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synced 2025-03-01 15:40:38 +00:00
Concurrent asynchronous population of transactions cause issues with nonces not being in sync with the transaction count for an account on chain. This was being mitigated by tracking a "last seen" nonce and locking inside of `populateTransaction` so that the nonce could be populated in a concurrent fashion. However, if there was an async cancellation before the transaction was sent, then the nonce would become out of sync. One solution was to decrease the nonce if a cancellation occurred. The other solution, in this commit, is simply to lock the populate and sendTransaction calls together, so that there will not be concurrent nonce discrepancies. This removes the need for "lastSeenNonce" and is overall more simple.
318 lines
9.6 KiB
318 lines
9.6 KiB
import std/json
import std/macros
import std/sequtils
import pkg/chronicles
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/contractabi
import ./basics
import ./provider
import ./signer
import ./events
import ./fields
export basics
export provider
export events
topics = "ethers contract"
Contract* = ref object of RootObj
provider: Provider
signer: ?Signer
address: Address
TransactionOverrides* = ref object of RootObj
nonce*: ?UInt256
chainId*: ?UInt256
gasPrice*: ?UInt256
maxFee*: ?UInt256
maxPriorityFee*: ?UInt256
gasLimit*: ?UInt256
CallOverrides* = ref object of TransactionOverrides
blockTag*: ?BlockTag
ContractError* = object of EthersError
Confirmable* = ?TransactionResponse
EventHandler*[E: Event] = proc(event: E) {.gcsafe, raises:[].}
func new*(ContractType: type Contract,
address: Address,
provider: Provider): ContractType =
ContractType(provider: provider, address: address)
func new*(ContractType: type Contract,
address: Address,
signer: Signer): ContractType =
ContractType(signer: some signer, provider: signer.provider, address: address)
func connect*[T: Contract](contract: T, provider: Provider | Signer): T =
T.new(contract.address, provider)
func provider*(contract: Contract): Provider =
func signer*(contract: Contract): ?Signer =
func address*(contract: Contract): Address =
template raiseContractError(message: string) =
raise newException(ContractError, message)
proc createTransaction(contract: Contract,
function: string,
parameters: tuple,
overrides = TransactionOverrides()): Transaction =
let selector = selector(function, typeof parameters).toArray
let data = @selector & AbiEncoder.encode(parameters)
to: contract.address,
data: data,
nonce: overrides.nonce,
chainId: overrides.chainId,
gasPrice: overrides.gasPrice,
maxFee: overrides.maxFee,
maxPriorityFee: overrides.maxPriorityFee,
gasLimit: overrides.gasLimit,
proc decodeResponse(T: type, multiple: static bool, bytes: seq[byte]): T =
when multiple:
without decoded =? AbiDecoder.decode(bytes, T):
raiseContractError "unable to decode return value as " & $T
return decoded
return decodeResponse((T,), true, bytes)[0]
proc call(provider: Provider,
transaction: Transaction,
overrides: TransactionOverrides): Future[seq[byte]] =
if overrides of CallOverrides and
blockTag =? CallOverrides(overrides).blockTag:
provider.call(transaction, blockTag)
proc call(contract: Contract,
function: string,
parameters: tuple,
overrides = TransactionOverrides()) {.async.} =
var transaction = createTransaction(contract, function, parameters, overrides)
if signer =? contract.signer and transaction.sender.isNone:
transaction.sender = some(await signer.getAddress())
discard await contract.provider.call(transaction, overrides)
proc call(contract: Contract,
function: string,
parameters: tuple,
ReturnType: type,
returnMultiple: static bool,
overrides = TransactionOverrides()): Future[ReturnType] {.async.} =
var transaction = createTransaction(contract, function, parameters, overrides)
if signer =? contract.signer and transaction.sender.isNone:
transaction.sender = some(await signer.getAddress())
let response = await contract.provider.call(transaction, overrides)
return decodeResponse(ReturnType, returnMultiple, response)
proc send(contract: Contract,
function: string,
parameters: tuple,
overrides = TransactionOverrides()):
Future[?TransactionResponse] {.async.} =
if signer =? contract.signer:
var params: seq[string] = @[]
for param in parameters.fields:
params.add $param
var transaction = createTransaction(contract, function, parameters, overrides)
transaction = await signer.populateTransaction(transaction)
trace "sending transaction", function, params
let txResp = await signer.sendTransaction(transaction)
return txResp.some
await call(contract, function, parameters, overrides)
return TransactionResponse.none
func getParameterTuple(procedure: NimNode): NimNode =
let parameters = procedure[3]
var tupl = newNimNode(nnkTupleConstr, parameters)
for parameter in parameters[2..^1]:
for name in parameter[0..^3]:
tupl.add name
return tupl
func isConstant(procedure: NimNode): bool =
let pragmas = procedure[4]
for pragma in pragmas:
if pragma.eqIdent "view":
return true
elif pragma.eqIdent "pure":
return true
func isMultipleReturn(returnType: NimNode): bool =
(returnType.kind == nnkPar and returnType.len > 1) or
(returnType.kind == nnkTupleConstr) or
(returnType.kind == nnkTupleTy)
func addOverrides(procedure: var NimNode) =
quote do: TransactionOverrides()
func addContractCall(procedure: var NimNode) =
let contract = procedure[3][1][0]
let function = $basename(procedure[0])
let parameters = getParameterTuple(procedure)
let returnType = procedure[3][0]
let returnMultiple = returnType.isMultipleReturn.newLit
func call: NimNode =
if returnType.kind == nnkEmpty:
await call(`contract`, `function`, `parameters`, overrides)
return await call(
`contract`, `function`, `parameters`, `returnType`, `returnMultiple`, overrides)
func send: NimNode =
if returnType.kind == nnkEmpty:
discard await send(`contract`, `function`, `parameters`, overrides)
when typeof(result) isnot Confirmable:
{.error: "unexpected return type, missing {.view.} or {.pure.} ?".}
return await send(`contract`, `function`, `parameters`, overrides)
procedure[6] =
if procedure.isConstant:
func addFuture(procedure: var NimNode) =
let returntype = procedure[3][0]
if returntype.kind != nnkEmpty:
procedure[3][0] = quote: Future[`returntype`]
func addAsyncPragma(procedure: var NimNode) =
let pragmas = procedure[4]
if pragmas.kind == nnkEmpty:
procedure[4] = newNimNode(nnkPragma)
procedure[4].add ident("async")
macro contract*(procedure: untyped{nkProcDef|nkMethodDef}): untyped =
let parameters = procedure[3]
let body = procedure[6]
parameters.expectMinLen(2) # at least return type and contract instance
var contractcall = copyNimTree(procedure)
template view* {.pragma.}
template pure* {.pragma.}
proc subscribe*[E: Event](contract: Contract,
_: type E,
handler: EventHandler[E]):
Future[Subscription] =
let topic = topic($E, E.fieldTypes).toArray
let filter = EventFilter(address: contract.address, topics: @[topic])
proc logHandler(log: Log) {.raises: [].} =
if event =? E.decode(log.data, log.topics):
contract.provider.subscribe(filter, logHandler)
proc confirm*(tx: Future[?TransactionResponse],
confirmations: int = EthersDefaultConfirmations,
timeout: int = EthersReceiptTimeoutBlks):
Future[TransactionReceipt] {.async.} =
## Convenience method that allows confirm to be chained to a contract
## transaction, eg:
## `await token.connect(signer0)
## .mint(accounts[1], 100.u256)
## .confirm(3)`
without response =? (await tx):
raise newException(
"Transaction hash required. Possibly was a call instead of a send?"
return await response.confirm(confirmations, timeout)
proc queryFilter[E: Event](contract: Contract,
_: type E,
filter: EventFilter):
Future[seq[E]] {.async.} =
var logs = await contract.provider.getLogs(filter)
logs.keepItIf(not it.removed)
var events: seq[E] = @[]
for log in logs:
if event =? E.decode(log.data, log.topics):
events.add event
return events
proc queryFilter*[E: Event](contract: Contract,
_: type E):
Future[seq[E]] =
let topic = topic($E, E.fieldTypes).toArray
let filter = EventFilter(address: contract.address,
topics: @[topic])
contract.queryFilter(E, filter)
proc queryFilter*[E: Event](contract: Contract,
_: type E,
blockHash: BlockHash):
Future[seq[E]] =
let topic = topic($E, E.fieldTypes).toArray
let filter = FilterByBlockHash(address: contract.address,
topics: @[topic],
blockHash: blockHash)
contract.queryFilter(E, filter)
proc queryFilter*[E: Event](contract: Contract,
_: type E,
fromBlock: BlockTag,
toBlock: BlockTag):
Future[seq[E]] =
let topic = topic($E, E.fieldTypes).toArray
let filter = Filter(address: contract.address,
topics: @[topic],
fromBlock: fromBlock,
toBlock: toBlock)
contract.queryFilter(E, filter)