
181 lines
5.6 KiB

import ./basics
import ./transaction
import ./blocktag
export basics
export transaction
export blocktag
push: {.upraises: [].}
Provider* = ref object of RootObj
ProviderError* = object of EthersError
Subscription* = ref object of RootObj
Filter* = object
address*: Address
topics*: seq[Topic]
Log* = object
data*: seq[byte]
topics*: seq[Topic]
TransactionHash* = array[32, byte]
BlockHash* = array[32, byte]
TransactionStatus* = enum
Failure = 0,
Success = 1,
Invalid = 2
TransactionResponse* = object
provider*: Provider
hash*: TransactionHash
TransactionReceipt* = object
sender*: ?Address
to*: ?Address
contractAddress*: ?Address
transactionIndex*: UInt256
gasUsed*: UInt256
logsBloom*: seq[byte]
blockHash*: ?BlockHash
transactionHash*: TransactionHash
logs*: seq[Log]
blockNumber*: ?UInt256
cumulativeGasUsed*: UInt256
status*: TransactionStatus
LogHandler* = proc(log: Log) {.gcsafe, upraises:[].}
BlockHandler* = proc(blck: Block) {.gcsafe, upraises:[].}
Topic* = array[32, byte]
Block* = object
number*: ?UInt256
timestamp*: UInt256
hash*: ?BlockHash
const EthersDefaultConfirmations* {.intdefine.} = 12
const EthersReceiptTimeoutBlks* {.intdefine.} = 50 # in blocks
method getBlockNumber*(provider: Provider): Future[UInt256] {.base.} =
doAssert false, "not implemented"
method getBlock*(provider: Provider, tag: BlockTag): Future[?Block] {.base.} =
doAssert false, "not implemented"
method call*(provider: Provider,
tx: Transaction,
blockTag = BlockTag.latest): Future[seq[byte]] {.base.} =
doAssert false, "not implemented"
method getGasPrice*(provider: Provider): Future[UInt256] {.base.} =
doAssert false, "not implemented"
method getTransactionCount*(provider: Provider,
address: Address,
blockTag = BlockTag.latest):
Future[UInt256] {.base.} =
doAssert false, "not implemented"
method getTransactionReceipt*(provider: Provider,
txHash: TransactionHash):
Future[?TransactionReceipt] {.base.} =
doAssert false, "not implemented"
method sendTransaction*(provider: Provider,
rawTransaction: seq[byte]):
Future[TransactionResponse] {.base.} =
doAssert false, "not implemented"
method estimateGas*(provider: Provider,
transaction: Transaction): Future[UInt256] {.base.} =
doAssert false, "not implemented"
method getChainId*(provider: Provider): Future[UInt256] {.base.} =
doAssert false, "not implemented"
method subscribe*(provider: Provider,
filter: Filter,
callback: LogHandler):
Future[Subscription] {.base.} =
doAssert false, "not implemented"
method subscribe*(provider: Provider,
callback: BlockHandler):
Future[Subscription] {.base.} =
doAssert false, "not implemented"
method unsubscribe*(subscription: Subscription) {.base, async.} =
doAssert false, "not implemented"
proc confirm*(tx: TransactionResponse,
confirmations = EthersDefaultConfirmations,
timeout = EthersReceiptTimeoutBlks):
{.async, upraises: [EthersError].} =
## Waits for a transaction to be mined and for the specified number of blocks
## to pass since it was mined (confirmations).
## A timeout, in blocks, can be specified that will raise an error if too many
## blocks have passed without the tx having been mined.
var blockNumber: UInt256
let blockEvent = newAsyncEvent()
proc onBlockNumber(number: UInt256) =
blockNumber = number
proc onBlock(blck: Block) =
if number =? blck.number:
onBlockNumber(await tx.provider.getBlockNumber())
let subscription = await tx.provider.subscribe(onBlock)
let finish = blockNumber + timeout.u256
var receipt: ?TransactionReceipt
while true:
await blockEvent.wait()
if blockNumber >= finish:
await subscription.unsubscribe()
raise newException(EthersError, "tx not mined before timeout")
if receipt.?blockNumber.isNone:
receipt = await tx.provider.getTransactionReceipt(tx.hash)
without receipt =? receipt and txBlockNumber =? receipt.blockNumber:
if txBlockNumber + confirmations.u256 <= blockNumber + 1:
await subscription.unsubscribe()
return receipt
proc confirm*(tx: Future[TransactionResponse],
confirmations: int = EthersDefaultConfirmations,
timeout: int = EthersReceiptTimeoutBlks):
Future[TransactionReceipt] {.async.} =
## Convenience method that allows wait to be chained to a sendTransaction
## call, eg:
## `await signer.sendTransaction(populated).confirm(3)`
let txResp = await tx
return await txResp.confirm(confirmations, timeout)
proc confirm*(tx: Future[?TransactionResponse],
confirmations: int = EthersDefaultConfirmations,
timeout: int = EthersReceiptTimeoutBlks):
Future[TransactionReceipt] {.async.} =
## Convenience method that allows wait to be chained to a contract
## transaction, eg:
## `await token.connect(signer0)
## .mint(accounts[1], 100.u256)
## .confirm(3)`
without txResp =? (await tx):
raise newException(
"Transaction hash required. Possibly was a call instead of a send?"
return await txResp.confirm(confirmations, timeout)
method close*(provider: Provider) {.async, base.} =