
179 lines
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import pkg/questionable
import ./basics
import ./provider
export basics
{.push raises: [].}
Signer* = ref object of RootObj
lastSeenNonce: ?UInt256
populateLock: AsyncLock
SignerError* = object of EthersError
template raiseSignerError(message: string, parent: ref ProviderError = nil) =
raise newException(SignerError, message, parent)
template convertError(body) =
except ProviderError as error:
raise error # do not convert provider errors
except CatchableError as error:
method provider*(
signer: Signer): Provider {.base, gcsafe, raises: [SignerError].} =
doAssert false, "not implemented"
method getAddress*(
signer: Signer): Future[Address]
{.base, async: (raises:[ProviderError, SignerError]).} =
doAssert false, "not implemented"
method signMessage*(
signer: Signer,
message: seq[byte]): Future[seq[byte]]
{.base, async: (raises: [SignerError]).} =
doAssert false, "not implemented"
method sendTransaction*(
signer: Signer,
transaction: Transaction): Future[TransactionResponse]
{.base, async: (raises:[SignerError, ProviderError]).} =
doAssert false, "not implemented"
method getGasPrice*(
signer: Signer): Future[UInt256]
{.base, async: (raises: [ProviderError, SignerError]).} =
return await signer.provider.getGasPrice()
method getTransactionCount*(
signer: Signer,
blockTag = BlockTag.latest): Future[UInt256]
{.base, async: (raises:[SignerError, ProviderError]).} =
let address = await signer.getAddress()
return await signer.provider.getTransactionCount(address, blockTag)
method estimateGas*(
signer: Signer,
transaction: Transaction,
blockTag = BlockTag.latest): Future[UInt256]
{.base, async: (raises:[SignerError, ProviderError]).} =
var transaction = transaction
transaction.sender = some(await signer.getAddress())
return await signer.provider.estimateGas(transaction, blockTag)
method getChainId*(
signer: Signer): Future[UInt256]
{.base, async: (raises: [ProviderError, SignerError]).} =
return await signer.provider.getChainId()
method getNonce(
signer: Signer): Future[UInt256] {.base, async: (raises: [SignerError, ProviderError]).} =
var nonce = await signer.getTransactionCount(BlockTag.pending)
if lastSeen =? signer.lastSeenNonce and lastSeen >= nonce:
nonce = (lastSeen + 1.u256)
signer.lastSeenNonce = some nonce
return nonce
method updateNonce*(
signer: Signer,
nonce: UInt256
) {.base, gcsafe.} =
without lastSeen =? signer.lastSeenNonce:
signer.lastSeenNonce = some nonce
if nonce > lastSeen:
signer.lastSeenNonce = some nonce
method decreaseNonce*(signer: Signer) {.base, gcsafe.} =
if lastSeen =? signer.lastSeenNonce and lastSeen > 0:
signer.lastSeenNonce = some lastSeen - 1
method populateTransaction*(
signer: Signer,
transaction: Transaction): Future[Transaction]
{.base, async: (raises: [CancelledError, AsyncLockError, ProviderError, SignerError]).} =
var address: Address
address = await signer.getAddress()
if sender =? transaction.sender and sender != address:
raiseSignerError("from address mismatch")
if chainId =? transaction.chainId and chainId != await signer.getChainId():
raiseSignerError("chain id mismatch")
if signer.populateLock.isNil:
signer.populateLock = newAsyncLock()
await signer.populateLock.acquire()
var populated = transaction
if transaction.sender.isNone:
populated.sender = some(address)
if transaction.chainId.isNone:
populated.chainId = some(await signer.getChainId())
if transaction.gasPrice.isNone and (transaction.maxFee.isNone or transaction.maxPriorityFee.isNone):
populated.gasPrice = some(await signer.getGasPrice())
if transaction.nonce.isNone and transaction.gasLimit.isNone:
# when both nonce and gasLimit are not populated, we must ensure getNonce is
# followed by an estimateGas so we can determine if there was an error. If
# there is an error, the nonce must be decreased to prevent nonce gaps and
# stuck transactions
populated.nonce = some(await signer.getNonce())
populated.gasLimit = some(await signer.estimateGas(populated, BlockTag.pending))
except EstimateGasError as e:
raise e
except ProviderError as e:
if transaction.nonce.isNone:
populated.nonce = some(await signer.getNonce())
if transaction.gasLimit.isNone:
populated.gasLimit = some(await signer.estimateGas(populated, BlockTag.pending))
return populated
method cancelTransaction*(
signer: Signer,
tx: Transaction
): Future[TransactionResponse] {.base, async: (raises: [SignerError, ProviderError]).} =
# cancels a transaction by sending with a 0-valued transaction to ourselves
# with the failed tx's nonce
without sender =? tx.sender:
raiseSignerError "transaction must have sender"
without nonce =? tx.nonce:
raiseSignerError "transaction must have nonce"
var cancelTx = Transaction(to: sender, value: 0.u256, nonce: some nonce)
cancelTx = await signer.populateTransaction(cancelTx)
return await signer.sendTransaction(cancelTx)