import std/strutils import pkg/stew/byteutils import ../../basics import ../../errors import ../../provider import ./conversions export errors {.push raises:[].} type JsonRpcProviderError* = object of ProviderError func extractErrorData(json: JsonNode): ?seq[byte] = if json.kind == JObject: if "message" in json and "data" in json: let message = json{"message"}.getStr() let hex = json{"data"}.getStr() if "reverted" in message and hex.startsWith("0x"): if data =? hexToSeqByte(hex).catch: return some data for key in json.keys: if data =? extractErrorData(json{key}): return some data func new*(_: type JsonRpcProviderError, json: JsonNode): ref JsonRpcProviderError = let error = (ref JsonRpcProviderError)() if "message" in json: error.msg = json{"message"}.getStr = extractErrorData(json) error proc raiseJsonRpcProviderError*( message: string) {.raises: [JsonRpcProviderError].} = if json =? JsonNode.fromJson(message): raise else: raise newException(JsonRpcProviderError, message) template convertError*(body) = try: body except JsonRpcError as error: raiseJsonRpcProviderError(error.msg) except CatchableError as error: raiseJsonRpcProviderError(error.msg)