105 lines
4.1 KiB
105 lines
4.1 KiB
{.compile: "keccak_tiny/keccak-tiny.c".}
#Keccak-Tiny should be compiled for C99.
#This statement checks to see if we're using a backend other then C, and if not, passes C99.
#We would just check for C except Nim only defines the other backends.
when not defined(cpp) or defined(objc) or defined(js):
{.passC: "-std=c99".}
strutils, parseutils, ranges/memranges
Hash*[bits: static[int]] = object
data*: array[bits div 8, uint8]
proc `$`*(h: Hash): string =
result = newStringOfCap(high(h.data) * 2)
for byte in h.data:
result.add(toHex(int(byte), 2))
proc hashFromHex*(bits: static[int], input: string): Hash[bits] =
if input.len != bits div 4:
raise newException(ValueError,
"The input string has incorrect size")
for i in 0 ..< bits div 8:
var nextByte: int
if parseHex(input, nextByte, i*2, 2) == 2:
result.data[i] = uint8(nextByte)
raise newException(ValueError,
"The input string contains invalid characters")
template hashFromHex*(s: static[string]): untyped = hashFromHex(s.len * 4, s)
proc extSha224(output: pointer, outSize: csize, input: pointer, inputSize: csize) {.importc: "sha3_224".}
proc extSha256(output: pointer, outSize: csize, input: pointer, inputSize: csize) {.importc: "sha3_256".}
proc extSha384(output: pointer, outSize: csize, input: pointer, inputSize: csize) {.importc: "sha3_384".}
proc extSha512(output: pointer, outSize: csize, input: pointer, inputSize: csize) {.importc: "sha3_512".}
proc extKeccak224(output: pointer, outSize: csize, input: pointer, inputSize: csize) {.importc: "keccak_224".}
proc extKeccak256(output: pointer, outSize: csize, input: pointer, inputSize: csize) {.importc: "keccak_256".}
proc extKeccak384(output: pointer, outSize: csize, input: pointer, inputSize: csize) {.importc: "keccak_384".}
proc extKeccak512(output: pointer, outSize: csize, input: pointer, inputSize: csize) {.importc: "keccak_512".}
proc extShake128(output: pointer, outSize: csize, input: pointer, inputSize: csize) {.importc: "shake128".}
proc extShake256(output: pointer, outSize: csize, input: pointer, inputSize: csize) {.importc: "shake256".}
proc sha3_224(input: MemRange): Hash[224] =
extSha224(addr(result.data), 224 div 8, input.baseAddr, input.len)
template sha3_224*(input: typed): Hash[224] =
proc sha3_256(input: MemRange): Hash[256] =
extSha256(addr(result.data), 256 div 8, input.baseAddr, input.len)
template sha3_256*(input: typed): Hash[256] =
proc sha3_384(input: MemRange): Hash[384] =
extSha384(addr(result.data), 384 div 8, input.baseAddr, input.len)
template sha3_384*(input: typed): Hash[384] =
proc sha3_512(input: MemRange): Hash[512] =
extSha512(addr(result.data), 512 div 8, input.baseAddr, input.len)
template sha3_512*(input: typed): Hash[512] =
proc keccak_224(input: MemRange): Hash[224] =
extKeccak224(addr(result.data), 224 div 8, input.baseAddr, input.len)
template keccak_224*(input: typed): Hash[224] =
proc keccak_256(input: MemRange): Hash[256] =
extKeccak256(addr(result.data), 256 div 8, input.baseAddr, input.len)
template keccak_256*(input: typed): Hash[256] =
proc keccak_384(input: MemRange): Hash[384] =
extKeccak384(addr(result.data), 384 div 8, input.baseAddr, input.len)
template keccak_384*(input: typed): Hash[384] =
proc keccak_512(input: MemRange): Hash[512] =
extKeccak512(addr(result.data), 512 div 8, input.baseAddr, input.len)
template keccak_512*(input: typed): Hash[512] =
proc shake_128(input: MemRange): Hash[128] =
extShake128(addr(result.data), 128 div 8, input.baseAddr, input.len)
template shake_128*(input: typed): Hash[128] =
proc shake_256(input: MemRange): Hash[256] =
extShake256(addr(result.data), 256 div 8, input.baseAddr, input.len)
template shake_256*(input: typed): Hash[256] =