import pkg/stint import pkg/upraises push: {.upraises: [].} type BlockTagKind = enum stringBlockTag numberBlockTag BlockTag* = object case kind: BlockTagKind of stringBlockTag: stringValue: string of numberBlockTag: numberValue: UInt256 func init(_: type BlockTag, value: string): BlockTag = BlockTag(kind: stringBlockTag, stringValue: value) func init*(_: type BlockTag, value: UInt256): BlockTag = BlockTag(kind: numberBlockTag, numberValue: value) func earliest*(_: type BlockTag): BlockTag = BlockTag.init("earliest") func latest*(_: type BlockTag): BlockTag = BlockTag.init("latest") func pending*(_: type BlockTag): BlockTag = BlockTag.init("pending") func `$`*(blockTag: BlockTag): string = case blockTag.kind of stringBlockTag: blockTag.stringValue of numberBlockTag: "0x" & blockTag.numberValue.toHex