import std/json import pkg/asynctest import pkg/stint import pkg/ethers import ./hardhat type Erc20* = ref object of Contract TestToken = ref object of Erc20 method totalSupply*(erc20: Erc20): UInt256 {.base, contract, view.} method balanceOf*(erc20: Erc20, account: Address): UInt256 {.base, contract, view.} method allowance*(erc20: Erc20, owner, spender: Address): UInt256 {.base, contract, view.} method mint(token: TestToken, holder: Address, amount: UInt256) {.base, contract.} suite "Contracts": var token: TestToken var provider: JsonRpcProvider var snapshot: JsonNode var accounts: seq[Address] setup: provider = snapshot = await provider.send("evm_snapshot") accounts = await provider.listAccounts() let deployment = readDeployment() token =!deployment.address(TestToken), provider) teardown: discard await provider.send("evm_revert", @[snapshot]) test "can call constant functions": check (await token.totalSupply()) == 0.u256 check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[0])) == 0.u256 check (await token.allowance(accounts[0], accounts[1])) == 0.u256 test "can call non-constant functions": token =, provider.getSigner()) await[1], 100.u256) check (await token.totalSupply()) == 100.u256 check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[1])) == 100.u256 test "can call non-constant functions without a signer": await[1], 100.u256) check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[1])) == 0.u256 test "can call constant functions without a return type": token =, provider.getSigner()) proc mint(token: TestToken, holder: Address, amount: UInt256) {.contract, view.} await mint(token, accounts[1], 100.u256) check (await balanceOf(token, accounts[1])) == 0.u256 test "fails to compile when function has an implementation": let works = compiles: proc foo(token: TestToken, bar: Address) {.contract.} = discard check not works test "fails to compile when function has no parameters": let works = compiles: proc foo() {.contract.} check not works test "fails to compile when non-constant function has a return type": let works = compiles: proc foo(token: TestToken, bar: Address): UInt256 {.contract.} check not works