay -> DaemonDst":
proc daemonHandler(api: DaemonAPI, stream: P2PStream) {.async.} =
check "line1" == string.fromBytes(await stream.transp.readLp())
discard await stream.transp.writeLp("line2")
check "line3" == string.fromBytes(await stream.transp.readLp())
discard await stream.transp.writeLp("line4")
await stream.close()
maSrc = MultiAddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet()
maRel = MultiAddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet()
src = SwitchBuilder.new()
.withAddresses(@[ maSrc ])
rel = SwitchBuilder.new()
.withAddresses(@[ maRel ])
await src.start()
await rel.start()
let daemonNode = await newDaemonApi()
let daemonPeer = await daemonNode.identity()
let maStr = $rel.peerInfo.addrs[0] & "/p2p/" & $rel.peerInfo.peerId & "/p2p-circuit/p2p/" & $daemonPeer.peer
let maddr = MultiAddress.init(maStr).tryGet()
await src.connect(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
await rel.connect(daemonPeer.peer, daemonPeer.addresses)
await daemonNode.addHandler(@[ "/testCustom" ], daemonHandler)
let conn = await src.dial(daemonPeer.peer, @[ maddr ], @[ "/testCustom" ])
await conn.writeLp("line1")
check string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024)) == "line2"
await conn.writeLp("line3")
check string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024)) == "line4"
await allFutures(src.stop(), rel.stop())
await daemonNode.close()
asyncTest "DaemonSrc -> NativeRelay -> NativeDst":
proc customHandler(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
check "line1" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("line2")
check "line3" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("line4")
await conn.close()
protos = @[ "/customProto", RelayCodec ]
customProto = new LPProtocol
customProto.handler = customHandler
customProto.codec = protos[0]
maRel = MultiAddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet()
maDst = MultiAddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet()
rel = SwitchBuilder.new()
.withAddresses(@[ maRel ])
dst = SwitchBuilder.new()
.withAddresses(@[ maDst ])
await rel.start()
await dst.start()
let daemonNode = await newDaemonApi()
let daemonPeer = await daemonNode.identity()
let maStr = $rel.peerInfo.addrs[0] & "/p2p/" & $rel.peerInfo.peerId & "/p2p-circuit/p2p/" & $dst.peerInfo.peerId
let maddr = MultiAddress.init(maStr).tryGet()
await daemonNode.connect(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
await rel.connect(dst.peerInfo.peerId, dst.peerInfo.addrs)
await daemonNode.connect(dst.peerInfo.peerId, @[ maddr ])
var stream = await daemonNode.openStream(dst.peerInfo.peerId, protos)
discard await stream.transp.writeLp("line1")
check string.fromBytes(await stream.transp.readLp()) == "line2"
discard await stream.transp.writeLp("line3")
check string.fromBytes(await stream.transp.readLp()) == "line4"
await allFutures(dst.stop(), rel.stop())
await daemonNode.close()
asyncTest "NativeSrc -> DaemonRelay -> NativeDst":
proc customHandler(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
check "line1" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("line2")
check "line3" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("line4")
await conn.close()
protos = @[ "/customProto", RelayCodec ]
customProto = new LPProtocol
customProto.handler = customHandler
customProto.codec = protos[0]
maSrc = MultiAddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet()
maDst = MultiAddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet()
src = SwitchBuilder.new()
.withAddresses(@[ maSrc ])
dst = SwitchBuilder.new()
.withAddresses(@[ maDst ])
await src.start()
await dst.start()
let daemonNode = await newDaemonApi({RelayHop})
let daemonPeer = await daemonNode.identity()
let maStr = $daemonPeer.addresses[0] & "/p2p/" & $daemonPeer.peer & "/p2p-circuit/p2p/" & $dst.peerInfo.peerId
let maddr = MultiAddress.init(maStr).tryGet()
await src.connect(daemonPeer.peer, daemonPeer.addresses)
await daemonNode.connect(dst.peerInfo.peerId, dst.peerInfo.addrs)
let conn = await src.dial(dst.peerInfo.peerId, @[ maddr ], protos[0])
await conn.writeLp("line1")
check string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024)) == "line2"
await conn.writeLp("line3")
check string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024)) == "line4"
await allFutures(src.stop(), dst.stop())
await daemonNode.close()