import eth/keys import eth/rlp import eth/common import eth/common/transaction as ct import stew/byteutils import ./providers/jsonrpc import ./transaction import ./signer export keys let rng = newRng() type SignableTransaction = common.Transaction type WalletError* = object of EthersError type Wallet* = ref object of Signer privateKey*: PrivateKey publicKey*: PublicKey address*: Address provider*: ?JsonRpcProvider proc new*(_: type Wallet, pk: string, provider: JsonRpcProvider): Wallet = result = Wallet() result.privateKey = PrivateKey.fromHex(pk).value result.publicKey = result.privateKey.toPublicKey() result.address = Address.init(result.publicKey.toCanonicalAddress()) result.provider = some provider proc new*(_: type Wallet, pk: string): Wallet = result = Wallet() result.privateKey = PrivateKey.fromHex(pk).value result.publicKey = result.privateKey.toPublicKey() result.address = Address.init(result.publicKey.toCanonicalAddress()) proc connect*(wallet: Wallet, provider: JsonRpcProvider) = wallet.provider = some provider proc createRandom*(_: type Wallet): Wallet = result = Wallet() result.privateKey = PrivateKey.random(rng[]) result.publicKey = result.privateKey.toPublicKey() result.address = Address.init(result.publicKey.toCanonicalAddress()) proc createRandom*(_: type Wallet, provider: JsonRpcProvider): Wallet = result = Wallet() result.privateKey = PrivateKey.random(rng[]) result.publicKey = result.privateKey.toPublicKey() result.address = Address.init(result.publicKey.toCanonicalAddress()) result.provider = some provider method populateTransaction*(wallet: Wallet, tx: transaction.Transaction): Future[transaction.Transaction] {.async.} = var populated = tx if tx.nonce.isNone: populated.nonce = some(await wallet.getTransactionCount(BlockTag.pending)) if tx.chainId.isNone: populated.chainId = some(await wallet.getChainId()) if tx.gasLimit.isNone: populated.gasLimit = some(await wallet.estimateGas(populated)) if tx.gasPrice.isNone and (tx.maxFee.isNone and tx.maxPriorityFee.isNone): populated.gasPrice = some(await wallet.getGasPrice()) return populated func isPopulated(tx: transaction.Transaction) = if tx.nonce.isNone or tx.chainId.isNone or tx.gasLimit.isNone or (tx.gasPrice.isNone and (tx.maxFee.isNone or tx.maxPriorityFee.isNone)): raise newException(WalletError, "Transaction is not properly populated") proc signTransaction(tr: var SignableTransaction, pk: PrivateKey) = let h = tr.txHashNoSignature let s = sign(pk, SkMessage( let r = toRaw(s) let v = r[64] tr.R = fromBytesBe(UInt256, r.toOpenArray(0, 31)) tr.S = fromBytesBE(UInt256, r.toOpenArray(32, 63)) case tr.txType: of TxLegacy: #tr.V = int64(v) + int64(tr.chainId)*2 + 35 #TODO does not work, not sure why. Sending the tx results in error of too little funds. Maybe something wrong with signature and a wrong sender gets encoded? tr.V = int64(v) + 27 of TxEip1559: tr.V = int64(v) else: raise newException(WalletError, "Transaction type not supported") proc sendTransaction*(wallet: Wallet, tx: transaction.Transaction): Future[TransactionResponse] {.async.} = if tx.sender.isSome: doAssert tx.sender.get == wallet.address, "from Address mismatch" isPopulated(tx) var s: SignableTransaction if tx.maxFee.isSome and tx.maxPriorityFee.isSome: s.txType = TxEip1559 s.maxFee = GasInt(tx.maxFee.get.truncate(uint64)) s.maxPriorityFee = GasInt(tx.maxPriorityFee.get.truncate(uint64)) else: s.txType = TxLegacy s.gasPrice = GasInt(tx.gasPrice.get.truncate(uint64)) s.chainId = ChainId(tx.chainId.get.truncate(uint64)) s.gasLimit = GasInt(tx.gasLimit.get.truncate(uint64)) s.nonce = tx.nonce.get.truncate(uint64) = some EthAddress( s.payload = signTransaction(s, wallet.privateKey) let rawTX = "0x" & rlp.encode(s).toHex return await wallet.provider.get.sendRawTransaction(rawTX) proc signTransaction*(wallet: Wallet, tx: transaction.Transaction): Future[string] {.async.} = if tx.sender.isSome: doAssert tx.sender.get == wallet.address, "from Address mismatch" isPopulated(tx) var s: SignableTransaction if tx.maxFee.isSome and tx.maxPriorityFee.isSome: s.txType = TxEip1559 s.maxFee = GasInt(tx.maxFee.get.truncate(uint64)) s.maxPriorityFee = GasInt(tx.maxPriorityFee.get.truncate(uint64)) else: s.txType = TxLegacy s.gasPrice = GasInt(tx.gasPrice.get.truncate(uint64)) s.chainId = ChainId(tx.chainId.get.truncate(uint64)) s.gasLimit = GasInt(tx.gasLimit.get.truncate(uint64)) s.nonce = tx.nonce.get.truncate(uint64) = some EthAddress( s.payload = signTransaction(s, wallet.privateKey) return "0x" & rlp.encode(s).toHex