
303 lines
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import asyncdispatch, asyncnet, json, tables, macros, strutils
export asyncdispatch, asyncnet, json
RpcProc* = proc (params: JsonNode): Future[JsonNode]
RpcServer* = ref object
socket*: AsyncSocket
port*: Port
address*: string
procs*: TableRef[string, RpcProc]
RpcProcError* = ref object of Exception
code*: int
data*: JsonNode
proc register*(server: RpcServer, name: string, rpc: RpcProc) =
server.procs[name] = rpc
proc unRegisterAll*(server: RpcServer) = server.procs.clear
macro rpc*(prc: untyped): untyped =
## Converts a procedure into the following format:
## <proc name>*(params: JsonNode): Future[JsonNode] {.async.}
## This procedure is then added into a compile-time list
## so that it is automatically registered for every server that
## calls registerRpcs(server)
prc.expectKind nnkProcDef
result = prc
params = prc.params
procName =
# check there isn't already a result type
assert params[0].kind == nnkEmpty
# add parameter
params.add nnkIdentDefs.newTree(
# set result type
params[0] = nnkBracketExpr.newTree(
# add async pragma; we can assume there isn't an existing .async.
# as this would mean there's a return type and fail the result check above.
proc newRpcServer*(address = "localhost", port: Port = Port(8545)): RpcServer =
result = RpcServer(
socket: newAsyncSocket(),
port: port,
address: address,
procs: newTable[string, RpcProc]()
var sharedServer: RpcServer
proc sharedRpcServer*(): RpcServer =
if sharedServer.isNil: sharedServer = newRpcServer("")
result = sharedServer
macro multiRemove(s: string, values: varargs[string]): untyped =
## Wrapper for multiReplace
body = newStmtList()
multiReplaceCall = newCall(ident"multiReplace", s)
body.add(newVarStmt(ident"eStr", newStrLitNode("")))
let emptyStr = ident"eStr"
for item in values:
# generate tuples of values with the empty string `eStr`
let sItem = $item
multiReplaceCall.add(newPar(newStrLitNode(sItem), emptyStr))
body.add multiReplaceCall
result = newBlockStmt(body)
proc jsonGetFunc(paramType: string): NimNode =
case paramType
of "string": result = ident"getStr"
of "int": result = ident"getInt"
of "float": result = ident"getFloat"
of "bool": result = ident"getBool"
of "byte": result = ident"getInt"
else: result = nil
proc jsonCheckType(paramType: string): NimNode =
case paramType
of "string": result = ident"JString"
of "int": result = ident"JInt"
of "float": result = ident"JFloat"
of "bool": result = ident"JBool"
of "byte": result = ident"JInt"
else: result = nil
# TODO: Nested complex fields in objects
# Probably going to need to make it recursive
macro bindObj*(objInst: untyped, objType: typedesc, paramsArg: typed, elemIdx: int): untyped =
result = newNimNode(nnkStmtList)
let typeDesc = getType(getType(objType)[1])
for field in typeDesc[2].children:
fieldStr = $field
fieldTypeStr = $field.getType()
getFunc = jsonGetFunc(fieldTypeStr)
expectedKind = fieldTypeStr.jsonCheckType
expectedStr = "Expected " & $expectedKind & " but got "
result.add(quote do:
let jParam = `paramsArg`.elems[`elemIdx`][`fieldStr`]
if jParam.kind != `expectedKind`:
raise newException(ValueError, `expectedStr` & $jParam.kind)
`objInst`.`field` = jParam.`getFunc`
when defined(nimDumpRpcs):
echo "BindObj expansion: ", result.repr
macro on*(server: var RpcServer, path: string, body: untyped): untyped =
paramFetch = newStmtList()
expectedParams = 0
let parameters = body.findChild(it.kind == nnkFormalParams)
if not parameters.isNil:
# process parameters of body into json fetch templates
var resType = parameters[0]
if resType.kind != nnkEmpty:
# TODO: transform result type and/or return to json
var paramsIdent = ident"params"
expectedParams = parameters.len - 1
let expectedStr = "Expected " & $`expectedParams` & " Json parameter(s) but got "
paramFetch.add(quote do:
if `paramsIdent`.len != `expectedParams`:
raise newException(ValueError, `expectedStr` & $`paramsIdent`.len)
for i in 1..<parameters.len:
let pos = i - 1 # first index is return type
parameters[i].expectKind nnkIdentDefs
# take user's parameter name for template
let name = parameters[i][0]
var paramType = parameters[i][1]
# TODO: Replace exception with async error return values
# Requires passing the server in local parameters to access the socket
if paramType.kind == nnkBracketExpr:
# process array and seq parameters
# and marshal json arrays to native types
let paramTypeStr = $paramType[0]
assert paramTypeStr == "array" or paramTypeStr == "seq"
type ListFormat = enum ltArray, ltSeq
let listFormat = if paramTypeStr == "array": ltArray else: ltSeq
if listFormat == ltArray: paramType.expectLen 3 else: paramType.expectLen 2
listType: NimNode
checks = newStmtList()
varDecl: NimNode
# always include check for array type for parameters
# TODO: If defined as single params, relax array check
checks.add quote do:
if `paramsIdent`.elems[`pos`].kind != JArray:
raise newException(ValueError, "Expected " & `paramTypeStr` & " but got " & $`paramsIdent`.elems[`pos`].kind)
case listFormat
of ltArray:
let arrayLenStr = paramType[1].repr
listType = paramType[2]
varDecl = quote do:
var `name`: `paramType`
# arrays can only be up to the defined length
# note that passing smaller arrays is still valid and are padded with zeros
checks.add(quote do:
if `paramsIdent`.elems[`pos`].len > `name`.len:
raise newException(ValueError, "Provided array is longer than parameter allows. Expected " & `arrayLenStr` & ", data length is " & $`paramsIdent`.elems[`pos`].len)
of ltSeq:
listType = paramType[1]
varDecl = quote do:
var `name` = newSeq[`listType`](`paramsIdent`.elems[`pos`].len)
getFunc = jsonGetFunc($listType)
idx = ident"i"
listParse = quote do:
for `idx` in 0 ..< `paramsIdent`.elems[`pos`].len:
`name`[`idx`] = `listType`(`paramsIdent`.elems[`pos`].elems[`idx`].`getFunc`)
# assemble fetch parameters code
paramFetch.add(quote do:
# other types
var getFuncName = jsonGetFunc($paramType)
if not getFuncName.isNil:
# fetch parameter
let getFunc = newIdentNode($getFuncName)
paramFetch.add(quote do:
var `name`: `paramType` = `paramsIdent`.elems[`pos`].`getFunc`
# this type is probably a custom type, eg object
# bindObj creates assignments to the object fields
let paramTypeStr = $paramType
paramFetch.add(quote do:
var `name`: `paramType`
if `paramsIdent`.elems[`pos`].kind != JObject:
raise newException(ValueError, "Expected " & `paramTypeStr` & " but got " & $`paramsIdent`.elems[`pos`].kind)
bindObj(`name`, `paramType`, `paramsIdent`, `pos`)
# create RPC proc
pathStr = $path
procName = ident(pathStr.multiRemove(".", "/")) # TODO: Make this unique to avoid potential clashes, or allow people to know the name for calling?
paramsIdent = ident("params")
var procBody: NimNode
if body.kind == nnkStmtList: procBody = body
else: procBody = body.body
var checkTypeError: NimNode
if expectedParams > 0:
checkTypeError = quote do:
if `paramsIdent`.kind != JArray:
raise newException(ValueError, "Expected array but got " & $`paramsIdent`.kind)
else: checkTypeError = newStmtList()
result = quote do:
proc `procName`*(`paramsIdent`: JsonNode): Future[JsonNode] {.async.} =
`server`.register(`path`, `procName`)
when defined(nimDumpRpcs):
echo result.repr
when isMainModule:
import unittest
var s = newRpcServer("localhost")
echo "hello3"
result = %1
s.on("rpc.returnint") do() -> int:
echo "hello2"
s.on("rpc.differentparams") do(a: int, b: string):
var node = %"test"
result = node
s.on("rpc.arrayparam") do(arr: array[0..5, byte], b: string):
var res = newJArray()
for item in arr:
res.add %int(item)
res.add %b
result = %res
s.on("rpc.seqparam") do(b: string, s: seq[int]):
var res = newJArray()
res.add %b
for item in s:
res.add %int(item)
result = res
type MyObject* = object
a: int
b: string
c: float
s.on("rpc.objparam") do(b: string, obj: MyObject):
result = %obj
suite "Server types":
test "On macro registration":
check s.procs.hasKey("rpc.simplepath")
check s.procs.hasKey("rpc.returnint")
check s.procs.hasKey("rpc.returnint")
test "Array/seq parameters":
let r1 = waitfor rpcArrayParam(%[%[1, 2, 3], %"hello"])
var ckR1 = %[1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0]
ckR1.elems.add %"hello"
check r1 == ckR1
let r2 = waitfor rpcSeqParam(%[%"abc", %[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]])
var ckR2 = %["abc"]
for i in 0..4: ckR2.add %(i + 1)
check r2 == ckR2
test "Object parameters":
obj = %*{"a": %1, "b": %"hello", "c": %1.23}
r = waitfor rpcObjParam(%[%"abc", obj])
check r == obj
test "Runtime errors":
expect ValueError:
discard waitfor rpcArrayParam(%[%[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], %"hello"])