231 lines
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231 lines
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# json-rpc
# Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
# at your option.
# This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
# those terms.
{.push raises: [], gcsafe.}
std/[tables, uri],
chronos/apps/http/httpclient as chronosHttpClient,
chronicles, httputils, json_serialization/std/net,
client, errors, HttpClientFlag, HttpClientFlags
HttpClientOptions* = object
httpMethod: HttpMethod
RpcHttpClient* = ref object of RpcClient
httpSession: HttpSessionRef
httpAddress: HttpResult[HttpAddress]
maxBodySize: int
getHeaders: GetJsonRpcRequestHeaders
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc `$`(v: HttpAddress): string =
proc new(
T: type RpcHttpClient, maxBodySize = MaxMessageBodyBytes, secure = false,
getHeaders: GetJsonRpcRequestHeaders = nil, flags: HttpClientFlags = {}): T =
var moreFlags: HttpClientFlags
if secure:
moreFlags.incl HttpClientFlag.NoVerifyHost
moreFlags.incl HttpClientFlag.NoVerifyServerName
maxBodySize: maxBodySize,
httpSession: HttpSessionRef.new(flags = flags + moreFlags),
getHeaders: getHeaders
template closeRefs(req, res: untyped) =
# We can't trust try/finally in async/await in all nim versions, so we
# do it manually instead
if req != nil:
await req.closeWait()
except CatchableError as exc: # shouldn't happen
debug "Error closing JSON-RPC HTTP resuest/response", err = exc.msg
discard exc
if res != nil:
await res.closeWait()
except CatchableError as exc: # shouldn't happen
debug "Error closing JSON-RPC HTTP resuest/response", err = exc.msg
discard exc
proc callImpl(client: RpcHttpClient, reqBody: string): Future[string] {.async.} =
doAssert client.httpSession != nil
if client.httpAddress.isErr:
raise newException(RpcAddressUnresolvableError, client.httpAddress.error)
var headers =
if not isNil(client.getHeaders):
headers.add(("Content-Type", "application/json"))
var req: HttpClientRequestRef
var res: HttpClientResponseRef
req = HttpClientRequestRef.post(client.httpSession,
body = reqBody.toOpenArrayByte(0, reqBody.len - 1),
headers = headers)
res =
await req.send()
except CancelledError as e:
debug "Cancelled POST Request with JSON-RPC", e = e.msg
closeRefs(req, res)
raise e
except CatchableError as e:
debug "Failed to send POST Request with JSON-RPC", e = e.msg
closeRefs(req, res)
raise (ref RpcPostError)(msg: "Failed to send POST Request with JSON-RPC: " & e.msg, parent: e)
if res.status < 200 or res.status >= 300: # res.status is not 2xx (success)
debug "Unsuccessful POST Request with JSON-RPC",
status = res.status, reason = res.reason
closeRefs(req, res)
raise (ref ErrorResponse)(status: res.status, msg: res.reason)
let resBytes =
await res.getBodyBytes(client.maxBodySize)
except CancelledError as e:
debug "Cancelled POST Response for JSON-RPC", e = e.msg
closeRefs(req, res)
raise e
except CatchableError as e:
debug "Failed to read POST Response for JSON-RPC", e = e.msg
closeRefs(req, res)
raise (ref FailedHttpResponse)(msg: "Failed to read POST Response for JSON-RPC: " & e.msg, parent: e)
result = string.fromBytes(resBytes)
trace "Response", text = result
closeRefs(req, res)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc newRpcHttpClient*(
maxBodySize = MaxMessageBodyBytes, secure = false,
getHeaders: GetJsonRpcRequestHeaders = nil,
flags: HttpClientFlags = {}): RpcHttpClient =
RpcHttpClient.new(maxBodySize, secure, getHeaders, flags)
method call*(client: RpcHttpClient, name: string,
params: RequestParamsTx): Future[JsonString]
{.async.} =
id = client.getNextId()
reqBody = requestTxEncode(name, params, id)
debug "Sending JSON-RPC request",
address = client.httpAddress, len = len(reqBody), name, id
trace "Message", msg = reqBody
let resText = await client.callImpl(reqBody)
# completed by processMessage - the flow is quite weird here to accomodate
# socket and ws clients, but could use a more thorough refactoring
var newFut = newFuture[JsonString]()
# add to awaiting responses
client.awaiting[id] = newFut
# Might error for all kinds of reasons
let msgRes = client.processMessage(resText)
if msgRes.isErr:
# Need to clean up in case the answer was invalid
let exc = newException(JsonRpcError, msgRes.error)
raise exc
# processMessage should have completed this future - if it didn't, `read` will
# raise, which is reasonable
if newFut.finished:
return newFut.read()
# TODO: Provide more clarity regarding the failure here
debug "Invalid POST Response for JSON-RPC"
raise newException(InvalidResponse, "Invalid response")
method callBatch*(client: RpcHttpClient,
calls: RequestBatchTx): Future[ResponseBatchRx]
{.async.} =
let reqBody = requestBatchEncode(calls)
debug "Sending JSON-RPC batch",
address = $client.httpAddress, len = len(reqBody)
let resText = await client.callImpl(reqBody)
if client.batchFut.isNil or client.batchFut.finished():
client.batchFut = newFuture[ResponseBatchRx]()
# Might error for all kinds of reasons
let msgRes = client.processMessage(resText)
if msgRes.isErr:
# Need to clean up in case the answer was invalid
debug "Failed to process POST Response for JSON-RPC", msg = msgRes.error
let exc = newException(JsonRpcError, msgRes.error)
raise exc
# processMessage should have completed this future - if it didn't, `read` will
# raise, which is reasonable
if client.batchFut.finished:
return client.batchFut.read()
# TODO: Provide more clarity regarding the failure here
debug "Invalid POST Response for JSON-RPC"
raise newException(InvalidResponse, "Invalid response")
proc connect*(client: RpcHttpClient, url: string) {.async.} =
client.httpAddress = client.httpSession.getAddress(url)
if client.httpAddress.isErr:
raise newException(RpcAddressUnresolvableError, client.httpAddress.error)
proc connect*(client: RpcHttpClient, address: string, port: Port, secure: bool) {.async.} =
var uri = Uri(
scheme: if secure: "https" else: "http",
hostname: address,
port: $port)
let res = getAddress(client.httpSession, uri)
if res.isOk:
client.httpAddress = res
raise newException(RpcAddressUnresolvableError, res.error)
method close*(client: RpcHttpClient) {.async.} =
if not client.httpSession.isNil:
await client.httpSession.closeWait()