import std/json import pkg/asynctest import pkg/ethers import ./hardhat suite "Contract custom errors": type TestCustomErrors = ref object of Contract SimpleError = object of SolidityError ErrorWithArguments = object of SolidityError arguments: tuple[one: UInt256, two: bool] ErrorWithStaticStruct = object of SolidityError arguments: tuple[one: Static, two: Static] ErrorWithDynamicStruct = object of SolidityError arguments: tuple[one: Dynamic, two: Dynamic] ErrorWithDynamicAndStaticStruct = object of SolidityError arguments: tuple[one: Dynamic, two: Static] Static = (UInt256, UInt256) Dynamic = (string, UInt256) var contract: TestCustomErrors var provider: JsonRpcProvider var snapshot: JsonNode setup: provider = snapshot = await provider.send("evm_snapshot") let deployment = readDeployment() let address = !deployment.address(TestCustomErrors) contract =, provider) teardown: discard await provider.send("evm_revert", @[snapshot]) await provider.close() test "handles simple errors": proc revertsSimpleError(contract: TestCustomErrors) {.contract, pure, errors:[SimpleError].} expect SimpleError: await contract.revertsSimpleError() test "handles error with arguments": proc revertsErrorWithArguments(contract: TestCustomErrors) {.contract, pure, errors:[ErrorWithArguments].} try: await contract.revertsErrorWithArguments() fail() except ErrorWithArguments as error: check == 1 check error.arguments.two == true test "handles error with static struct arguments": proc revertsErrorWithStaticStruct(contract: TestCustomErrors) {.contract, pure, errors:[ErrorWithStaticStruct].} try: await contract.revertsErrorWithStaticStruct() fail() except ErrorWithStaticStruct as error: check == (1.u256, 2.u256) check error.arguments.two == (3.u256, 4.u256) test "handles error with dynamic struct arguments": proc revertsErrorWithDynamicStruct(contract: TestCustomErrors) {.contract, pure, errors:[ErrorWithDynamicStruct].} try: await contract.revertsErrorWithDynamicStruct() fail() except ErrorWithDynamicStruct as error: check == ("1", 2.u256) check error.arguments.two == ("3", 4.u256) test "handles error with dynamic and static struct arguments": proc revertsErrorWithDynamicAndStaticStruct(contract: TestCustomErrors) {.contract, pure, errors:[ErrorWithDynamicAndStaticStruct].} try: await contract.revertsErrorWithDynamicAndStaticStruct() fail() except ErrorWithDynamicAndStaticStruct as error: check == ("1", 2.u256) check error.arguments.two == (3.u256, 4.u256)