mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 08:00:45 +00:00
Allows it to contain error data. It is not the signing that fails, so it makes sense to use an error type that indicates that the provider failed.
107 lines
3.8 KiB
107 lines
3.8 KiB
import pkg/asynctest
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/ethers
import pkg/ethers/providers/jsonrpc/conversions
import pkg/stew/byteutils
import ../../examples
import ../../miner
for url in ["ws://localhost:8545", "http://localhost:8545"]:
suite "JsonRpcProvider (" & url & ")":
var provider: JsonRpcProvider
provider = JsonRpcProvider.new(url, pollingInterval = 100.millis)
await provider.close()
test "can be instantiated with a default URL":
discard JsonRpcProvider.new()
test "lists all accounts":
let accounts = await provider.listAccounts()
check accounts.len > 0
test "sends raw messages to the provider":
let response = await provider.send("evm_mine")
check response == %"0"
test "returns block number":
let blocknumber1 = await provider.getBlockNumber()
discard await provider.send("evm_mine")
let blocknumber2 = await provider.getBlockNumber()
check blocknumber2 > blocknumber1
test "returns block":
let block1 = !await provider.getBlock(BlockTag.earliest)
let block2 = !await provider.getBlock(BlockTag.latest)
check block1.hash != block2.hash
check !block1.number < !block2.number
check block1.timestamp < block2.timestamp
test "subscribes to new blocks":
let oldBlock = !await provider.getBlock(BlockTag.latest)
discard await provider.send("evm_mine")
var newBlock: Block
let blockHandler = proc(blck: Block) = newBlock = blck
let subscription = await provider.subscribe(blockHandler)
discard await provider.send("evm_mine")
check eventually newBlock.number.isSome
check !newBlock.number > !oldBlock.number
check newBlock.timestamp > oldBlock.timestamp
check newBlock.hash != oldBlock.hash
await subscription.unsubscribe()
test "can send a transaction":
let signer = provider.getSigner()
let transaction = Transaction.example
let populated = await signer.populateTransaction(transaction)
let txResp = await signer.sendTransaction(populated)
check txResp.hash.len == 32
check UInt256.fromHex("0x" & txResp.hash.toHex) > 0
test "can wait for a transaction to be confirmed":
for confirmations in 0..3:
let signer = provider.getSigner()
let transaction = Transaction.example
let populated = await signer.populateTransaction(transaction)
let confirming = signer.sendTransaction(populated).confirm(confirmations)
await sleepAsync(100.millis) # wait for tx to be mined
await provider.mineBlocks(confirmations - 1)
let receipt = await confirming
check receipt.blockNumber.isSome
test "confirmation times out":
let hash = TransactionHash.example
let tx = TransactionResponse(provider: provider, hash: hash)
let confirming = tx.confirm(confirmations = 2, timeout = 5)
await sleepAsync(100.millis) # wait for confirm to subscribe to new blocks
await provider.mineBlocks(5)
expect EthersError:
discard await confirming
test "raises JsonRpcProviderError when something goes wrong":
let provider = JsonRpcProvider.new("http://invalid.")
expect JsonRpcProviderError:
discard await provider.listAccounts()
expect JsonRpcProviderError:
discard await provider.send("evm_mine")
expect JsonRpcProviderError:
discard await provider.getBlockNumber()
expect JsonRpcProviderError:
discard await provider.getBlock(BlockTag.latest)
expect JsonRpcProviderError:
discard await provider.subscribe(proc(_: Block) = discard)
expect JsonRpcProviderError:
discard await provider.getSigner().sendTransaction(Transaction.example)
test "syncing":
let isSyncing = await provider.isSyncing()
check not isSyncing