Eric 2428b756d6
On transaction failure, fetch revert reason with replayed transaction (#57)
When transaction fails (receipt.status is Failed), fetch revert reason by replaying transaction.
2023-10-25 11:36:00 +11:00

189 lines
6.3 KiB

import std/json
import std/strformat
import std/strutils
import pkg/json_rpc/jsonmarshal
import pkg/stew/byteutils
import ../../basics
import ../../transaction
import ../../blocktag
import ../../provider
export jsonmarshal
type JsonSerializationError = object of EthersError
template raiseSerializationError(message: string) =
raise newException(JsonSerializationError, message)
proc expectFields(json: JsonNode, expectedFields: varargs[string]) =
for fieldName in expectedFields:
if not json.hasKey(fieldName):
raiseSerializationError(fmt"'{fieldName}' field not found in ${json}")
func fromJson*(T: type, json: JsonNode, name = ""): T =
fromJson(json, name, result)
# byte sequence
func `%`*(bytes: seq[byte]): JsonNode =
%("0x" & bytes.toHex)
func fromJson*(json: JsonNode, name: string, result: var seq[byte]) =
result = hexToSeqByte(json.getStr())
# byte arrays
func `%`*[N](bytes: array[N, byte]): JsonNode =
%("0x" & bytes.toHex)
func fromJson*[N](json: JsonNode, name: string, result: var array[N, byte]) =
hexToByteArray(json.getStr(), result)
# Address
func `%`*(address: Address): JsonNode =
func fromJson*(json: JsonNode, name: string, result: var Address) =
if address =? Address.init(json.getStr()):
result = address
raise newException(ValueError, "\"" & name & "\"is not an Address")
# UInt256
func `%`*(integer: UInt256): JsonNode =
%("0x" & toHex(integer))
func fromJson*(json: JsonNode, name: string, result: var UInt256) =
result = UInt256.fromHex(json.getStr())
# TransactionType
func fromJson*(json: JsonNode, name: string, result: var TransactionType) =
let val = fromHex[int](json.getStr)
result = TransactionType(val)
func `%`*(txType: TransactionType): JsonNode =
%("0x" &
# Transaction
func `%`*(transaction: Transaction): JsonNode =
result = %{ "to":, "data": }
if sender =? transaction.sender:
result["from"] = %sender
if nonce =? transaction.nonce:
result["nonce"] = %nonce
if chainId =? transaction.chainId:
result["chainId"] = %chainId
if gasPrice =? transaction.gasPrice:
result["gasPrice"] = %gasPrice
if gasLimit =? transaction.gasLimit:
result["gas"] = %gasLimit
# BlockTag
func `%`*(blockTag: BlockTag): JsonNode =
# Log
func fromJson*(json: JsonNode, name: string, result: var Log) =
if not (json.hasKey("data") and json.hasKey("topics")):
raise newException(ValueError, "'data' and/or 'topics' fields not found")
var data: seq[byte]
var topics: seq[Topic]
fromJson(json["data"], "data", data)
fromJson(json["topics"], "topics", topics)
result = Log(data: data, topics: topics)
# TransactionStatus
func fromJson*(json: JsonNode, name: string, result: var TransactionStatus) =
let val = fromHex[int](json.getStr)
result = TransactionStatus(val)
func `%`*(status: TransactionStatus): JsonNode =
%("0x" &
# PastTransaction
func fromJson*(json: JsonNode, name: string, result: var PastTransaction) =
# Deserializes a past transaction, eg eth_getTransactionByHash.
# Spec:
json.expectFields "blockHash", "blockNumber", "from", "gas", "gasPrice",
"hash", "input", "nonce", "to", "transactionIndex", "value",
"v", "r", "s"
result = PastTransaction(
blockHash: BlockHash.fromJson(json["blockHash"], "blockHash"),
blockNumber: UInt256.fromJson(json["blockNumber"], "blockNumber"),
sender: Address.fromJson(json["from"], "from"),
gas: UInt256.fromJson(json["gas"], "gas"),
gasPrice: UInt256.fromJson(json["gasPrice"], "gasPrice"),
hash: TransactionHash.fromJson(json["hash"], "hash"),
input: seq[byte].fromJson(json["input"], "input"),
nonce: UInt256.fromJson(json["nonce"], "nonce"),
to: Address.fromJson(json["to"], "to"),
transactionIndex: UInt256.fromJson(json["transactionIndex"], "transactionIndex"),
value: UInt256.fromJson(json["value"], "value"),
v: UInt256.fromJson(json["v"], "v"),
r: UInt256.fromJson(json["r"], "r"),
s: UInt256.fromJson(json["s"], "s"),
if json.hasKey("type"):
result.transactionType = fromJson(?TransactionType, json["type"], "type")
if json.hasKey("chainId"):
result.chainId = fromJson(?UInt256, json["chainId"], "chainId")
func `%`*(tx: PastTransaction): JsonNode =
let json = %*{
"blockHash": tx.blockHash,
"blockNumber": tx.blockNumber,
"from": tx.sender,
"gas": tx.gas,
"gasPrice": tx.gasPrice,
"hash": tx.hash,
"input": tx.input,
"nonce": tx.nonce,
"transactionIndex": tx.transactionIndex,
"value": tx.value,
"v": tx.v,
"r": tx.r,
"s": tx.s
if txType =? tx.transactionType:
json["type"] = %txType
if chainId =? tx.chainId:
json["chainId"] = %chainId
return json
# TransactionReceipt
func fromJson*(json: JsonNode, name: string, result: var TransactionReceipt) =
# Deserializes a transaction receipt, eg eth_getTransactionReceipt.
# Spec:
json.expectFields "transactionHash", "transactionIndex", "cumulativeGasUsed",
"effectiveGasPrice", "gasUsed", "logs", "logsBloom", "type",
result = TransactionReceipt(
transactionHash: fromJson(TransactionHash, json["transactionHash"], "transactionHash"),
transactionIndex: UInt256.fromJson(json["transactionIndex"], "transactionIndex"),
blockHash: fromJson(?BlockHash, json["blockHash"], "blockHash"),
blockNumber: fromJson(?UInt256, json["blockNumber"], "blockNumber"),
sender: fromJson(?Address, json["from"], "from"),
to: fromJson(?Address, json["to"], "to"),
cumulativeGasUsed: UInt256.fromJson(json["cumulativeGasUsed"], "cumulativeGasUsed"),
effectiveGasPrice: fromJson(?UInt256, json["effectiveGasPrice"], "effectiveGasPrice"),
gasUsed: UInt256.fromJson(json["gasUsed"], "gasUsed"),
contractAddress: fromJson(?Address, json["contractAddress"], "contractAddress"),
logs: seq[Log].fromJson(json["logs"], "logs"),
logsBloom: seq[byte].fromJson(json["logsBloom"], "logsBloom"),
transactionType: TransactionType.fromJson(json["type"], "type"),
status: TransactionStatus.fromJson(json["status"], "status")